blob: 1958209539463365dfea1823f3b5396355a7c081 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file
* \brief This file defines the SparseData structure and some basic
* functions on SparseData.
* SparseData provides array storage for repetitive data as commonly found
* in numerical analysis of sparse arrays and matrices.
* A general run-length encoding scheme is adopted.
* Sequential duplicate values in the array are represented in an index
* structure that stores the count of the number of times a given value
* is duplicated.
* All storage is allocated with palloc().
* The SparseData structure is an in-memory structure and so must be
* serialized into a persisted structure like a VARLENA when leaving
* a GP / Postgres function. This implies a COPY from the SparseData
* to the VARLENA.
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "postgres.h"
#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
#include "utils/array.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
* \internal
* SparseData holds information about a sparse array of values
* \endinternal
typedef struct
Oid type_of_data; /**< The native type of the data entries */
int unique_value_count; /**< The number of unique values in the data array */
int total_value_count; /**< The total number of values, including duplicates */
StringInfo vals; /**< The unique number values are stored here as a stream of bytes */
StringInfo index; /**< A count of each value is stored in the index */
} SparseDataStruct;
* Sometimes we wish to store an uncompressed array inside a SparseDataStruct;
* instead of storing an array of ones [1,1,..,1,1] in the index field, which
* is wasteful, we choose to use index->data == NULL to represent this special
* case.
* Pointer to a SparseDataStruct
typedef SparseDataStruct *SparseData;
* Serialized SparseData
* SparseDataStruct Contents
* StringInfoData Contents for "vals"
* StringInfoData Contents for "index"
* data contents for "vals" (size is vals->maxlen)
* data contents for "index" (size is index->maxlen)
* The vals and index fields are serialized as StringInfoData, then the
* data contents are serialized at the end.
* Since two StringInfoData structs together are 64-bit aligned, there's
* no need for padding.
* For reference, here is the format of the StringInfoData:
* char * dataptr;
* -> a placeholder in the serialized version, is filled
* when the serialized version is used in-place
* int len;
* int maxlen;
* int cursor;
* @return The size of a serialized SparseData based on the actual consumed
* length of the StringInfo data and StringInfoData structures.
#define SIZEOF_SPARSEDATAHDR MAXALIGN(sizeof(SparseDataStruct))
* @param x a SparseData
* @return The size of x minus the dynamic variables, plus two
* integers describing the length of the data area and index
(2*sizeof(StringInfoData)) + \
(x)->vals->maxlen + (x)->index->maxlen)
* The following take a serialized SparseData as an argument and return
* pointers to locations inside.
#define SDATA_INDEX_SINFO(x) (SDATA_DATA_SINFO(x)+sizeof(StringInfoData))
#define SDATA_DATA_SIZE(x) (((StringInfo)SDATA_DATA_SINFO(x))->maxlen)
#define SDATA_INDEX_SIZE(x) (((StringInfo)SDATA_INDEX_SINFO(x))->maxlen)
#define SDATA_VALS_PTR(x) (SDATA_INDEX_SINFO(x)+sizeof(StringInfoData))
#define SDATA_UNIQUE_VALCNT(x) (((SparseData)(x))->unique_value_count)
#define SDATA_TOTAL_VALCNT(x) (((SparseData)(x))->total_value_count)
* @param x a SparseData
* @return True if x is a scalar */
#define SDATA_IS_SCALAR(x) (((((x)->unique_value_count)==((x)->total_value_count))&&((x)->total_value_count==1)) ? 1 : 0)
* @param ptr Pointer to the start of the count entry of a SparseData
* @return The size of the integer count in an RLE index pointed to by ptr
#define int8compstoragesize(ptr) \
(((ptr) == NULL) ? 0 : (((*((char *)(ptr)) < 0) ? 1 : (1 + *((char *)(ptr))))))
/* The size of a compressed int8 is stored in the first element of the ptr
* array; see the explanation at the int8_to_compword() function below.
