blob: 068e2381386075c2346e1058e25e9f4832f2c56d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Main Madpack installation executable.
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
import sys
import getpass
import re
import os
import glob
import traceback
import subprocess
import datetime
from time import strftime
import tempfile
import shutil
from upgrade_util import ChangeHandler
from upgrade_util import ViewDependency
from upgrade_util import TableDependency
from upgrade_util import ScriptCleaner
# Required Python version
py_min_ver = [2,6]
# Check python version
if sys.version_info[:2] < py_min_ver:
print "ERROR: python version too old (%s). You need %s or greater." \
% ('.'.join(str(i) for i in sys.version_info[:3]), '.'.join(str(i) for i in py_min_ver))
# Find MADlib root directory. This file is installed to
# $MADLIB_ROOT/madpack/, so to get $MADLIB_ROOT we need to go
# two levels up in the directory hierarchy. We use (a) os.path.realpath and
# (b) __file__ (instead of sys.argv[0]) because could be called
# (a) through a symbolic link and (b) not as the main module.
maddir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(
__file__)) + "/..") # MADlib root dir
sys.path.append(maddir + "/madpack")
# Import MADlib python modules
import argparse
import configyml
# Some read-only variables
this = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) # name of this script
# Default directories
maddir_conf = maddir + "/config" # Config dir
maddir_lib = maddir + "/lib/" # C/C++ libraries
# Read the config files
ports = configyml.get_ports(maddir_conf ) # object made of Ports.yml
rev = configyml.get_version(maddir_conf ) # MADlib OS-level version
portid_list = []
for port in ports:
# Global variables
portid = None # Target port ID (eg: pg90, gp40)
dbconn = None # DB Connection object
dbver = None # DB version
con_args = {} # DB connection arguments
verbose = None # Verbose flag
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Create a temp dir
# @param dir temp directory path
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __make_dir(dir):
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
print "ERROR: can not create directory: %s. Check permissions." % dir
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Error message wrapper
# @param msg error message
# @param stop program exit flag
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __error(msg, stop):
# Print to stdout
print this + ' : ERROR : ' + msg
# Print stack trace
if stop == True:
#class MadpackError(Exception):
# pass
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Info message wrapper (verbose)
# @param msg info message
# @param verbose prints only if True
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __info(msg, verbose):
# Print to stdout
if verbose:
print this + ' : INFO : ' + msg
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Runs a SQL query on the target platform DB
# using the default command-line utility.
# Very limited:
# - no text output with "new line" characters allowed
# @param sql query text to execute
# @param show_error displays the SQL error msg
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __run_sql_query(sql, show_error):
global portid
global con_args
return ____run_sql_query(sql, show_error, portid, con_args)
def ____run_sql_query(sql, show_error, portid = portid, con_args = con_args):
# Postgres & Greenplum
if portid == 'greenplum' or portid == 'postgres':
# Define sqlcmd
sqlcmd = 'psql'
delimiter = '|'
# Test the DB cmd line utility
std, err = subprocess.Popen(['which', sqlcmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
if std == '':
__error("Command not found: %s" % sqlcmd, True)
# Run the query
runcmd = [ sqlcmd,
'-h', con_args['host'].split(':')[0],
'-p', con_args['host'].split(':')[1],
'-d', con_args['database'],
'-U', con_args['user'],
'-F', delimiter,
'-Ac', "set CLIENT_MIN_MESSAGES=error; " + sql]
runenv = os.environ
runenv["PGPASSWORD"] = con_args['password']
runenv["PGOPTIONS"] = '-c search_path=public'
std, err = subprocess.Popen(runcmd, env=runenv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
if err:
if show_error:
__error("SQL command failed: \nSQL: %s \n%s" % (sql, err), False)
raise Exception
# Convert the delimited output into a dictionary
results = [] # list of rows
i = 0
for line in std.splitlines():
if i == 0:
cols = [name for name in line.split(delimiter)]
row = {} # dict of col_name:col_value pairs
c = 0
for val in line.split(delimiter):
row[cols[c]] = val
c += 1
i += 1
