blob: 022d530307c2b3a7d0787777c53b58998600f653 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file
* \brief This file implements different operations on the SparseData structure.
* Most functions on sparse vectors are first defined on SparseData, and
* then packaged up as functions on sparse vectors using wrappers.
* This is the general procedure for adding functionalities to sparse vectors:
* 1. Write the function for SparseData.
* 2. Wrap it up for SvecType in operators.c or sparse_vector.c.
* 3. Make the function available in gp_svec.sql.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "SparseData.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "parser/parse_func.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
* @return A SparseData structure with allocated empty dynamic
* StringInfo of unknown initial sizes.
SparseData makeSparseData(void) {
/* Allocate the struct */
SparseData sdata = (SparseData)palloc(sizeof(SparseDataStruct));
/* Allocate the included elements */
sdata->vals = makeStringInfo();
sdata->index = makeStringInfo();
sdata->vals->len = 0;
sdata->index->len = 0;
sdata->vals->cursor = 0;
sdata->index->cursor = 0;
sdata->type_of_data = FLOAT8OID;
return sdata;
* @return A SparseData with zero storage in its StringInfos.
SparseData makeEmptySparseData(void) {
/* Allocate the struct */
SparseData sdata = makeSparseData();
/* Free the data area */
sdata->vals->data = palloc(1);
sdata->index->data = palloc(1);
return sdata;
* @param vals An array of data values
* @param index An array of run-lengths
* @param datasize The length of the vals array
* @param indexsize The length of the index array
* @param datatype The object ID of the elements represented in the vals array
* @param unique_value_count The number of RLE blocks in the vals array
* @param total_value_count The total number of individual elements represented in the vals and index arrays
* @return A SparseData created in place using pointers to the vals and index data
SparseData makeInplaceSparseData(char *vals, char *index,
int datasize, int indexsize, Oid datatype,
int unique_value_count, int total_value_count) {
SparseData sdata = makeEmptySparseData();
sdata->unique_value_count = unique_value_count;
sdata->total_value_count = total_value_count;
sdata->vals->data = vals;
sdata->vals->len = datasize;
sdata->vals->maxlen = sdata->vals->len;
sdata->index->data = index;
sdata->index->len = indexsize;
sdata->index->maxlen = sdata->index->len;
sdata->type_of_data = datatype;
return sdata;
* @return A copy of an existing SparseData.
SparseData makeSparseDataCopy(SparseData source_sdata) {
/* Allocate the struct */
SparseData sdata = (SparseData)palloc(sizeof(SparseDataStruct));
/* Allocate the included elements */
sdata->vals = copyStringInfo(source_sdata->vals);
sdata->index = copyStringInfo(source_sdata->index);
sdata->type_of_data = source_sdata->type_of_data;
sdata->unique_value_count = source_sdata->unique_value_count;
sdata->total_value_count = source_sdata->total_value_count;
return sdata;
* @param constant The value of an RLE block
* @param dimension The size of an RLE block
* @return A SparseData with a single RLE block of size dimension having value constant
SparseData makeSparseDataFromDouble(double constant,int64 dimension) {
char *bytestore=(char *)palloc(sizeof(char)*9);
SparseData sdata = float8arr_to_sdata(&constant,1);
int8_to_compword(dimension,bytestore); /* create compressed version of
int8 value */
sdata->index->data = bytestore;
sdata->index->len = int8compstoragesize(bytestore);
if (sdata->index->maxlen < int8compstoragesize(bytestore)) {
errmsg("Internal error")));
return sdata;
* Frees up the memory occupied by sdata
void freeSparseData(SparseData sdata) {
* Frees up the memory occupied by sdata, including the data elements of vals and index.
void freeSparseDataAndData(SparseData sdata) {
* @param sinfo The StringInfo structure to be copied
* @return A copy of sinfo
StringInfo copyStringInfo(StringInfo sinfo) {
StringInfo result;
char *data;
if (sinfo->data == NULL) {
data = NULL;
} else {
data = (char *)palloc(sizeof(char)*(sinfo->len+1));
data[sinfo->len] = '\0';
result = makeStringInfoFromData(data,sinfo->len);
return result;
* @param data Pointer to an array of elements
* @param len The size of the data array
* @return A StringInfo from a data pointer and length
StringInfo makeStringInfoFromData(char *data,int len) {
StringInfo sinfo;
sinfo = (StringInfo)palloc(sizeof(StringInfoData));
sinfo->data = data;
sinfo->len = len;
sinfo->maxlen = len;
sinfo->cursor = 0;
return sinfo;
* @param array The array of doubles to be converted to a SparseData
* @param count The size of array
* @return A SparseData representation of an input array of doubles
SparseData float8arr_to_sdata(double *array, int count) {
return arr_to_sdata((char *)array, sizeof(float8), FLOAT8OID, count);
* @param array The array of elements to be converted to a SparseData
* @param width The size of the elements in array
* @param type_of_data The object ID of the elements in array
* @param count The size of array
* @return A SparseData representation of an input array
SparseData arr_to_sdata(char *array, size_t width, Oid type_of_data, int count){
char *run_val=array;
int64 run_len=1;
SparseData sdata = makeSparseData();
for (int i=1; i<count; i++) {
char *curr_val=array+ (i*size_of_type(type_of_data));
* Note that special double values like denormalized numbers and exceptions
* like NaN are treated like any other value - if there are duplicates, the
* value of the special number is preserved and they are counted.
