blob: 09a4a2cf651f29f5b88f804f9b1853c6dcb92830 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file SymmetricPositiveDefiniteEigenDecomposition_impl.hpp
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace madlib {
namespace dbal {
namespace eigen_integration {
* @brief Constructor that invokes the computation
* @param inMatrix Matrix to operate on. Note that the type is
* <tt>const MatrixType&</tt>, meaning that a temporary object will be
* created if the actual parameter is not of a subclass type. This means
* that memory will be copied -- on the positive side, this ensures memory
* will be aligned!
* @param inOptions A combination of DecompositionOptions
* @param inExtras A combination of SPDDecompositionExtras
template <class MatrixType>
const MatrixType &inMatrix, int inOptions, int inExtras)
: Base(inMatrix, inOptions) {
computeExtras(inMatrix, inExtras);
* @brief Return the condition number of the matrix
* In general, the condition number of a matrix is the absolute value of the
* largest singular value divided by the smallest singular value. When a matrix
* is symmetric positive semi-definite, all eigenvalues are also singular
* values. Moreover, all eigenvalues are non-negative.
template <class MatrixType>
const {
const RealVectorType& ev = eigenvalues();
double numerator = ev(ev.size() - 1);
double denominator = ev(0);
// All eigenvalues of a positive semi-definite matrix are
// non-negative, so in theory no need to take absolute values.
// Unfortunately, numerical instabilities can cause eigenvalues to
// be slightly negative. We should interprete that as 0.
if (denominator < 0)
denominator = 0;
return numerator <= 0 ? std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
: numerator / denominator;
* @brief Return the pseudo inverse previously computed using computeExtras().
* The result of this function is undefined if computeExtras() has not been
* called or the pseudo-inverse was not set to be computed.
template <class MatrixType>
const MatrixType&
SymmetricPositiveDefiniteEigenDecomposition<MatrixType>::pseudoInverse() const {
return mPinv;
* @brief Perform extra computations after the decomposition
* If the matrix has a condition number of less than 1e20 (currently
* this is hard-coded), it necessarily has full rank and is invertible.
* The Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse coincides with the inverse and we
* compute it directly, using a \f$ L D L^T \f$ Cholesky decomposition.
* If the matrix has a condition number of more than 1e20, we are on the
* safe side and use the eigen decomposition for computing the
* pseudo-inverse.
* Since the eigenvectors of a symmtric positive semi-definite matrix
* are orthogonal, and Eigen moreover scales them to have norm 1 (i.e.,
* the eigenvectors returned by Eigen are orthonormal), the Eigen
* decomposition
* \f$ M = V * D * V^T \f$
* is also a singular value decomposition (where M is the
* original symmetric positive semi-definite matrix, D is the
* diagonal matrix with eigenvectors, and V is the unitary
* matrix containing normalized eigenvectors). In particular,
* V is unitary, so the inverse can be computed as
* \f$ M^{-1} = V * D^{-1} * V^T \f$.
* Only the <b>lower triangular part</b> of the input matrix
* is referenced.
template <class MatrixType>
const MatrixType &inMatrix, int inExtras) {
if (inExtras & ComputePseudoInverse) {
mPinv.resize(inMatrix.rows(), inMatrix.cols());
// FIXME: No hard-coded constant here
if (conditionNo() < 1e20) {
// We are doing a Cholesky decomposition of a matrix with
// pivoting. This is faster than the PartialPivLU that
// Eigen's inverse() method would use
mPinv = inMatrix.template selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>().ldlt()
.solve(MatrixType::Identity(inMatrix.rows(), inMatrix.cols()));
} else {
if (!Base::m_eigenvectorsOk)
Base::compute(inMatrix, Eigen::ComputeEigenvectors);
const RealVectorType& ev = eigenvalues();
// The eigenvalue are sorted in increasing order
Scalar epsilon = static_cast<double>(inMatrix.rows())
* ev(ev.size() - 1)
* std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon();
RealVectorType eigenvectorsInverted(ev.size());
for (Index i = 0; i < static_cast<Index>(ev.size()); ++i) {
eigenvectorsInverted(i) = ev(i) < epsilon
? Scalar(0)
: Scalar(1) / ev(i);
mPinv = Base::eigenvectors()
* eigenvectorsInverted.asDiagonal()
* Base::eigenvectors().transpose();
} // namespace eigen_integration
} // namespace dbal
} // namespace madlib