# Drop the last line: "(X rows)"
return results
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Run SQL file
# @param schema name of the target schema
# @param maddir_mod_py name of the module dir with Python code
# @param module name of the module
# @param sqlfile name of the file to parse
# @param tmpfile name of the temp file to run
# @param logfile name of the log file (stdout)
# @param pre_sql optional SQL to run before executing the file
# @param upgrade are we upgrading as part of this sql run
# @param sc object of ScriptCleaner
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __run_sql_file(schema, maddir_mod_py, module, sqlfile,
tmpfile, logfile, pre_sql, upgrade=False,
# Check if the SQL file exists
if not os.path.isfile(sqlfile):
__error("Missing module SQL file (%s)" % sqlfile, False)
raise Exception
# Prepare the file using M4
f = open(tmpfile, 'w')
# Add the before SQL
if pre_sql:
f.writelines([pre_sql, '\n\n'])
# Find the madpack dir (platform specific or generic)
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/madpack"):
maddir_madpack = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/madpack"
maddir_madpack = maddir + "/madpack"
m4args = [ 'm4',
'-DMADLIB_SCHEMA=' + schema,
'-DPLPYTHON_LIBDIR=' + maddir_mod_py,
'-DMODULE_PATHNAME=' + maddir_lib,
'-DMODULE_NAME=' + module,
'-I' + maddir_madpack,
'-D' + portid.upper(),
sqlfile ]
__info("> ... parsing: " + " ".join(m4args), verbose ), stdout=f)
__error("Failed executing m4 on %s" % sqlfile, False)
raise Exception
# Only update function definition
sub_module = ''
if upgrade:
# get filename from complete path without the extension
sub_module = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sqlfile))[0]
__info(sub_module, False)
# Special treatment for new module and 'svec' module
if (sub_module not in sc.get_change_handler().get_newmodule()) and \
not (sub_module == 'svec' and 'svec' in sc.get_change_handler().get_udt()):
sql = open(tmpfile).read()
sql = sc.cleanup(sql)
open(tmpfile, 'w').write(sql)
# Run the SQL using DB command-line utility
if portid == 'greenplum' or portid == 'postgres':
sqlcmd = 'psql'
# Test the DB cmd line utility
std, err = subprocess.Popen(['which', sqlcmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
if not std:
__error("Command not found: %s" % sqlcmd, True)
runcmd = [ sqlcmd, '-a',
'-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1',
'-h', con_args['host'].split(':')[0],
'-p', con_args['host'].split(':')[1],
'-d', con_args['database'],
'-U', con_args['user'],
'-f', tmpfile]
runenv = os.environ
runenv["PGPASSWORD"] = con_args['password']
# Open log file
log = open(logfile, 'w')
__error("Cannot create log file: %s" % logfile, False)
raise Exception
# Run the SQL
__info("> ... executing " + tmpfile, verbose )
retval = , env=runenv, stdout=log, stderr=log)
__error("Failed executing %s" % tmpfile, False)
raise Exception
return retval
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Read MADlib version from database
# @param dbconn database conection object
# @param schema MADlib schema name
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __get_madlib_dbver(schema):
row = __run_sql_query("""SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM pg_tables
WHERE schemaname='%s' AND tablename='migrationhistory'""" % (schema), True)
if int(row[0]['cnt']) > 0:
row = __run_sql_query("""SELECT version FROM %s.migrationhistory
ORDER BY applied DESC LIMIT 1""" % schema, True)
if row:
return row[0]['version']
__error("Failed reading MADlib db version", True)
return None
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Read version number from database (of form X.Y)
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __get_dbver():
versionStr = __run_sql_query("""SELECT pg_catalog.version()""",
if portid == 'postgres':
match ="PostgreSQL[a-zA-Z\s]*(\d+\.\d+)",
elif portid == 'greenplum':
match ="Greenplum[a-zA-Z\s]*(\d+\.\d+)",
return None if match is None else
__error("Failed reading database version", True)
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Make sure we are connected to the expected DB platform
# @param portid expected DB port id - to be validates
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __check_db_port(portid):
# Postgres
if portid == 'postgres':
row = __run_sql_query("SELECT version() AS version", True)
__error("Cannot validate DB platform type", True)
if (row[0]['version'].lower().find(portid) >= 0 and
row[0]['version'].lower().find('greenplum') < 0):
return True
# Greenplum
if portid == 'greenplum':
