blob: 9bf46ba2104a8acec6e4c23be959361e6b75a62b [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.lucene.queryParser;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.text.Collator;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.KeywordAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.LowerCaseTokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockTokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.StopAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.StopFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.OffsetAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.document.DateField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.DateTools;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
* Base Test class for QueryParser subclasses
// TODO: it would be better to refactor the parts that are specific really
// to the core QP and subclass/use the parts that are not in the contrib QP
public abstract class QueryParserTestBase extends LuceneTestCase {
public static Analyzer qpAnalyzer = new QPTestAnalyzer();
public static final class QPTestFilter extends TokenFilter {
CharTermAttribute termAtt;
OffsetAttribute offsetAtt;
* Filter which discards the token 'stop' and which expands the
* token 'phrase' into 'phrase1 phrase2'
public QPTestFilter(TokenStream in) {
termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
offsetAtt = addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
boolean inPhrase = false;
int savedStart = 0, savedEnd = 0;
public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException {
if (inPhrase) {
inPhrase = false;
offsetAtt.setOffset(savedStart, savedEnd);
return true;
} else
while (input.incrementToken()) {
if (termAtt.toString().equals("phrase")) {
inPhrase = true;
savedStart = offsetAtt.startOffset();
savedEnd = offsetAtt.endOffset();
offsetAtt.setOffset(savedStart, savedEnd);
return true;
} else if (!termAtt.toString().equals("stop"))
return true;
return false;
public static final class QPTestAnalyzer extends Analyzer {
/** Filters LowerCaseTokenizer with StopFilter. */
public final TokenStream tokenStream(String fieldName, Reader reader) {
return new QPTestFilter(new LowerCaseTokenizer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, reader));
public static class QPTestParser extends QueryParser {
public QPTestParser(String f, Analyzer a) {
protected Query getFuzzyQuery(String field, String termStr, float minSimilarity) throws ParseException {
throw new ParseException("Fuzzy queries not allowed");
protected Query getWildcardQuery(String field, String termStr) throws ParseException {
throw new ParseException("Wildcard queries not allowed");
private int originalMaxClauses;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
originalMaxClauses = BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount();
public abstract QueryParser getParser(Analyzer a) throws Exception;
public Query getQuery(String query, Analyzer a) throws Exception {
return getParser(a).parse(query);
public void assertQueryEquals(String query, Analyzer a, String result)
throws Exception {
Query q = getQuery(query, a);
String s = q.toString("field");
if (!s.equals(result)) {
fail("Query /" + query + "/ yielded /" + s
+ "/, expecting /" + result + "/");
public void assertQueryEquals(QueryParser qp, String field, String query, String result)
throws Exception {
Query q = qp.parse(query);
String s = q.toString(field);
if (!s.equals(result)) {
fail("Query /" + query + "/ yielded /" + s
+ "/, expecting /" + result + "/");
public void assertEscapedQueryEquals(String query, Analyzer a, String result)
throws Exception {
String escapedQuery = QueryParser.escape(query);
if (!escapedQuery.equals(result)) {
fail("Query /" + query + "/ yielded /" + escapedQuery
+ "/, expecting /" + result + "/");
public void assertWildcardQueryEquals(String query, boolean lowercase, String result, boolean allowLeadingWildcard)
throws Exception {
QueryParser qp = getParser(null);
Query q = qp.parse(query);
String s = q.toString("field");
if (!s.equals(result)) {
fail("WildcardQuery /" + query + "/ yielded /" + s
+ "/, expecting /" + result + "/");
public void assertWildcardQueryEquals(String query, boolean lowercase, String result)
throws Exception {
assertWildcardQueryEquals(query, lowercase, result, false);
public void assertWildcardQueryEquals(String query, String result) throws Exception {
QueryParser qp = getParser(null);
Query q = qp.parse(query);
String s = q.toString("field");
if (!s.equals(result)) {
fail("WildcardQuery /" + query + "/ yielded /" + s + "/, expecting /"
+ result + "/");
