blob: 75e4ce4cfe8132ad2b77366fd18fabcaabdd2046 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file Decision_Tree_impl.hpp
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits> // std::numeric_limits
#include <dbconnector/dbconnector.hpp>
#include <boost/random/uniform_int.hpp>
#include <boost/random/variate_generator.hpp>
#include "DT_proto.hpp"
namespace madlib {
// Use Eigen
using namespace dbal::eigen_integration;
using boost::uniform_int;
using boost::variate_generator;
namespace modules {
namespace recursive_partitioning {
namespace {
typedef std::pair<int, double> argsort_pair;
bool argsort_comp(const argsort_pair& left,
const argsort_pair& right) {
return left.second > right.second;
IntegerVector argsort(const ColumnVector & x) {
IntegerVector indices(x.size());
std::vector<argsort_pair> data(x.size());
for(int i=0; i < x.size(); i++) {
data[i].first = i;
data[i].second = x(i);
std::sort(data.begin(), data.end(), argsort_comp);
for(size_t i=0; i < data.size(); i++) {
indices(i) = data[i].first;
return indices;
escape_quotes(const string &before) {
// From
string after;
after.reserve(before.length() + 4);
for (string::size_type i = 0; i < before.length(); ++i) {
switch (before[i]) {
case '"':
case '\\':
after += '\\';
// Fall through.
after += before[i];
return after;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
computeEntropy(const double &p) {
if (p < 0.) { throw std::runtime_error("unexpected negative probability"); }
if (p == 0.) { return 0.; }
return -p * log2(p);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Extract a string from ArrayHandle<text*>
get_text(ArrayHandle<text*> &strs, size_t i) {
return std::string(VARDATA_ANY(strs[i]), VARSIZE_ANY(strs[i]) - VARHDRSZ);
} // anonymous namespace
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Definitions for class Decision Tree
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
dbal::FunctionContext, dbal::DoZero, dbal::ThrowBadAlloc>(0)) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
Init_type& inInitialization): Base(inInitialization) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::bind(ByteStream_type& inStream) {
inStream >> tree_depth
>> n_y_labels
>> max_n_surr
>> is_regression
>> impurity_type;
size_t n_nodes = 0;
size_t n_labels = 0;
size_t max_surrogates = 0;
if (!tree_depth.isNull()) {
n_nodes = static_cast<size_t>(pow(2.0, tree_depth) - 1);
// for classification n_labels = n_y_labels + 1 since the last element
// is the count of actual (unweighted) tuples landing on a node
// for regression, n_y_labels is same as REGRESS_N_STATS
if (is_regression)
n_labels = static_cast<size_t>(n_y_labels);
n_labels = static_cast<size_t>(n_y_labels + 1);
max_surrogates = max_n_surr;
>> feature_indices.rebind(n_nodes)
>> feature_thresholds.rebind(n_nodes)
>> is_categorical.rebind(n_nodes)
>> nonnull_split_count.rebind(n_nodes * 2)
>> surr_indices.rebind(n_nodes * max_surrogates)
>> surr_thresholds.rebind(n_nodes * max_surrogates)
>> surr_status.rebind(n_nodes * max_surrogates)
>> surr_agreement.rebind(n_nodes * max_surrogates)
>> predictions.rebind(n_nodes, n_labels)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::rebind(const uint16_t in_tree_depth,
const uint16_t in_y_labels,
const uint16_t in_max_n_surr,
const bool in_is_regression) {
tree_depth = in_tree_depth;
n_y_labels = in_y_labels;
max_n_surr = in_max_n_surr;
is_regression = in_is_regression;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::incrementInPlace() {
// back up current tree
size_t n_orig_nodes = static_cast<size_t>(pow(2.0, tree_depth) - 1);
DecisionTree<Container> orig = DecisionTree<Container>();
orig.rebind(tree_depth, n_y_labels, max_n_surr, is_regression);
// increment one level
tree_depth ++;
// restore from backup
is_regression = orig.is_regression;
impurity_type = orig.impurity_type;
feature_indices.segment(0, n_orig_nodes) = orig.feature_indices;
feature_thresholds.segment(0, n_orig_nodes) = orig.feature_thresholds;
is_categorical.segment(0, n_orig_nodes) = orig.is_categorical;
nonnull_split_count.segment(0, n_orig_nodes*2) = orig.nonnull_split_count;
if (max_n_surr > 0){
surr_indices.segment(0, n_orig_nodes*max_n_surr) = orig.surr_indices;
surr_thresholds.segment(0, n_orig_nodes*max_n_surr) = orig.surr_thresholds;
surr_status.segment(0, n_orig_nodes*max_n_surr) = orig.surr_status;
surr_agreement.segment(0, n_orig_nodes*max_n_surr) = orig.surr_agreement;
for (Index i = 0; i < orig.predictions.rows(); i++){
// resize adds rows at the end of predictions
predictions.row(i) = orig.predictions.row(i);
// mark all newly allocated leaves as non-existing nodes, they will be
// categorized as leaf nodes by the parent during expansion
size_t n_new_leaves = n_orig_nodes + 1;
feature_indices.segment(n_orig_nodes, n_new_leaves).setConstant(NODE_NON_EXISTING);
feature_thresholds.segment(n_orig_nodes, n_new_leaves).setConstant(0);
is_categorical.segment(n_orig_nodes, n_new_leaves).setConstant(0);
nonnull_split_count.segment(n_orig_nodes*2, n_new_leaves*2).setConstant(0);
if (max_n_surr > 0){
for (size_t i = n_orig_nodes; i < n_orig_nodes + n_new_leaves; i++){
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::getMajorityCount(Index node_index) const {
// majority count is defined as the greater of the tuples passed in to
// the two split branches. We only count tuples that have a non-null
// value for the primary split of the node.
if (feature_indices(node_index) < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Requested count for a leaf/non-existing node");
uint64_t true_count = static_cast<uint64_t>(nonnull_split_count(trueChild(node_index)));
uint64_t false_count = static_cast<uint64_t>(nonnull_split_count(falseChild(node_index)));
return true_count >= false_count ? true_count : false_count;
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::getMajoritySplit(Index node_index) const {
// majority count is defined as the greater of the tuples passed in to
// the two split branches. We only count tuples that have a non-null
// value for the primary split of the node.
if (feature_indices(node_index) < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Requested count for a leaf/non-existing node");
uint64_t true_count = static_cast<uint64_t>(nonnull_split_count(trueChild(node_index)));
uint64_t false_count = static_cast<uint64_t>(nonnull_split_count(falseChild(node_index)));
return (true_count >= false_count);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
Index node_index,
MappedIntegerVector cat_features,
MappedColumnVector con_features) const {
Index surr_base_index;
for (surr_base_index = node_index * max_n_surr;
surr_base_index < (node_index+1) * max_n_surr; surr_base_index++){
Index surr_feat_index = surr_indices(surr_base_index);
if (surr_feat_index < 0)
double surr_feat_threshold = surr_thresholds(surr_base_index);
bool split_response;
if (std::abs(surr_status(surr_base_index)) == 1){
if (!isNull(cat_features(surr_feat_index), true)){
split_response = cat_features(surr_feat_index) <= surr_feat_threshold;
// negative status is a reverse split (> relation)
return ((surr_status(surr_base_index) > 0) ?