row = __run_sql_query("SELECT version() AS version", True)
__error("Cannot validate DB platform type", True)
if row[0]['version'].lower().find(portid) >= 0:
return True
return False
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Convert version string into number for comparison
# @param rev version text
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __get_rev_num(rev):
num = re.findall('[0-9]', rev)
if num:
return num
return ['0']
return ['0']
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Print version information
# @param rev OS-level MADlib version
# @param dbrev DB-level MADlib version
# @param con_args database connection arguments
# @param schema MADlib schema name
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema):
__info("MADlib tools version = %s (%s)" % (rev, sys.argv[0]), True)
if con_args:
__info("MADlib database version = %s (host=%s, db=%s, schema=%s)"
% (dbrev, con_args['host'], con_args['database'], schema), True)
__info("MADlib database version = [Unknown] (host=%s, db=%s, schema=%s)"
% (dbrev, con_args['host'], con_args['database'], schema), True)
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Check pl/python existence and version
# @param py_min_ver min Python version to run MADlib
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __plpy_check(py_min_ver):
__info("Testing PL/Python environment...", True)
# Check PL/Python existence
rv = __run_sql_query("SELECT count(*) AS CNT FROM pg_language WHERE lanname = 'plpythonu'", True)
if int(rv[0]['cnt']) > 0:
__info("> PL/Python already installed", verbose)
__info("> PL/Python not installed", verbose)
__info("> Creating language PL/Python...", True)
__run_sql_query("CREATE LANGUAGE plpythonu;", True)
__error('Cannot create language plpythonu. Stopping installation...', False)
raise Exception
# Check PL/Python version
__run_sql_query("DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS plpy_version_for_madlib();", False)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION plpy_version_for_madlib()
import sys
# return '.'.join(str(item) for item in sys.version_info[:3])
return str(sys.version_info[:3]).replace(',','.').replace(' ','').replace(')','').replace('(','')
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
""", True)
rv = __run_sql_query("SELECT plpy_version_for_madlib() AS ver;", True)
python = rv[0]['ver']
py_cur_ver = [int(i) for i in python.split('.')]
if py_cur_ver >= py_min_ver:
__info("> PL/Python version: %s" % python, verbose)
__error("PL/Python version too old: %s. You need %s or greater" \
% (python, '.'.join(str(i) for i in py_min_ver))
, False)
raise Exception
__info("> PL/Python environment OK (version: %s)" % python, True)
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Install MADlib
# @param schema MADlib schema name
# @param dbrev DB-level MADlib version
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __db_install(schema, dbrev):
__info("Installing MADlib into %s schema..." % schema.upper(), True)
temp_schema = schema + '_v' + ''.join(__get_rev_num(dbrev))
schema_writable = None
madlib_exists = None
# Check the status of MADlib objects in database
if dbrev is not None:
madlib_exists = True
madlib_exists = False
# Test if schema is writable
__run_sql_query("CREATE TABLE %s.__madlib_test_table (A INT);" % schema, False)
__run_sql_query("DROP TABLE %s.__madlib_test_table;" % schema, False)
schema_writable = True
schema_writable = False
# CASE #1: Target schema exists with MADlib objects:
if schema_writable == True and madlib_exists == True:
__info("***************************************************************************", True)
__info("* Schema %s already exists" % schema.upper(), True)
__info("* Installer will rename it to %s" % temp_schema.upper(), True)
__info("***************************************************************************", True)
__info("Would you like to continue? [Y/N]", True)
go = raw_input('>>> ').upper()
while go != 'Y' and go != 'N':
go = raw_input('Yes or No >>> ').upper()
if go == 'N':
__info('Installation stopped.', True)
# Rename MADlib schema
__db_rename_schema(schema, temp_schema)
# Create MADlib schema
__db_rollback(schema, temp_schema)
# Create MADlib objects
__db_create_objects(schema, temp_schema)
__db_rollback(schema, temp_schema)
# CASE #2: Target schema exists w/o MADlib objects:
elif schema_writable == True and madlib_exists == False:
__info("> Schema %s exists w/o MADlib objects" % schema.upper(), verbose)
# Create MADlib objects
__db_create_objects(schema, None)
__error("Building database objects failed. " +
"Before retrying: drop %s schema OR install MADlib into a different schema." % schema.upper(), True)