public Query getQueryDOA(String query, Analyzer a)
throws Exception {
if (a == null)
a = new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.SIMPLE, true);
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "field", a);
return qp.parse(query);
public void assertQueryEqualsDOA(String query, Analyzer a, String result)
throws Exception {
Query q = getQueryDOA(query, a);
String s = q.toString("field");
if (!s.equals(result)) {
fail("Query /" + query + "/ yielded /" + s
+ "/, expecting /" + result + "/");
public void testCJK() throws Exception {
// Test Ideographic Space - As wide as a CJK character cell (fullwidth)
// used google to translate the word "term" to japanese -> 用語
assertQueryEquals("term\u3000term\u3000term", null, "term\u0020term\u0020term");
assertQueryEquals("用語\u3000用語\u3000用語", null, "用語\u0020用語\u0020用語");
public void testCJKTerm() throws Exception {
// individual CJK chars as terms
StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT);
BooleanQuery expected = new BooleanQuery();
expected.add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "中")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
expected.add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "国")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
assertEquals(expected, getQuery("中国", analyzer));
public void testCJKBoostedTerm() throws Exception {
// individual CJK chars as terms
StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT);
BooleanQuery expected = new BooleanQuery();
expected.add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "中")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
expected.add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "国")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
assertEquals(expected, getQuery("中国^0.5", analyzer));
public void testCJKPhrase() throws Exception {
// individual CJK chars as terms
StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT);
PhraseQuery expected = new PhraseQuery();
expected.add(new Term("field", "中"));
expected.add(new Term("field", "国"));
assertEquals(expected, getQuery("\"中国\"", analyzer));
public void testCJKBoostedPhrase() throws Exception {
// individual CJK chars as terms
StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT);
PhraseQuery expected = new PhraseQuery();
expected.add(new Term("field", "中"));
expected.add(new Term("field", "国"));
assertEquals(expected, getQuery("\"中国\"^0.5", analyzer));
public void testCJKSloppyPhrase() throws Exception {
// individual CJK chars as terms
StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT);
PhraseQuery expected = new PhraseQuery();
expected.add(new Term("field", "中"));
expected.add(new Term("field", "国"));
assertEquals(expected, getQuery("\"中国\"~3", analyzer));
public void testAutoGeneratePhraseQueriesOn() throws Exception {
// individual CJK chars as terms
StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT);
PhraseQuery expected = new PhraseQuery();
expected.add(new Term("field", "中"));
expected.add(new Term("field", "国"));
QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "field", analyzer);
assertEquals(expected, parser.parse("中国"));
public void testSimple() throws Exception {
assertQueryEquals("term term term", null, "term term term");
assertQueryEquals("türm term term", new MockAnalyzer(random), "türm term term");
assertQueryEquals("ümlaut", new MockAnalyzer(random), "ümlaut");
assertQueryEquals("\"\"", new KeywordAnalyzer(), "");
assertQueryEquals("foo:\"\"", new KeywordAnalyzer(), "foo:");
assertQueryEquals("a AND b", null, "+a +b");
assertQueryEquals("(a AND b)", null, "+a +b");
assertQueryEquals("c OR (a AND b)", null, "c (+a +b)");
assertQueryEquals("a AND NOT b", null, "+a -b");
assertQueryEquals("a AND -b", null, "+a -b");
assertQueryEquals("a AND !b", null, "+a -b");
assertQueryEquals("a && b", null, "+a +b");
assertQueryEquals("a && ! b", null, "+a -b");
assertQueryEquals("a OR b", null, "a b");
assertQueryEquals("a || b", null, "a b");
assertQueryEquals("a OR !b", null, "a -b");
assertQueryEquals("a OR ! b", null, "a -b");
assertQueryEquals("a OR -b", null, "a -b");
assertQueryEquals("+term -term term", null, "+term -term term");
assertQueryEquals("foo:term AND field:anotherTerm", null,
"+foo:term +anotherterm");
assertQueryEquals("term AND \"phrase phrase\"", null,
"+term +\"phrase phrase\"");
assertQueryEquals("\"hello there\"", null, "\"hello there\"");
assertTrue(getQuery("a AND b", null) instanceof BooleanQuery);
assertTrue(getQuery("hello", null) instanceof TermQuery);
assertTrue(getQuery("\"hello there\"", null) instanceof PhraseQuery);
assertQueryEquals("germ term^2.0", null, "germ term^2.0");