if (memcmp(curr_val,run_val,width))
{ /*run is interrupted, initiate new run */
/* package up the finished run */
/* mark beginning of new run */
} else
{ /* we're still in the same run */
add_run_to_sdata(run_val, run_len, width, sdata); /* package up the last run */
/* Add the final tallies */
sdata->unique_value_count = sdata->vals->len/width;
sdata->total_value_count = count;
return sdata;
* @param sdata The SparseData to be converted to an array of float8s
* @return A float8[] representation of a SparseData
double *sdata_to_float8arr(SparseData sdata) {
double *array;
int j, aptr;
char *iptr;
if (sdata->type_of_data != FLOAT8OID) {
errmsg("Data type of SparseData is not FLOAT64\n")));
if ((array=(double *)palloc(sizeof(double)*(sdata->total_value_count)))
== NULL)
errmsg("Error allocating memory for array\n")));
iptr = sdata->index->data;
aptr = 0;
for (int i=0; i<sdata->unique_value_count; i++) {
for (j=0;j<compword_to_int8(iptr);j++,aptr++) {
array[aptr] = ((double *)(sdata->vals->data))[i];
if ((aptr) != sdata->total_value_count)
errmsg("Array size is incorrect, is: %d and should be %d\n",
return NULL;
return array;
* @return An array of integers given the (compressed) count array of a SparseData
int64 *sdata_index_to_int64arr(SparseData sdata) {
char *iptr;
int64 *array_ix = (int64 *)palloc(
iptr = sdata->index->data;
for (int i=0; i<sdata->unique_value_count; i++,
iptr+=int8compstoragesize(iptr)) {
array_ix[i] = compword_to_int8(iptr);
* @param target The memory area to store the serialised SparseData
* @para source The SparseData to be serialised
* @return The serialisation of a SparseData structure
void serializeSparseData(char *target, SparseData source)
/* SparseDataStruct header */
/* Two StringInfo structures describing the data and index */
memcpy(SDATA_DATA_SINFO(target), source->vals,sizeof(StringInfoData));
/* The unique data values */
/* The index values */
* Set pointers to the data areas of the serialized structure
* First the two StringInfo structures contained in the SparseData,
* then the data areas inside each of the two StringInfos.
((SparseData)target)->vals = (StringInfo)SDATA_DATA_SINFO(target);
((SparseData)target)->index = (StringInfo)SDATA_INDEX_SINFO(target);
((StringInfo)(SDATA_DATA_SINFO(target)))->data = SDATA_VALS_PTR(target);
if (source->index->data != NULL)
((StringInfo)(SDATA_INDEX_SINFO(target)))->data = SDATA_INDEX_PTR(target);
} else {
((StringInfo)(SDATA_INDEX_SINFO(target)))->data = NULL;
* Prints a SparseData
void printSparseData(SparseData sdata) {
int value_count = sdata->unique_value_count;
char *indexdata = sdata->index->data;
double *values = (double *)(sdata->vals->data);
for (int i=0; i<value_count; i++) {
printf("run_length[%d] = %lld, ",i,(long long int)compword_to_int8(indexdata));
printf("value[%d] = %f\n",i,values[i]);
* @param sdata The SparseData to be projected on
* @param idx The index to be projected
* @return The element of a SparseData at location idx.
double sd_proj(SparseData sdata, int idx) {
char * ix = sdata->index->data;
double * vals = (double *)sdata->vals->data;
float8 ret;
int read, i;
/* error checking */
if (0 >= idx || idx > sdata->total_value_count)
errmsg("Index out of bounds.")));
/* find desired block; as is normal in SQL, we start counting from one */
read = compword_to_int8(ix);
i = 0;
while (read < idx) {
ix += int8compstoragesize(ix);
read += compword_to_int8(ix);
return vals[i];
* @param sdata The SparseData from which to extract a subarray
* @param start The start index of the desired subarray
* @param end The end index of the desired subarray
* @return The sub-array, indexed by start and end, of a SparseData.
