blob: 3b66b17425253726cce3dce6116984d3493da1ca [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Main Madpack installation executable.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
import sys
import getpass
import re
import os
import glob
import traceback
import subprocess
import datetime
import tempfile
import shutil
import unittest
from upgrade_util import ChangeHandler
from upgrade_util import ViewDependency
from upgrade_util import TableDependency
from upgrade_util import ScriptCleaner
from itertools import izip_longest
# Required Python version
py_min_ver = [2, 6]
# Check python version
if sys.version_info[:2] < py_min_ver:
print("ERROR: python version too old (%s). You need %s or greater." %
('.'.join(str(i) for i in sys.version_info[:3]), '.'.join(str(i) for i in py_min_ver)))
# Find MADlib root directory. This file is installed to
# $MADLIB_ROOT/madpack/, so to get $MADLIB_ROOT we need to go
# two levels up in the directory hierarchy. We use (a) os.path.realpath and
# (b) __file__ (instead of sys.argv[0]) because could be called
# (a) through a symbolic link and (b) not as the main module.
maddir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/..") # MADlib root dir
sys.path.append(maddir + "/madpack")
# Import MADlib python modules
import argparse
import configyml
# Some read-only variables
this = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) # name of this script
# Default directories
maddir_conf = maddir + "/config" # Config dir
maddir_lib = maddir + "/lib/" # C/C++ libraries
# Read the config files
ports = configyml.get_ports(maddir_conf) # object made of Ports.yml
rev = configyml.get_version(maddir_conf) # MADlib OS-level version
portid_list = []
for port in ports:
SUPPORTED_PORTS = ('postgres', 'greenplum', 'hawq')
# Global variables
portid = None # Target port ID (eg: pg90, gp40)
dbconn = None # DB Connection object
dbver = None # DB version
con_args = {} # DB connection arguments
verbose = None # Verbose flag
keeplogs = None
tmpdir = None
is_hawq2 = False
def _make_dir(dir):
# Create a temp dir
# @param dir temp directory path
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
print "ERROR: can not create directory: %s. Check permissions." % dir
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _error(msg, stop):
Error message wrapper
@param msg error message
@param stop program exit flag
# Print to stdout
print this + ' : ERROR : ' + msg
# stack trace is not printed
if stop:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _info(msg, verbose=True):
Info message wrapper (verbose)
@param msg info message
@param verbose prints only if True
# Print to stdout
if verbose:
print this + ' : INFO : ' + msg
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def run_query(sql, show_error, con_args=con_args):
# Define sqlcmd
sqlcmd = 'psql'
delimiter = ' <$madlib_delimiter$> '
# Test the DB cmd line utility
std, err = subprocess.Popen(['which', sqlcmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
if std == '':
_error("Command not found: %s" % sqlcmd, True)
# Run the query
runcmd = [sqlcmd,
'-h', con_args['host'].split(':')[0],
'-p', con_args['host'].split(':')[1],
'-d', con_args['database'],
'-U', con_args['user'],
'-F', delimiter,
'-c', sql]
runenv = os.environ
if 'password' in con_args:
runenv["PGPASSWORD"] = con_args['password']
runenv["PGOPTIONS"] = '-c search_path=public -c client_min_messages=error'
std, err = subprocess.Popen(runcmd, env=runenv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
if err:
if show_error:
_error("SQL command failed: \nSQL: %s \n%s" % (sql, err), False)
if 'password' in err:
raise EnvironmentError
raise Exception
# Convert the delimited output into a dictionary
results = [] # list of rows
i = 0
for line in std.splitlines():
if i == 0:
cols = [name for name in line.split(delimiter)]
row = {} # dict of col_name:col_value pairs
c = 0
for val in line.split(delimiter):
row[cols[c]] = val
c += 1
results.insert(i, row)
i += 1
# Drop the last line: "(X rows)"
return results
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _internal_run_query(sql, show_error):
Runs a SQL query on the target platform DB
using the default command-line utility.
Very limited:
- no text output with "new line" characters allowed
@param sql query text to execute
@param show_error displays the SQL error msg
return run_query(sql, show_error, con_args)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_relative_maddir(maddir, port):
""" Return a relative path version of maddir
GPDB and HAWQ installations have a symlink outside of GPHOME that
links to the current GPHOME. After a DB upgrade, this symlink is updated to
the new GPHOME.
'maddir_lib', which uses the absolute path of GPHOME, is hardcoded into each
madlib function definition. Replacing the GPHOME path with the equivalent
relative path makes it simpler to perform DB upgrades without breaking MADlib.
if port not in ('greenplum', 'hawq'):
# do nothing for postgres
return maddir
# e.g. maddir_lib = $GPHOME/madlib/Versions/1.9/lib/
# 'madlib' is supposed to be in this path, which is the default folder
# used by GPPKG to install madlib
abs_gphome, tail = maddir.split('madlib/')
except ValueError:
return maddir
link_name = 'greenplum-db' if port == 'greenplum' else 'hawq'
