blob: fc686af033c6fcd136b7d3377a793980055bf9e1 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "postgres.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "utils/array.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#ifndef min
#define min(a,b)((a) < (b) ? (a):(b))
Datum vcrf_top1_label(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
* @file viterbi_top1.c
* @brief find the most probable sequence assignment and the conditional probability using Viterbi algorithm [1]
* @date February 2012
* @param marray Encode the edge feature, start feature and end feature
* @param rarray Encode the single state feature, e.g, word feature, regex feature.
* @param nlabel Total number of labels in the label space
* @literature
* [1]
* @return the most probable sequence assignment and two integer numbers used to calculate the conditional probability.
* the fist number is the numerator, the second number is the normalization factor.
ArrayType *result;
int *prev_top1_array, *curr_top1_array, *prev_norm_array, *curr_norm_array, *path, *mArray, *rArray;
int ndatabytes, nbytes, norm_factor, i;
int start_pos, label, currlabel, prevlabel, doclen, nlabel;
Oid element_type;
nlabel = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
doclen = ARR_DIMS(PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1))[0]/nlabel;
// initialize the four temporary arrays
ndatabytes = sizeof(int) * nlabel;
prev_top1_array = (int*) palloc0(ndatabytes);
curr_top1_array = (int*) palloc0(ndatabytes);
prev_norm_array = (int*) palloc0(ndatabytes);
curr_norm_array = (int*) palloc0(ndatabytes);
// define the path
nbytes = doclen*nlabel*sizeof(int);
path = (int*)palloc0(nbytes);
// define the output, the first doclen elements are to store the best label sequence
// the last two elements are used to calculate the probability.
result = (ArrayType *) palloc(sizeof(int)*(doclen+1) + ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(1));
SET_VARSIZE(result, sizeof(int)*(doclen+1) + ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(1));
result->ndim = 1;
result->dataoffset = 0;
result->elemtype = element_type;
ARR_DIMS(result)[0] = doclen+1;
ARR_LBOUND(result)[0] = 1;
memset(curr_top1_array, 0, nlabel*sizeof(int));
memset(curr_norm_array, 0, nlabel*sizeof(int));
if (start_pos == 0){// the first token in a sentence, the start feature to be fired.
for(int label=0; label<nlabel; label++){
curr_norm_array[label] = rArray[start_pos*nlabel+label] + mArray[label];
curr_top1_array[label] = rArray[start_pos*nlabel+label] + mArray[label];
} else {
for(currlabel=0; currlabel<nlabel; currlabel++){
for(prevlabel=0; prevlabel<nlabel; prevlabel++){
// calculate the best label sequence
int top1_new_score = prev_top1_array[prevlabel] + rArray[start_pos*nlabel+currlabel] +
// the last token in a sentence, the end feature should be fired
if (start_pos == doclen-1){
top1_new_score += mArray[(nlabel+1)*nlabel+currlabel];
if(top1_new_score > curr_top1_array[currlabel]){
curr_top1_array[currlabel] = top1_new_score;
path[start_pos*nlabel+currlabel] = prevlabel;
// calculate the probability of the best label sequence
int norm_new_score = prev_norm_array[prevlabel] + rArray[start_pos*nlabel+currlabel] +
// the last token in a sentence, the end feature should be fired
if(start_pos == doclen-1){
norm_new_score += mArray[(nlabel+1)*nlabel+currlabel];
// the following wants to do z=log(exp(x)+exp(y)), the faster implementation is
// z=min(x,y) + log(exp(abs(x-y))+1)
// 0.5 is for rounding
if (curr_norm_array[currlabel] == 0){
curr_norm_array[currlabel] = norm_new_score;
} else {
curr_norm_array[currlabel] = min(curr_norm_array[currlabel], norm_new_score) +
(int)(log(exp(abs(norm_new_score - curr_norm_array[currlabel])/1000.0) + 1)*1000.0 + 0.5);
for(label=0; label<nlabel; label++){
prev_top1_array[label] = curr_top1_array[label];
prev_norm_array[label] = curr_norm_array[label];
// find the label of the last token in a sentence
int top1label = 0;
int maxscore =0;
int pos =0;
for(label=0; label<nlabel; label++){
maxscore = curr_top1_array[label];
top1label = label;
// trace back to get the labels for the rest tokens in a sentence
((int*)ARR_DATA_PTR(result))[doclen-1] = top1label;
for (pos=doclen-1; pos>=1; pos--){
top1label = path[pos*nlabel+top1label];
((int*)ARR_DATA_PTR(result))[pos-1] = top1label;
// compute the sum_i of log(v1[i]/1000), return (e^sum)*1000
// used in the UDFs which needs marginalization e.g., normalization
// the following wants to do z=log(exp(x)+exp(y)), the faster implementation is
// z=min(x,y) + log(exp(abs(x-y))+1)
norm_factor = 0;
for(i = 0; i < nlabel; i++) {
if(i == 0) {
norm_factor = curr_norm_array[0];
} else {
norm_factor = min(curr_norm_array[i], norm_factor) +
(int)(log(exp(abs(norm_factor - curr_norm_array[i])/1000.0) + 1)*1000.0 + 0.5);
// calculate the conditional probability.
// to convert the probability into integer, firstly,let it multiply 1000000, then later make the product divided by 1000000
// to get the real conditional probability
((int*)ARR_DATA_PTR(result))[doclen] = (int)(exp((maxscore - norm_factor)/1000.0)*1000000);