# CASE #3: Target schema does not exist:
elif schema_writable == False:
__info("> Schema %s does not exist" % schema.upper(), verbose)
# Create MADlib schema
__db_rollback(schema, None)
# Create MADlib objects
__db_create_objects(schema, None)
__db_rollback(schema, None)
__info("MADlib %s installed successfully in %s schema." % (rev, schema.upper()), True)
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Upgrade MADlib
# @param schema MADlib schema name
# @param dbrev DB-level MADlib version
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __db_upgrade(schema, dbrev):
__info("Upgrading MADlib into %s schema..." % schema.upper(), True)
__info("\tDetecting dependencies...", True)
__info("\tLoading change list...", True)
ch = ChangeHandler(schema, portid, con_args, maddir, dbrev)
__info("\tDetecting table dependencies...", True)
td = TableDependency(schema, portid, con_args)
__info("\tDetecting view dependencies...", True)
vd = ViewDependency(schema, portid, con_args)
# if no dependency found
if not td.has_dependency() and not vd.has_dependency():
__info("\tNo dependency issues found, continuing upgrade...", True)
__info("\tReading existing UDAs/UDTs...", False)
sc = ScriptCleaner(schema, portid, con_args, ch)
__db_create_objects(schema, None, True, sc)
__info("MADlib %s upgraded successfully in %s schema." % (rev, schema.upper()), True)
cd_udt = []
if td.has_dependency():
__info("\tFollowing user tables are dependent on updated MADlib types:", True)
__info(td.get_dependency_str(), True)
d_udt = td.get_depended_udt()
c_udt = ch.get_udt()
for udt in d_udt:
if udt in c_udt:
if vd.has_dependency():
__info("\tFollowing user views are dependent on updated MADlib objects:", True)
__info(vd.get_dependency_graph_str(), True)
c_udf = ch.get_udf_signature()
d_udf = vd.get_depended_func_signature(False)
cd_udf = [udf for udf in d_udf if udf in c_udf]
c_uda = ch.get_uda_signature()
d_uda = vd.get_depended_func_signature(True)
cd_uda = [uda for uda in d_uda if uda in c_uda]
abort = False
if len(cd_udt) > 0:
User has objects dependent on updated MADlib types ({0})!
These objects need to be dropped before starting upgrade again. Aborting upgrade ...
""" .format('\n'.join(cd_udt)), False)
abort = True
if len(cd_udf) > 0:
User has objects dependent on updated MADlib functions ({0})!
These objects need to be dropped before starting upgrade again. Aborting upgrade ...
""" .format('\n'.join(cd_udf)), False)
abort = True
if len(cd_uda) > 0:
User has objects dependent on udpated MADlib aggregates ({0})!
These objects need to be dropped before starting upgrade again. Aborting upgrade ...
""" .format('\n'.join(cd_uda)), False)
abort = True
if abort:
__error('------- Upgrade aborted. -------', True)
__info("No explicit dependency problem found, continuing to upgrade ...", True)
__info("\tReading existing UDAs/UDTs...", False)
sc = ScriptCleaner(schema, portid, con_args, ch)
__db_create_objects(schema, None, True, sc)
if vd.has_dependency():
__info("MADlib %s upgraded successfully in %s schema." % (rev, schema.upper()), True)
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Rename schema
# @param from_schema name of the schema to rename
# @param to_schema new name for the schema
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __db_rename_schema(from_schema, to_schema):
__info("> Renaming schema %s to %s" % (from_schema.upper(), to_schema.upper()), True)
__run_sql_query("ALTER SCHEMA %s RENAME TO %s;" % (from_schema, to_schema), True)
__error('Cannot rename schema. Stopping installation...', False)
raise Exception
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Create schema
# @param from_schema name of the schema to rename
# @param to_schema new name for the schema
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __db_create_schema(schema):
__info("> Creating %s schema" % schema.upper(), True)
__run_sql_query("CREATE SCHEMA %s;" % schema, True)
__info('Cannot create new schema. Rolling back installation...', True)
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Create MADlib DB objects in the schema
# @param schema name of the target schema
# @param sc ScriptCleaner object
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __db_create_objects(schema, old_schema, upgrade=False, sc=None):
if not upgrade:
# Create MigrationHistory table
__info("> Creating %s.MigrationHistory table" % schema.upper(), True)
__run_sql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.migrationhistory;" % schema, True)
sql = """CREATE TABLE %s.migrationhistory