# Check outside $GPHOME if there is a symlink to this absolute path
# os.pardir is equivalent to ..
# os.path.normpath removes the extraneous .. from that path
rel_gphome = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(abs_gphome, os.pardir, link_name))
if os.path.islink(rel_gphome) and os.path.realpath(rel_gphome) == os.path.realpath(abs_gphome):
# if the relative link exists and is pointing to current location
return os.path.join(rel_gphome, 'madlib', tail)
return maddir
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _run_sql_file(schema, maddir_mod_py, module, sqlfile,
tmpfile, logfile, pre_sql, upgrade=False,
Run SQL file
@param schema name of the target schema
@param maddir_mod_py name of the module dir with Python code
@param module name of the module
@param sqlfile name of the file to parse
@param tmpfile name of the temp file to run
@param logfile name of the log file (stdout)
@param pre_sql optional SQL to run before executing the file
@param upgrade are we upgrading as part of this sql run
@param sc object of ScriptCleaner
# Check if the SQL file exists
if not os.path.isfile(sqlfile):
_error("Missing module SQL file (%s)" % sqlfile, False)
raise ValueError("Missing module SQL file (%s)" % sqlfile)
# Prepare the file using M4
f = open(tmpfile, 'w')
# Add the before SQL
if pre_sql:
f.writelines([pre_sql, '\n\n'])
# Find the madpack dir (platform specific or generic)
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/madpack"):
maddir_madpack = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/madpack"
maddir_madpack = maddir + "/madpack"
maddir_ext_py = maddir + "/lib/python"
m4args = ['m4',
'-DMADLIB_SCHEMA=' + schema,
'-DPLPYTHON_LIBDIR=' + maddir_mod_py,
'-DEXT_PYTHON_LIBDIR=' + maddir_ext_py,
'-DMODULE_PATHNAME=' + maddir_lib,
'-DMODULE_NAME=' + module,
'-I' + maddir_madpack,
_info("> ... parsing: " + " ".join(m4args), verbose), stdout=f)
_error("Failed executing m4 on %s" % sqlfile, False)
raise Exception
# Only update function definition
sub_module = ''
if upgrade:
# get filename from complete path without the extension
sub_module = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sqlfile))[0]
_info(sub_module, False)
if sub_module not in sc.get_change_handler().newmodule:
sql = open(tmpfile).read()
sql = sc.cleanup(sql)
open(tmpfile, 'w').write(sql)
# Run the SQL using DB command-line utility
if portid in ('greenplum', 'postgres', 'hawq'):
sqlcmd = 'psql'
# Test the DB cmd line utility
std, err = subprocess.Popen(['which', sqlcmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
if not std:
_error("Command not found: %s" % sqlcmd, True)
runcmd = [sqlcmd, '-a',
'-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1',
'-h', con_args['host'].split(':')[0],
'-p', con_args['host'].split(':')[1],
'-d', con_args['database'],
'-U', con_args['user'],
'-f', tmpfile]
runenv = os.environ
if 'password' in con_args:
runenv["PGPASSWORD"] = con_args['password']
runenv["PGOPTIONS"] = '-c client_min_messages=notice'
# Open log file
log = open(logfile, 'w')
_error("Cannot create log file: %s" % logfile, False)
raise Exception
# Run the SQL
_info("> ... executing " + tmpfile, verbose)
retval =, env=runenv, stdout=log, stderr=log)
_error("Failed executing %s" % tmpfile, False)
raise Exception
return retval
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_madlib_dbrev(schema):
Read MADlib version from database
@param dbconn database conection object
@param schema MADlib schema name
row = _internal_run_query("SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM pg_tables " +
"WHERE schemaname='" + schema + "' AND " +
"tablename='migrationhistory'", True)
if int(row[0]['cnt']) > 0:
row = _internal_run_query("""SELECT version FROM %s.migrationhistory
ORDER BY applied DESC LIMIT 1""" % schema, True)
if row:
return row[0]['version']
_error("Failed reading MADlib db version", True)
return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_dbver():
""" Read version number from database (of form X.Y) """
versionStr = _internal_run_query("SELECT pg_catalog.version()", True)[0]['version']
if portid == 'postgres':
match ="PostgreSQL[a-zA-Z\s]*(\d+\.\d+)", versionStr)
elif portid == 'greenplum':
# for Greenplum the 3rd digit is necessary to differentiate
# 4.3.5+ from versions < 4.3.5
match ="Greenplum[a-zA-Z\s]*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", versionStr)
elif portid == 'hawq':
match ="HAWQ[a-zA-Z\s]*(\d+\.\d+)", versionStr)
return None if match is None else
_error("Failed reading database version", True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _check_db_port(portid):
Make sure we are connected to the expected DB platform
@param portid expected DB port id - to be validates
# Postgres
row = _internal_run_query("SELECT version() AS version", True)
_error("Cannot validate DB platform type", True)
if row and row[0]['version'].lower().find(portid) >= 0:
if portid == 'postgres':
if row[0]['version'].lower().find('greenplum') < 0:
return True
elif portid == 'greenplum':
if row[0]['version'].lower().find('hawq') < 0:
return True
elif portid == 'hawq':
return True
return False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _is_rev_gte(left, right):
""" Return if left >= right
@param left: list. Revision numbers in a list form (as returned by
@param right: list. Revision numbers in a list form (as returned by
If left and right are all numeric then regular list comparison occurs.
If either one contains a string, then comparison occurs till both have int.
First list to have a string is considered smaller
(including if the other does not have an element in corresponding index)
[1, 9, 0] >= [1, 9, 0]
[1, 9, 1] >= [1, 9, 0]
[1, 9, 1] >= [1, 9]
[1, 10] >= [1, 9, 1]
[1, 9, 0] >= [1, 9, 0, 'dev']
[1, 9, 1] >= [1, 9, 0, 'dev']
[1, 9, 0] >= [1, 9, 'dev']
[1, 9, 'rc'] >= [1, 9, 'dev']
[1, 9, 'rc', 0] >= [1, 9, 'dev', 1]
[1, 9, 'rc', '1'] >= [1, 9, 'rc', '1']
def all_numeric(l):
return not l or all(isinstance(i, int) for i in l)
if all_numeric(left) and all_numeric(right):
return left >= right
for i, (l_e, r_e) in enumerate(izip_longest(left, right)):
if isinstance(l_e, int) and isinstance(r_e, int):
if l_e == r_e:
return l_e > r_e
elif isinstance(l_e, int) or isinstance(r_e, int):
# [1, 9, 0] > [1, 9, 'dev']
# [1, 9, 0] > [1, 9]
return isinstance(l_e, int)
# both are not int
if r_e is None:
# [1, 9, 'dev'] < [1, 9]
return False
return l_e is None or left[i:] >= right[i:]
return True
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_rev_num(rev):
Convert version string into number for comparison
@param rev version text
It is expected to follow Semantic Versioning (
Valid inputs:
1.9.0, 1.10.0, 2.5.0
1.0.0-alpha, 1.0.0-alpha.1, 1.0.0-0.3.7, 1.0.0-x.7.z.92
1.0.0+20130313144700, 1.0.0-beta+exp.sha.5114f85
rev_parts = re.split('[-+_]', rev)
# get numeric part of the version string
num = [int(i) for i in rev_parts[0].split('.')]