(split_response) : (!split_response));
} else {
if (!isNull(con_features(surr_feat_index), false)){
split_response = con_features(surr_feat_index) <= surr_feat_threshold;
// negative status is a reverse split (> relation)
return ((surr_status(surr_base_index) > 0) ?
(split_response) : (!split_response));
return getMajoritySplit(node_index);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::search(MappedIntegerVector cat_features,
MappedColumnVector con_features) const {
Index current = 0;
int feature_index = feature_indices(current);
while (feature_index != IN_PROCESS_LEAF && feature_index != FINISHED_LEAF) {
assert(feature_index != NODE_NON_EXISTING);
bool is_split_true = false;
if (is_categorical(current) != 0) {
if (isNull(cat_features(feature_index), true)){
is_split_true = getSurrSplit(current, cat_features, con_features);
} else{
is_split_true = (cat_features(feature_index)
<= feature_thresholds(current));
} else {
if (isNull(con_features(feature_index), false)){
is_split_true = getSurrSplit(current, cat_features, con_features);
} else{
is_split_true = (con_features(feature_index)
<= feature_thresholds(current));
/* (i)
/ \
(2i+1) (2i+2)
current = is_split_true ? trueChild(current) : falseChild(current);
feature_index = feature_indices(current);
return current;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::predict(MappedIntegerVector cat_features,
MappedColumnVector con_features) const {
Index leaf_index = search(cat_features, con_features);
return statPredict(predictions.row(leaf_index));
// ------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
MappedIntegerVector cat_features,
MappedColumnVector con_features) const {
ColumnVector curr_prediction = predict(cat_features, con_features);
if (is_regression){
return curr_prediction(0);
} else {
Index max_label;
return static_cast<double>(max_label);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::predict_response(Index leaf_index) const {
ColumnVector curr_prediction = statPredict(predictions.row(leaf_index));
if (is_regression){
return curr_prediction(0);
} else {
Index max_label;
return static_cast<double>(max_label);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::impurity(const ColumnVector &stats) const {
if (is_regression){
// only mean-squared error metric is supported
// variance is a measure of the mean-squared distance to all points
return stats(2) / stats(0) - pow(stats(1) / stats(0), 2);
} else {
ColumnVector proportions = statPredict(stats);
if (impurity_type == GINI){
return 1 - proportions.cwiseProduct(proportions).sum();
} else if (impurity_type == ENTROPY){
return proportions.unaryExpr(std::ptr_fun(computeEntropy)).sum();
} else if (impurity_type == MISCLASS){
return 1 - proportions.maxCoeff();
} else
throw std::runtime_error("No impurity function set for a classification tree");
// ------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::impurityGain(const ColumnVector &combined_stats,
const uint16_t &stats_per_split) const {
double true_count = statWeightedCount(combined_stats.segment(0, stats_per_split));
double false_count = statWeightedCount(combined_stats.segment(stats_per_split, stats_per_split));
double total_count = true_count + false_count;
if (total_count == 0 || true_count == 0 || false_count == 0) {
// no gain if no tuples incoming or if all fall into one side
return 0.;
double true_weight = true_count / total_count;
double false_weight = false_count / total_count;
ColumnVector stats_sum = combined_stats.segment(0, stats_per_split) +
combined_stats.segment(stats_per_split, stats_per_split);
return (impurity(stats_sum) -
true_weight * impurity(combined_stats.segment(0, stats_per_split)) -
false_weight *
impurity(combined_stats.segment(stats_per_split, stats_per_split))
// ------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
const Index node_index,
const int & max_feat,
const double & max_threshold,
const bool & max_is_cat,
const uint16_t & min_split,
const ColumnVector &true_stats,
const ColumnVector &false_stats) {
// current node
feature_indices(node_index) = max_feat;
is_categorical(node_index) = max_is_cat ? 1 : 0;
feature_thresholds(node_index) = max_threshold;
// update feature indices and prediction for children
feature_indices(trueChild(node_index)) = IN_PROCESS_LEAF;
predictions.row(trueChild(node_index)) = true_stats;
feature_indices(falseChild(node_index)) = IN_PROCESS_LEAF;
predictions.row(falseChild(node_index)) = false_stats;
// true_stats and false_stats only include the tuples for which the primary
// split is not NULL. The number of tuples in these stats need to be stored to
// compute a majority branch during surrogate training.
uint64_t true_count = statCount(true_stats);
uint64_t false_count = statCount(false_stats);
nonnull_split_count(trueChild(node_index)) = static_cast<double>(true_count);
nonnull_split_count(falseChild(node_index)) = static_cast<double>(false_count);
// current node's each child won't split if,
// 1. child is pure (responses are too similar to split further)
// OR
// 2. child is too small to split (count < min_split)
bool children_wont_split = ((isChildPure(true_stats) ||
true_count < min_split) &&
(isChildPure(false_stats) ||
false_count < min_split));
return children_wont_split;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
template <class Accumulator>
DecisionTree<Container>::expand(const Accumulator &state,
const MappedMatrix &con_splits,
const uint16_t &min_split,
const uint16_t &min_bucket,
const uint16_t &max_depth) {
uint32_t n_non_leaf_nodes = static_cast<uint32_t>(state.n_leaf_nodes - 1);
bool children_not_allocated = true;
bool children_wont_split = true;
const uint16_t &sps = state.stats_per_split; // short form for brevity
for (Index i=0; i < state.n_leaf_nodes; i++) {
Index current = n_non_leaf_nodes + i;
if (feature_indices(current) == IN_PROCESS_LEAF) {
Index stats_i = static_cast<Index>(state.stats_lookup(i));
assert(stats_i >= 0);
// 1. Update predictions if necessary
if (statCount(predictions.row(current)) !=
// Predictions for each node is set by its parent using stats
// recorded while training parent node. These stats do not
// include rows that had a NULL value for the primary split
// feature. The NULL count is included in 'node_stats' while
// training current node.
predictions.row(current) = state.node_stats.row(stats_i);
// Presence of NULL rows indicate that stats used for deciding
// 'children_wont_split' are inaccurate. Hence avoid using the
// flag to decide termination.
