blob: 264e375d2814b0ae653a0ce96534967a34438fe4 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.mahout.math.scalabindings
import org.apache.log4j.Level
import org.apache.mahout.logging._
import org.apache.mahout.math._
import org.apache.mahout.math.scalabindings.RLikeOps._
import org.apache.mahout.test.MahoutSuite
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import scala.math._
class MathSuite extends FunSuite with MahoutSuite {
private final implicit val log = getLog(classOf[MathSuite])
test("chol") {
// try to solve Ax=b with cholesky:
// this requires
// (LL')x = B
// L'x= (L^-1)B
// x=(L'^-1)(L^-1)B
val a = dense((1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 4), (3, 4, 5.5))
// make sure it is symmetric for a valid solution
a := a.t %*% a
trace(s"A= \n$a")
val b = dense((9, 8, 7)).t
trace(s"b = \n$b")
// Fails if chol(a, true)
val ch = chol(a)
trace(s"L = \n${ch.getL}")
trace(s"(L^-1)b =\n${ch.solveLeft(b)}\n")
val x = ch.solveRight(eye(3)) %*% ch.solveLeft(b)
trace(s"x = \n$x")
val axmb = (a %*% x) - b
trace(s"AX - B = \n$axmb")
axmb.norm should be < 1e-10
test("chol2") {
val vtv = new DenseSymmetricMatrix(
0.0021401286568947376, 0.001309251254596442, 0.0016003218703045058,
0.001545407014131058, 0.0012772546647977234,
), true)
printf("V'V=\n%s\n", vtv cloned)
val vblock = dense(
(0.0012356809018514347, 0.006141139195280868, 8.037742467936037E-4),
(0.007910767859830255, 0.007989899899005457, 0.006877961936587515),
(0.007011211118759952, 0.007458865101641882, 0.0048344749320346795),
(0.006578789899685284, 0.0010812485516549452, 0.0062146270886981655)
val d = diag(15.0, 4)
val b = dense(
printf("B=\n%s\n", b)
val cholArg = vtv + (vblock.t %*% d %*% vblock) + diag(4e-6, 3)
printf("cholArg=\n%s\n", cholArg)
printf("V'DV=\n%s\n", (vblock.t %*% d %*% vblock))
printf("V'V+V'DV=\n%s\n", vtv + (vblock.t %*% d %*% vblock))
val ch = chol(cholArg)
printf("L=\n%s\n", ch.getL)
val x = ch.solveRight(eye(cholArg.nrow)) %*% ch.solveLeft(b)
printf("X=\n%s\n", x)
assert((cholArg %*% x - b).norm < 1e-10)
test("qr") {
val a = dense((1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 6), (3, 4, 5), (4, 7, 8))
val (q, r) = qr(a)
printf("Q=\n%s\n", q)
printf("R=\n%s\n", r)
for (i <- 0 until q.ncol; j <- i + 1 until q.ncol)
assert(abs(q(::, i) dot q(::, j)) < 1e-10)
test("solve matrix-vector") {
val a = dense((1, 3), (4, 2))
val b = dvec(11, 14)
val x = solve(a, b)
val control = dvec(2, 3)
(control - x).norm(2) should be < 1e-10
test("solve matrix-matrix") {
val a = dense((1, 3), (4, 2))
val b = dense(11, 14)
val x = solve(a, b)
val control = dense(2, 3)
(control - x).norm should be < 1e-10
test("solve to obtain inverse") {
val a = dense((1, 3), (4, 2))
val x = solve(a)
val identity = a %*% x
val control = eye(identity.ncol)
(control - identity).norm should be < 1e-10
test("solve rejects non-square matrix") {
intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
val a = dense((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6))
val b = dvec(1, 2)
solve(a, b)
test("solve rejects singular matrix") {
intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
val a = dense((1, 2), (2 , 4))
val b = dvec(1, 2)
solve(a, b)
test("svd") {
val a = dense((1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5))
val (u, v, s) = svd(a)
printf("U:\n%s\n", u.toString)
printf("V:\n%s\n", v.toString)
printf("Sigma:\n%s\n", s.toString)
val aBar = u %*% diagv(s) %*% v.t
val amab = a - aBar
printf("A-USV'=\n%s\n", amab.toString)
assert(amab.norm < 1e-10)
test("random uniform") {
val omega1 = Matrices.symmetricUniformView(2, 3, 1234)
val omega2 = Matrices.symmetricUniformView(2, 3, 1234)
val a = sparse(
0 -> 1 :: 1 -> 2 :: Nil,
0 -> 3 :: 1 -> 4 :: Nil,
0 -> 2 :: 1 -> 0.0 :: Nil
val block = a(0 to 0, ::).cloned
val block2 = a(1 to 1, ::).cloned
(block %*% omega1 - (a %*% omega2)(0 to 0, ::)).norm should be < 1e-7
(block2 %*% omega1 - (a %*% omega2)(1 to 1, ::)).norm should be < 1e-7
test("sqDist(X,Y)") {
val m = 100
val n = 300
val d = 7
val mxX = Matrices.symmetricUniformView(m, d, 12345).cloned -= 5
val mxY = Matrices.symmetricUniformView(n, d, 1234).cloned += 10
val mxDsq = sqDist(mxX, mxY)
val mxDsqControl = new DenseMatrix(m, n) := { (r, c, _)(mxX(r, ::) - mxY(c, ::)) ^= 2 sum }
(mxDsq - mxDsqControl).norm should be < 1e-7
test("sqDist(X)") {
val m = 100
val d = 7
val mxX = Matrices.symmetricUniformView(m, d, 12345).cloned -= 5
val mxDsq = sqDist(mxX)
val mxDsqControl = sqDist(mxX, mxX)
(mxDsq - mxDsqControl).norm should be < 1e-7
test("sparsity analysis") {
val m = 500
val n = 800
val mxA = new DenseMatrix(m, n)
sparsityAnalysis(mxA) shouldBe false
sparsityAnalysis(mxA, .5) shouldBe false
sparsityAnalysis(mxA + 1) shouldBe true
sparsityAnalysis(mxA + 1, .95) shouldBe true
for (i ← 0 until m by 5) mxA(i, ::) := 1
info(s"20% detected as dense?:${sparsityAnalysis(mxA)}")
mxA := 0
for (i ← 0 until m by 3) mxA(i, ::) := 1
info(s"33% detected as dense?:${sparsityAnalysis(mxA)}")
mxA := 0
for (i ← 0 until m by 4) mxA(i, ::) := 1
info(s"25% detected as dense?:${sparsityAnalysis(mxA)}")
for (i ← 0 until m by 2) mxA(i, ::) := 1
info(s"50% detected as dense?:${sparsityAnalysis(mxA)}")