num += [0] * (3 - len(num)) # normalize num to be of length 3
# get identifier part of the version string
if len(rev_parts) > 1:
num.extend(map(str, rev_parts[1:]))
if not num:
num = [0]
return num
# invalid revision
return [0]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema):
Print version information
@param rev OS-level MADlib version
@param dbrev DB-level MADlib version
@param con_args database connection arguments
@param schema MADlib schema name
_info("MADlib tools version = %s (%s)" % (str(rev), sys.argv[0]), True)
if con_args:
_info("MADlib database version = %s (host=%s, db=%s, schema=%s)"
% (dbrev, con_args['host'], con_args['database'], schema), True)
_info("MADlib database version = [Unknown] (host=%s, db=%s, schema=%s)"
% (dbrev, con_args['host'], con_args['database'], schema), True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _plpy_check(py_min_ver):
Check pl/python existence and version
@param py_min_ver min Python version to run MADlib
_info("Testing PL/Python environment...", True)
# Check PL/Python existence
rv = _internal_run_query("SELECT count(*) AS CNT FROM pg_language "
"WHERE lanname = 'plpythonu'", True)
if int(rv[0]['cnt']) > 0:
_info("> PL/Python already installed", verbose)
_info("> PL/Python not installed", verbose)
_info("> Creating language PL/Python...", True)
_internal_run_query("CREATE LANGUAGE plpythonu;", True)
_error('Cannot create language plpythonu. Stopping installation...', False)
raise Exception
# Check PL/Python version
_internal_run_query("DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS plpy_version_for_madlib();", False)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION plpy_version_for_madlib()
import sys
# return '.'.join(str(item) for item in sys.version_info[:3])
return str(sys.version_info[:3]).replace(',','.').replace(' ','').replace(')','').replace('(','')
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
""", True)
rv = _internal_run_query("SELECT plpy_version_for_madlib() AS ver;", True)
python = rv[0]['ver']
py_cur_ver = [int(i) for i in python.split('.')]
if py_cur_ver >= py_min_ver:
_info("> PL/Python version: %s" % python, verbose)
_error("PL/Python version too old: %s. You need %s or greater"
% (python, '.'.join(str(i) for i in py_min_ver)), False)
raise Exception
_internal_run_query("DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS plpy_version_for_madlib();", False)
_info("> PL/Python environment OK (version: %s)" % python, True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _db_install(schema, dbrev, testcase):
Install MADlib
@param schema MADlib schema name
@param dbrev DB-level MADlib version
@param testcase command-line args for a subset of modules
_info("Installing MADlib into %s schema..." % schema.upper(), True)
temp_schema = schema + '_v' + ''.join(map(str, _get_rev_num(dbrev)))
# Check the status of MADlib objects in database
madlib_exists = False if dbrev is None else True
# Test if schema is writable
_internal_run_query("CREATE TABLE %s.__madlib_test_table (A INT);" % schema, False)
_internal_run_query("DROP TABLE %s.__madlib_test_table;" % schema, False)
schema_writable = True
schema_writable = False
# CASE #1: Target schema exists with MADlib objects:
if schema_writable and madlib_exists:
# work-around before UDT is available in HAWQ
if portid == 'hawq':
_info("***************************************************************************", True)
_info("* Schema MADLIB already exists", True)
_info("* For HAWQ, MADlib objects will be overwritten to the 'MADLIB' schema", True)
_info("* It may drop any database objects (tables, views, etc.) that depend on 'MADLIB' SCHEMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!", True)
_info("***************************************************************************", True)
_info("Would you like to continue? [Y/N]", True)
go = raw_input('>>> ').upper()
while go not in ('Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO'):
go = raw_input('Yes or No >>> ').upper()
if go in ('N', 'NO'):
_info('Installation stopped.', True)
# Rolling back in HAWQ will drop catalog functions. For exception, we
# simply push the exception to the caller to terminate the install
_db_create_objects(schema, None, testcase=testcase, hawq_debug=True)
_info("***************************************************************************", True)
_info("* Schema %s already exists" % schema.upper(), True)
_info("* Installer will rename it to %s" % temp_schema.upper(), True)
_info("***************************************************************************", True)
_info("Would you like to continue? [Y/N]", True)
go = raw_input('>>> ').upper()
while go not in ('Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO'):
go = raw_input('Yes or No >>> ').upper()
if go in ('N', 'NO'):
_info('Installation stopped.', True)
# Rename MADlib schema
_db_rename_schema(schema, temp_schema)
# Create MADlib schema
_db_rollback(schema, temp_schema)
# Create MADlib objects
_db_create_objects(schema, temp_schema, testcase=testcase)
_db_rollback(schema, temp_schema)
# CASE #2: Target schema exists w/o MADlib objects:
# For HAWQ, after the DB initialization, there is no
# madlib.migrationhistory table, thus madlib_exists is False
elif schema_writable and not madlib_exists:
# Create MADlib objects
_db_create_objects(schema, None, testcase=testcase)
_error("Building database objects failed. "
"Before retrying: drop %s schema OR install MADlib into "
"a different schema." % schema.upper(), True)
# CASE #3: Target schema does not exist:
elif not schema_writable:
if portid == 'hawq' and not is_hawq2:
# Rolling back in HAWQ will drop catalog functions. For exception, we
# simply push the exception to the caller to terminate the install
raise Exception("MADLIB schema is required for HAWQ")
_info("> Schema %s does not exist" % schema.upper(), verbose)
# Create MADlib schema
_db_rollback(schema, None)
# Create MADlib objects
_db_create_objects(schema, None, testcase=testcase)
_db_rollback(schema, None)
_info("MADlib %s installed successfully in %s schema." % (str(rev), schema.upper()), True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _db_upgrade(schema, dbrev):
Upgrade MADlib
@param schema MADlib schema name
@param dbrev DB-level MADlib version
if _is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num(dbrev), _get_rev_num(rev)):
_info("Current MADlib version already up to date.", True)
if _is_rev_gte([1,7,1],_get_rev_num(dbrev)):
MADlib versions prior to v1.8 are not supported for upgrade.