children_wont_split = false;
// 2. Compute the best feature to split current node
// if a leaf node exists, compute the gain in impurity for each split
// pick split with maximum gain and update node with split value
int max_feat = -1;
Index max_bin = -1;
bool max_is_cat = false;
double max_impurity_gain = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
ColumnVector max_stats;
// go through all categorical stats
int cumsum = 0;
for (int f=0; f < state.n_cat_features; ++f){ // each feature
for (int v=0; cumsum < state.cat_levels_cumsum(f); ++v, ++cumsum){
// each value of feature
Index fv_index = state.indexCatStats(f, v, true);
double gain = impurityGain(
segment(fv_index, sps * 2), sps);
if (gain > max_impurity_gain){
max_impurity_gain = gain;
max_feat = f;
max_bin = v;
max_is_cat = true;
max_stats = state.cat_stats.row(stats_i).segment(fv_index, sps * 2);
// go through all continuous stats
for (int f=0; f < state.n_con_features; ++f){ // each feature
for (Index b=0; b < state.n_bins; ++b){
// each bin of feature
Index fb_index = state.indexConStats(f, b, true);
double gain = impurityGain(
state.con_stats.row(stats_i).segment(fb_index, sps * 2), sps);
if (gain > max_impurity_gain){
max_impurity_gain = gain;
max_feat = f;
max_bin = b;
max_is_cat = false;
max_stats = state.con_stats.row(stats_i).segment(fb_index, sps * 2);
// 3. Create and update children if splitting current
uint64_t true_count = statCount(max_stats.segment(0, sps));
uint64_t false_count = statCount(max_stats.segment(sps, sps));
uint64_t total_count = statCount(predictions.row(current));
if (max_impurity_gain > 0 &&
shouldSplit(total_count, true_count, false_count,
min_split, min_bucket, max_depth)) {
double max_threshold;
if (max_is_cat)
max_threshold = static_cast<double>(max_bin);
max_threshold = con_splits(max_feat, max_bin);
if (children_not_allocated) {
// allocate the memory for child nodes if not allocated already
children_not_allocated = false;
children_wont_split &=
max_threshold, max_is_cat,
max_stats.segment(0, sps), // true_stats
max_stats.segment(sps, sps) // false_stats
} else {
feature_indices(current) = FINISHED_LEAF;
} // if leaf exists
} // for each leaf
// return true if tree expansion is finished
// we check (tree_depth = max_depth + 1) since internally
// tree_depth starts from 1 though max_depth expects root node depth as 0
bool training_finished = (children_not_allocated ||
tree_depth >= (max_depth + 1) ||
if (training_finished){
// label any remaining IN_PROCESS_LEAF as FINISHED_LEAF
for (Index i=0; i < feature_indices.size(); i++) {
if (feature_indices(i) == IN_PROCESS_LEAF)
feature_indices(i) = FINISHED_LEAF;
return training_finished;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
template <class Accumulator>
const Accumulator &state,
const MappedMatrix &con_splits) {
uint16_t n_cats = state.n_cat_features;
uint16_t n_cons = state.n_con_features;
uint16_t n_bins = state.n_bins;
uint32_t n_cat_splits = state.total_n_cat_levels;
uint32_t n_con_splits = n_cons * n_bins;
// add every two columns in cat stats and con_stats
// this assumes that stats_per_split = 2, hence cat_stats and con_stats have
// even number of cols
// we use the *_agg_matrix to add every two alternate columns of the
// *_stats matrix to create a forward and reverse agreement metric
// for each split.
// eg. For cat_stats,
// add columns 1 and 3 to get the <= split agreement for 1st cat split.
// add columns 2 and 4 to get the > split agreement for 1st cat split.
// add columns 5 and 7 to get the <= split agreement for 2nd cat split.
// add columns 6 and 8 to get the > split agreement for 2nd cat split.
ColumnVector fwd_agg_vec(4);
fwd_agg_vec << 1, 0, 1, 0;
ColumnVector rev_agg_vec(4);
rev_agg_vec << 0, 1, 0, 1;
Matrix cat_agg_matrix = Matrix::Zero(n_cat_splits*4, n_cat_splits * 2);
for (Index i=0; i < cat_agg_matrix.cols(); i+=2){
cat_agg_matrix.col(i).segment(2*i, 4) = fwd_agg_vec;
cat_agg_matrix.col(i+1).segment(2*i, 4) = rev_agg_vec;
Matrix con_agg_matrix = Matrix::Zero(n_con_splits*4, n_con_splits*2);
for (Index i=0; i < con_agg_matrix.cols(); i+=2){
con_agg_matrix.col(i).segment(2*i, 4) = fwd_agg_vec;
con_agg_matrix.col(i+1).segment(2*i, 4) = rev_agg_vec;
assert(state.cat_stats.cols() == cat_agg_matrix.rows());
assert(state.con_stats.cols() == con_agg_matrix.rows());
Matrix cat_stats_counts(state.cat_stats * cat_agg_matrix);
Matrix con_stats_counts(state.con_stats * con_agg_matrix);
// cat_stats_counts size = n_reachable_leaf_nodes x n_cats*2
// con_stats_counts size = n_reachable_leaf_nodes x n_cons*2
// *_stats_counts now contains the agreement count for each split where
// each even col represents forward surrogate split count and
// each odd col represents reverse surrogate split count.
// Number of nodes in a last layer = 2^(tree_depth-1). (since depth starts from 1)
// For n_surr_nodes, we need number of nodes in 2nd last layer,
// so we use 2^(tree_depth-2)
uint32_t n_surr_nodes = static_cast<uint32_t>(pow(2, tree_depth - 2));
uint32_t n_ancestors = static_cast<uint32_t>(n_surr_nodes - 1);
for (Index i=0; i < n_surr_nodes; i++){
Index curr_node = n_ancestors + i;
assert(curr_node >= 0 && curr_node < feature_indices.size());
if (feature_indices(curr_node) >= 0){
Index stats_i = static_cast<Index>(state.stats_lookup(i));
assert(stats_i >= 0);
// 1. Compute the max count and corresponding split threshold for
// each categorical and continuous feature
ColumnVector cat_max_thres = ColumnVector::Zero(n_cats);
ColumnVector cat_max_count = ColumnVector::Zero(n_cats);
IntegerVector cat_max_is_reverse = IntegerVector::Zero(n_cats);
Index prev_cum_levels = 0;
for (Index each_cat=0; each_cat < n_cats; each_cat++){
Index n_levels = state.cat_levels_cumsum(each_cat) - prev_cum_levels;
if (n_levels > 0){
Index max_label;
prev_cum_levels * 2, n_levels * 2)).maxCoeff(&max_label);
// For each split, there are two stats =>
// max_label / 2 gives the split index. A floor
// operation is unnecessary since the threshold will yield
// the same results for n and n+0.5.
cat_max_thres(each_cat) = static_cast<double>(max_label / 2);
cat_max_count(each_cat) =
cat_stats_counts(stats_i, prev_cum_levels*2 + max_label);
// every odd col is for reverse, hence i % 2 == 1 for reverse index i
cat_max_is_reverse(each_cat) = max_label % 2;
prev_cum_levels = state.cat_levels_cumsum(each_cat);
ColumnVector con_max_thres = ColumnVector::Zero(n_cons);
ColumnVector con_max_count = ColumnVector::Zero(n_cons);
IntegerVector con_max_is_reverse = IntegerVector::Zero(n_cons);
for (Index each_con=0; each_con < n_cons; each_con++){
Index max_label;
each_con*n_bins*2, n_bins*2)).maxCoeff(&max_label);
con_max_thres(each_con) = con_splits(each_con, max_label / 2);
con_max_count(each_con) =
con_stats_counts(stats_i, each_con*n_bins*2 + max_label);
con_max_is_reverse(each_con) = (max_label % 2 == 1) ? 1 : 0;
// 2. Combine the best counts and sort them to get best
// variable/splits in descending order
ColumnVector all_counts(n_cats + n_cons);
all_counts.segment(0, n_cats) = cat_max_count;
all_counts.segment(n_cats, n_cons) = con_max_count;
IntegerVector sorted_surr_indices = argsort(all_counts);
// 3. Store the top max_n_surr (or fewer) surrogates in appropriate
// data structures
Index max_size = sorted_surr_indices.size() < max_n_surr ?