assertQueryEquals("(term)^2.0", null, "term^2.0");
assertQueryEquals("(germ term)^2.0", null, "(germ term)^2.0");
assertQueryEquals("term^2.0", null, "term^2.0");
assertQueryEquals("term^2", null, "term^2.0");
assertQueryEquals("\"germ term\"^2.0", null, "\"germ term\"^2.0");
assertQueryEquals("\"term germ\"^2", null, "\"term germ\"^2.0");
assertQueryEquals("(foo OR bar) AND (baz OR boo)", null,
"+(foo bar) +(baz boo)");
assertQueryEquals("((a OR b) AND NOT c) OR d", null,
"(+(a b) -c) d");
assertQueryEquals("+(apple \"steve jobs\") -(foo bar baz)", null,
"+(apple \"steve jobs\") -(foo bar baz)");
assertQueryEquals("+title:(dog OR cat) -author:\"bob dole\"", null,
"+(title:dog title:cat) -author:\"bob dole\"");
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "field", new MockAnalyzer(random));
// make sure OR is the default:
assertEquals(QueryParser.OR_OPERATOR, qp.getDefaultOperator());
assertEquals(QueryParser.AND_OPERATOR, qp.getDefaultOperator());
assertEquals(QueryParser.OR_OPERATOR, qp.getDefaultOperator());
public void testPunct() throws Exception {
Analyzer a = new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false);
assertQueryEquals("a&b", a, "a&b");
assertQueryEquals("a&&b", a, "a&&b");
assertQueryEquals(".NET", a, ".NET");
public void testSlop() throws Exception {
assertQueryEquals("\"term germ\"~2", null, "\"term germ\"~2");
assertQueryEquals("\"term germ\"~2 flork", null, "\"term germ\"~2 flork");
assertQueryEquals("\"term\"~2", null, "term");
assertQueryEquals("\" \"~2 germ", null, "germ");
assertQueryEquals("\"term germ\"~2^2", null, "\"term germ\"~2^2.0");
public void testNumber() throws Exception {
// The numbers go away because SimpleAnalzyer ignores them
assertQueryEquals("3", null, "");
assertQueryEquals("term 1.0 1 2", null, "term");
assertQueryEquals("term term1 term2", null, "term term term");
Analyzer a = new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, true);
assertQueryEquals("3", a, "3");
assertQueryEquals("term 1.0 1 2", a, "term 1.0 1 2");
assertQueryEquals("term term1 term2", a, "term term1 term2");
public void testWildcard() throws Exception {
assertQueryEquals("term*", null, "term*");
assertQueryEquals("term*^2", null, "term*^2.0");
assertQueryEquals("term~", null, "term~0.5");
assertQueryEquals("term~0.7", null, "term~0.7");
assertQueryEquals("term~^2", null, "term~0.5^2.0");
assertQueryEquals("term^2~", null, "term~0.5^2.0");
assertQueryEquals("term*germ", null, "term*germ");
assertQueryEquals("term*germ^3", null, "term*germ^3.0");
assertTrue(getQuery("term*", null) instanceof PrefixQuery);
assertTrue(getQuery("term*^2", null) instanceof PrefixQuery);
assertTrue(getQuery("term~", null) instanceof FuzzyQuery);
assertTrue(getQuery("term~0.7", null) instanceof FuzzyQuery);
FuzzyQuery fq = (FuzzyQuery)getQuery("term~0.7", null);
assertEquals(0.7f, fq.getMinSimilarity(), 0.1f);
assertEquals(FuzzyQuery.defaultPrefixLength, fq.getPrefixLength());
fq = (FuzzyQuery)getQuery("term~", null);
assertEquals(0.5f, fq.getMinSimilarity(), 0.1f);
assertEquals(FuzzyQuery.defaultPrefixLength, fq.getPrefixLength());
assertParseException("term~1.1"); // value > 1, throws exception
assertTrue(getQuery("term*germ", null) instanceof WildcardQuery);
/* Tests to see that wild card terms are (or are not) properly
* lower-cased with propery parser configuration
// First prefix queries:
// by default, convert to lowercase:
assertWildcardQueryEquals("Term*", true, "term*");
// explicitly set lowercase:
assertWildcardQueryEquals("term*", true, "term*");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("Term*", true, "term*");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("TERM*", true, "term*");
// explicitly disable lowercase conversion:
assertWildcardQueryEquals("term*", false, "term*");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("Term*", false, "Term*");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("TERM*", false, "TERM*");
// Then 'full' wildcard queries:
// by default, convert to lowercase:
assertWildcardQueryEquals("Te?m", "te?m");
// explicitly set lowercase:
assertWildcardQueryEquals("te?m", true, "te?m");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("Te?m", true, "te?m");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("TE?M", true, "te?m");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("Te?m*gerM", true, "te?m*germ");
// explicitly disable lowercase conversion:
assertWildcardQueryEquals("te?m", false, "te?m");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("Te?m", false, "Te?m");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("TE?M", false, "TE?M");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("Te?m*gerM", false, "Te?m*gerM");