Please try upgrading to v1.9.1 and then upgrade to this version.
""", True)
_info("Upgrading MADlib into %s schema..." % schema.upper(), True)
_info("\tDetecting dependencies...", True)
_info("\tLoading change list...", True)
ch = ChangeHandler(schema, portid, con_args, maddir, dbrev, is_hawq2)
_info("\tDetecting table dependencies...", True)
td = TableDependency(schema, portid, con_args)
_info("\tDetecting view dependencies...", True)
vd = ViewDependency(schema, portid, con_args)
abort = False
if td.has_dependency():
_info("*" * 50, True)
_info("\tFollowing user tables/indexes are dependent on MADlib objects:", True)
_info(td.get_dependency_str(), True)
_info("*" * 50, True)
cd_udt = [udt for udt in td.get_depended_udt() if udt in ch.udt]
if len(cd_udt) > 0:
User has objects dependent on following updated MADlib types!
These objects need to be dropped before upgrading.
""".format('\n\t\t\t'.join(cd_udt)), False)
# we add special handling for 'linregr_result'
if 'linregr_result' in cd_udt:
_info("""Dependency on 'linregr_result' could be due to objects
created from the output of the aggregate 'linregr'.
Please refer to the Linear Regression documentation
for the recommended solution.
""", False)
abort = True
c_udoc = ch.get_udoc_oids()
d_udoc = td.get_depended_udoc_oids()
cd_udoc = [udoc for udoc in d_udoc if udoc in c_udoc]
if len(cd_udoc) > 0:
User has objects dependent on the following updated MADlib operator classes!
These objects need to be dropped before upgrading.
""".format('\n\t\t\t'.join(cd_udoc)), False)
abort = True
if vd.has_dependency():
_info("*" * 50, True)
_info("\tFollowing user views are dependent on MADlib objects:", True)
_info(vd.get_dependency_graph_str(), True)
_info("*" * 50, True)
c_udf = ch.get_udf_signature()
d_udf = vd.get_depended_func_signature('UDF')
cd_udf = [udf for udf in d_udf if udf in c_udf]
if len(cd_udf) > 0:
User has objects dependent on following updated MADlib functions!
These objects will fail to work with the updated functions and
need to be dropped before starting upgrade again.
""".format('\n\t\t\t\t\t'.join(cd_udf)), False)
abort = True
c_uda = ch.get_uda_signature()
d_uda = vd.get_depended_func_signature('UDA')
cd_uda = [uda for uda in d_uda if uda in c_uda]
if len(cd_uda) > 0:
User has objects dependent on following updated MADlib aggregates!
These objects will fail to work with the new aggregates and
need to be dropped before starting upgrade again.
""".format('\n\t\t\t\t\t'.join(cd_uda)), False)
abort = True
c_udo = ch.get_udo_oids()
d_udo = vd.get_depended_opr_oids()
cd_udo = [udo for udo in d_udo if udo in c_udo]
if len(cd_udo) > 0:
User has objects dependent on following updated MADlib operators!
These objects will fail to work with the new operators and
need to be dropped before starting upgrade again.
""".format('\n\t\t\t\t\t'.join(cd_udo)), False)
abort = True
if abort:
_error("""------- Upgrade aborted. -------
Backup and drop all objects that depend on MADlib before trying upgrade again.
Use madpack reinstall to automatically drop these objects only if appropriate.""", True)
_info("No dependency problem found, continuing to upgrade ...", True)
_info("\tReading existing UDAs/UDTs...", False)
sc = ScriptCleaner(schema, portid, con_args, ch)
_info("Script Cleaner initialized ...", False)
ch.drop_changed_udt() # assume dependent udf for udt does not change
ch.drop_traininginfo_4dt() # used types: oid, text, integer, float
_db_create_objects(schema, None, True, sc)
_info("MADlib %s upgraded successfully in %s schema." % (str(rev), schema.upper()), True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _db_rename_schema(from_schema, to_schema):
Rename schema
@param from_schema name of the schema to rename
@param to_schema new name for the schema
_info("> Renaming schema %s to %s" % (from_schema.upper(), to_schema.upper()), True)
_internal_run_query("ALTER SCHEMA %s RENAME TO %s;" % (from_schema, to_schema), True)
_error('Cannot rename schema. Stopping installation...', False)
raise Exception
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _db_create_schema(schema):
Create schema
@param from_schema name of the schema to rename
@param to_schema new name for the schema
_info("> Creating %s schema" % schema.upper(), True)
_internal_run_query("CREATE SCHEMA %s;" % schema, True)
_info('Cannot create new schema. Rolling back installation...', True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _db_create_objects(schema, old_schema, upgrade=False, sc=None, testcase="",
Create MADlib DB objects in the schema
@param schema Name of the target schema
@param sc ScriptCleaner object
@param testcase Command-line args for modules to install
@param hawq_debug
if not upgrade and not hawq_debug:
# Create MigrationHistory table
_info("> Creating %s.MigrationHistory table" % schema.upper(), True)
_internal_run_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.migrationhistory;" % schema, True)
sql = """CREATE TABLE %s.migrationhistory
(id serial, version varchar(255),
applied timestamp default current_timestamp);""" % schema
_internal_run_query(sql, True)
_error("Cannot crate MigrationHistory table", False)
raise Exception
# Copy MigrationHistory table for record keeping purposes
if old_schema:
_info("> Saving data from %s.MigrationHistory table" % old_schema.upper(), True)
sql = """INSERT INTO %s.migrationhistory (version, applied)
SELECT version, applied FROM %s.migrationhistory
ORDER BY id;""" % (schema, old_schema)
_internal_run_query(sql, True)
_error("Cannot copy MigrationHistory table", False)
raise Exception
# Stamp the DB installation
_info("> Writing version info in MigrationHistory table", True)
_internal_run_query("INSERT INTO %s.migrationhistory(version) "
"VALUES('%s')" % (schema, str(rev)), True)
_error("Cannot insert data into %s.migrationhistory table" % schema, False)
raise Exception
# Run migration SQLs
if upgrade:
_info("> Creating/Updating objects for modules:", True)
_info("> Creating objects for modules:", True)