sorted_surr_indices.size() : max_n_surr;
Index surr_count = 0;
for(Index j=0; j < max_size; j++){
Index curr_surr = sorted_surr_indices(j);
if (all_counts(curr_surr) < double(getMajorityCount(curr_node))){
Index to_update_surr = curr_node * max_n_surr + surr_count;
if (curr_surr < n_cats){ // curr_surr is categorical
// ensure primary not same as surrogate
if ((is_categorical(curr_node) != 1) ||
(feature_indices(curr_node) != curr_surr)) {
surr_indices(to_update_surr) = static_cast<int>(curr_surr);
surr_thresholds(to_update_surr) = cat_max_thres(curr_surr);
// reverse splits have negative status
surr_status(to_update_surr) =
(cat_max_is_reverse(curr_surr) == 1) ?
static_cast<int>(-1) : static_cast<int>(1);
surr_agreement(to_update_surr) = static_cast<int>(cat_max_count(curr_surr));
} else { // curr_surr is continuous
curr_surr -= n_cats; // continuous indices after the categorical
// ensure primary not same as surrogate
if ((is_categorical(curr_node) != 0) ||
(feature_indices(curr_node) != curr_surr)) {
surr_indices(to_update_surr) = static_cast<int>(curr_surr);
surr_thresholds(to_update_surr) = con_max_thres(curr_surr);
// reverse splits have negative status
surr_status(to_update_surr) =
(con_max_is_reverse(curr_surr) == 1) ?
static_cast<int>(-2) : static_cast<int>(2);
surr_agreement(to_update_surr) = static_cast<int>(con_max_count(curr_surr));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
template <class Accumulator>
DecisionTree<Container>::expand_by_sampling(const Accumulator &state,
const MappedMatrix &con_splits,
const uint16_t &min_split,
const uint16_t &min_bucket,
const uint16_t &max_depth,
const int &n_random_features) {
uint32_t n_non_leaf_nodes = static_cast<uint32_t>(state.n_leaf_nodes - 1);
bool children_not_allocated = true;
bool children_wont_split = true;
//select cat and con features to be sampled
int total_cat_con_features = state.n_cat_features + state.n_con_features;
const uint16_t &sps = state.stats_per_split; // short form for brevity
//store indicies from 0 to total_cat_con_features-1
int *cat_con_feature_indices = new int[total_cat_con_features];
NativeRandomNumberGenerator generator;
uniform_int<int> uni_dist;
variate_generator<NativeRandomNumberGenerator, uniform_int<int> > rvt(generator, uni_dist);
for (Index i=0; i < state.n_leaf_nodes; i++) {
Index current = n_non_leaf_nodes + i;
if (feature_indices(current) == IN_PROCESS_LEAF) {
Index stats_i = static_cast<Index>(state.stats_lookup(i));
assert(stats_i >= 0);
if (statCount(predictions.row(current)) !=
// Predictions for each node is set by its parent using stats
// recorded while training parent node. These stats do not include
// rows that had a NULL value for the primary split feature.
// The NULL count is included in the 'node_stats' while training
// current node. Further, presence of NULL rows indicate that
// stats used for deciding 'children_wont_split' are inaccurate.
// Hence avoid using the flag to decide termination.
predictions.row(current) = state.node_stats.row(stats_i);
children_wont_split = false;
for (int j=0; j<total_cat_con_features; j++) {
cat_con_feature_indices[j] = j;
//randomly shuffle cat_con_feature_indices
cat_con_feature_indices + total_cat_con_features, rvt);
// if a leaf node exists, compute the gain in impurity for each split
// pick split with maximum gain and update node with split value
int max_feat = -1;
Index max_bin = -1;
bool max_is_cat = false;
double max_impurity_gain = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
ColumnVector max_stats;
for (int index=0; index<n_random_features; index++) {
int f = cat_con_feature_indices[index];
if (f >= 0 && f < state.n_cat_features) {
//categorical feature
int v_end = f < 1 ? \
state.cat_levels_cumsum(0) : \
state.cat_levels_cumsum(f) - state.cat_levels_cumsum(f-1);
for (int v=0; v < v_end; ++v){
// each value of feature
Index fv_index = state.indexCatStats(f, v, true);
double gain = impurityGain(
segment(fv_index, sps * 2),
if (gain > max_impurity_gain){
max_impurity_gain = gain;
max_feat = f;
max_bin = v;
max_is_cat = true;
max_stats = state.cat_stats.row(stats_i).
segment(fv_index, sps * 2);
} else { //f >= state.n_cat.features
//continuous feature
f -= state.n_cat_features;
for (Index b=0; b < state.n_bins; ++b){
// each bin of feature
Index fb_index = state.indexConStats(f, b, true);
double gain = impurityGain(
segment(fb_index, sps * 2),
if (gain > max_impurity_gain){
max_impurity_gain = gain;
max_feat = f;
max_bin = b;
max_is_cat = false;
max_stats = state.con_stats.row(stats_i).
segment(fb_index, sps * 2);
bool is_leaf_split = FALSE;
if (max_impurity_gain > 0){
// Create and update child nodes if splitting current
uint64_t true_count = statCount(max_stats.segment(0, sps));
uint64_t false_count = statCount(max_stats.segment(sps, sps));
uint64_t total_count = statCount(predictions.row(current));
if (shouldSplit(total_count, true_count, false_count,
min_split, min_bucket, max_depth)) {
is_leaf_split = TRUE;
double max_threshold;
if (max_is_cat)
max_threshold = static_cast<double>(max_bin);
max_threshold = con_splits(max_feat, max_bin);
if (children_not_allocated) {
// allocate the memory for child nodes if not allocated already
children_not_allocated = false;
children_wont_split &=
current, static_cast<int>(max_feat),
max_threshold, max_is_cat,
max_stats.segment(0, sps), // true_stats
max_stats.segment(sps, sps) // false_stats
} // if shouldSplit
} //if max_impurity_gain > 0
if (not is_leaf_split)
feature_indices(current) = FINISHED_LEAF;
} // if leaf is in_process
} // for each leaf
// return true if tree expansion is finished
// we check (tree_depth = max_depth + 1) since internally
// tree_depth starts from 1 though max_depth expects root node depth as 0
bool training_finished = (children_not_allocated ||
tree_depth >= (max_depth + 1) ||
if (training_finished){
// label any remaining IN_PROCESS_LEAF as FINISHED_LEAF
for (Index i=0; i < feature_indices.size(); i++) {
if (feature_indices(i) == IN_PROCESS_LEAF)
feature_indices(i) = FINISHED_LEAF;
delete[] cat_con_feature_indices;
return training_finished;
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::statPredict(const ColumnVector &stats) const {
// stats is assumed to be of size = stats_per_split
if (is_regression){
// regression stat -> (0) = sum of weights, (1) = weighted sum of responses
// we return the average response as prediction
return ColumnVector(stats.segment(1, 1) / stats(0));
} else {
// classification stat -> (i) = num of tuples for class i
// we return the proportion of each label
ColumnVector statsCopy(stats);
return statsCopy.head(n_y_labels) / static_cast<double>(stats.head(n_y_labels).sum());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Return the number of tuples accounted in a 'stats' vector
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::statCount(const ColumnVector &stats) const{
// stats is assumed to be of size = stats_per_split
// for both regression and classification, the last element is the number
// of tuples landing on this node.
return static_cast<uint64_t>(stats.tail(1)(0)); // tail(n) returns a slice with last n elements
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Return the number of weighted tuples accounted in a 'stats' vector
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::statWeightedCount(const ColumnVector &stats) const{
// stats is assumed to be of size = stats_per_split
if (is_regression)
return stats(0);
return stats.head(n_y_labels).sum();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Return the number of tuples that landed on given node
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::nodeCount(const Index node_index) const{
return statCount(predictions.row(node_index));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Return the number of tuples (normalized using weights) that landed on given node
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::nodeWeightedCount(const Index node_index) const{
return statWeightedCount(predictions.row(node_index));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compute misclassification for prediction from a node in a classification tree.
