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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file AbstractHandle.hpp
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @brief Abstract base class for a memory handle
* A handle consists of a pointer to a block of memory, plus opaque meta data.
* For example, a handle for a DBMS-native array would point to the contiguous
* block of memory containing the raw data. The handle would also keep track of
* the meta data (array size, element type, etc.), which is DBMS-specific.
* Any implementation-independent code must only use the interface provided by
* this abstract base class.
* In a handle's destructor, all memory blocks owned by the handle must be
* deallocated. A handle is said to own a memory block (indicated by
* <tt>mMemoryController == kSelf</tt>), if:
* -# One of the following two condition holds:
* - It allocated the memory block itself.
* - The memory block was allocated during the clone() operation that
* created the handle.
* -# release() has not been called before. Implementations must detail how
* memory is to be deallocated manually if release() has been called before.
* @note There is a 1-to-1 relationship between a handle and the memory blocks
* it owns. There is \b no shared ownership.
class AbstractHandle {
* @brief Options for memory ownership
* - \c kGlobal indicates that the caller forsees that the memory
* block(s) pointed to by this handle will never go of scope while this
* memory handle is alive. Unless a distinct (mutable) copy of the memory
* block(s) is needed, it is gemerally preferable to copy shared pointers
* to this handle (i.e., make sa shallow copy of only the reference) than
* to do a clone (i.e., make a deep copy).
* - \c kLocal indicates that the memory block pointed to by this memory
* handle is transient. There is no guarantee that the memory block(s)
* pointed to by this handle remain valid while this handle is alive.
* (For instance, this would be the case if the memory block is allocated
* on the stack.)
* Copying an object backed by this memory handle (e.g., an array or a
* matrix) typically involves a clone(), which creates a copy of the
* memory block(s) pointed to by this handle. The cloned memory handle
* will then own that memory block(s) and
* have \c mMemoryController set to \c kSelf.
* - \c kSelf indicates that this memory handle owns its memory block(s) and
* will also take care of deallocating them at the end of its lifetime.
enum MemoryController { kGlobal, kLocal, kSelf };
AbstractHandle(MemoryController inCtrl)
: mMemoryController(inCtrl) { }
virtual ~AbstractHandle() { }
* @brief Return a pointer to the raw data this handle points to.
virtual void *ptr() = 0;
* @brief Relinquish ownership of the memory blocks owned by this handle.
* This sets mMemoryController to kLocal.
virtual void release() {
if (mMemoryController == kSelf)
mMemoryController = kLocal;
* @brief Return a deep (and fully independent) copy of this memory handle
virtual MemHandleSPtr clone() const = 0;
* @brief Return ownership of the memory block(s) pointed to by this memory
* handle
MemoryController memoryController() const {
return mMemoryController;
static inline MemHandleSPtr cloneIfNotGlobal(const MemHandleSPtr &inHandle) {
return inHandle->mMemoryController == kGlobal ?
inHandle : inHandle->clone();
MemoryController mMemoryController;