caseset = (set([test.strip() for test in testcase.split(',')])
if testcase != "" else set())
modset = {}
for case in caseset:
if case.find('/') > -1:
[mod, algo] = case.split('/')
if mod not in modset:
modset[mod] = []
if algo not in modset[mod]:
modset[case] = []
# Loop through all modules/modules
# portspecs is a global variable
for moduleinfo in portspecs['modules']:
# Get the module name
module = moduleinfo['name']
# Skip if doesn't meet specified modules
if modset is not None and len(modset) > 0 and module not in modset:
_info("> - %s" % module, True)
# Find the Python module dir (platform specific or generic)
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/modules/" + module):
maddir_mod_py = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/modules"
maddir_mod_py = maddir + "/modules"
# Find the SQL module dir (platform specific or generic)
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules/" + module):
maddir_mod_sql = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules"
elif os.path.isdir(maddir + "/modules/" + module):
maddir_mod_sql = maddir + "/modules"
# This was a platform-specific module, for which no default exists.
# We can just skip this module.
# Make a temp dir for log files
cur_tmpdir = tmpdir + "/" + module
# Loop through all SQL files for this module
mask = maddir_mod_sql + '/' + module + '/*.sql_in'
sql_files = glob.glob(mask)
if not sql_files:
_error("No files found in: %s" % mask, True)
# Execute all SQL files for the module
for sqlfile in sql_files:
algoname = os.path.basename(sqlfile).split('.')[0]
if portid == 'hawq' and not is_hawq2 and algoname in ('svec'):
# run only algo specified
if module in modset and len(modset[module]) > 0 \
and algoname not in modset[module]:
# Set file names
tmpfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.tmp'
logfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.log'
retval = _run_sql_file(schema, maddir_mod_py, module, sqlfile,
tmpfile, logfile, None, upgrade,
# Check the exit status
if retval != 0:
_error("Failed executing %s" % tmpfile, False)
_error("Check the log at %s" % logfile, False)
raise Exception
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _db_rollback(drop_schema, keep_schema):
Rollback installation
@param drop_schema name of the schema to drop
@param keep_schema name of the schema to rename and keep
_info("Rolling back the installation...", True)
if not drop_schema:
_error('No schema name to drop. Stopping rollback...', True)
# Drop the current schema
_info("> Dropping schema %s" % drop_schema.upper(), verbose)
_internal_run_query("DROP SCHEMA %s CASCADE;" % (drop_schema), True)
_error("Cannot drop schema %s. Stopping rollback..." % drop_schema.upper(), True)
# Rename old to current schema
if keep_schema:
_db_rename_schema(keep_schema, drop_schema)
_info("Rollback finished successfully.", True)
raise Exception
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def unescape(string):
Unescape separation characters in connection strings, i.e., remove first
backslash from "\/", "\@", "\:", and "\\".
if string is None:
return None
return re.sub(r'\\(?P<char>[/@:\\])', '\g<char>', string)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parseConnectionStr(connectionStr):
@brief Parse connection strings of the form
Separation characters (/@:) and the backslash (\) need to be escaped.
@returns A tuple (username, password, hostname, port, database). Field not
specified will be None.
match =
r'((?P<user>([^/@:\\]|\\/|\\@|\\:|\\\\)+)' +
r'(/(?P<password>([^/@:\\]|\\/|\\@|\\:|\\\\)*))?@)?' +
r'(?P<host>([^/@:\\]|\\/|\\@|\\:|\\\\)+)?' +
r'(:(?P<port>[0-9]+))?' +
r'(/(?P<database>([^/@:\\]|\\/|\\@|\\:|\\\\)+))?', connectionStr)
return (
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='MADlib package manager (' + str(rev) + ')',
$ madpack install -s madlib -p greenplum -c gpadmin@mdw:5432/testdb
This will install MADlib objects into a Greenplum database called TESTDB
running on server MDW:5432. Installer will try to login as GPADMIN
and will prompt for password. The target schema will be MADLIB.
help_msg = """One of the following options:
install : run sql scripts to load into DB
upgrade : run sql scripts to upgrade
uninstall : run sql scripts to uninstall from DB
reinstall : performs uninstall and install
version : compare and print MADlib version (binaries vs database objects)
install-check : test all installed modules
(uninstall is currently unavailable for the HAWQ port)"""
choice_list = ['install', 'update', 'upgrade', 'uninstall',
'reinstall', 'version', 'install-check']
parser.add_argument('command', metavar='COMMAND', nargs=1,
choices=choice_list, help=help_msg)
'-c', '--conn', metavar='CONNSTR', nargs=1, dest='connstr', default=None,
help="""Connection string of the following syntax:
If not provided default values will be derived for PostgerSQL and Greenplum:
- user: PGUSER or USER env variable or OS username
- pass: PGPASSWORD env variable or runtime prompt
- host: PGHOST env variable or 'localhost'
- port: PGPORT env variable or '5432'
- db: PGDATABASE env variable or OS username""")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--schema', nargs=1, dest='schema',
metavar='SCHEMA', default='madlib',
help="Target schema for the database objects.")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform', nargs=1, dest='platform',
metavar='PLATFORM', choices=portid_list,
help="Target database platform, current choices: " + str(portid_list))
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose',
action="store_true", help="Verbose mode.")
parser.add_argument('-l', '--keeplogs', dest='keeplogs', default=False,
action="store_true", help="Do not remove installation log files.")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--tmpdir', dest='tmpdir', default='/tmp/',
help="Temporary directory location for installation log files.")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--testcase', dest='testcase', default="",
help="Module names to test, comma separated. Effective only for install-check.")
