blob: 4a7c0420a7177fc4369e1416a6e430b1e44996e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* PostgreSQL include file for sql_in files.
* During build time, macro definitions will be inserted here.
* There is no way in m4 to escape the quote characters, so we change it
* temporarily to something different than the default.
* WithTracebackForwarding
* @param $1 python statement which might raise an exception
* Use this macro in the sql definition of a plpythonu function
* that runs on the segments. If the function raises an exception,
* traceback information will be attached to the exception message
* which gets forwarded back to the coordinator.
* On the coordinator side, to attach the message to the DETAIL of the
* exception before displaying, you must call the segment UDF
* or UDA like this:
* DEBUG.plpy_execute(sql, ..., segment_traceback_reporting=True)
m4_define(<!WithTracebackForwarding!>, <!
import traceback
from sys import exc_info
import plpy
except Exception as e:
global SD
global GD
for k in SD.keys():
del SD[k]
del SD
for k in GD.keys():
del GD[k]
del GD
etype, _, tb = exc_info()
detail = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, e, tb))
message = e.message + 'SegmentTraceback' + detail
e.message = message
e.args = (message,)
raise e
* PythonFunction
* @param $1 directory
* @param $2 python file (without suffix)
* @param $3 function
* Example:
* "source" VARCHAR,
* "depColumn" VARCHAR,
* "indepColumn" VARCHAR)
* AS $$PythonFunction(regress, logistic, compute_logregr_coef)$$
m4_define(<!PythonFunction!>, <!
import sys
from inspect import getframeinfo, currentframe
sys.path.insert(1, "EXT_PYTHON_LIBDIR")
sys.path.insert(1, "PLPYTHON_LIBDIR")
from $1 import $2
# Retrieve the schema name of the current function
# Make it available as variable: schema_madlib
fname = getframeinfo(currentframe()).function
foid = fname.rsplit('_',1)[1]
# plpython names its functions "__plpython_procedure_<function name>_<oid>",
# of which we want the oid
rv = plpy.execute('SELECT nspname, proname FROM pg_proc p ' \
'JOIN pg_namespace n ON (p.pronamespace = n.oid) ' \
'WHERE p.oid = %s' % foid, 1)
global schema_madlib
schema_madlib = rv[0]['nspname']
from utilities.control import AOControl
with AOControl(False):
return $2.$3(**globals())
* PythonFunctionBodyOnly
* @param $1 directory
* @param $2 python file (without suffix)
m4_define(<!PythonFunctionBodyOnly!>, <!
import sys
from inspect import getframeinfo, currentframe
sys.path.insert(1, "EXT_PYTHON_LIBDIR")
sys.path.insert(1, "PLPYTHON_LIBDIR")
from $1 import $2
# Retrieve the schema name of the current function
# Make it available as variable: schema_madlib
fname = getframeinfo(currentframe()).function
foid = fname.rsplit('_',1)[1]
# plpython names its functions "__plpython_procedure_<function name>_<oid>",
# of which we want the oid
rv = plpy.execute('SELECT nspname, proname FROM pg_proc p ' \
'JOIN pg_namespace n ON (p.pronamespace = n.oid) ' \
'WHERE p.oid = %s' % foid, 1)
global schema_madlib
schema_madlib = rv[0]['nspname']
from utilities.control import AOControl,MinWarning
* PythonFunctionBodyOnlyNoSchema
* @param $1 directory
* @param $2 python file (without suffix)
m4_define(<!PythonFunctionBodyOnlyNoSchema!>, <!
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, "EXT_PYTHON_LIBDIR")
sys.path.insert(1, "PLPYTHON_LIBDIR")
from $1 import $2
* Change the quote character back to their defaults.