blob: f8499fea7bafdb3728be2f90265a0533633ce098 [file] [log] [blame]
# coding=utf-8
@file multilogistic.py_in
@brief Multinomial Logistic Regression: Driver functions
@namespace multilogistic
Multinomial Logistic Regression: Driver functions
import plpy
def __runIterativeAlg(stateType, initialState, source, updateExpr,
terminateExpr, maxNumIterations, cyclesPerIteration = 1):
Driver for an iterative algorithm
A general driver function for most iterative algorithms: The state between
iterations is kept in a variable of type <tt>stateType</tt>, which is
initialized with <tt><em>initialState</em></tt>. During each iteration, the
SQL statement <tt>updateSQL</tt> is executed in the database. Afterwards,
the SQL query <tt>updateSQL</tt> decides whether the algorithm terminates.
@param stateType SQL type of the state between iterations
@param initialState The initial value of the SQL state variable
@param source The source relation
@param updateExpr SQL expression that returns the new state of type
<tt>stateType</tt>. The expression may use the replacement fields
<tt>"{state}"</tt>, <tt>"{iteration}"</tt>, and
<tt>"{sourceAlias}"</tt>. Source alias is an alias for the source
relation <tt><em>source</em></tt>.
@param terminateExpr SQL expression that returns whether the algorithm should
terminate. The expression may use the replacement fields
<tt>"{oldState}"</tt>, <tt>"{newState}"</tt>, and
<tt>"{iteration}"</tt>. It must return a BOOLEAN value.
@param maxNumIterations Maximum number of iterations. Algorithm will then
terminate even when <tt>terminateExpr</tt> does not evaluate to \c true
@param cyclesPerIteration Number of aggregate function calls per iteration.
updateSQL = """
INSERT INTO _madlib_iterative_alg
_madlib_iterative_alg AS st,
{{source}} AS src
st._madlib_iteration = {{iteration}} - 1
""".format(updateExpr = updateExpr)
terminateSQL = """
{terminateExpr} AS should_terminate
SELECT _madlib_state
FROM _madlib_iterative_alg
WHERE _madlib_iteration = {{iteration}} - {{cyclesPerIteration}}
) AS older,
SELECT _madlib_state
FROM _madlib_iterative_alg
WHERE _madlib_iteration = {{iteration}}
) AS newer
""".format(terminateExpr = terminateExpr)
checkForNullStateSQL = """
SELECT _madlib_state IS NULL AS should_terminate
FROM _madlib_iterative_alg
WHERE _madlib_iteration = {iteration}
oldMsgLevel = plpy.execute("SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name='client_min_messages'"
SET client_min_messages = error;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _madlib_iterative_alg;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _madlib_iterative_alg (
_madlib_iteration INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
_madlib_state {stateType}
SET client_min_messages = {oldMsgLevel};
""".format(stateType = stateType, oldMsgLevel = oldMsgLevel))
iteration = 0
INSERT INTO _madlib_iterative_alg VALUES ({iteration}, {initialState})
""".format(iteration = iteration, initialState = initialState))
while True:
iteration = iteration + 1
source = source,
state = "(st._madlib_state)",
iteration = iteration,
sourceAlias = "src"))
if plpy.execute(checkForNullStateSQL.format(
iteration = iteration))[0]['should_terminate'] or (
iteration > cyclesPerIteration and (
iteration >= cyclesPerIteration * maxNumIterations or
iteration = iteration,
cyclesPerIteration = cyclesPerIteration,
oldState = "(older._madlib_state)",
newState = "(newer._madlib_state)"))[0]['should_terminate'])):
# Note: We do not drop the temporary table
return iteration
def compute_mlogregr(schema_madlib, source, depvar, numcategories, indepvar, optimizer,
maxnumiterations, precision, ref_category, **kwargs):
Compute logistic regression coefficients
This method serves as an interface to different optimization algorithms.
By default, iteratively reweighted least squares is used, but for data with
a lot of columns the conjugate-gradient method might perform better.
@param schema_madlib Name of the MADlib schema, properly escaped/quoted
@param source Name of relation containing the training data
@param depvar Name of dependent column in training data (of type INTEGER)
@param numcategories Number of categories in the multilogistic regression
@param indepvar Name of independent column in training data (of type
@param optimizer Name of the optimizer. 'newton' or 'irls': Iteratively
reweighted least squares
@param maxnumiterations Maximum number of iterations
@param precision Terminate if two consecutive iterations have a difference
in the log-likelihood of less than <tt>precision</tt>. In other
words, we terminate if the objective function value has converged.
This convergence criterion can be disabled by specifying a negative
@param ref_category The user-specified reference category
@param kwargs We allow the caller to specify additional arguments (all of
which will be ignored though). The purpose of this is to allow the
caller to unpack a dictionary whose element set is a superset of
the required arguments by this function.
@return array with coefficients in case of convergence, otherwise None
if maxnumiterations < 1:
plpy.error("Number of iterations must be positive")
if optimizer == 'newton':
optimizer = 'irls'
elif optimizer not in ['irls']:
plpy.error("Unknown optimizer requested. Must be 'newton' or 'irls'")
return __runIterativeAlg(
stateType = "FLOAT8[]",
initialState = "NULL",
source = source,
updateExpr = """
schema_madlib = schema_madlib,
depvar = depvar,
indepvar = indepvar,
numcategories = numcategories,
optimizer = optimizer),
terminateExpr = """
{{newState}}, {{oldState}}
) < {precision}
schema_madlib = schema_madlib,
optimizer = optimizer,
precision = precision),
maxNumIterations = maxnumiterations)