blob: 4f8e5cc8aaae973a837902f4f6944daf44781c01 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file metric.hpp
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @brief Find the column in a matrix that is closest to a vector
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, closest_column)
* @brief Find the columns in a matrix that are closest to a vector
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, closest_columns)
* @brief Special implementations for HAWQ
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, closest_column_fixed)
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, closest_columns_fixed)
* @brief Compute the 1-norm
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, norm1)
* @brief Compute the 2-norm
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, norm2)
* @brief compute the infinity-norm distance between two dense vectors
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, dist_inf_norm)
* @brief compute the p-norm distance between two dense vectors
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, dist_pnorm)
* @brief Compute the squared Manhattan distance between two dense vectors
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, dist_norm1)
* @brief Compute the Euclidean distance between two dense vectors
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, dist_norm2)
* @brief Compute the squared Euclidean distance between two dense vectors
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, squared_dist_norm2)
* @brief Compute the angle between two dense vectors
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, dist_angle)
* @brief Compute the Tanimoto "distance" between two dense vectors
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, dist_tanimoto)
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, dist_jaccard)
* @brief Compute the cosine similarity score between two dense vectors
DECLARE_UDF(linalg, cosine_similarity)
namespace madlib {
namespace modules {
namespace linalg {
// Use Eigen
using namespace dbal::eigen_integration;
template <class DistanceFunction, class RandomAccessIterator>
const MappedMatrix& inMatrix,
const MappedColumnVector& inVector,
DistanceFunction& inMetric,
RandomAccessIterator ioFirst,
RandomAccessIterator ioLast);
template <class RandomAccessIterator>
const MappedMatrix& inMatrix,
const MappedColumnVector& inVector,
RandomAccessIterator ioFirst,
RandomAccessIterator ioLast,
Oid oid);
} // namespace linalg
} // namespace modules
} // namespace madlib