blob: e8d6eae64ae34199f2f0803ea345eb812d86aecf [file] [log] [blame]
# $Header: //cdb2/Release-4_0_4_0-branch/cdb-pg/src/test/regress/ $
# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 GreenPlum. All rights reserved.
# Author: Jeffrey I Cohen
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use File::Spec;
use Env;
use Data::Dumper;
=head1 NAME
B<> - GreenPlum string substitution
B<> filename
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
-connect psql connect parameters
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<-connect>
psql connect string, e.g:
-connect '-p 11000 template1'
If the connect string is not defined gpstringsubs uses
PGPORT and template1. If the PGPORT is undefined then
the port number defaults to 11000.
gpstringsubs find tokens in an input file and replaces them (in place)
with specified or environmental values, supplementing the pg_regress
"convert_sourcefiles_in" function.
The tokens are:
=over 8
=item hostname
gpstringsubs finds the hostname for segment 0
from the gp_configuration table and replaces all
instances of the token @hostname@.
=item gpfilespace_(filespacename)
filespace segment list for current configuration
=item gp_glob_connect
a compound psql connect string, equivalent to the "-connect" option
for this tool.
=item gphome
location of the greenplum installation
=item ps_pidfirst
generate a long ps listing with the pid first, equivalent to
ps -axww on osx
=item gpwhich_(executable)
Find the full path for the executable and substitute. For example,
@gpwhich_gpfdist@ is replaced with the full path for "gpfdist".
=item gpuname_(flag)
Run "uname" with the specified flag and substitute the result. For
example, @gpuname_p@ is replaced with the output of "uname -p", which
finds the generic processor type:
=item gpcurusername
Replace @gpcurusername@ with the username of the user executing the script.
=item gpupgradeschemaname
Replace @gpupgradeschemaname@ with public.
=item gpupgradedatadir
Replace @gpupgradedatadir@ with /path/to/regression/data/
=over 12
=item Mac OSX intel: i386
=item Mac OSX ppc: powerpc
=item Linux 64: x86_64
=item Linux 32: i686
=item Sun Sparc: sparc
=item Sun Solaris 64: i386
=item gpisainfo
If on Solaris, run "isainfo" and get the real architecture, eg sparcv9
or amd64, else just use "uname -p".
=item number_of_segs
Number of segments.
=item perl_osname
Use what perl thinks the osname is.
=head1 AUTHORS
Jeffrey I Cohen
Copyright (c) 2007-2010 GreenPlum. All rights reserved.
Address bug reports and comments to:
my $glob_id = "";
my $glob_connect;
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $conn;
'help|?' => \$help, man => \$man,
"connect=s" => \$conn
or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1) if $help;
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
$glob_connect = $conn;
my $porti = $ENV{PGPORT} if (exists($ENV{PGPORT}));
$porti = 5432 # 11000
unless (defined($porti));
$glob_connect = "-p $porti -d template1"
unless (defined($glob_connect));
# print "loading...\n" ;
# convert a postgresql psql formatted table into an array of hashes
sub tablelizer
my ($ini, $got_line1) = @_;
# first, split into separate lines, the find all the column headings
my @lines = split(/\n/, $ini);
return undef
unless (scalar(@lines));
# if the first line is supplied, then it has the column headers,
# so don't try to find them (or the ---+---- separator) in
# "lines"
my $line1 = $got_line1;
$line1 = shift @lines
unless (defined($got_line1));
# look for <space>|<space>
my @colheads = split(/\s+\|\s+/, $line1);
# fixup first, last column head (remove leading,trailing spaces)
$colheads[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
$colheads[0] =~ s/\s+$//;
$colheads[-1] =~ s/^\s+//;
$colheads[-1] =~ s/\s+$//;
return undef
unless (scalar(@lines));
shift @lines # skip dashed separator (unless it was skipped already)
unless (defined($got_line1));
my @rows;
for my $lin (@lines)
my @cols = split(/\|/, $lin, scalar(@colheads));
unless (scalar(@cols) == scalar(@colheads));
my $rowh = {};
for my $colhdcnt (0..(scalar(@colheads)-1))
my $rawcol = shift @cols;
$rawcol =~ s/^\s+//;
$rawcol =~ s/\s+$//;
my $colhd = $colheads[$colhdcnt];
$rowh->{($colhdcnt+1)} = $rawcol;
push @rows, $rowh;
return \@rows;
# get_filespace_seglist
# build a seglist (basically as list of dbid : directory name)
# for the gpfilespace_<fsname> token.
# TODO: options for missing/duplicate/pre-existing dirs, etc.
sub get_filespace_seglist
my $fsname = shift;
$fsname = "regressionfsx" unless (defined($fsname));
my $psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $glob_connect
if (defined($glob_connect));
$psql_str .= " -c \'" .