(id serial, version varchar(255), applied timestamp default current_timestamp);""" % schema
__run_sql_query(sql, True);
__error("Cannot crate MigrationHistory table", False)
raise Exception
# Copy MigrationHistory table for record keeping purposes
if old_schema:
__info("> Saving data from %s.MigrationHistory table" % old_schema.upper(), True)
sql = """INSERT INTO %s.migrationhistory (version, applied)
SELECT version, applied FROM %s.migrationhistory
ORDER BY id;""" % (schema, old_schema)
__run_sql_query(sql, True);
__error("Cannot copy MigrationHistory table", False)
raise Exception
# Stamp the DB installation
__info("> Writing version info in MigrationHistory table", True)
__run_sql_query("INSERT INTO %s.migrationhistory(version) VALUES('%s')" % (schema, rev), True);
__error("Cannot insert data into %s.migrationhistory table" % schema, False)
raise Exception
# Run migration SQLs
if upgrade:
__info("> Creating/Updating objects for modules:", True)
__info("> Creating objects for modules:", True)
# Loop through all modules/modules
for moduleinfo in portspecs['modules']:
# Get the module name
module = moduleinfo['name']
__info("> - %s" % module, True)
# Find the Python module dir (platform specific or generic)
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/modules/" + module):
maddir_mod_py = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/modules"
maddir_mod_py = maddir + "/modules"
# Find the SQL module dir (platform specific or generic)
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules/" + module):
maddir_mod_sql = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules"
elif os.path.isdir(maddir + "/modules/" + module):
maddir_mod_sql = maddir + "/modules"
# This was a platform-specific module, for which no default exists.
# We can just skip this module.
# Make a temp dir for log files
cur_tmpdir = tmpdir + "/" + module
# Loop through all SQL files for this module
mask = maddir_mod_sql + '/' + module + '/*.sql_in'
sql_files = glob.glob(mask)
if not sql_files:
__error("No files found in: %s" % mask, True)
# Execute all SQL files for the module
for sqlfile in sql_files:
# Set file names
tmpfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.tmp'
logfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.log'
retval = __run_sql_file(schema, maddir_mod_py, module, sqlfile,
tmpfile, logfile, None, upgrade,
# Check the exit status
if retval != 0:
__error("Failed executing %s" % tmpfile, False)
__error("Check the log at %s" % logfile, False)
raise Exception
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Rollback installation
# @param drop_schema name of the schema to drop
# @param keep_schema name of the schema to rename and keep
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __db_rollback(drop_schema, keep_schema):
__info("Rolling back the installation...", True)
if not drop_schema:
__error('No schema name to drop. Stopping rollback...', True)
# Drop the current schema
__info("> Dropping schema %s" % drop_schema.upper(), verbose)
__run_sql_query("DROP SCHEMA %s CASCADE;" % (drop_schema), True)
__error("Cannot drop schema %s. Stopping rollback..." % drop_schema.upper(), True)
# Rename old to current schema
if keep_schema:
__db_rename_schema(keep_schema, drop_schema)
__info("Rollback finished successfully.", True)
raise Exception
def unescape(string):
Unescape separation characters in connection strings, i.e., remove first
backslash from "\/", "\@", "\:", and "\\".
if string is None:
return None
return re.sub(r'\\(?P<char>[/@:\\])', '\g<char>', string)
def parseConnectionStr(connectionStr):
@brief Parse connection strings of the form
Separation characters (/@:) and the backslash (\) need to be escaped.
@returns A tuple (username, password, hostname, port, database). Field not
specified will be None.
match =
r'((?P<user>([^/@:\\]|\\/|\\@|\\:|\\\\)+)' +
r'(/(?P<password>([^/@:\\]|\\/|\\@|\\:|\\\\)*))?@)?' +
r'(?P<host>([^/@:\\]|\\/|\\@|\\:|\\\\)+)?' +
r'(:(?P<port>[0-9]+))?' +
r'(/(?P<database>([^/@:\\]|\\/|\\@|\\:|\\\\)+))?', connectionStr)
return (
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Main
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='MADlib package manager (' + rev + ')',
$ madpack install -s madlib -p greenplum -c gpadmin@mdw:5432/testdb
This will install MADlib objects into a Greenplum database called TESTDB
running on server MDW:5432. Installer will try to login as GPADMIN
and will prompt for password. The target schema will be MADLIB.