# Get the arguments
return parser.parse_args()
def main(argv):
args = parse_arguments()
global verbose
verbose = args.verbose
_info("Arguments: " + str(args), verbose)
global keeplogs
keeplogs = args.keeplogs
global tmpdir
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'madlib.', args.tmpdir)
except OSError, e:
tmpdir = e.filename
_error("cannot create temporary directory: '%s'." % tmpdir, True)
# Parse SCHEMA
if len(args.schema[0]) > 1:
schema = args.schema[0].lower()
schema = args.schema.lower()
# Parse DB Platform (== PortID) and compare with Ports.yml
global portid
if args.platform:
# Get the DB platform name == DB port id
portid = args.platform[0].lower()
portid = None
_error("Can not find specs for port %s" % (args.platform[0]), True)
portid = None
# Parse CONNSTR (only if PLATFORM and DBAPI2 are defined)
if portid:
connStr = "" if args.connstr is None else args.connstr[0]
(c_user, c_pass, c_host, c_port, c_db) = parseConnectionStr(connStr)
# Find the default values for PG and GP
if portid in SUPPORTED_PORTS:
if c_user is None:
c_user = os.environ.get('PGUSER', getpass.getuser())
if c_pass is None:
c_pass = os.environ.get('PGPASSWORD', None)
if c_host is None:
c_host = os.environ.get('PGHOST', 'localhost')
if c_port is None:
c_port = os.environ.get('PGPORT', '5432')
if c_db is None:
c_db = os.environ.get('PGDATABASE', c_user)
# Set connection variables
global con_args
con_args['host'] = c_host + ':' + c_port
con_args['database'] = c_db
con_args['user'] = c_user
if c_pass is not None:
con_args['password'] = c_pass
# Try connecting to the database
_info("Testing database connection...", verbose)
# check for password only if required
_internal_run_query("SELECT 1", False)
except EnvironmentError:
con_args['password'] = getpass.getpass("Password for user %s: " % c_user)
_internal_run_query("SELECT 1", False)
_error('Failed to connect to database', True)
# Get DB version
global dbver
dbver = _get_dbver()
global is_hawq2
if portid == "hawq" and _is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num(dbver), _get_rev_num('2.0')):
is_hawq2 = True
is_hawq2 = False
# HAWQ < 2.0 has hard-coded schema name 'madlib'
if portid == 'hawq' and not is_hawq2 and schema.lower() != 'madlib':
_error("*** Installation is currently restricted only to 'madlib' schema ***", True)
# update maddir to use a relative path if available
global maddir
maddir = _get_relative_maddir(maddir, portid)
# Get MADlib version in DB
dbrev = _get_madlib_dbrev(schema)
portdir = os.path.join(maddir, "ports", portid)
supportedVersions = [dirItem for dirItem in os.listdir(portdir)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(portdir, dirItem)) and
re.match("^\d+", dirItem)]
if dbver is None:
dbver = ".".join(
map(str, max([versionStr.split('.')
for versionStr in supportedVersions])))
_info("Could not parse version string reported by {DBMS}. Will "
"default to newest supported version of {DBMS} "
version=dbver), True)
_info("Detected %s version %s." % (ports[portid]['name'], dbver),
if portid == "hawq":
# HAWQ (starting 2.0) and GPDB (starting 5.0) uses semantic versioning,
# which implies all HAWQ 2.x or GPDB 5.x versions will have binary
# compatibility. Hence, we can keep single folder for all 2.X / 5.X.
if (_is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num(dbver), _get_rev_num('2.0')) and
not _is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num(dbver), _get_rev_num('3.0'))):
is_hawq2 = True
dbver = '2'
elif portid == 'greenplum':
# similar to HAWQ above, collapse all 5.X versions
if (_is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num(dbver), _get_rev_num('5.0')) and
not _is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num(dbver), _get_rev_num('6.0'))):
dbver = '5'
# Due to the ABI incompatibility between 4.3.4 and 4.3.5,
# MADlib treats 4.3.5+ as DB version 4.3ORCA which is different
# from 4.3. The name is suffixed with ORCA since optimizer (ORCA) is
# 'on' by default in 4.3.5
elif _is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num(dbver), _get_rev_num('4.3.4')):
dbver = '4.3ORCA'
# only need the first two digits for <= 4.3.4
dbver = '.'.join(dbver.split('.')[:2])
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(portdir, dbver)):
_error("This version is not among the %s versions for which "
"MADlib support files have been installed (%s)." %
(ports[portid]['name'], ", ".join(supportedVersions)), True)
# Validate that db platform is correct
if not _check_db_port(portid):
_error("Invalid database platform specified.", True)
# Adjust MADlib directories for this port (if they exist)
global maddir_conf
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/config"):
maddir_conf = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/config"
maddir_conf = maddir + "/config"
global maddir_lib
if os.path.isfile(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver +
maddir_lib = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + \
maddir_lib = maddir + "/lib/"
# Get the list of modules for this port
global portspecs
portspecs = configyml.get_modules(maddir_conf)
