blob: 7c6c5c3a9f4c634554723042f635fb1f548f511a [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
m4_changequote(`<!', `!>')
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input;
CREATE TABLE data_preprocessor_input(id serial, x double precision[], label TEXT);
INSERT INTO data_preprocessor_input(x, label) VALUES
(ARRAY[1,2,3,4,5,6], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,2,3,4,5,6], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,4,5,6], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,5,6], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,6], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,144,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,233,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'b'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'b'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'b');
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
-- Divide two numbers and round up to the nearest integer
CREATE FUNCTION divide_roundup(numerator NUMERIC, denominator NUMERIC)
SELECT (ceil($1 / $2)::INTEGER);
-- num_buffers_calc() represents the num_buffers value that should be
-- calculated by the preprocessor.
-- For postgres, just need total rows / buffer_size rounded up.
-- For greenplum, we take that result, and round up to the nearest multiple
-- of num_segments.
CREATE FUNCTION num_buffers_calc(rows_in_tbl INTEGER, buffer_size INTEGER)
<! SELECT divide_roundup($1, $2); !>,
<! SELECT (COUNT(*)::INTEGER) * divide_roundup(divide_roundup($1, $2), COUNT(*)) FROM gp_segment_configuration
WHERE role = 'p' AND content != -1; !>
-- num_buffers() represents the actual number of buffers expected to
-- be returned in the output table.
-- For postgres, this should always be the same as num_buffers_calc()
-- (as long as rows_in_tbl > 0, which should be validated elsewhere)
-- For greenplum, this can be less than num_buffers_calc() in
-- the special case where there is only one row per buffer. In
-- that case, the buffers in the output table will be equal to
-- the number of rows in the input table. This can only happen
-- if rows_in_tbl < num_segments and is the only case where the
-- number of buffers on each segment will not be exactly equal
CREATE FUNCTION num_buffers(rows_in_tbl INTEGER, buffer_size INTEGER)
SELECT LEAST(num_buffers_calc($1, $2), $1);
CREATE FUNCTION buffer_size(rows_in_tbl INTEGER, requested_buffer_size INTEGER)
SELECT divide_roundup($1, num_buffers($1, $2));
SELECT assert(COUNT(*) = num_buffers(17, 5),
'Incorrect number of buffers in data_preprocessor_input_batch.')
FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch;
SELECT assert(independent_var_shape[2]=6, 'Incorrect image shape ' || independent_var_shape[2])
FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
SELECT assert(independent_var_shape[1]=buffer_size, 'Incorrect buffer size ' || independent_var_shape[1])
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 5) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
SELECT assert(independent_var_shape[1]=buffer_size, 'Incorrect buffer size ' || independent_var_shape[1])
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 5) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=1;
SELECT assert(independent_var_shape[1]=buffer_size, 'Incorrect buffer size ' || independent_var_shape[1])
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 5) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=2;
SELECT assert(total_images = 17, 'Incorrect total number of images! Last buffer has incorrect size?')
FROM (SELECT SUM(independent_var_shape[1]) AS total_images FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch) a;
SELECT assert(octet_length(independent_var) = buffer_size*6*4, 'Incorrect buffer length ' || octet_length(independent_var)::TEXT)
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 5) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_out, validation_out_summary;
SELECT validation_preprocessor_dl(
SELECT assert(COUNT(*) = num_buffers(17, 5),
'Incorrect number of buffers in validation_out.')
FROM validation_out;
SELECT assert(independent_var_shape[2]=6, 'Incorrect image shape.')
FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
SELECT assert(independent_var_shape[1]=buffer_size, 'Incorrect buffer size.')
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 5) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=1;
SELECT assert(total_images = 17, 'Incorrect total number of images! Last buffer has incorrect size?')
FROM (SELECT SUM(independent_var_shape[1]) AS total_images FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch) a;
SELECT assert(octet_length(independent_var) = buffer_size*6*4, 'Incorrect buffer length')
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 5) buffer_size) a, validation_out WHERE buffer_id=0;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
-- Test data is evenly distributed across all segments (GPDB only)
m4_ifdef(<!__POSTGRESQL__!>, <!!>, <!
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
-- This test expects that total number of images(17 for input table data_preprocessor_input)
-- are equally distributed across all segments.
-- Therefore, after preprocessing seg0 will have 17/(# of segs) buffers.
SELECT gp_segment_id, assert((SELECT divide_roundup(17, count(*)) from gp_segment_configuration WHERE role = 'p' and content != -1) - COUNT(*) <= 1, 'Even distribution of buffers failed. Seeing ' || count(*) || ' buffers.')
FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch GROUP BY 1;
SELECT assert(__internal_gpu_config__ = 'all_segments', 'Missing column in summary table')
FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
-- Test validation data is evenly distributed across all segments (GPDB only)
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_out, validation_out_summary;
SELECT validation_preprocessor_dl(
SELECT gp_segment_id, assert((SELECT divide_roundup(17, count(*)) from gp_segment_configuration WHERE role = 'p' and content != -1) - COUNT(*) <= 1, 'Even distribution of buffers failed. Seeing ' || count(*) || ' buffers.')
FROM validation_out GROUP BY 1;
SELECT assert(__internal_gpu_config__ = 'all_segments', 'Missing column in validation summary table')
FROM validation_out_summary;
-- Test data distributed on specified segments
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS segments_to_use;
CREATE TABLE segments_to_use (dbid INTEGER, notes TEXT);
INSERT INTO segments_to_use VALUES (2, 'GPU segment');
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
SELECT assert(count(DISTINCT(gp_segment_id)) = 1, 'Fail to distribute data on segment0')
FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch;
SELECT assert(count(*) = 17, 'Fail to distribute all data on segment0')
FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch;
SELECT assert(__internal_gpu_config__ = ARRAY[0], 'Invalid column value in summary table')
FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
-- Test data distributed on specified segments for validation_preprocessor_dl
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_out, validation_out_summary;
SELECT validation_preprocessor_dl(
SELECT assert(count(DISTINCT(gp_segment_id)) = 1, 'Failed to distribute validation data on segment0')
FROM validation_out;
SELECT assert(count(*) = 17, 'Fail to distribute all validation data on segment0')
FROM validation_out;
SELECT assert(__internal_gpu_config__ = ARRAY[0], 'Invalid column value in validation summary table')
FROM validation_out_summary;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input;
CREATE TABLE data_preprocessor_input(id serial, x double precision[], y INTEGER, y1 BOOLEAN, y2 TEXT, y3 DOUBLE PRECISION, y4 DOUBLE PRECISION[], y5 INTEGER[]);
INSERT INTO data_preprocessor_input(x, y, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5) VALUES
(ARRAY[1,2,3,4,5,6], 4, TRUE, 'a', 4.0, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,2,3,4,5,6], 3, TRUE, 'c', 4.2, ARRAY[0.0, 1.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,4,5,6], 8, TRUE, 'a', 4.0, ARRAY[0.0, 1.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,5,6], 2, FALSE, 'a', 4.2, ARRAY[0.0, 1.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,6], 5, TRUE, 'b', 4.0, ARRAY[0.0, 1.0], ARRAY[0,1]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 6, TRUE, 'a', 5.0, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 2, TRUE, 'a', 4.0, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 10, TRUE, 'a', 4.0, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 3, TRUE, 'b', 4.0, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 7, FALSE, 'a', 5.0, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 6, TRUE, 'a', 4.0, ARRAY[0.0, 1.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], -6, TRUE, 'a', 4.0, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,144,65,56], 9, TRUE, 'c', 4.0, ARRAY[0.0, 1.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,233,44,65,56], 0, TRUE, 'a', 5.0, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[0,1]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 12, TRUE, 'a', 4.0, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], -3, FALSE, 'a', 4.2, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[1,0]),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], -1, TRUE, 'b', 4.0, ARRAY[0.0, 1.0], ARRAY[0,1]);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
16 -- num_classes
-- Test that indepdendent vars get divided by 5, by verifying min value goes from 1 to 0.2, and max value from 233 to 46.6
SELECT assert(relative_error(MIN(x),0.2) < 0.00001, 'Independent var not normalized properly!') FROM (SELECT UNNEST(convert_bytea_to_real_array(independent_var)) as x FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch) a;
SELECT assert(relative_error(MAX(x),46.6) < 0.00001, 'Independent var not normalized properly!') FROM (SELECT UNNEST(convert_bytea_to_real_array(independent_var)) as x FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch) a;
-- Test that 1-hot encoded array is of length 16 (num_classes)
SELECT assert(dependent_var_shape[2] = 16, 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension with num_classes') FROM
data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(octet_length(independent_var) = buffer_size*6*4, 'Incorrect buffer length')
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 4) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
-- Test summary table
SELECT assert
source_table = 'data_preprocessor_input' AND
output_table = 'data_preprocessor_input_batch' AND
dependent_varname = 'y' AND
independent_varname = 'x' AND
dependent_vartype = 'integer' AND
class_values = '{-6,-3,-1,0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,NULL,NULL}' AND
summary.buffer_size = a.buffer_size AND -- we sort the class values in python
normalizing_const = 5 AND
pg_typeof(normalizing_const) = 'real'::regtype AND
num_classes = 16 AND
distribution_rules = 'all_segments',
'Summary Validation failed. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 4) buffer_size) a,
(SELECT * FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary) summary;
--- Test output data type
SELECT assert(pg_typeof(independent_var) = 'bytea'::regtype, 'Wrong independent_var type') FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(pg_typeof(dependent_var) = 'bytea'::regtype, 'Wrong dependent_var type') FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
-- Test for validation data where the input table has only a subset of