* For regression, a zero value is returned.
* For classification, the difference between sum of weighted count and the max coefficient.
* @param node_index: Index of node for which to compute misclassification
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::computeMisclassification(Index node_index) const {
if (is_regression) {
return 0;
} else {
return predictions.row(node_index).head(n_y_labels).sum() -
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compute risk for a node of the tree.
* For regression, risk is the variance of the reponse at that node.
* For classification, risk is the number of misclassifications at that node.
* @param node_index: Index of node for which to compute risk
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::computeRisk(const Index node_index) const {
if (is_regression) {
double wt_tot = predictions.row(node_index)(0);
double y_avg = predictions.row(node_index)(1);
double y2_avg = predictions.row(node_index)(2);
if (wt_tot <= 0)
return 0;
return (y2_avg - (y_avg * y_avg / wt_tot));
} else {
return computeMisclassification(node_index);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Return if a child node is pure
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::isChildPure(const ColumnVector &stats) const{
// stats is assumed to be of size = stats_per_split
double epsilon = 1e-5;
if (is_regression){
// child is pure if variance is extremely small compared to mean
double mean = stats(1) / stats(0);
double variance = stats(2) / stats(0) - std::pow(mean, 2);
return variance < epsilon * mean * mean;
} else {
// child is pure if most are of same class
// return (statPredict(stats) / stats.head(n_y_labels).maxCoeff()).sum() < 100 * epsilon;
double total_count = stats.head(n_y_labels).sum();
double non_max_vals = total_count - stats.head(n_y_labels).maxCoeff();
return (non_max_vals/total_count) < 100*epsilon;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::shouldSplit(const uint64_t &total_count,
const uint64_t &true_count,
const uint64_t &false_count,
const uint16_t &min_split,
const uint16_t &min_bucket,
const uint16_t &max_depth) const {
// total_count != true_count + false_count if there are rows with NULL values
// Always want at least 1 tuple going into a child node. Hence the
// minimum value for min_bucket is 1
uint64_t thresh_min_bucket = (min_bucket == 0) ? 1u : min_bucket;
return (total_count >= min_split &&
true_count >= thresh_min_bucket &&
false_count >= thresh_min_bucket &&
tree_depth <= max_depth + 1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::recomputeTreeDepth() const{
if (feature_indices.size() <= 1 || tree_depth <= 1)
return tree_depth;
for(uint16_t depth_counter = 2; depth_counter <= tree_depth; depth_counter++){
uint32_t n_leaf_nodes = static_cast<uint32_t>(pow(2.0, depth_counter - 1));
uint32_t leaf_start_index = n_leaf_nodes - 1;
bool all_non_existing = true;
for (uint32_t leaf_index=0; leaf_index < n_leaf_nodes; leaf_index++){
if (feature_indices(leaf_start_index + leaf_index) != NODE_NON_EXISTING){
all_non_existing = false;
if (all_non_existing){
// The previous level was the right depth since current has all
// non-existing nodes. Return 1 less than current
return static_cast<uint16_t>(depth_counter - 1);
return tree_depth;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Display the decision tree in dot format
template <class Container>
Index id,
ArrayHandle<text*> &dep_levels,
const std::string & id_prefix,
bool verbose){
std::stringstream predict_str;
if (static_cast<bool>(is_regression)){
predict_str << predict_response(id);
std::string dep_value = get_text(dep_levels, static_cast<int>(predict_response(id)));
predict_str << escape_quotes(dep_value);
std::stringstream display_str;
display_str << "\"" << id_prefix << id << "\" [label=\"" << predict_str.str();
display_str << "\\n impurity = "<< impurity(predictions.row(id))
<< "\\n samples = " << statCount(predictions.row(id))
<< "\\n value = ";
if (is_regression)
display_str << statPredict(predictions.row(id));
display_str << "[";
// NUM_PER_LINE: inserting new lines at fixed intervals
// avoids a really long 'value' line
const uint16_t NUM_PER_LINE = 10;
// note: last element of predictions is 'statCount' and
// can be ignored
const Index pred_size = predictions.row(id).size() - 1;
for (Index i = 0; i < pred_size; i += NUM_PER_LINE){
if (i + NUM_PER_LINE >= pred_size) {
// not overflowing the vector
display_str << predictions.row(id).segment(i, pred_size - i);
} else {
display_str << predictions.row(id).segment(i, NUM_PER_LINE) << "\n";
display_str << "]";
display_str << "\",shape=box]" << ";";
return display_str.str();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@brief Display the decision tree in dot format
template <class Container>
Index id,
ArrayHandle<text*> &cat_features_str,
ArrayHandle<text*> &con_features_str,
ArrayHandle<text*> &cat_levels_text,
ArrayHandle<int> &cat_n_levels,
ArrayHandle<text*> &dep_levels,
const std::string & id_prefix,
bool verbose
string feature_name;
std::stringstream label_str;
if (is_categorical(id) == 0) {
feature_name = get_text(con_features_str, feature_indices(id));
label_str << escape_quotes(feature_name) << " <= " << feature_thresholds(id);
} else {
feature_name = get_text(cat_features_str, feature_indices(id));
label_str << escape_quotes(feature_name) << " <= ";
// Text for all categoricals are stored in a flat array (cat_levels_text);
// find the appropriate index for this node
size_t to_skip = 0;
for (Index i=0; i < feature_indices(id); i++)
to_skip += cat_n_levels[i];
const size_t index = to_skip + static_cast<size_t>(feature_thresholds(id));
label_str << get_text(cat_levels_text, index);
std::stringstream display_str;
display_str << "\"" << id_prefix << id << "\" [label=\"" << label_str.str();
display_str << "\\n impurity = "<< impurity(predictions.row(id)) << "\\n samples = " << statCount(predictions.row(id));
display_str << "\\n value = ";
if (is_regression)
display_str << statPredict(predictions.row(id));
display_str << "[";
// NUM_PER_LINE: inserting new lines at fixed interval
// avoids really long 'value' line
const uint16_t NUM_PER_LINE = 10;
// note: last element of predictions is just 'statCount' and needs to
// be ignored
const Index pred_size = predictions.row(id).size() - 1;
for (Index i = 0; i < pred_size; i += NUM_PER_LINE){
if (i + NUM_PER_LINE > pred_size) {
// not overflowing the vector
display_str << predictions.row(id).segment(i, pred_size - i);
} else {
display_str << predictions.row(id).segment(i, NUM_PER_LINE) << "\n";
display_str << "]";
std::stringstream predict_str;
if (static_cast<bool>(is_regression)){
predict_str << predict_response(id);
std::string dep_value = get_text(dep_levels, static_cast<int>(predict_response(id)));
predict_str << escape_quotes(dep_value);
display_str << "\\n class = " << predict_str.str();