"select gscp.dbid, " .
"gscp.content, " .
"gscp.hostname as hostname, gscp.address as address, " .
"fep.fselocation as loc, " .
"pfs.oid fsoid, " .
"pfs.fsname, " .
"gscp.mode, " .
"gscp.status, " .
"gscp.preferred_role " .
"from " .
"gp_segment_configuration gscp, pg_filespace_entry fep, " .
"pg_filespace pfs " .
"where " .
'fsname = $q$pg_system$q$ ' .
"and " .
"fep.fsedbid=gscp.dbid " .
"and pfs.oid = fep.fsefsoid " .
"order by 1,2 \' " ;
# print $psql_str, "\n";
my $tabdef = `$psql_str`;
# print $tabdef;
my $seg_config_table = tablelizer($tabdef);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$seg_config_table]);
my @seg_list;
for my $rowh (@{$seg_config_table})
my $fsseg;
$fsseg = $rowh->{1} . ": ";
my $dir = $rowh->{5};
my @foo = File::Spec->splitdir($dir);
pop @foo;
$dir = File::Spec->catdir(@foo,
"gpregr_" .
$fsname . "_" . $rowh->{10} . $rowh->{1});
### my $outi = `gpssh -h $rowh->{4} rmdir -rf $dir`;
$fsseg .= "\'" . $dir . "\'";
# $fsseg .= '$q$'. $dir . '$q$';
$seg_list[$rowh->{1}] = $fsseg;
shift @seg_list unless (defined($seg_list[0]));
# print Data::Dumper->Dump(\@seg_list);
# return quotemeta("( " . join(", ", @seg_list) . " )");
return "( " . join(", ", @seg_list) . " )";
} # end get_filespace_seglist
if (0)
print get_filespace_seglist(), "\n";
print get_filespace_seglist("foo"), "\n";
if (1)
unless (scalar(@ARGV));
my $filnam = $ARGV[0];
unless (-f $filnam)
die "invalid filename: $filnam";
my $psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $glob_connect
if (defined($glob_connect));
# $psql_str .= " -c \'\\d $glob_tab \'";
$psql_str .= " -c \'select content, role, status, hostname from gp_segment_configuration \'";
# print $psql_str, "\n";
my $tabdef = `$psql_str`;
# print $tabdef;
my $mpp_config_table = tablelizer($tabdef);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$mpp_config_table]);
my $hostname= "localhost";
for my $rowh (@{$mpp_config_table})
if (($rowh->{1} == 0) && # content (seg 0)
($rowh->{2} =~ m/p/) && # role = primary
($rowh->{3} =~ m/u/)) # status = up
$hostname = $rowh->{4}; # hostname
my $username = getpwuid($>);
$psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $glob_connect
if (defined($glob_connect));
$psql_str .= " -c \"select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where content != -1 and preferred_role = 'p' \"";
$tabdef = `$psql_str`;
$mpp_config_table = tablelizer($tabdef);
my $numsegs = 0;
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$mpp_config_table]);
for my $rowh (@{$mpp_config_table})
$numsegs = $rowh->{1};
my $numsegexp = '\\@number_of_segs\\@';
my $hostexp = '\\@hostname\\@';
my $psexp = '\\@ps_pidfirst\\@';
my $unexp = '\\@gpcurusername\\@';
my $schema = '\\@gpupgradeschemaname\\@';
my $infoschema = '\\@gpinfoschemaname\\@';
my $ugdir = '\\@gpupgradedatadir\\@';
my $gphomeexp = '\\@gphome\\@';
my $gpglobconn = '\\@gp_glob_connect\\@';
my $gphome = $ENV{GPHOME};
my $locps = 'ps axww';
if ($^O !~ /darwin|mac|osx/i)
$locps = 'ps -elf';
# get the perl osname
my $perlosexp = '\\@perl_osname\\@';
my $locperlos = $^O;
# Sun Solaris only -- use uname -p otherwise
my $isainfoexp = '\\@gpisainfo\\@';
my $devn = '2>/dev/null';
my $isainfoloc = `which isainfo $devn`;
my $locisainfo = `uname -p`;
chomp $locisainfo;
if (length($isainfoloc) && ($isainfoloc !~ m/no isainfo/)) # on solaris
my $realinfo = `isainfo`;
chomp $realinfo;
my @foo = split(/\s+/, $realinfo);
$locisainfo = $foo[0]
if (scalar(@foo));
if ($^O !~ /darwin|mac|osx|linux/i)