SparseData subarr(SparseData sdata, int start, int end) {
char * ix = sdata->index->data;
double * vals = (double *)sdata->vals->data;
SparseData ret = makeSparseData();
size_t wf8 = sizeof(float8);
if (start > end)
return reverse(subarr(sdata,end,start));
/* error checking */
if (0 >= start || start > end || end > sdata->total_value_count)
errmsg("Array index out of bounds.")));
/* find start block */
int read = compword_to_int8(ix);
int i = 0;
while (read < start) {
ix += int8compstoragesize(ix);
read += compword_to_int8(ix);
if (end <= read) {
/* the whole subarray is in the first block, we are done */
add_run_to_sdata((char *)(&vals[i]), end-start+1, wf8, ret);
return ret;
/* else start building subarray */
add_run_to_sdata((char *)(&vals[i]), read-start+1, wf8, ret);
for (int j=i+1; j<sdata->unique_value_count; j++) {
ix += int8compstoragesize(ix);
int esize = compword_to_int8(ix);
if (read + esize > end) {
add_run_to_sdata((char *)(&vals[j]), end-read, wf8,ret);
add_run_to_sdata((char *)(&vals[j]), esize, wf8, ret);
read += esize;
if (read == end) break;
return ret;
* @param sdata The SparseData to be reversed
* @return A copy of the input SparseData, with the order of the elements reversed.
SparseData reverse(SparseData sdata) {
char * ix = sdata->index->data;
double * vals = (double *)sdata->vals->data;
SparseData ret = makeSparseData();
size_t w = sizeof(float8);
/* move to the last count array element */
for (int j=0; j<sdata->unique_value_count-1; j++)
ix += int8compstoragesize(ix);
/* copy from right to left */
for (int j=sdata->unique_value_count-1; j!=-1; j--) {
add_run_to_sdata((char *)(&vals[j]),compword_to_int8(ix),w,ret);
ix -= int8compstoragesize(ix);
return ret;
* @param left The SparseData that comes first in the resulting concatenation
* @param right The SparseData that comes second in the resulting concatenation
* @return The concatenation of two input SparseData.
SparseData concat(SparseData left, SparseData right) {
if (left == NULL && right == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else if (left == NULL && right != NULL) {
return makeSparseDataCopy(right);
} else if (left != NULL && right == NULL) {
return makeSparseDataCopy(left);
SparseData sdata = makeEmptySparseData();
char *vals,*index;
int l_val_len = left->vals->len;
int r_val_len = right->vals->len;
int l_ind_len = left->index->len;
int r_ind_len = right->index->len;
int val_len=l_val_len+r_val_len;
int ind_len=l_ind_len+r_ind_len;
vals = (char *)palloc(sizeof(char)*val_len);
index = (char *)palloc(sizeof(char)*ind_len);
memcpy(vals ,left->vals->data,l_val_len);
memcpy(index, left->index->data,l_ind_len);
sdata->vals = makeStringInfoFromData(vals,val_len);
sdata->index = makeStringInfoFromData(index,ind_len);
sdata->type_of_data = left->type_of_data;
sdata->unique_value_count = left->unique_value_count+
sdata->total_value_count = left->total_value_count+
return sdata;
static bool lapply_error_checking(Oid foid, List * funcname);
* This function applies an input function on all elements of a sparse data.
* The function is modelled after the corresponding function in R.
* @param func The name of the function to apply
* @param sdata The input sparse data to be modified
* @return A SparseData with the same dimension as sdata but with each element sdata[i] replaced by func(sdata[i])
SparseData lapply(text * func, SparseData sdata) {
Oid argtypes[1] = { FLOAT8OID };
List * funcname = textToQualifiedNameList(func);
SparseData result = makeSparseDataCopy(sdata);
Oid foid = LookupFuncName(funcname, 1, argtypes, false);
lapply_error_checking(foid, funcname);
for (int i=0; i<sdata->unique_value_count; i++)
valref(float8,result,i) =
return result;
/* This function checks for error conditions in lapply() function calls.
static bool lapply_error_checking(Oid foid, List * func) {
/* foid != InvalidOid; otherwise LookupFuncName would raise error.
Here we check that the return type of foid is float8. */
HeapTuple ftup = SearchSysCache(PROCOID,
ObjectIdGetDatum(foid), 0, 0, 0);
Form_pg_proc pform = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(ftup);
if (pform->prorettype != FLOAT8OID)
errmsg("return type of %s is not double",
// check volatility
return true;