display_str << "\", shape=ellipse]" << ";";
return display_str.str();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Display the decision tree in dot format
template <class Container>
ArrayHandle<text*> &cat_features_str,
ArrayHandle<text*> &con_features_str,
ArrayHandle<text*> &cat_levels_text,
ArrayHandle<int> &cat_n_levels,
ArrayHandle<text*> &dependent_levels,
const std::string &id_prefix,
bool verbose) {
std::stringstream display_string;
if (feature_indices(0) == FINISHED_LEAF){
display_string << displayLeafNode(0, dependent_levels, id_prefix, verbose)
<< std::endl;
for(Index index = 0; index < feature_indices.size() / 2; index++) {
if (feature_indices(index) != NODE_NON_EXISTING &&
feature_indices(index) != IN_PROCESS_LEAF &&
feature_indices(index) != FINISHED_LEAF) {
display_string << displayInternalNode(
index, cat_features_str, con_features_str,
cat_levels_text, cat_n_levels, dependent_levels, id_prefix, verbose) << std::endl;
// Display the children
Index tc = trueChild(index);
if (feature_indices(tc) != NODE_NON_EXISTING) {
display_string << "\"" << id_prefix << index << "\" -> "
<< "\"" << id_prefix << tc << "\"";
// edge going left is "true" node
display_string << "[label=\"yes\"];" << std::endl;
if (feature_indices(tc) == IN_PROCESS_LEAF ||
feature_indices(tc) == FINISHED_LEAF)
<< displayLeafNode(tc, dependent_levels, id_prefix, verbose)
<< std::endl;
Index fc = falseChild(index);
if (feature_indices(fc) != NODE_NON_EXISTING) {
display_string << "\"" << id_prefix << index << "\" -> "
<< "\"" << id_prefix << fc << "\"";
// root edge going right is "false" node
display_string << "[label=\"no\"];" << std::endl;
if (feature_indices(fc) == IN_PROCESS_LEAF ||
feature_indices(fc) == FINISHED_LEAF)
<< displayLeafNode(fc, dependent_levels, id_prefix, verbose)
<< std::endl;
} // end of for loop
return display_string.str();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
bool is_cat,
bool is_reverse,
Index feat_index,
double feat_threshold,
ArrayHandle<text*> &cat_features_str,
ArrayHandle<text*> &con_features_str,
ArrayHandle<text*> &cat_levels_text,
ArrayHandle<int> &cat_n_levels){
string feature_name;
std::stringstream label_str;
std::string compare;
if (!is_cat) {
if (!is_reverse)
compare = " <= ";
compare = " > ";
feature_name = get_text(con_features_str, feat_index);
label_str << feature_name << compare << feat_threshold;
} else {
Index start_threshold;
Index end_threshold;
if (!is_reverse){
start_threshold = 0;
end_threshold = static_cast<Index>(feat_threshold);
start_threshold = static_cast<Index>(feat_threshold + 1);
end_threshold = cat_n_levels[feat_index] - 1;
feature_name = get_text(cat_features_str, feat_index);
label_str << feature_name << " in "
<< getCatLabels(feat_index, start_threshold, end_threshold,
cat_levels_text, cat_n_levels);
return label_str.str();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
Index current,
ArrayHandle<text*> &cat_features_str,
ArrayHandle<text*> &con_features_str,
ArrayHandle<text*> &cat_levels_text,
ArrayHandle<int> &cat_n_levels,
ArrayHandle<text*> &dep_levels,
uint16_t recursion_depth){
if (feature_indices(current) == NODE_NON_EXISTING){
return "";
std::stringstream print_string;
// print current node + prediction
print_string << "(" << current << ")";
print_string << "[";
if (is_regression){
print_string << nodeWeightedCount(current) << ", "
<< statPredict(predictions.row(current));
print_string << predictions.row(current).head(n_y_labels);
print_string << "] ";
if (feature_indices(current) >= 0){
string label_str = print_split(static_cast<bool>(is_categorical(current)),
print_string << label_str << std::endl;
std::string indentation(recursion_depth * 3, ' ');
<< indentation
<< print(trueChild(current), cat_features_str,
con_features_str, cat_levels_text,
cat_n_levels, dep_levels, static_cast<uint16_t>(recursion_depth + 1));
<< indentation
<< print(falseChild(current), cat_features_str,
con_features_str, cat_levels_text,
cat_n_levels, dep_levels, static_cast<uint16_t>(recursion_depth + 1));
} else {
print_string << "*";
if (!is_regression){
std::string dep_value = get_text(dep_levels,
print_string << " --> " << dep_value;
print_string << std::endl;
return print_string.str();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::getCatLabels(Index cat_index,
Index start_value,
Index end_value,
ArrayHandle<text*> &cat_levels_text,
ArrayHandle<int> &cat_n_levels) {
Index MAX_LABELS = 2;
size_t to_skip = 0;
for (Index i=0; i < cat_index; i++) {
to_skip += cat_n_levels[i];
std::stringstream cat_levels;
size_t index;
cat_levels << "{";
for (index = to_skip + start_value;
index < to_skip + end_value && index < cat_levels_text.size();
index++) {
cat_levels << get_text(cat_levels_text, index) << ",";
if (index > to_skip + start_value + MAX_LABELS){
cat_levels << " ... ";
cat_levels << get_text(cat_levels_text, to_skip + end_value) << "}";
return cat_levels.str();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
DecisionTree<Container>::encodeIndex(const int &feature_index,
const int &is_categorical, const int &n_cat_features) const {
if (is_categorical != 0) {
return feature_index;
} else {
if (feature_index >= 0) {
return feature_index + n_cat_features;
} else {
return feature_index;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
ColumnVector &cat_var_importance,
ColumnVector &con_var_importance){
// stats_per_split
uint16_t sps = is_regression ? REGRESS_N_STATS :
static_cast<uint16_t>(n_y_labels + 1);
// loop through for each internal node and check the primary split and any
// surrogate splits
for (Index node_index = 0;
node_index < feature_indices.size() / 2;
if (isInternalNode(node_index)){
ColumnVector combined_stats(sps * 2);
combined_stats << predictions.row(trueChild(node_index)).transpose(),
double split_gain = impurityGain(combined_stats, sps);
// importance = impurity gain from split +
// impurity gain * adjusted agreement from
// surrogate split
// primary split contribution to importance
Index feat_index = feature_indices(node_index);
if(is_categorical(node_index)) {
assert(feat_index < cat_var_importance.size());
cat_var_importance(feat_index) += split_gain;
} else {
assert(feat_index < con_var_importance.size());
con_var_importance(feat_index) += split_gain;
// surrogate contribution to importance
if (max_n_surr > 0){
for (Index surr_count=0; surr_count < max_n_surr; surr_count++){
Index surr_lookup_index = node_index * max_n_surr + surr_count;
// surr_status == 0 implies non-existing surrogate
if (surr_status(surr_lookup_index) == 0)
uint64_t total_count =
statCount(predictions.row(trueChild(node_index))) +
// Adjusted agreement is defined as how much better does
// the surrogate do compared to majority count. This value
// is relative to the number of rows that the majority branch
// would not predict correctly (minority count).