# error!
my $gpfspace_all = `grep gpfilespace_ $filnam`;
my $gpwhich_all = `grep gpwhich_ $filnam`;
my $gpuname_all = `grep uname_ $filnam`;
my $curdir = `pwd`;
chomp $curdir;
# print "$filnam\n";
system "perl -i -ple \' s/$hostexp/$hostname/gm; s,$gphomeexp,$gphome,gm; s/$psexp/$locps/gm; s/$isainfoexp/$locisainfo/gm; s/$perlosexp/$locperlos/gm; s/$numsegexp/$numsegs/gm; s/$unexp/$username/gm; s/$schema/public/gm; s/$infoschema/public/gm; s,$ugdir,$curdir/data/,gm; s/$gpglobconn/$glob_connect/gm; \' $filnam\n";
# replace all "which" expressions with binary
if (defined($gpfspace_all) && length($gpfspace_all))
my @foo = split(/\@/, $gpfspace_all);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump(\@foo);
my @gpfspace_list;
if (scalar(@foo))
for my $gpfs (@foo)
my @exe_thing;
if (($gpfs =~ m/is\_transformed\_to/));
unless (($gpfs =~ m/gpfilespace\_\w/));
my @fsname_thing = ($gpfs =~ m/gpfilespace\_(.*)/);
unless (scalar(@fsname_thing));
my $fsname = $fsname_thing[0];
unless (length($fsname));
chomp $fsname;
my $fspaceseglist = get_filespace_seglist($fsname);
my $fspaceexp = '\\@gpfilespace_' . $fsname_thing[0] . '\\@';
local $/;
undef $/;
my $ifh;
open ($ifh, "<", $filnam);
my $whole_file = <$ifh>;
close $ifh;
$whole_file =~ s|$fspaceexp|$fspaceseglist|gm;
my $ofh;
open ($ofh, ">", $filnam);
print $ofh $whole_file;
close $ofh;
} # end for
} # end if scalar foo
} # end if gpfilespace
# replace all "which" expressions with binary
if (defined($gpwhich_all) && length($gpwhich_all))
my @foo = split(/\@/, $gpwhich_all);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump(\@foo);
my @gpwhich_list;
if (scalar(@foo))
for my $gpw (@foo)
my @exe_thing;
if (($gpw =~ m/is\_transformed\_to/));
unless (($gpw =~ m/gpwhich\_\w/));
@exe_thing = ($gpw =~ m/gpwhich\_(.*)/);
unless (scalar(@exe_thing));
my $binloc = `which $exe_thing[0]`;
unless (length($binloc));
chomp $binloc;
$binloc = quotemeta($binloc);
my $whichexp = '\\@gpwhich_' . $exe_thing[0] . '\\@';
system "perl -i -ple \' s/$whichexp/$binloc/gm;\' $filnam\n";
} # end for
} # end if scalar foo
} # end if which all
# replace all "gpuname" expressions with "uname -<flag>" output
if (defined($gpuname_all) && length($gpuname_all))
my @foo = split(/\@/, $gpuname_all);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump(\@foo);
my @gpuname_list;
if (scalar(@foo))
for my $gpw (@foo)
my @flag_thing;
if (($gpw =~ m/is\_transformed\_to/));
unless (($gpw =~ m/gpuname\_\w/));
@flag_thing = ($gpw =~ m/gpuname\_(.*)/);
unless (scalar(@flag_thing));
my $flag = $flag_thing[0];
my $binloc = `uname -$flag`;
unless (length($binloc));
chomp $binloc;
$binloc = quotemeta($binloc);
my $unameexp = '\\@gpuname_' . $flag . '\\@';
system "perl -i -ple \' s/$unameexp/$binloc/gm;\' $filnam\n";
} # end for
} # end gpuname