blob: 0b868dfcd3403cb2edba24ab58c598b5235b442d [file] [log] [blame]
/* ------------------------------------------------------
* @file feature_encoding.cpp
* @brief Feature encoding functions for Decision Tree models
*/ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <dbconnector/dbconnector.hpp>
#include "feature_encoding.hpp"
#include "ConSplits.hpp"
namespace madlib {
namespace modules {
namespace recursive_partitioning {
// Use Eigen
using namespace dbal;
using namespace dbal::eigen_integration;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
print_con_splits::run(AnyType &args){
ConSplitsResult<RootContainer> state = args[0].getAs<ByteString>();
AnyType tuple;
tuple << state.con_splits;
return tuple;
dst_compute_con_splits_transition::run(AnyType &args){
ConSplitsSample<MutableRootContainer> state = args[0].getAs<MutableByteString>();
if (!state.empty() && state.num_rows >= state.buff_size) {
return args[0];
// NULL-handling is done in python to make sure consistency b/w
// feature encoding and tree training
MappedColumnVector con_features = args[1].getAs<MappedColumnVector>();
if (state.empty()) {
uint32_t n_per_seg = args[2].getAs<uint32_t>();
uint16_t n_bins = args[3].getAs<uint16_t>();
state.num_splits = static_cast<uint16_t>(n_bins - 1);
state.num_features = static_cast<uint16_t>(con_features.size());
state.buff_size = n_per_seg;
state << con_features;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
dst_compute_con_splits_final::run(AnyType &args){
ConSplitsSample<RootContainer> state = args[0].getAs<ByteString>();
ConSplitsResult<MutableRootContainer> result =
dbal::FunctionContext, dbal::DoZero, dbal::ThrowBadAlloc>(0);
result.num_features = state.num_features;
result.num_splits = state.num_splits;
if (state.num_rows <= state.num_splits) {
std::stringstream error_msg;
error_msg << "Decision tree error: Number of splits ("
<< state.num_splits
<< ") is larger than the number of records ("
<< state.num_rows << ")";
throw std::runtime_error(error_msg.str());
int bin_size = static_cast<int>(state.num_rows / (state.num_splits + 1));
for (Index i = 0; i < state.num_features; i ++) {
// sorting the values for each feature
ColumnVector feature_i_sample = \
state.sample.row(i).segment(0, state.num_rows);
std::sort(, + feature_i_sample.size());
// binning
for (int j = 0; j < state.num_splits; j ++) {
result.con_splits(i, j) = feature_i_sample(bin_size * (j + 1) - 1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
dst_compute_entropy_transition::run(AnyType &args){
int encoded_dep_var = args[1].getAs<int>();
if (encoded_dep_var < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("unexpected negative encoded_dep_var");
MutableNativeIntegerVector state;
if (args[0].isNull()) {
// allocate the state for the first row
int num_dep_var = args[2].getAs<int>();
if (num_dep_var <= 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("unexpected non-positive num_dep_var");
} else {
// avoid state copying if initialized
state.rebind(args[0].getAs<MutableArrayHandle<int> >());
if (encoded_dep_var >= state.size()) {
std::stringstream err_msg;
err_msg << "out-of-bound encoded_dep_var=" << encoded_dep_var
<< ", while smaller than " << state.size() << " expected";
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg.str());
state(encoded_dep_var) ++;
return state;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
dst_compute_entropy_merge::run(AnyType &args){
if (args[0].isNull()) { return args[1]; }
if (args[1].isNull()) { return args[0]; }
MutableNativeIntegerVector state0 =
NativeIntegerVector state1 = args[1].getAs<NativeIntegerVector>();
state0 += state1;
return state0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
p_log2_p(const double &p) {
if (p < 0.) { throw std::runtime_error("unexpected negative probability"); }
if (p == 0.) { return 0.; }
return p * log2(p);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
dst_compute_entropy_final::run(AnyType &args){
MappedIntegerVector state = args[0].getAs<MappedIntegerVector>();
double sum = static_cast<double>(state.sum());
ColumnVector probilities = state.cast<double>() / sum;
// usage of unaryExpr with functor:
return -(probilities.unaryExpr(std::ptr_fun(p_log2_p))).sum();
// ------------------------------------------------------------
cmp_text(text* s1, text* s2) {
return false;
else {
return strncmp(VARDATA_ANY(s1), VARDATA_ANY(s2), VARSIZE_ANY(s1) - VARHDRSZ) == 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
map_catlevel_to_int::run(AnyType &args){
ArrayHandle<text*> cat_values = args[0].getAs<ArrayHandle<text*> >();
ArrayHandle<text*> cat_levels = args[1].getAs<ArrayHandle<text*> >();
ArrayHandle<int> n_levels = args[2].getAs<ArrayHandle<int> >();