-- the classes compared to the original training data
-- (data_preprocessor_input_batch). The one hot encoding must be based
-- on class_values from data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary rather
-- than the class levels found in validation_input.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_input;
CREATE TABLE validation_input(id serial, x_new double precision[], y_new INTEGER, y1 BOOLEAN, y2 TEXT, y3 DOUBLE PRECISION, y4 DOUBLE PRECISION[], y5 INTEGER[]);
INSERT INTO validation_input(x_new, y_new, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5) VALUES
(ARRAY[1,2,3,4,5,6], 4, TRUE, 'a', 4.0, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[1,0]);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_out, validation_out_summary;
SELECT validation_preprocessor_dl(
-- Hard code 5.0 as the normalizing constant, based on the previous
-- query's input param, to test if normalization is correct.
SELECT assert(abs(x_new[1]/5.0-(convert_bytea_to_real_array(independent_var))[1]) < 0.0000001, 'Incorrect normalizing in validation table.')
FROM validation_input, validation_out;
-- Validate if one hot encoding is as expected.
SELECT assert(convert_bytea_to_smallint_array(dependent_var) = '{0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}', 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension with num_classes') FROM
validation_out WHERE buffer_id = 0;
-- Test summary table
SELECT assert
source_table = 'validation_input' AND
output_table = 'validation_out' AND
dependent_varname = 'y_new' AND
independent_varname = 'x_new' AND
dependent_vartype = 'integer' AND
class_values = '{-6,-3,-1,0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,NULL,NULL}' AND
buffer_size = 1 AND -- we sort the class values in python
normalizing_const = 5 AND
pg_typeof(normalizing_const) = 'real'::regtype AND
num_classes = 16,
'Summary Validation failed. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) from (select * from validation_out_summary) summary;
-- Test one-hot encoding for dependent_var
-- test boolean type
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
SELECT assert(pg_typeof(dependent_var) = 'bytea'::regtype, 'One-hot encode doesn''t convert into integer array format') FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(dependent_var_shape[2] = 2, 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension') FROM
data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(octet_length(independent_var) = buffer_size*6*4, 'Incorrect buffer length')
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 4) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
SELECT assert(SUM(y) = 1, 'Incorrect one-hot encode format') FROM (SELECT buffer_id, UNNEST((convert_bytea_to_smallint_array(dependent_var))[1:2]) as y FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch) a WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert (dependent_vartype = 'boolean' AND
class_values = '{f,t}' AND
num_classes = 2,
'Summary Validation failed. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) from (select * from data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary) summary;
-- Test to assert the output summary table for validation has the correct
-- num_classes and class_values
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_input;
CREATE TABLE validation_input(id serial, x_new double precision[], y INTEGER, y_new BOOLEAN, y2 TEXT, y3 DOUBLE PRECISION, y4 DOUBLE PRECISION[], y5 INTEGER[]);
INSERT INTO validation_input(x_new, y, y_new, y2, y3, y4, y5) VALUES
(ARRAY[1,2,3,4,5,6], 4, TRUE, 'a', 4.0, ARRAY[1.0, 0.0], ARRAY[1,0]);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_out, validation_out_summary;
SELECT validation_preprocessor_dl(
SELECT assert (dependent_vartype = 'boolean' AND
class_values = '{f,t}' AND
num_classes = 2,
'Summary Validation failed. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) from (select * from validation_out_summary) summary;
-- test text type
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
SELECT assert(pg_typeof(dependent_var) = 'bytea'::regtype, 'One-hot encode doesn''t convert into integer array format') FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(dependent_var_shape[2] = 3, 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension') FROM
data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(octet_length(independent_var) = buffer_size*6*4, 'Incorrect buffer length')
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 4) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
SELECT assert(SUM(y) = 1, 'Incorrect one-hot encode format') FROM (SELECT buffer_id, UNNEST((convert_bytea_to_smallint_array(dependent_var))[1:3]) as y FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch) a WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert (dependent_vartype = 'text' AND
class_values = '{a,b,c}' AND
num_classes = 3,
'Summary Validation failed. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) from (select * from data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary) summary;
-- data_preprocessor_input_batch was created for boolean dependent var,
-- trying to create validation data using this table for reference, but
-- passing a non-boolean dep var should error out.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_out, validation_out_summary;
select assert(trap_error($TRAP$SELECT validation_preprocessor_dl(
'data_preprocessor_input_batch');$TRAP$) = 1,
'Passing boolean dep var while expecting text dep var should error out.');
-- test double precision type
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
SELECT assert(pg_typeof(dependent_var) = 'bytea'::regtype, 'One-hot encode doesn''t convert into integer array format') FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(dependent_var_shape[2] = 3, 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension') FROM
data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(octet_length(independent_var) = buffer_size*6*4, 'Incorrect buffer length')
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 4) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