// Fuzzy queries:
assertWildcardQueryEquals("Term~", "term~0.5");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("Term~", true, "term~0.5");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("Term~", false, "Term~0.5");
// Range queries:
assertWildcardQueryEquals("[A TO C]", "[a TO c]");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("[A TO C]", true, "[a TO c]");
assertWildcardQueryEquals("[A TO C]", false, "[A TO C]");
// Test suffix queries: first disallow
try {
assertWildcardQueryEquals("*Term", true, "*term");
} catch(ParseException pe) {
// expected exception
try {
assertWildcardQueryEquals("?Term", true, "?term");
} catch(ParseException pe) {
// expected exception
// Test suffix queries: then allow
assertWildcardQueryEquals("*Term", true, "*term", true);
assertWildcardQueryEquals("?Term", true, "?term", true);
public void testLeadingWildcardType() throws Exception {
QueryParser qp = getParser(null);
assertEquals(WildcardQuery.class, qp.parse("t*erm*").getClass());
assertEquals(WildcardQuery.class, qp.parse("?term*").getClass());
assertEquals(WildcardQuery.class, qp.parse("*term*").getClass());
public void testQPA() throws Exception {
assertQueryEquals("term term^3.0 term", qpAnalyzer, "term term^3.0 term");
assertQueryEquals("term stop^3.0 term", qpAnalyzer, "term term");
assertQueryEquals("term term term", qpAnalyzer, "term term term");
assertQueryEquals("term +stop term", qpAnalyzer, "term term");
assertQueryEquals("term -stop term", qpAnalyzer, "term term");
assertQueryEquals("drop AND (stop) AND roll", qpAnalyzer, "+drop +roll");
assertQueryEquals("term +(stop) term", qpAnalyzer, "term term");
assertQueryEquals("term -(stop) term", qpAnalyzer, "term term");
assertQueryEquals("drop AND stop AND roll", qpAnalyzer, "+drop +roll");
assertQueryEquals("term phrase term", qpAnalyzer,
"term (phrase1 phrase2) term");
assertQueryEquals("term AND NOT phrase term", qpAnalyzer,
"+term -(phrase1 phrase2) term");
assertQueryEquals("stop^3", qpAnalyzer, "");
assertQueryEquals("stop", qpAnalyzer, "");
assertQueryEquals("(stop)^3", qpAnalyzer, "");
assertQueryEquals("((stop))^3", qpAnalyzer, "");
assertQueryEquals("(stop^3)", qpAnalyzer, "");
assertQueryEquals("((stop)^3)", qpAnalyzer, "");
assertQueryEquals("(stop)", qpAnalyzer, "");
assertQueryEquals("((stop))", qpAnalyzer, "");
assertTrue(getQuery("term term term", qpAnalyzer) instanceof BooleanQuery);
assertTrue(getQuery("term +stop", qpAnalyzer) instanceof TermQuery);
public void testRange() throws Exception {
assertQueryEquals("[ a TO z]", null, "[a TO z]");
assertEquals(MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT, ((TermRangeQuery)getQuery("[ a TO z]", null)).getRewriteMethod());
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "field", new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.SIMPLE, true));
assertEquals(MultiTermQuery.SCORING_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE,((TermRangeQuery)qp.parse("[ a TO z]")).getRewriteMethod());
assertQueryEquals("[ a TO z ]", null, "[a TO z]");
assertQueryEquals("{ a TO z}", null, "{a TO z}");
assertQueryEquals("{ a TO z }", null, "{a TO z}");
assertQueryEquals("{ a TO z }^2.0", null, "{a TO z}^2.0");
assertQueryEquals("[ a TO z] OR bar", null, "[a TO z] bar");
assertQueryEquals("[ a TO z] AND bar", null, "+[a TO z] +bar");
assertQueryEquals("( bar blar { a TO z}) ", null, "bar blar {a TO z}");
assertQueryEquals("gack ( bar blar { a TO z}) ", null, "gack (bar blar {a TO z})");
public void testFarsiRangeCollating() throws Exception {
Directory ramDir = newDirectory();
IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(ramDir, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT)));
Document doc = new Document();
Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
IndexSearcher is = new IndexSearcher(ramDir, true);
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "content", new WhitespaceAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT));
// Neither Java 1.4.2 nor 1.5.0 has Farsi Locale collation available in
// RuleBasedCollator. However, the Arabic Locale seems to order the Farsi
// characters properly.
Collator c = Collator.getInstance(new Locale("ar"));
// Unicode order would include U+0633 in [ U+062F - U+0698 ], but Farsi
// orders the U+0698 character before the U+0633 character, so the single
// index Term below should NOT be returned by a ConstantScoreRangeQuery
// with a Farsi Collator (or an Arabic one for the case when Farsi is not
// supported).