MutableArrayHandle<int> cat_int = allocateArray<int>(n_levels.size());
int pos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_levels.size(); i++) {
// linear search to find a match
int match = -1; // if cat_values contains any not present in cat_levels,
// then the mapped integer is -1. If cat_values contains
// a known cat_level, then the mapped integer is
// the index of that value in cat_levels
for (int j = 0; j < n_levels[i]; j++)
if (cmp_text(cat_values[i], cat_levels[pos + j])) {
match = j;
cat_int[i] = match;
pos += static_cast<int>(n_levels[i]);
return cat_int;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
get_bin_value_by_index::run(AnyType &args) {
ConSplitsResult<RootContainer> con_splits_results = args[0].getAs<ByteString>();
int feature_index = args[1].getAs<int>();
int bin_index = args[2].getAs<int>();
// -1 is used to indicate a NaN value
if (bin_index < 0)
return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
// assuming we use <= to create bins by values in con_splits
// see TreeAccumulator::operator<<(const tuple_type&)
if (bin_index < con_splits_results.con_splits.cols()) {
// covering ranges (-inf,v_0], ..., (v_{n-2}, v_{n-1}]
return con_splits_results.con_splits(feature_index, bin_index);
} else {
// covering range (v_{n-1}, +inf)
return con_splits_results.con_splits(feature_index, bin_index-1) + 1.;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
get_bin_index_by_value::run(AnyType &args) {
double bin_value = args[0].getAs<double>();
// we return a -1 index is the value is NaN
if (std::isnan(bin_value)) { return -1; }
ConSplitsResult<RootContainer> con_splits_results = args[1].getAs<ByteString>();
if (con_splits_results.con_splits.cols() <= 0) { return Null(); }
int feature_index = args[2].getAs<int>();
// assuming we use <= to create bins by values in con_splits
// and each row in con_splits is sorted in ascending order
// see TreeAccumulator::operator<<(const tuple_type&)
// and dst_compute_con_splits_final::run(AnyType &)
// each v_i covering ranges (-inf,v_0], ..., (v_{n-2}, v_{n-1}]
int result = -1;
int low = 0;
int high = static_cast<int>(con_splits_results.con_splits.cols()) - 1;
if (bin_value > con_splits_results.con_splits(feature_index, high)) {
// covering range (v_{n-1}, +inf)
result = high + 1;
while (low < high) {
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (bin_value <= con_splits_results.con_splits(feature_index, mid)) {
high = mid;
} else {
low = mid + 1;
result = high;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// test code for binary search (mimic std::lower_bound())
if (low != high) {
dbout << "bin_value: " << bin_value
<< "\ncon_splits_results.con_splits.row(feature_index): " << con_splits_results.con_splits.row(feature_index)
<< "\nlow: " << low << ", high: " << high << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("low_bound() has bug!");
for (int i = 0; i < con_splits_results.con_splits.cols(); i ++) {
if (bin_value <= con_splits_results.con_splits(feature_index, i)) {
if (i != result) {
dbout << "bin_value: " << bin_value
<< "\ncon_splits_results.con_splits.row(feature_index): " << con_splits_results.con_splits.row(feature_index)
<< "\nresult: " << result << ", i: " << i << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("low_bound() has bug!");
return i;
return result;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
get_bin_indices_by_values::run(AnyType &args) {
// Null-handling is done by declaring it as strict
MappedColumnVector bin_values = args[0].getAs<MappedColumnVector>();
ConSplitsResult<RootContainer> con_splits_results = args[1].getAs<ByteString>();
if (con_splits_results.con_splits.cols() <= 0) { return Null(); }
MutableNativeIntegerVector bin_indices(
// assuming we use <= to create bins by values in con_splits
// and each row in con_splits is sorted in ascending order
// see TreeAccumulator::operator<<(const tuple_type&)
// and dst_compute_con_splits_final::run(AnyType &)
// each v_i covering ranges (-inf,v_0], ..., (v_{n-2}, v_{n-1}]
for (Index i = 0; i < bin_values.size(); i ++) {
int low = 0;
int high = static_cast<int>(con_splits_results.con_splits.cols()) - 1;
if (std::isnan(bin_values(i))) {
// we return a -1 index is the value is NaN
bin_indices(i) = -1;
} else if (bin_values(i) > con_splits_results.con_splits(i, high)) {
// covering range (v_{n-1}, +inf)
bin_indices(i) = high + 1;
} else {
// binary search
while (low < high) {
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (bin_values(i) <= con_splits_results.con_splits(i, mid)) {
high = mid;
} else {
low = mid + 1;
bin_indices(i) = high;
return bin_indices;
} // namespace recursive_partitioning
} // namespace modules
} // namespace madlib