con_args = None
dbrev = None
# Parse COMMAND argument and compare with Ports.yml
# Debugging...
# print "OS rev: " + str(rev) + " > " + str(_get_rev_num(rev))
# print "DB rev: " + str(dbrev) + " > " + str(_get_rev_num(dbrev))
# Make sure we have the necessary parameters to continue
if args.command[0] != 'version':
if not portid:
_error("Missing -p/--platform parameter.", True)
if not con_args:
_error("Unknown problem with database connection string: %s" % con_args, True)
# COMMAND: version
if args.command[0] == 'version':
_print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
# COMMAND: uninstall/reinstall
if args.command[0] in ('uninstall',) and (portid == 'hawq' and not is_hawq2):
_error("madpack uninstall is currently not available for HAWQ", True)
if args.command[0] in ('uninstall', 'reinstall') and (portid != 'hawq' or is_hawq2):
if _get_rev_num(dbrev) == [0]:
_info("Nothing to uninstall. No version found in schema %s." % schema.upper(), True)
# Find any potential data to lose
affected_objects = _internal_run_query("""
n1.nspname AS schema,
relname AS relation,
attname AS column,
typname AS type
pg_attribute a,
pg_class c,
pg_type t,
pg_namespace n,
pg_namespace n1
n.nspname = '%s'
AND t.typnamespace = n.oid
AND a.atttypid = t.oid
AND c.oid = a.attrelid
AND c.relnamespace = n1.oid
AND c.relkind = 'r'
n1.nspname, relname, attname, typname""" % schema.lower(), True)
_info("*** Uninstalling MADlib ***", True)
_info("***********************************************************************************", True)
_info("* Schema %s and all database objects depending on it will be dropped!" % schema.upper(), True)
if affected_objects:
_info("* If you continue the following data will be lost (schema : table.column : type):", True)
for ao in affected_objects:
_info('* - ' + ao['schema'] + ' : ' + ao['relation'] + '.' +
ao['column'] + ' : ' + ao['type'], True)
_info("***********************************************************************************", True)
_info("Would you like to continue? [Y/N]", True)
go = raw_input('>>> ').upper()
while go != 'Y' and go != 'N':
go = raw_input('Yes or No >>> ').upper()
# 2) Do the uninstall/drop
if go == 'N':
_info('No problem. Nothing dropped.', True)
elif go == 'Y':
_info("> dropping schema %s" % schema.upper(), verbose)
_internal_run_query("DROP SCHEMA %s CASCADE;" % (schema), True)
_error("Cannot drop schema %s." % schema.upper(), True)
_info('Schema %s (and all dependent objects) has been dropped.' % schema.upper(), True)
_info('MADlib uninstalled successfully.', True)
# COMMAND: install/reinstall
if args.command[0] in ('install', 'reinstall'):
# Refresh MADlib version in DB, None for GP/PG
if args.command[0] == 'reinstall':
print "Setting MADlib database version to be None for reinstall"
dbrev = None
_info("*** Installing MADlib ***", True)
# 1) Compare OS and DB versions.
# noop if OS <= DB.
_print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
if _is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num(dbrev), _get_rev_num(rev)):
_info("Current MADlib version already up to date.", True)
# proceed to create objects if nothing installed in DB or for HAWQ < 2.0
elif dbrev is None or (portid == 'hawq' and not is_hawq2):
# error and refer to upgrade if OS > DB
_error("""Aborting installation: existing MADlib version detected in {0} schema
To upgrade the {0} schema to MADlib v{1} please run the following command:
madpack upgrade -s {0} -p {2} [-c ...]
""".format(schema, rev, portid), True)
# 2) Run installation
_db_install(schema, dbrev, args.testcase)
_error("MADlib installation failed.", True)
# COMMAND: upgrade
if args.command[0] in ('upgrade', 'update'):
_info("*** Upgrading MADlib ***", True)
dbrev = _get_madlib_dbrev(schema)
# 1) Check DB version. If None, nothing to upgrade.
if not dbrev:
_info("MADlib is not installed in {schema} schema and there "
"is nothing to upgrade. Please use install "
# 2) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS > DB.
_print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
if _is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num(dbrev), _get_rev_num(rev)):
_info("Current MADlib version is already up-to-date.", True)
if float('.'.join(dbrev.split('.')[0:2])) < 1.0:
_info("The version gap is too large, upgrade is supported only for "
"packages greater than or equal to v1.0.", True)
# 3) Run upgrade
_db_upgrade(schema, dbrev)
except Exception as e:
# Uncomment the following lines when debugging
print "Exception: " + str(e)
print sys.exc_info()
_error("MADlib upgrade failed.", True)
# COMMAND: install-check
if args.command[0] == 'install-check':