// Test ConstantScoreRangeQuery
ScoreDoc[] result ="[ \u062F TO \u0698 ]"), null, 1000).scoreDocs;
assertEquals("The index Term should not be included.", 0, result.length);
result ="[ \u0633 TO \u0638 ]"), null, 1000).scoreDocs;
assertEquals("The index Term should be included.", 1, result.length);
// Test TermRangeQuery
result ="[ \u062F TO \u0698 ]"), null, 1000).scoreDocs;
assertEquals("The index Term should not be included.", 0, result.length);
result ="[ \u0633 TO \u0638 ]"), null, 1000).scoreDocs;
assertEquals("The index Term should be included.", 1, result.length);
private String escapeDateString(String s) {
if (s.indexOf(" ") > -1) {
return "\"" + s + "\"";
} else {
return s;
/** for testing legacy DateField support */
private String getLegacyDate(String s) throws Exception {
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
return DateField.dateToString(df.parse(s));
/** for testing DateTools support */
private String getDate(String s, DateTools.Resolution resolution) throws Exception {
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
return getDate(df.parse(s), resolution);
/** for testing DateTools support */
private String getDate(Date d, DateTools.Resolution resolution) throws Exception {
if (resolution == null) {
return DateField.dateToString(d);
} else {
return DateTools.dateToString(d, resolution);
private String getLocalizedDate(int year, int month, int day) {
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
calendar.set(year, month, day);
calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);
return df.format(calendar.getTime());
/** for testing legacy DateField support */
public void testLegacyDateRange() throws Exception {
String startDate = getLocalizedDate(2002, 1, 1);
String endDate = getLocalizedDate(2002, 1, 4);
Calendar endDateExpected = new GregorianCalendar();
endDateExpected.set(2002, 1, 4, 23, 59, 59);
endDateExpected.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);
assertQueryEquals("[ " + escapeDateString(startDate) + " TO " + escapeDateString(endDate) + "]", null,
"[" + getLegacyDate(startDate) + " TO " + DateField.dateToString(endDateExpected.getTime()) + "]");
assertQueryEquals("{ " + escapeDateString(startDate) + " " + escapeDateString(endDate) + " }", null,
"{" + getLegacyDate(startDate) + " TO " + getLegacyDate(endDate) + "}");
public void testDateRange() throws Exception {
String startDate = getLocalizedDate(2002, 1, 1);
String endDate = getLocalizedDate(2002, 1, 4);
Calendar endDateExpected = new GregorianCalendar();
endDateExpected.set(2002, 1, 4, 23, 59, 59);
endDateExpected.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);
final String defaultField = "default";
final String monthField = "month";
final String hourField = "hour";
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "field", new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.SIMPLE, true));
// Don't set any date resolution and verify if DateField is used
assertDateRangeQueryEquals(qp, defaultField, startDate, endDate,
endDateExpected.getTime(), null);
// set a field specific date resolution
qp.setDateResolution(monthField, DateTools.Resolution.MONTH);
// DateField should still be used for defaultField
assertDateRangeQueryEquals(qp, defaultField, startDate, endDate,
endDateExpected.getTime(), null);
// set default date resolution to MILLISECOND
// set second field specific date resolution
qp.setDateResolution(hourField, DateTools.Resolution.HOUR);
// for this field no field specific date resolution has been set,
// so verify if the default resolution is used
assertDateRangeQueryEquals(qp, defaultField, startDate, endDate,
endDateExpected.getTime(), DateTools.Resolution.MILLISECOND);
// verify if field specific date resolutions are used for these two fields
assertDateRangeQueryEquals(qp, monthField, startDate, endDate,
endDateExpected.getTime(), DateTools.Resolution.MONTH);
assertDateRangeQueryEquals(qp, hourField, startDate, endDate,
endDateExpected.getTime(), DateTools.Resolution.HOUR);
public void assertDateRangeQueryEquals(QueryParser qp, String field, String startDate, String endDate,
Date endDateInclusive, DateTools.Resolution resolution) throws Exception {
assertQueryEquals(qp, field, field + ":[" + escapeDateString(startDate) + " TO " + escapeDateString(endDate) + "]",
"[" + getDate(startDate, resolution) + " TO " + getDate(endDateInclusive, resolution) + "]");
assertQueryEquals(qp, field, field + ":{" + escapeDateString(startDate) + " TO " + escapeDateString(endDate) + "}",
"{" + getDate(startDate, resolution) + " TO " + getDate(endDate, resolution) + "}");
public void testEscaped() throws Exception {
Analyzer a = new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false);
/*assertQueryEquals("\\[brackets", a, "\\[brackets");
assertQueryEquals("\\[brackets", null, "brackets");
assertQueryEquals("\\\\", a, "\\\\");
assertQueryEquals("\\+blah", a, "\\+blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\(blah", a, "\\(blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\-blah", a, "\\-blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\!blah", a, "\\!blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\{blah", a, "\\{blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\}blah", a, "\\}blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\:blah", a, "\\:blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\^blah", a, "\\^blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\[blah", a, "\\[blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\]blah", a, "\\]blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\\"blah", a, "\\\"blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\(blah", a, "\\(blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\)blah", a, "\\)blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\~blah", a, "\\~blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\*blah", a, "\\*blah");