* Note that if the ptr is NULL, a zero size is returned
void int8_to_compword(int64 num, char entry[9]);
int64 compword_to_int8(const char *entry);
/** Serialization function */
void serializeSparseData(char *target, SparseData source);
/* Constructors and destructors */
SparseData makeEmptySparseData(void);
SparseData makeInplaceSparseData(char *vals, char *index,
int datasize, int indexsize, Oid datatype,
int unique_value_count, int total_value_count);
SparseData makeSparseDataCopy(SparseData source_sdata);
SparseData makeSparseDataFromDouble(double scalar,int64 dimension);
SparseData makeSparseData(void);
void freeSparseData(SparseData sdata);
void freeSparseDataAndData(SparseData sdata);
StringInfo copyStringInfo(StringInfo source_sinfo);
StringInfo makeStringInfoFromData(char *data,int len);
/* Conversion to and from arrays */
double *sdata_to_float8arr(SparseData sdata);
int64 *sdata_index_to_int64arr(SparseData sdata);
SparseData float8arr_to_sdata(double *array, int count);
SparseData position_to_sdata(double *array_val, int64 *array_pos, Oid type_of_data, int count, int64 end, double default_val);
SparseData arr_to_sdata(char *array, size_t width, Oid type_of_data, int count);
SparseData posit_to_sdata(char *array, int64* array_pos, size_t width, Oid type_of_data, int count, int64 end, char *base_val);
/* Some functions for accessing and changing elements of a SparseData */
SparseData lapply(text * func, SparseData sdata);
double sd_proj(SparseData sdata, int idx);
SparseData subarr(SparseData sdata, int start, int end);
SparseData reverse(SparseData sdata);
SparseData concat(SparseData left, SparseData right);
SparseData concat_replicate(SparseData rep, int multiplier);
enum operation_t { subtract, add, multiply, divide };
double sum_sdata_values_double(SparseData sdata);
SparseData op_sdata_by_sdata(enum operation_t operation, SparseData left,
SparseData right);
bool sparsedata_eq(SparseData left, SparseData right);
bool sparsedata_eq_zero_is_equal(SparseData left, SparseData right);
bool sparsedata_contains(SparseData left, SparseData right);
SparseData pow_sdata_by_scalar(SparseData sdata, char *scalar);
SparseData square_sdata(SparseData sdata);
SparseData cube_sdata(SparseData sdata);
SparseData quad_sdata(SparseData sdata);
void op_sdata_by_scalar_inplace(enum operation_t operation, char *scalar,
SparseData sdata, bool scalar_is_right);
void append_to_rle_index(StringInfo index, int64 run_len);
SparseData op_sdata_by_scalar_copy(enum operation_t operation, char *scalar,
SparseData source_sdata, bool scalar_is_right);
double l2norm_sdata_values_double(SparseData sdata);
double l1norm_sdata_values_double(SparseData sdata);
size_t size_of_type(Oid type);
void printout_double(double *vals, int num_values, int stop);
void printout_index(char *ix, int num_values, int stop);
void printout_sdata(SparseData sdata, char *msg, int stop);
void add_run_to_sdata(char *run_val, int64 run_len, size_t width,
SparseData sdata);
* macros that will test whether a given double value is in the normal
* range or is in the special range (denormals, exceptions).
/* Anything between LOW and HIGH is a denormal or exception */
#define SPEC_MASK_HIGH 0xFFF0000000000000
#define SPEC_MASK_LOW 0x7FF0000000000000
#define MASKTEST(x,y) (((x)&(y))==x) /* MASKTEST checks for the presence of
the bits in x in the input y */
/* The input to MASKTEST_double should be an int64 mask and a (double *) to be
* tested
#define MASKTEST_double(x,y) MASKTEST((x),*((int64 *)(&(y))))
#define DBL_IS_A_SPECIAL(x) \
|| ((x) == 0.))
#endif /* SPARSEDATA_H */