uint64_t node_count = nodeCount(node_index);
uint64_t maj_count = getMajorityCount(node_index);
uint64_t min_count = node_count - maj_count;
assert(min_count > 0);
double adj_agreement =
(surr_agreement(surr_lookup_index) - maj_count) / min_count;
Index surr_feat_index = surr_indices(surr_lookup_index);
if (std::abs(surr_status(surr_lookup_index)) == 1){
cat_var_importance[surr_feat_index] += split_gain *
} else {
con_var_importance[surr_feat_index] += split_gain *
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container>
ArrayHandle<text*> &cat_features_str,
ArrayHandle<text*> &con_features_str,
ArrayHandle<text*> &cat_levels_text,
ArrayHandle<int> &cat_n_levels){
if (max_n_surr <= 0 )
return "";
std::stringstream display_string;
std::string indentation(5, ' ');
for(Index curr_node=0; curr_node < feature_indices.size() / 2; curr_node++){
Index feat_index = feature_indices(curr_node);
if (feat_index != NODE_NON_EXISTING && feat_index != IN_PROCESS_LEAF &&
feat_index != FINISHED_LEAF) {
string feature_str = print_split(is_categorical(curr_node),
display_string << "(" << curr_node << ") ";
display_string << feature_str
<< std::endl;
Index surr_base = curr_node * max_n_surr;
for(Index i = 0;
i < max_n_surr && surr_indices(surr_base + i) >= 0;
Index curr_surr = surr_base + i;
if (surr_indices(curr_surr) >= 0){
bool is_cat = std::abs(surr_status(curr_surr)) == 1? true : false;
bool is_reverse = surr_status(curr_surr) < 0 ? true : false;
string surr_str = print_split(is_cat,
display_string << indentation;
display_string << i + 1 << ": ";
display_string << surr_str
<< " [common rows = " << surr_agreement(curr_surr)<< "]"
<< std::endl;
display_string << indentation
<< "[Majority branch = " << getMajorityCount(curr_node) << " ]"
<< std::endl
<< std::endl;
return display_string.str();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Definitions for class TreeAccumulator
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container, class DTree>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::TreeAccumulator(
Init_type& inInitialization): Base(inInitialization){
* @brief Bind all elements of the state to the data in the stream
* The bind() is special in that even after running operator>>() on an element,
* there is no guarantee yet that the element can indeed be accessed. It is
* cruicial to first check this.
* Provided that this method correctly lists all member variables, all other
* methods can rely on that fact that all variables are correctly
* initialized and accessible.
template <class Container, class DTree>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::bind(ByteStream_type& inStream) {
// update with actual parameters
inStream >> n_rows
>> terminated
>> n_bins
>> n_cat_features
>> n_con_features
>> total_n_cat_levels
>> n_leaf_nodes
>> n_reachable_leaf_nodes
>> stats_per_split
>> weights_as_rows ;
uint16_t n_bins_tmp = 0;
uint16_t n_cat = 0;
uint16_t n_con = 0;
uint32_t tot_levels = 0;
uint32_t n_leaves = 0;
uint32_t n_reachable_leaves = 0;
uint16_t n_stats = 0;
if (!n_rows.isNull()){
n_bins_tmp = n_bins;
n_cat = n_cat_features;
n_con = n_con_features;
tot_levels = total_n_cat_levels;
n_leaves = n_leaf_nodes;
n_reachable_leaves = n_reachable_leaf_nodes;
n_stats = stats_per_split;
>> cat_levels_cumsum.rebind(n_cat)
>> cat_stats.rebind(n_reachable_leaves, tot_levels * n_stats * 2)
>> con_stats.rebind(n_reachable_leaves, n_con * n_bins_tmp * n_stats * 2)
>> node_stats.rebind(n_reachable_leaves, n_stats)
>> stats_lookup.rebind(n_leaves);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Rebind all elements of the state when dimensionality elements are
* available
template <class Container, class DTree>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::rebind(
uint16_t in_n_bins, uint16_t in_n_cat_feat,
uint16_t in_n_con_feat, uint32_t in_n_total_levels,
uint16_t tree_depth, uint16_t in_n_stats,
bool in_weights_as_rows, uint32_t n_reachable_leaves) {
n_bins = in_n_bins;
n_cat_features = in_n_cat_feat;
n_con_features = in_n_con_feat;
total_n_cat_levels = in_n_total_levels;
weights_as_rows = in_weights_as_rows;
if (tree_depth > 0)
n_leaf_nodes = static_cast<uint32_t>(pow(2.0, tree_depth - 1));
n_leaf_nodes = 1;
if (n_reachable_leaves >= n_leaf_nodes)
n_reachable_leaf_nodes = n_leaf_nodes;
n_reachable_leaf_nodes = n_reachable_leaves;
stats_per_split = in_n_stats;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Update the accumulation state by feeding a tuple
template <class Container, class DTree>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>&
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::operator<<(const tuple_type& inTuple) {
tree_type dt = std::get<0>(inTuple);
const MappedIntegerVector& cat_features = std::get<1>(inTuple);
const MappedColumnVector& con_features = std::get<2>(inTuple);
const double& response = std::get<3>(inTuple);
const double& weight = std::get<4>(inTuple);
const MappedIntegerVector& cat_levels = std::get<5>(inTuple);
const MappedMatrix& con_splits = std::get<6>(inTuple);
// The following checks were introduced with MADLIB-138. It still seems
// useful to have clear error messages in case of infinite input values.