assertQueryEquals("\\?blah", a, "\\?blah");
//assertQueryEquals("foo \\&\\& bar", a, "foo \\&\\& bar");
//assertQueryEquals("foo \\|| bar", a, "foo \\|| bar");
//assertQueryEquals("foo \\AND bar", a, "foo \\AND bar");*/
assertQueryEquals("\\a", a, "a");
assertQueryEquals("a\\-b:c", a, "a-b:c");
assertQueryEquals("a\\+b:c", a, "a+b:c");
assertQueryEquals("a\\:b:c", a, "a:b:c");
assertQueryEquals("a\\\\b:c", a, "a\\b:c");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\-c", a, "a:b-c");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\+c", a, "a:b+c");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\:c", a, "a:b:c");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\\\c", a, "a:b\\c");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\-c*", a, "a:b-c*");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\+c*", a, "a:b+c*");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\:c*", a, "a:b:c*");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\\\c*", a, "a:b\\c*");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\-?c", a, "a:b-?c");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\+?c", a, "a:b+?c");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\:?c", a, "a:b:?c");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\\\?c", a, "a:b\\?c");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\-c~", a, "a:b-c~0.5");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\+c~", a, "a:b+c~0.5");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\:c~", a, "a:b:c~0.5");
assertQueryEquals("a:b\\\\c~", a, "a:b\\c~0.5");
assertQueryEquals("[ a\\- TO a\\+ ]", null, "[a- TO a+]");
assertQueryEquals("[ a\\: TO a\\~ ]", null, "[a: TO a~]");
assertQueryEquals("[ a\\\\ TO a\\* ]", null, "[a\\ TO a*]");
assertQueryEquals("[\"c\\:\\\\temp\\\\\\~foo0.txt\" TO \"c\\:\\\\temp\\\\\\~foo9.txt\"]", a,
"[c:\\temp\\~foo0.txt TO c:\\temp\\~foo9.txt]");
assertQueryEquals("a\\\\\\+b", a, "a\\+b");
assertQueryEquals("a \\\"b c\\\" d", a, "a \"b c\" d");
assertQueryEquals("\"a \\\"b c\\\" d\"", a, "\"a \"b c\" d\"");
assertQueryEquals("\"a \\+b c d\"", a, "\"a +b c d\"");
assertQueryEquals("c\\:\\\\temp\\\\\\~foo.txt", a, "c:\\temp\\~foo.txt");
assertParseException("XY\\"); // there must be a character after the escape char
// test unicode escaping
assertQueryEquals("a\\u0062c", a, "abc");
assertQueryEquals("XY\\u005a", a, "XYZ");
assertQueryEquals("XY\\u005A", a, "XYZ");
assertQueryEquals("\"a \\\\\\u0028\\u0062\\\" c\"", a, "\"a \\(b\" c\"");
assertParseException("XY\\u005G"); // test non-hex character in escaped unicode sequence
assertParseException("XY\\u005"); // test incomplete escaped unicode sequence
// Tests bug LUCENE-800
assertQueryEquals("(item:\\\\ item:ABCD\\\\)", a, "item:\\ item:ABCD\\");
assertParseException("(item:\\\\ item:ABCD\\\\))"); // unmatched closing paranthesis
assertQueryEquals("\\*", a, "*");
assertQueryEquals("\\\\", a, "\\"); // escaped backslash
assertParseException("\\"); // a backslash must always be escaped
// LUCENE-1189
assertQueryEquals("(\"a\\\\\") or (\"b\")", a ,"a\\ or b");
public void testQueryStringEscaping() throws Exception {
Analyzer a = new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false);
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a-b:c", a, "a\\-b\\:c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a+b:c", a, "a\\+b\\:c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b:c", a, "a\\:b\\:c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a\\b:c", a, "a\\\\b\\:c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b-c", a, "a\\:b\\-c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b+c", a, "a\\:b\\+c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b:c", a, "a\\:b\\:c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b\\c", a, "a\\:b\\\\c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b-c*", a, "a\\:b\\-c\\*");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b+c*", a, "a\\:b\\+c\\*");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b:c*", a, "a\\:b\\:c\\*");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b\\\\c*", a, "a\\:b\\\\\\\\c\\*");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b-?c", a, "a\\:b\\-\\?c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b+?c", a, "a\\:b\\+\\?c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b:?c", a, "a\\:b\\:\\?c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b?c", a, "a\\:b\\?c");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b-c~", a, "a\\:b\\-c\\~");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b+c~", a, "a\\:b\\+c\\~");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b:c~", a, "a\\:b\\:c\\~");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("a:b\\c~", a, "a\\:b\\\\c\\~");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("[ a - TO a+ ]", null, "\\[ a \\- TO a\\+ \\]");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("[ a : TO a~ ]", null, "\\[ a \\: TO a\\~ \\]");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("[ a\\ TO a* ]", null, "\\[ a\\\\ TO a\\* \\]");
// LUCENE-881