# 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS = DB.
if _get_rev_num(dbrev) != _get_rev_num(rev):
_print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
_info("Versions do not match. Install-check stopped.", True)
# Create install-check user
test_user = ('madlib_' +
rev.replace('.', '').replace('-', '_') +
_internal_run_query("DROP USER IF EXISTS %s;" % (test_user), False)
_internal_run_query("DROP OWNED BY %s CASCADE;" % (test_user), True)
_internal_run_query("DROP USER IF EXISTS %s;" % (test_user), True)
_internal_run_query("CREATE USER %s;" % (test_user), True)
_internal_run_query("GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA %s TO %s;" % (schema, test_user), True)
# 2) Run test SQLs
_info("> Running test scripts for:", verbose)
caseset = (set([test.strip() for test in args.testcase.split(',')])
if args.testcase != "" else set())
modset = {}
for case in caseset:
if case.find('/') > -1:
[mod, algo] = case.split('/')
if mod not in modset:
modset[mod] = []
if algo not in modset[mod]:
modset[case] = []
# Loop through all modules
for moduleinfo in portspecs['modules']:
# Get module name
module = moduleinfo['name']
# Skip if doesn't meet specified modules
if modset is not None and len(modset) > 0 and module not in modset:
_info("> - %s" % module, verbose)
# Make a temp dir for this module (if doesn't exist)
cur_tmpdir = tmpdir + '/' + module + '/test' # tmpdir is a global variable
# Find the Python module dir (platform specific or generic)
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/modules/" + module):
maddir_mod_py = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/modules"
maddir_mod_py = maddir + "/modules"
# Find the SQL module dir (platform specific or generic)
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules/" + module):
maddir_mod_sql = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules"
maddir_mod_sql = maddir + "/modules"
# Prepare test schema
test_schema = "madlib_installcheck_%s" % (module)
_internal_run_query("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA %s;" %
(test_schema, test_schema), True)
_internal_run_query("GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA %s TO %s;" %
(test_schema, test_user), True)
# Switch to test user and prepare the search_path
pre_sql = '-- Switch to test user:\n' \
'SET ROLE %s;\n' \
'-- Set SEARCH_PATH for install-check:\n' \
'SET search_path=%s,%s;\n' \
% (test_user, test_schema, schema)
# Loop through all test SQL files for this module
sql_files = maddir_mod_sql + '/' + module + '/test/*.sql_in'
for sqlfile in sorted(glob.glob(sql_files), reverse=True):
# work-around for HAWQ
algoname = os.path.basename(sqlfile).split('.')[0]
# run only algo specified
if module in modset and len(modset[module]) > 0 \
and algoname not in modset[module]:
# Set file names
tmpfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.tmp'
logfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.log'
# If there is no problem with the SQL file
milliseconds = 0
# Run the SQL
run_start =
retval = _run_sql_file(schema, maddir_mod_py, module,
sqlfile, tmpfile, logfile, pre_sql)
# Runtime evaluation
run_end =
milliseconds = round((run_end - run_start).seconds * 1000 +
(run_end - run_start).microseconds / 1000)
# Check the exit status
if retval != 0:
_error("Failed executing %s" % tmpfile, False)
_error("Check the log at %s" % logfile, False)
result = 'FAIL'
keeplogs = True
# Since every single statement in the test file gets logged,
# an empty log file indicates an empty or a failed test
elif os.path.isfile(logfile) and os.path.getsize(logfile) > 0:
result = 'PASS'
# Otherwise
result = 'ERROR'
# Spit the line
print "TEST CASE RESULT|Module: " + module + \
"|" + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + "|" + result + \
"|Time: %d milliseconds" % (milliseconds)
# Cleanup test schema for the module
_internal_run_query("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE;" % (test_schema), True)
# Drop install-check user
_internal_run_query("DROP OWNED BY %s CASCADE;" % (test_user), True)
_internal_run_query("DROP USER %s;" % (test_user), True)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Unit tests
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RevTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
def test_get_rev_num(self):
# not using assertGreaterEqual to keep Python 2.6 compatibility
self.assertTrue(_get_rev_num('4.3.10') >= _get_rev_num('4.3.5'))
self.assertTrue(_get_rev_num('1.9.10-dev') >= _get_rev_num('1.9.9'))
self.assertNotEqual(_get_rev_num('1.9.10-dev'), _get_rev_num('1.9.10'))
self.assertEqual(_get_rev_num('1.9.10'), [1, 9, 10])
self.assertEqual(_get_rev_num('1.0.0+20130313144700'), [1, 0, 0, '20130313144700'])
def test_is_rev_gte(self):
# 1.0.0-alpha < 1.0.0-alpha.1 < 1.0.0-alpha.beta <
# 1.0.0-beta < 1.0.0-beta.2 < 1.0.0-beta.11 < 1.0.0-rc.1 < 1.0.0
self.assertTrue(_is_rev_gte([], []))
self.assertTrue(_is_rev_gte([1, 9], [1, None]))
self.assertFalse(_is_rev_gte([1, None], [1, 9]))
self.assertTrue(_is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num('4.3.10'), _get_rev_num('4.3.5')))
self.assertTrue(_is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num('1.9.0'), _get_rev_num('1.9.0')))
self.assertTrue(_is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num('1.9.1'), _get_rev_num('1.9.0')))
self.assertTrue(_is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num('1.9.1'), _get_rev_num('1.9')))
self.assertTrue(_is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num('1.9.0'), _get_rev_num('1.9.0-dev')))
self.assertTrue(_is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num('1.9.1'), _get_rev_num('1.9-dev')))
self.assertTrue(_is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num('1.9.0-dev'), _get_rev_num('1.9.0-dev')))
self.assertTrue(_is_rev_gte([1, 9, 'rc', 1], [1, 9, 'dev', 0]))
self.assertFalse(_is_rev_gte(_get_rev_num('1.9.1'), _get_rev_num('1.10')))
self.assertFalse(_is_rev_gte([1, 9, 'dev', 1], [1, 9, 'rc', 0]))
self.assertFalse(_is_rev_gte([1, 9, 'alpha'], [1, 9, 'alpha', 0]))
self.assertFalse(_is_rev_gte([1, 9, 'alpha', 1], [1, 9, 'alpha', 'beta']))
self.assertFalse(_is_rev_gte([1, 9, 'alpha.1'], [1, 9, 'alpha.beta']))
self.assertFalse(_is_rev_gte([1, 9, 'beta', 2], [1, 9, 'beta', 4]))
self.assertFalse(_is_rev_gte([1, 9, 'beta', '1'], [1, 9, 'rc', '0']))
self.assertFalse(_is_rev_gte([1, 9, 'rc', 1], [1, 9, 0]))
self.assertFalse(_is_rev_gte([1, 9, '0.2'], [1, 9, '0.3']))
self.assertFalse(_is_rev_gte([1, 9, 'build2'], [1, 9, 'build3']))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start Here
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run main
# Optional log files cleanup
# keeplogs and tmpdir are global variables
if not keeplogs:
print "INFO: Log files saved in " + tmpdir