if (!terminated){
if (!std::isfinite(response)) {
warning("Decision tree response variable values are not finite.");
} else if ((cat_features.size() + con_features.size()) >
std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
warning("Number of independent variables cannot be larger than 65535.");
} else if (n_cat_features != static_cast<uint16_t>(cat_features.size())) {
warning("Inconsistent numbers of categorical independent variables.");
} else if (n_con_features != static_cast<uint16_t>(con_features.size())) {
warning("Inconsistent numbers of continuous independent variables.");
} else{
uint32_t n_non_leaf_nodes = static_cast<uint32_t>(n_leaf_nodes - 1);
Index dt_search_index =, con_features);
if (dt.feature_indices(dt_search_index) != dt.FINISHED_LEAF &&
dt.feature_indices(dt_search_index) != dt.NODE_NON_EXISTING) {
Index row_index = dt_search_index - n_non_leaf_nodes;
assert(row_index >= 0);
// add this row into the stats for the node
updateNodeStats(static_cast<bool>(dt.is_regression), row_index,
response, weight);
// update stats for categorical feature values in the current row
for (Index i=0; i < n_cat_features; ++i){
for (int j=0; j < cat_levels(i); ++j){
if (!dt.isNull(cat_features(i), true)){
Index col_index = indexCatStats(
i, j, (cat_features(i) <= j));
updateStats(static_cast<bool>(dt.is_regression), true,
row_index, col_index, response, weight);
// update stats for continuous feature values in the current row
for (Index i=0; i < n_con_features; ++i){
for (Index j=0; j < n_bins; ++j){
if (!dt.isNull(con_features(i), false)){
Index col_index = indexConStats(i, j,
(con_features(i) <= con_splits(i, j)));
updateStats(static_cast<bool>(dt.is_regression), false,
row_index, col_index, response, weight);
return *this;
// error case for current group
terminated = true;
return *this;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Update the accumulation state for surrogate statistics by feeding a tuple
template <class Container, class DTree>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>&
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::operator<<(const surr_tuple_type& inTuple) {
tree_type dt = std::get<0>(inTuple);
const MappedIntegerVector& cat_features = std::get<1>(inTuple);
const MappedColumnVector& con_features = std::get<2>(inTuple);
const MappedIntegerVector& cat_levels = std::get<3>(inTuple);
const MappedMatrix& con_splits = std::get<4>(inTuple);
const int dup_count = std::get<5>(inTuple);
if ((cat_features.size() + con_features.size()) >
std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
warning("Number of independent variables cannot be larger than 65535.");
} else if (n_cat_features != static_cast<uint16_t>(cat_features.size())) {
warning("Inconsistent numbers of categorical independent variables.");
} else if (n_con_features != static_cast<uint16_t>(con_features.size())) {
warning("Inconsistent numbers of continuous independent variables.");
} else{
// the accumulator is setup to train for the 2nd last layer
// hence the n_leaf_nodes is same as n_surr_nodes
uint32_t n_surr_nodes = n_leaf_nodes;
uint32_t n_non_surr_nodes = static_cast<uint32_t>(n_surr_nodes - 1);
Index dt_parent_index = dt.parentIndex(, con_features));
Index primary_index = dt.feature_indices(dt_parent_index);
bool is_primary_cat = static_cast<bool>(dt.is_categorical(dt_parent_index));
double primary_val = is_primary_cat ? cat_features(primary_index) :
// Only capture statistics for rows that:
// 1. lead to leaf nodes in the last layer. Surrogates for other nodes
// have already been trained.
// 2. have non-null values for the primary split.
if (dt_parent_index >= n_non_surr_nodes &&
!dt.isNull(primary_val, is_primary_cat)) {
double primary_threshold = dt.feature_thresholds(dt_parent_index);
bool is_primary_true = (primary_val <= primary_threshold);
if (dt.feature_indices(dt_parent_index) >= 0){
Index row_index = dt_parent_index - n_non_surr_nodes;
assert(row_index >= 0 && row_index < stats_lookup.rows());
for (Index i=0; i < n_cat_features; ++i){
if (is_primary_cat && i == primary_index)
for (int j=0; j < cat_levels(i); ++j){
if (!dt.isNull(cat_features(i), true)){
// we don't capture stats when surrogate is NULL
bool is_surrogate_true = (cat_features(i) <= j);
Index col_index = indexCatStats(i, j, is_surrogate_true);
is_primary_true == is_surrogate_true,
for (Index i=0; i < n_con_features; ++i){
if (!is_primary_cat && i == primary_index)
for (Index j=0; j < n_bins; ++j){
if (!dt.isNull(con_features(i), false)){
// we don't capture stats when surrogate is NULL
bool is_surrogate_true = (con_features(i) <= con_splits(i, j));
Index col_index = indexConStats(i, j, is_surrogate_true);
is_primary_true == is_surrogate_true,
return *this;
* @brief Merge with another accumulation state
template <class Container, class DTree>
template <class C, class DT>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>&
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::operator<<(
const TreeAccumulator<C, DT>& inOther) {
// assuming that (*this) is not empty. This check needs to happen before
// this function is called.
if (!inOther.empty()) {
if ((n_bins != inOther.n_bins) ||
(n_cat_features != inOther.n_cat_features) ||
(n_con_features != inOther.n_con_features)) {
warning("Inconsistent states during merge.");
terminated = true;
} else {
cat_stats += inOther.cat_stats;
con_stats += inOther.con_stats;
node_stats += inOther.node_stats;
return *this;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Update the node statistics for given node
template <class Container, class DTree>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::updateNodeStats(bool is_regression,
Index node_index,
const double response,
const double weight) {
ColumnVector stats(stats_per_split);
int n_rows = this->weights_as_rows ? static_cast<int>(weight) : 1;
if (is_regression){
double w_response = weight * response;
stats << weight, w_response, w_response * response, n_rows;
} else {
assert(response >= 0);
stats(static_cast<uint16_t>(response)) = weight;
stats.tail(1)(0) = n_rows;
assert(stats_lookup(node_index) >= 0);
node_stats.row(stats_lookup(node_index)) += stats;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Update the leaf node statistics for current row in given feature/bin
template <class Container, class DTree>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::updateStats(bool is_regression,
bool is_cat,
Index row_index,
Index stats_index,
const double response,
const double weight) {
ColumnVector stats(stats_per_split);
int n_rows = this->weights_as_rows ? static_cast<int>(weight) : 1;
if (is_regression){
double w_response = weight * response;
stats << weight, w_response, w_response * response, n_rows;
} else {
stats(static_cast<uint16_t>(response)) = weight;
stats.tail(1)(0) = n_rows;
Index stats_i = stats_lookup(row_index);
assert(stats_i >= 0);
if (is_cat) {
cat_stats.row(stats_i).segment(stats_index, stats_per_split) += stats;
} else {
con_stats.row(stats_i).segment(stats_index, stats_per_split) += stats;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Update the surrogate statistics for current row in given feature/bin
template <class Container, class DTree>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::updateSurrStats(
const bool is_cat, const bool surr_agrees,
Index row_index, Index stats_index, const int dup_count) {
// Note: the below works only if stats_per_split = 2
// 1st position for <= surrogate split and
// 2nd position for > split
ColumnVector stats(stats_per_split);
if (surr_agrees)
stats << dup_count, 0;
stats << 0, dup_count;
Index stats_i = stats_lookup(row_index);
assert(stats_i >= 0);
if (is_cat) {
cat_stats.row(stats_i).segment(stats_index, stats_per_split) += stats;
} else {
con_stats.row(stats_i).segment(stats_index, stats_per_split) += stats;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container, class DTree>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::indexConStats(Index feature_index,
Index bin_index,
bool is_split_true) const {
assert(feature_index < n_con_features);
assert(bin_index < n_bins);
return computeSubIndex(feature_index * n_bins, bin_index, is_split_true);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container, class DTree>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::indexCatStats(Index feature_index,
int cat_value,
bool is_split_true) const {
// cat_stats is a matrix
// size = (n_reachable_leaf_nodes) x
// (total_n_cat_levels * stats_per_split * 2)
assert(feature_index < n_cat_features);
unsigned int cat_cumsum_value = (feature_index == 0) ? 0 : cat_levels_cumsum(feature_index - 1);
return computeSubIndex(static_cast<Index>(cat_cumsum_value),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Container, class DTree>
TreeAccumulator<Container, DTree>::computeSubIndex(Index start_index,
Index relative_index,
bool is_split_true) const {
Index col_index = static_cast<Index>(stats_per_split * 2 *
(start_index + relative_index));
return is_split_true ? col_index : col_index + stats_per_split;
} // namespace recursive_partitioning
} // namespace modules
} // namespace madlib
#endif // defined(MADLIB_MODULES_RP_DT_IMPL_HPP)