assertEscapedQueryEquals("|| abc ||", a, "\\|\\| abc \\|\\|");
assertEscapedQueryEquals("&& abc &&", a, "\\&\\& abc \\&\\&");
public void testTabNewlineCarriageReturn()
throws Exception {
assertQueryEqualsDOA("+weltbank +worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("+weltbank\n+worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("weltbank \n+worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("weltbank \n +worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("+weltbank\r+worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("weltbank \r+worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("weltbank \r +worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("+weltbank\r\n+worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("weltbank \r\n+worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("weltbank \r\n +worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("weltbank \r \n +worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("+weltbank\t+worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("weltbank \t+worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("weltbank \t +worlbank", null,
"+weltbank +worlbank");
public void testSimpleDAO()
throws Exception {
assertQueryEqualsDOA("term term term", null, "+term +term +term");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("term +term term", null, "+term +term +term");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("term term +term", null, "+term +term +term");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("term +term +term", null, "+term +term +term");
assertQueryEqualsDOA("-term term term", null, "-term +term +term");
public void testBoost()
throws Exception {
Set<Object> stopWords = new HashSet<Object>(1);
StandardAnalyzer oneStopAnalyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, stopWords);
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "field", oneStopAnalyzer);
Query q = qp.parse("on^1.0");
q = qp.parse("\"hello\"^2.0");
assertEquals(q.getBoost(), (float) 2.0, (float) 0.5);
q = qp.parse("hello^2.0");
assertEquals(q.getBoost(), (float) 2.0, (float) 0.5);
q = qp.parse("\"on\"^1.0");
QueryParser qp2 = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "field", new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT));
q = qp2.parse("the^3");
// "the" is a stop word so the result is an empty query:
assertEquals("", q.toString());
assertEquals(1.0f, q.getBoost(), 0.01f);
public void assertParseException(String queryString) throws Exception {
try {
getQuery(queryString, null);
} catch (ParseException expected) {
fail("ParseException expected, not thrown");
public void testException() throws Exception {
assertParseException("\"some phrase");
assertParseException("(foo bar");
assertParseException("foo bar))");
assertParseException("field:term:with:colon some more terms");
assertParseException("(sub query)^5.0^2.0 plus more");
assertParseException("secret AND illegal) AND access:confidential");
public void testCustomQueryParserWildcard() {
try {
new QPTestParser("contents", new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false)).parse("a?t");
fail("Wildcard queries should not be allowed");
} catch (ParseException expected) {
// expected exception
public void testCustomQueryParserFuzzy() throws Exception {
try {
new QPTestParser("contents", new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false)).parse("xunit~");
fail("Fuzzy queries should not be allowed");
} catch (ParseException expected) {
// expected exception
public void testBooleanQuery() throws Exception {
try {
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "field", new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false));
qp.parse("one two three");
fail("ParseException expected due to too many boolean clauses");
} catch (ParseException expected) {
// too many boolean clauses, so ParseException is expected
* This test differs from TestPrecedenceQueryParser
public void testPrecedence() throws Exception {
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "field", new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false));
Query query1 = qp.parse("A AND B OR C AND D");
Query query2 = qp.parse("+A +B +C +D");
assertEquals(query1, query2);
public void testLocalDateFormat() throws IOException, ParseException {
Directory ramDir = newDirectory();
IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(ramDir, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT)));
addDateDoc("a", 2005, 12, 2, 10, 15, 33, iw);
addDateDoc("b", 2005, 12, 4, 22, 15, 00, iw);
IndexSearcher is = new IndexSearcher(ramDir, true);
assertHits(1, "[12/1/2005 TO 12/3/2005]", is);
assertHits(2, "[12/1/2005 TO 12/4/2005]", is);
assertHits(1, "[12/3/2005 TO 12/4/2005]", is);
assertHits(1, "{12/1/2005 TO 12/3/2005}", is);
assertHits(1, "{12/1/2005 TO 12/4/2005}", is);
assertHits(0, "{12/3/2005 TO 12/4/2005}", is);
public void testStarParsing() throws Exception {
final int[] type = new int[1];
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "field", new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false)) {
protected Query getWildcardQuery(String field, String termStr) throws ParseException {
// override error checking of superclass
return new TermQuery(new Term(field,termStr));
protected Query getPrefixQuery(String field, String termStr) throws ParseException {
// override error checking of superclass
return new TermQuery(new Term(field,termStr));