'command', metavar='COMMAND', nargs=1,
choices=['install','update', 'upgrade', 'uninstall','reinstall','version','install-check'],
help = "One of the following options:\n"
+ " install : run sql scripts to load into DB\n"
+ " upgrade : run sql scripts to upgrade\n"
+ " uninstall : run sql scripts to uninstall from DB\n"
+ " reinstall : performs uninstall and install\n"
+ " version : compare and print MADlib version (binaries vs database objects)\n"
+ " install-check : test all installed modules\n"
'-c', '--conn', metavar='CONNSTR', nargs=1, dest='connstr', default=None,
help= "Connection string of the following syntax:\n"
+ " [user[/password]@][host][:port][/database]\n"
+ "If not provided default values will be derived for PostgerSQL and Greenplum:\n"
+ "- user: PGUSER or USER env variable or OS username\n"
+ "- pass: PGPASSWORD env variable or runtime prompt\n"
+ "- host: PGHOST env variable or 'localhost'\n"
+ "- port: PGPORT env variable or '5432'\n"
+ "- db: PGDATABASE env variable or OS username\n"
parser.add_argument('-s', '--schema', nargs=1, dest='schema',
metavar='SCHEMA', default='madlib',
help="Target schema for the database objects.")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform', nargs=1, dest='platform',
metavar='PLATFORM', choices=portid_list,
help="Target database platform, current choices: " + str(portid_list))
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose',
action="store_true", help="Verbose mode.")
parser.add_argument('-l', '--keeplogs', dest='keeplogs', default=False,
action="store_true", help="Do not remove installation log files.")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--tmpdir', dest='tmpdir', default = '/tmp/',
help="Temporary directory location for installation log files.")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--testcase', dest='testcase', default="",
help="Module names to test, comma separated. Effective only for install-check.")
# Get the arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
global verbose
verbose = args.verbose
__info("Arguments: " + str(args), verbose);
global keeplogs
keeplogs = args.keeplogs
global tmpdir
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'madlib.', args.tmpdir)
except OSError, e:
tmpdir = e.filename
__error("cannot create temporary directory: '%s'." % tmpdir, True)
# Parse SCHEMA
if len(args.schema[0]) > 1:
schema = args.schema[0].lower()
schema = args.schema.lower()
# Parse DB Platform (== PortID) and compare with Ports.yml
global portid
global dbver
if args.platform:
# Get the DB platform name == DB port id
portid = args.platform[0].lower()
portid = None
__error("Can not find specs for port %s" % (args.platform[0]), True)
portid = None
# Parse CONNSTR (only if PLATFORM and DBAPI2 are defined)
if portid:
connStr = "" if args.connstr is None else args.connstr[0]
(c_user, c_pass, c_host, c_port, c_db) = parseConnectionStr(connStr)
# Find the default values for PG and GP
if portid == 'postgres' or portid == 'greenplum':
if c_user is None:
c_user = os.environ.get('PGUSER', getpass.getuser())
if c_pass is None:
c_pass = os.environ.get('PGPASSWORD', None)
if c_host is None:
c_host = os.environ.get('PGHOST', 'localhost')
if c_port is None:
c_port = os.environ.get('PGPORT', '5432')
if c_db is None:
c_db = os.environ.get('PGDATABASE', c_user)
# Try connecting to the database
__info("Testing database connection...", verbose)
# Get password
if c_pass is None:
c_pass = getpass.getpass("Password for user %s: " % c_user)
# Set connection variables
global con_args
con_args['host'] = c_host + ':' + c_port
con_args['database'] = c_db
con_args['user'] = c_user
con_args['password'] = c_pass
# Get MADlib version in DB
dbrev = __get_madlib_dbver(schema)
# Get DB version
dbver = __get_dbver()
portdir = os.path.join(maddir, "ports", portid)
supportedVersions = [dirItem for dirItem in os.listdir(portdir)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(portdir, dirItem))
and re.match("^\d+\.\d+", dirItem)]
if dbver is None:
dbver = ".".join(map(str, max([map(int, versionStr.split('.'))
