blob: f396250a39303872d155db8983a9b44799282016 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file linear_svm_igd.cpp
* @brief Linear Support Vector Machine functions
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <dbconnector/dbconnector.hpp>
#include "linear_svm_igd.hpp"
#include "task/linear_svm.hpp"
#include "task/l1.hpp"
#include "task/l2.hpp"
#include "algo/igd.hpp"
#include "algo/loss.hpp"
#include "algo/gradient.hpp"
#include "type/tuple.hpp"
#include "type/model.hpp"
#include "type/state.hpp"
namespace madlib {
namespace modules {
namespace convex {
// This 2 classes contain public static methods that can be called
typedef IGD<GLMIGDState<MutableArrayHandle<double> >,
GLMIGDState<ArrayHandle<double> >,
LinearSVM<GLMModel, GLMTuple > > LinearSVMIGDAlgorithm;
typedef Loss<GLMIGDState<MutableArrayHandle<double> >,
GLMIGDState<ArrayHandle<double> >,
LinearSVM<GLMModel, GLMTuple > > LinearSVMLossAlgorithm;
typedef Gradient<GLMIGDState<MutableArrayHandle<double> >,
GLMIGDState<ArrayHandle<double> >,
LinearSVM<GLMModel, GLMTuple > > LinearSVMGradientAlgorithm;
* @brief Perform the linear support vector machine transition step
* Called for each tuple.
linear_svm_igd_transition::run(AnyType &args) {
// The real state.
// For the first tuple: args[0] is nothing more than a marker that
// indicates that we should do some initial operations.
// For other tuples: args[0] holds the computation state until last tuple
GLMIGDState<MutableArrayHandle<double> > state = args[0];
// initialize the state if first tuple
if (state.algo.numRows == 0) {
LinearSVM<GLMModel, GLMTuple >::epsilon = args[9].getAs<double>();;
LinearSVM<GLMModel, GLMTuple >::is_svc = args[10].getAs<bool>();;
if (!args[3].isNull()) {
GLMIGDState<ArrayHandle<double> > previousState = args[3];
state.allocate(*this, previousState.task.dimension);
state = previousState;
} else {
// configuration parameters
uint32_t dimension = args[4].getAs<uint32_t>();
state.allocate(*this, dimension); // with zeros
// resetting in either case
state.task.stepsize = args[5].getAs<double>();
const double lambda = args[6].getAs<double>();
const bool isL2 = args[7].getAs<bool>();
const int nTuples = args[8].getAs<int>();
L1<GLMModel>::n_tuples = nTuples;
L2<GLMModel>::n_tuples = nTuples;
if (isL2)
L2<GLMModel>::lambda = lambda;
L1<GLMModel>::lambda = lambda;
// Skip the current record if args[1] (features) contains NULL values,
// or args[2] is NULL
try {
} catch (const ArrayWithNullException &e) {
return args[0];
if (args[2].isNull())
return args[0];
// tuple
using madlib::dbal::eigen_integration::MappedColumnVector;
// each tuple can be weighted - this can be combination of the sample weight
// and the class weight. Calling function is responsible for combining the two
// into a single tuple weight. The default value for this parameter is 1, set
// into the definition of "tuple".
// The weight is used to increase the value of a particular tuple for the online
// learning. The weight is not used for the loss computation.
GLMTuple tuple;
tuple.depVar = args[2].getAs<double>();
tuple.weight = args[11].getAs<double>();
// Now do the transition step
// apply IGD with regularization
L2<GLMModel>::scaling(state.algo.incrModel, state.task.stepsize);
LinearSVMIGDAlgorithm::transition(state, tuple);
L1<GLMModel>::clipping(state.algo.incrModel, state.task.stepsize);
// evaluate objective function and its gradient
// at the old model - state.task.model
LinearSVMLossAlgorithm::transition(state, tuple);
LinearSVMGradientAlgorithm::transition(state, tuple);
state.algo.numRows ++;
return state;
* @brief Perform the perliminary aggregation function: Merge transition states
linear_svm_igd_merge::run(AnyType &args) {
GLMIGDState<MutableArrayHandle<double> > stateLeft = args[0];
GLMIGDState<ArrayHandle<double> > stateRight = args[1];
// We first handle the trivial case where this function is called with one
// of the states being the initial state
if (stateLeft.algo.numRows == 0) { return stateRight; }
else if (stateRight.algo.numRows == 0) { return stateLeft; }
// Merge states together
LinearSVMIGDAlgorithm::merge(stateLeft, stateRight);
LinearSVMLossAlgorithm::merge(stateLeft, stateRight);
LinearSVMGradientAlgorithm::merge(stateLeft, stateRight);
// The following numRows update, cannot be put above, because the model
// averaging depends on their original values
stateLeft.algo.numRows += stateRight.algo.numRows;
return stateLeft;
* @brief Perform the linear support vector machine final step
linear_svm_igd_final::run(AnyType &args) {
// We request a mutable object. Depending on the backend, this might perform
// a deep copy.
GLMIGDState<MutableArrayHandle<double> > state = args[0];
// Aggregates that haven't seen any data just return Null.
if (state.algo.numRows == 0) { return Null(); }
state.algo.loss += L2<GLMModel>::loss(state.task.model);
state.algo.loss += L1<GLMModel>::loss(state.task.model);
L2<GLMModel>::gradient(state.task.model, state.algo.gradient);
L1<GLMModel>::gradient(state.task.model, state.algo.gradient);
// finalizing
elog(NOTICE, "loss = %e, |gradient| = %e, |model| = %e\n",
(double) state.algo.loss,
return state;
* @brief Return the difference in RMSE between two states
internal_linear_svm_igd_distance::run(AnyType &args) {
GLMIGDState<ArrayHandle<double> > stateLeft = args[0];
GLMIGDState<ArrayHandle<double> > stateRight = args[1];
return std::abs((stateLeft.algo.loss - stateRight.algo.loss)
/ stateLeft.algo.loss);
* @brief Return the coefficients and diagnostic statistics of the state
internal_linear_svm_igd_result::run(AnyType &args) {
GLMIGDState<ArrayHandle<double> > state = args[0];
AnyType tuple;
tuple << state.task.model
<< static_cast<double>(state.algo.loss)
<< state.algo.gradient.norm()
<< static_cast<int64_t>(state.algo.numRows);
return tuple;
} // namespace convex
} // namespace modules
} // namespace madlib