blob: 67ccdd39e12a1b839ff6e7688918748f028cd481 [file] [log] [blame]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create changelist for any two branches/tags
# Prequisites:
# The old version has to be installed in the "madlib_old_vers" schema
# The new version has to be installed in the "madlib" (default) schema
# Two branches/tags must exist locally (run 'git fetch' to ensure you have the latest version)
# The current branch does not matter
# Usage (must be executed in the src/madpack directory):
# python <database name> <old version branch> <new version branch> <changelist filename>
# If you are using the master branch, please make sure to edit the branch/tag in the output file
# Example (should be equivalent to changelist_1.13_1.14.yaml):
# python madlib rel/v1.13 rel/v1.14 chtest1.yaml
import sys
import os
database = sys.argv[1]
old_vers = sys.argv[2]
new_vers = sys.argv[3]
ch_filename = sys.argv[4]
if os.path.exists(ch_filename):
print "{0} already exists".format(ch_filename)
raise SystemExit
err1 = os.system("""psql {0} -l > /dev/null""".format(database))
if err1 != 0:
print "Database {0} does not exist".format(database)
raise SystemExit
err1 = os.system("""psql {0} -c "select madlib_old_vers.version()" > /dev/null
if err1 != 0:
print "MADlib is not installed in the madlib_old_vers schema. Please refer to the Prequisites."
raise SystemExit
err1 = os.system("""psql {0} -c "select madlib.version()" > /dev/null
if err1 != 0:
print "MADlib is not installed in the madlib schema. Please refer to the Prequisites."
raise SystemExit
print "Creating changelist {0}".format(ch_filename)
rm -f /tmp/madlib_tmp_nm.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_udf.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_udt.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_udo.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_udoc.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep_udo.txt \
# Find the new modules using the git diff
err1 = os.system("git diff {old_vers} {new_vers} --name-only --diff-filter=A > /tmp/madlib_tmp_nm.txt".format(**locals()))
if err1 != 0:
print "Git diff failed. Please ensure that branches/tags are fetched."
raise SystemExit
f = open("/tmp/madlib_tmp_cl.yaml", "w")
"""# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Changelist for MADlib version {old_vers} to {new_vers}
# This file contains all changes that were introduced in a new version of
# MADlib. This changelist is used by the upgrade script to detect what objects
# should be upgraded (while retaining all other objects from the previous version)
# New modules (actually .sql_in files) added in upgrade version
# For these files the sql_in code is retained as is with the functions in the
# file installed on the upgrade version. All other files (that don't have
# updates), are cleaned up to remove object replacements
# Find the new .sql_in files that are not in test folders
f.write("new module:\n")
with open('/tmp/madlib_tmp_nm.txt') as fp:
for line in fp:
if 'sql_in' in line and '/test/' not in line:
f.write(' ' + line.split('/')[5].split('.')[0]+':\n')
# Find the changed types and keep a list for future use
os.system("psql {0} -f diff_udt.sql > /tmp/madlib_tmp_udt.txt".format(database))
f.write("\n# Changes in the types (UDT) including removal and modification\n")
with open('/tmp/madlib_tmp_udt.txt') as fp:
for line in fp:
# Both the type and its array form shows up as separate types
# We don't need both of them so we remove the array
if 'UDT' in line and '[]' not in line:
ch_type = line.split('|')[1].strip()
f.write(' ' + ch_type +":\n")
# Find the list of UDFs and UDAs
# There are two main sources for these lists.
# 1. The functions that actually got changed
# 2. The functions that depend on a changed type
# We will keep two lists (for UDF and UDA) and fill them as we parse the
# output of diff functions
current_list = udf_list
# Find the changed functions/aggregates via the diff_udf script and write them to a file
os.system("psql {0} -f diff_udf.sql > /tmp/madlib_tmp_udf.txt".format(database))
# The entries in the file are ordered by type.
# Read them line by line and add to the udf list until the first aggregate
with open('/tmp/madlib_tmp_udf.txt') as fp:
for line in fp:
if 'type' in line:
# When we get the first aggregate, we switch the current list
if 'agg' in line:
current_list = uda_list
if 'UDF' in line:
current_list = udf_list
# Find the function that return a changed type
# Note that we already ran the diff_udf.sql file
# This means the get_functions() function is already defined in the database
if os.path.exists("/tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep.txt"):
os.system("rm /tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep.txt")
os.system("touch /tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep.txt")
for t in udt_list:
os.system("""psql {database} -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS __tmp__madlib__ " > /dev/null """.format(**locals()))
# Find all of the old functions that return this particular type t and write to a table
os.system("""psql {database} -c "SELECT get_functions('__tmp__madlib__', 'madlib_old_vers', 'madlib_old_vers.{t}')" > /dev/null """.format(**locals()))
# Order them in descending order on type so that we read the functions first and aggregates last
os.system("""psql {database} -x -c "SELECT type, name, retype, argtypes FROM __tmp__madlib__ ORDER BY type DESC" > /tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep.txt """.format(**locals()))
os.system("""psql {database} -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS __tmp__madlib__ " > /dev/null """.format(**locals()))
with open('/tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep.txt') as fp:
for line in fp:
if '|' in line:
sp = line.split('|')
# Type is only used for switching the current list from udf to uda
if sp[0].strip() == 'type':
if sp[1].strip() == 'agg':
current_list = uda_list
# Add the functions with formatting
elif sp[0].strip() == 'name':
current_list.append(' - ' + sp[1].strip() + ":\n")
elif sp[0].strip() == 'retype':
current_list.append(' rettype: schema_madlib.' + sp[1].strip() + "\n")
elif sp[0].strip() == 'argtypes':
current_list.append(' argument: ' + sp[1].strip() + "\n")