SELECT assert(SUM(y) = 1, 'Incorrect one-hot encode format') FROM (SELECT buffer_id, UNNEST((convert_bytea_to_smallint_array(dependent_var))[1:3]) as y FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch) a WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert (dependent_vartype = 'double precision' AND
class_values = '{4.0,4.2,5.0}' AND
num_classes = 3,
'Summary Validation failed. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) from (select * from data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary) summary;
-- test double precision array type
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
SELECT assert(pg_typeof(dependent_var) = 'bytea'::regtype, 'One-hot encode doesn''t convert into integer array format') FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(dependent_var_shape[2] = 2, 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension') FROM
data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(octet_length(independent_var) = buffer_size*6*4, 'Incorrect buffer length')
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 4) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
SELECT assert(relative_error(SUM(y), SUM(y4)) < 0.000001, 'Incorrect one-hot encode value') FROM (SELECT UNNEST(convert_bytea_to_smallint_array(dependent_var)) AS y FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch) a, (SELECT UNNEST(y4) as y4 FROM data_preprocessor_input) b;
SELECT assert (dependent_vartype = 'double precision[]' AND
class_values IS NULL AND
num_classes IS NULL,
'Summary Validation failed. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) from (select * from data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary) summary;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_out, validation_out_summary;
SELECT validation_preprocessor_dl(
SELECT assert(convert_bytea_to_smallint_array(dependent_var) = '{1,0}' AND dependent_var_shape[2] = 2, 'Incorrect one-hot encoding for already encoded dep var') FROM
validation_out WHERE buffer_id = 0;
-- test integer array type
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
SELECT assert(pg_typeof(dependent_var) = 'bytea'::regtype, 'One-hot encode doesn''t convert into integer array format') FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(dependent_var_shape[2] = 2, 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension') FROM
data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(octet_length(independent_var) = buffer_size*6*4, 'Incorrect buffer length')
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 4) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
SELECT assert(relative_error(SUM(y), SUM(y5)) < 0.000001, 'Incorrect one-hot encode value') FROM (SELECT UNNEST(convert_bytea_to_smallint_array(dependent_var)) AS y FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch) a, (SELECT UNNEST(y5) as y5 FROM data_preprocessor_input) b;
SELECT assert (dependent_vartype = 'integer[]' AND
class_values IS NULL AND
num_classes IS NULL,
'Summary Validation failed. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) from (select * from data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary) summary;
-- Test cases with NULL in class values
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_null;
CREATE TABLE data_preprocessor_input_null(id serial, x double precision[], label TEXT);
INSERT INTO data_preprocessor_input_null(x, label) VALUES
(ARRAY[1,2,3,4,5,6], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,2,3,4,5,6], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,4,5,6], NULL),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,5,6], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,6], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], NULL),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], NULL),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,144,65,56], 'b'),
(ARRAY[11,22,233,44,65,56], 'b'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'b'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], 'b'),
(ARRAY[11,22,33,44,65,56], NULL);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
5 -- num_classes
-- Test summary table if class_values has NULL as a legitimate
-- class label, and also two other NULLs because num_classes=5
-- but table has only 3 distinct class labels (including NULL)
SELECT assert
class_values = '{NULL,a,b,NULL,NULL}',
'Summary Validation failed with NULL data. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) from (select * from data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary) summary;
SELECT assert(dependent_var_shape[2] = 5, 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension') FROM
data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(octet_length(independent_var) = buffer_size*6*4, 'Incorrect buffer length')
FROM (SELECT buffer_size(17, 4) buffer_size) a, data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
-- The same tests, but for validation.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_validation_null;
CREATE TABLE data_preprocessor_input_validation_null(id serial, x double precision[], label TEXT);
INSERT INTO data_preprocessor_input_validation_null(x, label) VALUES
(ARRAY[1,2,3,4,5,6], 'a'),
(ARRAY[11,2,3,4,5,6], 'b'),
(ARRAY[11,2,3,4,5,6], 'b'),
(ARRAY[111,22,33,4,5,6], NULL);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_out_batch, validation_out_batch_summary;
SELECT validation_preprocessor_dl(
-- Test summary table if class_values has NULL as a legitimate
-- class label, and also two other NULLs because num_classes=5
-- but table has only 3 distinct class labels (including NULL)
SELECT assert
class_values = '{NULL,a,b,NULL,NULL}',
'Summary Validation failed with NULL data. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) from (select * from validation_out_batch_summary) summary;
-- Validate one hot encoding for specific row is correct
SELECT assert(convert_bytea_to_smallint_array(dependent_var) = '{0,1,0,0,0}' AND dependent_var_shape[2] =5, 'Incorrect normalizing in validation table.')
