blob: f494d64365e957ae68ca15acd128eecdcd6a73da [file] [log] [blame]
* \file sketch_support.c
* \brief Support routines for managing bitmaps used in sketches
/*! @addtogroup desc-stats
* @par About:
* MADlib provides a number of descriptive statistics to complement
* SQL's builtin aggregation functions (COUNT, SUM, MAX, MIN, AVG, STDDEV).
* When possible we try
* to provide high-peformance algorithms that run in a single (parallel)
* pass of the data without overflowing main memory. In some cases this
* is achieved by approximation
* algorithms (e.g. sketches) -- for those algorithms it's important to
* understand that answers are guaranteed mathematically to be within
* plus-or-minus a small epsilon of the right answer with high probability.
* It's always good to go back the research papers cited in the documents to
* understand the caveats involved.
* \par
* In this module you will find methods for:
* - order statistics (quantiles, median)
* - distinct counting
* - histogramming
* - frequent-value counting
@addtogroup sketches
- Provide a relatively portable SQL-only implementation of CountMin. (FM bit manipulation won't port well regardless).
- Provide a python wrapper to the CountMin sketch output, and write scalar functions in python.
- <i>Equality-Testing Corner Case:</i>
For hashing, we convert values into text using the type's text output routine.
In general this should work fine, but there is the possibility that two
different values in the domain could have the same textual representation.
In these corner cases we will see incorrect counts for those values.
The proper way to do this is not to use the "outfunc", but rather to look up the
type-specific hash function as is done internally for hashjoin, hash indexes,
etc. The basic pattern for looking up the hash function in Postgres
internals is something like the following:
get_sort_group_operators(dtype, false, true, false, &ltOpr, &eqOpr, &gtOpr);
success = get_op_hash_functions(eqOpr, result, NULL));
#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/array.h"
#include "utils/elog.h"
#include "nodes/execnodes.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "sketch_support.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
* Simple linear function to find the rightmost bit that's set to one
* (i.e. the # of trailing zeros to the right).
* \param bits a bitmap containing many fm sketches
* \param numsketches the number of sketches in the bits variable
* \param the size of each sketch in bits
* \param the sketch number in which we want to find the rightmost one
uint32 rightmost_one(uint8 *bits,
size_t numsketches,
size_t sketchsz_bits,
size_t sketchnum)
uint8 *s =
&(((uint8 *)(bits))[sketchnum*sketchsz_bits/8]);
int i;
uint32 c = 0; /* output: c will count trailing zero bits, */
if (sketchsz_bits % (sizeof(uint32)*CHAR_BIT))
"number of bits per sketch is %u, must be a multiple of sizeof(uint32) = %u",
* loop through the chunks of bits from right to left, counting zeros.
* stop when we hit a 1.
* XXX currently we look at CHAR_BIT (8) bits at a time
* which would seem to avoid any 32- vs. 64-bit concerns.
* might be worth tuning this up to do 32 bits at a time.
for (i = sketchsz_bits/(CHAR_BIT) -1; i >= 0; i--)
uint32 v = (uint32) (s[i]);
if (!v) /* all CHAR_BIT of these bits are 0 */
c += CHAR_BIT /* * sizeof(uint32) */;
c += ui_rightmost_one(v);
break; /* we found a 1 in this value of i, so we stop looping here. */
return c;
* Simple linear function to find the leftmost zero (# leading 1's)
* Would be nice to unify with the previous -- e.g. a foomost_bar function
* where foo would be left or right, and bar would be 0 or 1.
* \param bits a bitmap containing many fm sketches
* \param numsketches the number of sketches in the bits variable
* \param the size of each sketch in bits
* \param the sketch number in which we want to find the rightmost one
uint32 leftmost_zero(uint8 *bits,
size_t numsketches,
size_t sketchsz_bits,
size_t sketchnum)
uint8 * s = &(((uint8 *)bits)[sketchnum*sketchsz_bits/8]);
unsigned i;
uint32 c = 0; /* output: c will count trailing zero bits, */
uint32 maxbyte = pow(2,8) - 1;
if (sketchsz_bits % (sizeof(uint32)*8))
"number of bits per sketch is %u, must be a multiple of sizeof(uint32) = %u",
if (sketchsz_bits > numsketches*8)
elog(ERROR, "sketch sz declared at %u, but bitmap is only %u",
(uint32)sketchsz_bits, (uint32)numsketches*8);
* loop through the chunks of bits from left to right, counting ones.
* stop when we hit a 0.
for (i = 0; i < sketchsz_bits/(CHAR_BIT); i++)
uint32 v = (uint32) s[i];
if (v == maxbyte)
c += CHAR_BIT /* * sizeof(uint32) */;
* reverse and invert v, then do rightmost_one
* magic reverse from
uint8 b =
((s[i] * 0x0802LU &
0x22110LU) |
(s[i] * 0x8020LU &
0x88440LU)) * 0x10101LU >> 16;
v = (uint32) b ^ 0xff;
c += ui_rightmost_one(v);
break; /* we found a 1 in this value of i, so we stop looping here. */
return c;
* Given an array of n b-bit bitmaps, turn on the k'th most
* significant bit of the j'th bitmap.
* Both j and k are zero-indexed, BUT the bitmaps are indexed left-to-right,
* whereas significant bits are (of course!) right-to-left within the bitmap.
* This function makes destructive updates; the caller should make sure to check
* that we're being called in an agg context!