for versionStr in supportedVersions])))
__info("Could not parse version string reported by {DBMS}. Will "
"default to newest supported version of {DBMS} "
DBMS = ports[portid]['name'],
version = dbver
), True)
__info("Detected %s version %s." % (ports[portid]['name'], dbver),
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(portdir, dbver)):
__error("This version is not among the %s versions for which "
"MADlib support files have been installed (%s)." %
(ports[portid]['name'], ", ".join(supportedVersions)), True)
# Validate that db platform is correct
if __check_db_port(portid) == False:
__error("Invalid database platform specified.", True)
# Adjust MADlib directories for this port (if they exist)
global maddir_conf
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/config"):
maddir_conf = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/config"
global maddir_lib
if os.path.isfile(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + \
maddir_lib = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + \
# Get the list of modules for this port
global portspecs
portspecs = configyml.get_modules(maddir_conf)
con_args = None
dbrev = None
# Parse COMMAND argument and compare with Ports.yml
# Debugging...
# print "OS rev: " + str(rev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num(rev))
# print "DB rev: " + str(dbrev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num(dbrev))
# Make sure we have the necessary paramaters to continue
if args.command[0] != 'version':
if not portid:
__error("Missing -p/--platform parameter.", True)
if not con_args:
__error("Unknown problem with database connection string: %s" % con_args, True)
# COMMAND: version
if args.command[0] == 'version':
__print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
# COMMAND: uninstall/reinstall
if args.command[0] in ('uninstall', 'reinstall'):
if __get_rev_num(dbrev) == ['0']:
__info("Nothing to uninstall. No version found in schema %s." % schema.upper(), True)
# Find any potential data to lose
affected_objects = __run_sql_query("""
n1.nspname AS schema,
relname AS relation,
attname AS column,
typname AS type
pg_attribute a,
pg_class c,
pg_type t,
pg_namespace n,
pg_namespace n1
n.nspname = '%s'
AND t.typnamespace = n.oid
AND a.atttypid = t.oid
AND c.oid = a.attrelid
AND c.relnamespace = n1.oid
AND c.relkind = 'r'
n1.nspname, relname, attname, typname""" % schema.lower()
, True
__info("*** Uninstalling MADlib ***", True)
__info("***********************************************************************************", True)
__info("* Schema %s and all database objects depending on it will be dropped!" % schema.upper(), True)
if affected_objects:
__info("* If you continue the following data will be lost (schema : table.column : type):", True)
for ao in affected_objects:
__info ( '* - ' + ao['schema'] + ' : ' + ao['relation'] + '.' + ao['column'] + ' : ' + ao['type'], True);
__info("***********************************************************************************", True)
__info("Would you like to continue? [Y/N]", True)
go = raw_input('>>> ').upper()
while go != 'Y' and go != 'N':
go = raw_input('Yes or No >>> ').upper()
# 2) Do the uninstall/drop
if go == 'N':
__info('No problem. Nothing dropped.', True)
elif go == 'Y':
__info("> dropping schema %s" % schema.upper(), verbose)
__run_sql_query("DROP SCHEMA %s CASCADE;" % (schema), True)
__error("Cannot drop schema %s." % schema.upper(), True)
__info('Schema %s (and all dependent objects) has been dropped.' % schema.upper(), True)
__info('MADlib uninstalled successfully.', True)
# COMMAND: install/reinstall
if args.command[0] in ('install', 'reinstall'):
# Refresh MADlib version in DB
if args.command[0] == 'reinstall':
dbrev = __get_madlib_dbver(schema)
print ""
__info("*** Installing MADlib ***", True)
# 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS > DB.
__print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
if __get_rev_num(dbrev) >= __get_rev_num(rev):
__info("Current MADlib version already up to date.", True)
# 2) Run installation
__db_install(schema, dbrev)
__error("MADlib installation failed.", True)
# COMMAND: upgrade
if args.command[0] in ('upgrade', 'update'):
__info("*** Upgrading MADlib ***", True)
dbrev = __get_madlib_dbver(schema)
# 1) Check DB version. If None, nothing to upgrade.
if not dbrev:
__info("MADlib is not installed and there is nothing to upgrade.", True)
# 2) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS > DB.
__print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
if __get_rev_num(dbrev) >= __get_rev_num(rev):
__info("Current MADlib version already up to date.", True)
# FIXME: Change this to get the previous version from a config file
if float(dbrev) < 0.7:
__info("""The version gap is too large, only release-by-release
incremental upgrade is supported.""", True)
# 3) Run upgrade
__db_upgrade(schema, dbrev)
except Exception as e:
__error("MADlib upgrade failed.", True)
#Uncomment the following lines when debugging
#print "Exception: " + str(e)
#print sys.exc_info()
# COMMAND: install-check
if args.command[0] == 'install-check':
# 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS = DB.
if __get_rev_num(dbrev) != __get_rev_num(rev):
__print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
__info("Versions do not match. Install-check stopped.", True)
# Create install-check user
test_user = 'madlib_' + rev.replace('.','') + '_installcheck'
__run_sql_query("DROP USER IF EXISTS %s;" % (test_user), False)
__run_sql_query("DROP OWNED BY %s CASCADE;" % (test_user), True)
__run_sql_query("DROP USER IF EXISTS %s;" % (test_user), True)
__run_sql_query("CREATE USER %s;" % (test_user), True)
# TO DO:
# Change ALL to USAGE in the below GRANT command
# and fix the failing modules which still write to MADLIB schema.
__run_sql_query("GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA %s TO %s;"
% (schema, test_user), True)
# 2) Run test SQLs
__info("> Running test scripts for:", verbose)
caseset = set([test.strip()
for test in args.testcase.split(',')]) if args.testcase != "" else set()
# Loop through all modules
for moduleinfo in portspecs['modules']:
# Get module name
module = moduleinfo['name']
# Skip if doesn't meet specified modules
if len(caseset) > 0 and module not in caseset:
__info("> - %s" % module, verbose)
# Make a temp dir for this module (if doesn't exist)
cur_tmpdir = tmpdir + '/' + module + '/test'
# Find the Python module dir (platform specific or generic)
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/modules/" + module):
maddir_mod_py = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/modules"
maddir_mod_py = maddir + "/modules"
# Find the SQL module dir (platform specific or generic)
if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules/" + module):
maddir_mod_sql = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules"
maddir_mod_sql = maddir + "/modules"
# Prepare test schema
test_schema = "madlib_installcheck_%s" % (module)
% (test_schema, test_schema), True)
__run_sql_query("GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA %s TO %s;"
% (test_schema, test_user), True)
# Switch to test user and prepare the search_path
pre_sql = '-- Switch to test user:\n' \
'SET ROLE %s;\n' \
'-- Set SEARCH_PATH for install-check:\n' \
'SET search_path=%s,%s;\n' \
% (test_user, test_schema, schema)
# Loop through all test SQL files for this module
sql_files = maddir_mod_sql + '/' + module + '/test/*.sql_in'
for sqlfile in sorted(glob.glob(sql_files),reverse=True):
result = 'PASS'
# Set file names
tmpfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.tmp'
logfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.log'
# If there is no problem with the SQL file
milliseconds = 0
# Run the SQL
run_start =
retval = __run_sql_file(schema, maddir_mod_py, module,
sqlfile, tmpfile, logfile, pre_sql)
# Runtime evaluation
run_end =
milliseconds = round((run_end - run_start).seconds * 1000
+ (run_end - run_start).microseconds / 1000)
# Check the exit status
if retval != 0:
__error("Failed executing %s" % tmpfile, False)
__error("Check the log at %s" % logfile, False)
result = 'FAIL'
keeplogs = True
# Since every single statement in the test file gets logged,
# an empty log file indicates an empty or a failed test
elif os.path.isfile(logfile) and os.path.getsize(logfile) > 0:
result = 'PASS'
# Otherwise
result = 'ERROR'
# Spit the line
print "TEST CASE RESULT|Module: " + module + \
"|" + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + "|" + result + \
"|Time: %d milliseconds" % (milliseconds)
# Cleanup test schema for the module
__run_sql_query( "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE;" % (test_schema), True)
# Drop install-check user
__run_sql_query( "DROP OWNED BY %s CASCADE;" % (test_user), True)
__run_sql_query( "DROP USER %s;" % (test_user), True)
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Start Here
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run main
# Optional log files cleanup
if not keeplogs:
print "INFO: Log files saved in " + tmpdir