protected Query getFieldQuery(String field, String queryText, boolean quoted) throws ParseException {
return super.getFieldQuery(field, queryText, quoted);
TermQuery tq;
tq = (TermQuery)qp.parse("foo:zoo*");
tq = (TermQuery)qp.parse("foo:zoo*^2");
tq = (TermQuery)qp.parse("foo:*");
assertEquals(1,type[0]); // could be a valid prefix query in the future too
tq = (TermQuery)qp.parse("foo:*^2");
tq = (TermQuery)qp.parse("*:foo");
tq = (TermQuery)qp.parse("*:*");
assertEquals(1,type[0]); // could be handled as a prefix query in the future
tq = (TermQuery)qp.parse("(*:*)");
public void testStopwords() throws Exception {
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "a", new StopAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, StopFilter.makeStopSet(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "the", "foo")));
Query result = qp.parse("a:the OR a:foo");
assertNotNull("result is null and it shouldn't be", result);
assertTrue("result is not a BooleanQuery", result instanceof BooleanQuery);
assertTrue(((BooleanQuery) result).clauses().size() + " does not equal: " + 0, ((BooleanQuery) result).clauses().size() == 0);
result = qp.parse("a:woo OR a:the");
assertNotNull("result is null and it shouldn't be", result);
assertTrue("result is not a TermQuery", result instanceof TermQuery);
result = qp.parse("(fieldX:xxxxx OR fieldy:xxxxxxxx)^2 AND (fieldx:the OR fieldy:foo)");
assertNotNull("result is null and it shouldn't be", result);
assertTrue("result is not a BooleanQuery", result instanceof BooleanQuery);
if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("Result: " + result);
assertTrue(((BooleanQuery) result).clauses().size() + " does not equal: " + 2, ((BooleanQuery) result).clauses().size() == 2);
public void testPositionIncrement() throws Exception {
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "a", new StopAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, StopFilter.makeStopSet(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "the", "in", "are", "this")));
String qtxt = "\"the words in poisitions pos02578 are stopped in this phrasequery\"";
// 0 2 5 7 8
int expectedPositions[] = {1,3,4,6,9};
PhraseQuery pq = (PhraseQuery) qp.parse(qtxt);
//System.out.println("Query text: "+qtxt);
//System.out.println("Result: "+pq);
Term t[] = pq.getTerms();
int pos[] = pq.getPositions();
for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
//System.out.println(i+". "+t[i]+" pos: "+pos[i]);
assertEquals("term "+i+" = "+t[i]+" has wrong term-position!",expectedPositions[i],pos[i]);
public void testMatchAllDocs() throws Exception {
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "field", new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false));
assertEquals(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), qp.parse("*:*"));
assertEquals(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), qp.parse("(*:*)"));
BooleanQuery bq = (BooleanQuery)qp.parse("+*:* -*:*");
assertTrue(bq.getClauses()[0].getQuery() instanceof MatchAllDocsQuery);
assertTrue(bq.getClauses()[1].getQuery() instanceof MatchAllDocsQuery);
private void assertHits(int expected, String query, IndexSearcher is) throws ParseException, IOException {
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "date", new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false));
Query q = qp.parse(query);
ScoreDoc[] hits =, null, 1000).scoreDocs;
assertEquals(expected, hits.length);
private void addDateDoc(String content, int year, int month,
int day, int hour, int minute, int second, IndexWriter iw) throws IOException {
Document d = new Document();
d.add(newField("f", content, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED));
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
cal.set(year, month-1, day, hour, minute, second);
d.add(newField("date", DateField.dateToString(cal.getTime()), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
// LUCENE-2002: make sure defaults for StandardAnalyzer's
// enableStopPositionIncr & QueryParser's enablePosIncr
// "match"
public void testPositionIncrements() throws Exception {
Directory dir = newDirectory();
Analyzer a = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT);
IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(dir, newIndexWriterConfig( TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, a));
Document doc = new Document();
doc.add(newField("f", "the wizard of ozzy", Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED));
IndexReader r =, true);
IndexSearcher s = newSearcher(r);
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "f", a);
Query q = qp.parse("\"wizard of ozzy\"");
assertEquals(1,, 1).totalHits);
// LUCENE-2002: when we run javacc to regen QueryParser,
// we also run a replaceregexp step to fix 2 of the public
// ctors (change them to protected):
// protected QueryParser(CharStream stream)
// protected QueryParser(QueryParserTokenManager tm)
// This test is here as a safety, in case that ant step
// doesn't work for some reason.
public void testProtectedCtors() throws Exception {
try {
QueryParser.class.getConstructor(new Class[] {CharStream.class});
fail("please switch public QueryParser(CharStream) to be protected");
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
// expected
try {
QueryParser.class.getConstructor(new Class[] {QueryParserTokenManager.class});
fail("please switch public QueryParser(QueryParserTokenManager) to be protected");
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
// expected