FROM data_preprocessor_input_validation_null, validation_out_batch
WHERE x[1]=1 AND abs((convert_bytea_to_real_array(independent_var))[1] - 0.2::REAL) < 0.00001;
-- Assert one-hot encoding for NULL label
SELECT assert(convert_bytea_to_smallint_array(dependent_var) = '{1,0,0,0,0}' AND dependent_var_shape[2] =5, 'Incorrect normalizing in validation table.')
FROM data_preprocessor_input_validation_null, validation_out_batch
WHERE x[1]=111 AND abs((convert_bytea_to_real_array(independent_var))[1] - 22.2::REAL) < 0.00001;
-- Test the content of 1-hot encoded dep var when NULL is the
-- class label.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_null;
CREATE TABLE data_preprocessor_input_null(id serial, x double precision[], label TEXT);
INSERT INTO data_preprocessor_input_null(x, label) VALUES
(ARRAY[11,22,33,4,5,6], NULL);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_batch, data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary;
SELECT training_preprocessor_dl(
3 -- num_classes
-- class_values must be '{NULL,NULL,NULL}' where the first NULL
-- is for the class label seen in data, and the other two NULLs
-- are added as num_classes=3.
SELECT assert
class_values = '{NULL,NULL,NULL}',
'Summary Validation failed with NULL data. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) from (select * from data_preprocessor_input_batch_summary) summary;
SELECT assert(dependent_var_shape[2] = 3, 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension') FROM
data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(octet_length(independent_var) = 24, 'Incorrect buffer length')
FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
-- NULL is treated as a class label, so it should show '1' for the
-- first index
SELECT assert(convert_bytea_to_smallint_array(dependent_var) = '{1,0,0}', 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension with NULL data') FROM
data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
-- The same tests for validation.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_out_batch, validation_out_batch_summary;
SELECT validation_preprocessor_dl(
-- class_values must be '{NULL,NULL,NULL}' where the first NULL
-- is for the class label seen in data, and the other two NULLs
-- are added as num_classes=3.
SELECT assert
class_values = '{NULL,NULL,NULL}',
'Summary Validation failed with NULL data. Actual:' || __to_char(summary)
) from (select * from validation_out_batch_summary) summary;
SELECT assert(dependent_var_shape[2] = 3, 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension') FROM
validation_out_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
SELECT assert(octet_length(independent_var) = 24, 'Incorrect buffer length')
FROM data_preprocessor_input_batch WHERE buffer_id=0;
-- NULL is treated as a class label, so it should show '1' for the
-- first index
SELECT assert(convert_bytea_to_smallint_array(dependent_var) = '{1,0,0}', 'Incorrect one-hot encode dimension with NULL data') FROM
validation_out_batch WHERE buffer_id = 0;
-- Test if validation class values is not a subset of training data class values.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_preprocessor_input_validation_null;
CREATE TABLE data_preprocessor_input_validation_null(id serial, x double precision[], label TEXT);
INSERT INTO data_preprocessor_input_validation_null(x, label) VALUES
(ARRAY[11,2,3,4,5,6], 'bbbb');
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS validation_out_batch, validation_out_batch_summary;
select assert(trap_error($TRAP$SELECT validation_preprocessor_dl(
1);$TRAP$) = 1,
'validation class values should be a subset of training data class values.');