* \param bitmap an array of FM sketches
* \param numsketches # of sketches in the array
* \param sketchsz_bits # of BITS per sketch
* \param sketchnum index of the sketch to modify (from left, zero-indexed)
* \param bitnum bit offset (from right, zero-indexed) in that sketch
Datum array_set_bit_in_place(bytea *bitmap,
int4 numsketches,
int4 sketchsz_bits,
int4 sketchnum,
int4 bitnum)
char mask;
char bytes_per_sketch = sketchsz_bits/CHAR_BIT;
if (sketchnum >= numsketches || sketchnum < 0)
"sketch offset exceeds the number of sketches (0-based)");
if (bitnum >= sketchsz_bits || bitnum < 0)
"bit offset exceeds the number of bits per sketch (0-based)");
if (sketchsz_bits % sizeof(uint32))
"number of bits per sketch is %d, must be a multiple of sizeof(uint32) = %u",
mask = 0x1 << bitnum%8; /* the bit to be modified within the proper byte (from the right) */
((char *)(VARDATA(bitmap)))[sketchnum*bytes_per_sketch /* left boundary of the proper sketch */
+ ( (bytes_per_sketch - 1) /* right boundary of the proper sketch */
- bitnum/CHAR_BIT /* the byte to be modified (from the right) */
|= mask;
* Simple linear function to find the rightmost one (# trailing zeros) in an uint32.
* Based on
* Look there for fancier ways to do this.
* \param v an integer
uint32 ui_rightmost_one(uint32 v)
uint32 c;
v = (v ^ (v - 1)) >> 1; /* Set v's trailing 0s to 1s and zero rest */
for (c = 0; v; c++)
v >>= 1;
return c;
* the postgres internal md5 routine only provides public access to text output
* here we convert that text (in hex notation) back into bytes.
* postgres hex output has two hex characters for each 8-bit byte.
* so the output of this will be exactly half as many bytes as the input.
* \param hex a string encoding bytes in hex
* \param bytes out-value that will hold binary version of hex
* \param hexlen the length of the hex string
void hex_to_bytes(char *hex, uint8 *bytes, size_t hexlen)
uint32 i;
for (i = 0; i < hexlen; i+=2) /* +2 to consume 2 hex characters each time */
char c1 = hex[i]; /* high-order bits */
char c2 = hex[i+1]; /* low-order bits */
int b1 = 0, b2 = 0;
if (isdigit(c1)) b1 = c1 - '0';
else if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'F') b1 = c1 - 'A' + 10;
else if (c1 >= 'a' && c1 <= 'f') b1 = c1 - 'a' + 10;
if (isdigit(c2)) b2 = c2 - '0';
else if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'F') b2 = c2 - 'A' + 10;
else if (c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'f') b2 = c2 - 'a' + 10;
bytes[i/2] = b1*16 + b2; /* i/2 because our for loop is incrementing by 2 */
/*! debugging utility to output strings in binary */
bit_print(uint8 *c, int numbytes)
int j, i, l;
char p[MD5_HASHLEN_BITS+2];
uint32 n;
for (j = 0, l=0; j < numbytes; j++) {
n = (uint32)c[j];
i = 1<<(CHAR_BIT - 1);
while (i > 0) {
if (n & i)
p[l++] = '1';
p[l++] = '0';
i >>= 1;
p[l] = '\0';
elog(NOTICE, "bitmap: %s", p);
* The POSTGRES code for md5 returns a bytea with a textual representation of the
* md5 result. We then convert it back into binary.
* XXX The internal POSTGRES source code is actually converting from binary to the bytea
* so this is rather wasteful, but the internal code is marked static and unavailable here.
* XXX In fact, the full cost right now is:
* XXX -- outfunc converts internal type to CString
* XXX -- here we convert CString to text, to call md5_bytea
* XXX -- md5_bytea generates a byte array
* XXX -- we then call binary_decode to convert back to a textual representation
* XXX -- (alternatively we could call hex_to_bytes in sketch_support.c for the last step)
Datum md5_datum(char *input)
Datum hashtxt =
DirectFunctionCall1(md5_bytea, PointerGetDatum(cstring_to_text(input)));
return DirectFunctionCall2(binary_decode, hashtxt,
Datum sketch_array_set_bit_in_place(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum sketch_rightmost_one(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum sketch_leftmost_zero(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum sketch_rightmost_one(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
bytea *bitmap = (bytea *)PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(0);
size_t sketchsz = PG_GETARG_INT32(1); /* size in bits */
size_t sketchnum = PG_GETARG_INT32(2); /* from the left! */
char * bits = VARDATA(bitmap);
size_t len = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(bitmap);
return rightmost_one((uint8 *)bits, len, sketchsz, sketchnum);
Datum sketch_leftmost_zero(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
bytea *bitmap = (bytea *)PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(0);
size_t sketchsz = PG_GETARG_INT32(1); /* size in bits */
size_t sketchnum = PG_GETARG_INT32(2); /* from the left! */
char * bits = VARDATA(bitmap);
size_t len = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(bitmap);
return leftmost_zero((uint8 *)bits, len, sketchsz, sketchnum);
Datum sketch_array_set_bit_in_place(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
bytea *bitmap = (bytea *)PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(0);
int4 numsketches = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
int4 sketchsz = PG_GETARG_INT32(2); /* size in bits */
int4 sketchnum = PG_GETARG_INT32(3); /* from the left! */
int4 bitnum = PG_GETARG_INT32(4); /* from the right! */
return array_set_bit_in_place(bitmap,
/* In some cases with large numbers, log2 seems to round up incorrectly. */
int4 safe_log2(int64 x)
int4 out = trunc(log2(x));
while ((((int64)1) << out) > x)
return out;