# Write the UDF and UDA lists to the changelist
# List of the UDF changes that affect the user externally. This includes change
# in function name, return type, argument order or types, or removal of
# the function. In each case, the original function is as good as removed and a
# new function is created. In such cases, we should abort the upgrade if there
# are user views dependent on this function, since the original function will
# not be present in the upgraded version.
for line in udf_list:
# Changes to aggregates (UDA) including removal and modification
# Overloaded functions should be mentioned separately
for line in uda_list:
#TODO: We need to decide how we want to check for these
# List of the UDC, UDO and UDOC changes.
# Find the changed operators
f.write("\n# Changes in the operators (UDO)\n")
os.system("psql {0} -f diff_udo.sql > /tmp/madlib_tmp_udo.txt".format(database))
with open('/tmp/madlib_tmp_udo.txt') as fp:
for line in fp:
if ' | ' in line:
sp = line.split(' | ')
if sp[0].strip() == 'name':
f.write(" - '" + sp[1].strip() + "':\n")
elif sp[0].strip() == 'rettype':
f.write(' rettype: ' + sp[1].strip() + "\n")
elif sp[0].strip() == 'oprright':
f.write(' rightarg: ' + sp[1].strip() + "\n")
elif sp[0].strip() == 'oprleft':
f.write(' leftarg: ' + sp[1].strip() + "\n")
for t in udt_list:
os.system("""psql {database} -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS __tmp__madlib__ " > /dev/null """.format(**locals()))
os.system("""psql {database} -c "SELECT get_udos('__tmp__madlib__', 'madlib_old_vers', '{t}')" > /dev/null """.format(**locals()))
os.system("""psql {database} -x -c "SELECT name, rettype, oprright, oprleft FROM __tmp__madlib__ ORDER BY name DESC" > /tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep_udo.txt """.format(**locals()))
os.system("""psql {database} -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS __tmp__madlib__ " > /dev/null """.format(**locals()))
with open('/tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep_udo.txt') as fp:
for line in fp:
if '|' in line:
sp = line.split('|')
if sp[0].strip() == 'name':
f.write(" - '" + sp[1].strip() + "':\n")
elif sp[0].strip() == 'rettype':
f.write(' rettype: ' + sp[1].strip() + "\n")
elif sp[0].strip() == 'oprright':
f.write(' rightarg: ' + sp[1].strip() + "\n")
elif sp[0].strip() == 'oprleft':
f.write(' leftarg: ' + sp[1].strip() + "\n")
# Find the changed operator classes
f.write("\n# Changes in the operator classes (UDOC)\n")
os.system("psql {0} -f diff_udoc.sql > /tmp/madlib_tmp_udoc.txt".format(database))
with open('/tmp/madlib_tmp_udoc.txt') as fp:
for line in fp:
if '|' in line:
sp = line.split('|')
if sp[0].strip() == 'opfamily_name':
f.write(" - '" + sp[1].strip() + "':\n")
elif sp[0].strip() == 'index_method':
f.write(' index_method: ' + sp[1].strip() + "\n")
for t in udt_list:
os.system("""psql {database} -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS __tmp__madlib__ " > /dev/null """.format(**locals()))
os.system("""psql {database} -c "SELECT get_udocs('__tmp__madlib__', 'madlib_old_vers', '{t}')" > /dev/null """.format(**locals()))
os.system("""psql {database} -x -c "SELECT opfamily_name, index_method FROM __tmp__madlib__ ORDER BY opfamily_name DESC" > /tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep_udoc.txt """.format(**locals()))
os.system("""psql {database} -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS __tmp__madlib__ " > /dev/null """.format(**locals()))
with open('/tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep_udoc.txt') as fp:
for line in fp:
if '|' in line:
sp = line.split('|')
if sp[0].strip() == 'opfamily_name':
f.write(" - " + sp[1].strip() + ":\n")
elif sp[0].strip() == 'index':
f.write(' index: ' + sp[1].strip() + "\n")
# Copy the new changelist file to its proper location
# This helps to keep the madlib folder clean in case the program stops
# unexpectedly
os.system("cp /tmp/madlib_tmp_cl.yaml {0}".format(ch_filename))
print "Something went wrong! The changelist might be wrong/corrupted."
rm -f /tmp/madlib_tmp_nm.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_udf.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_udt.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_udo.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_udoc.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep_udo.txt \
/tmp/madlib_tmp_typedep_udoc.txt \