blob: 7217148cf67963868c83d82e42a6ded9c6adf07a [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file one_way_anova.cpp
* @brief One-way ANOVA functions
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <dbconnector/dbconnector.hpp>
#include <modules/prob/boost.hpp>
#include <modules/shared/HandleTraits.hpp>
#include <utils/Math.hpp>
#include "one_way_anova.hpp"
namespace madlib {
namespace modules {
namespace stats {
* @brief Transition state for one-way ANOVA functions
* Note: We assume that the DOUBLE PRECISION array is initialized by the
* database with length 2, and all elemenets are 0. Handle::operator[] will
* perform bounds checking.
template <class Handle>
class OWATransitionState {
OWATransitionState(const AnyType &inArray)
: mStorage(inArray.getAs<Handle>()) {
* @brief Convert to backend representation
* We define this function so that we can use TransitionState in the argument
* list and as a return type.
inline operator AnyType() const {
return mStorage;
* @brief Return the index (in the num, sum, and corrected_square_sum
* fields) of a group value
* If a value is not found, we add a new group to the transition state.
* Since we do not want to reallocate too often, we reserve some buffer
* space in the storage array. So we need to reallocate and copy memory only
* whenever the number of groups hits a power of 2.
uint32_t idxOfGroup(const Allocator& inAllocator, int32_t inValue);
static inline size_t arraySize(uint32_t inNumGroupsReserved) {
return 1 + 5 * inNumGroupsReserved;
void rebind(uint32_t inNumGroupsReserved) {
madlib_assert(mStorage.size() >= arraySize(inNumGroupsReserved),
std::runtime_error("Out-of-bounds array access detected."));
groupValues = &mStorage[1];
posToIndices = &mStorage[1 + inNumGroupsReserved];
num.rebind(&mStorage[1 + 2 * inNumGroupsReserved], inNumGroupsReserved);
sum.rebind(&mStorage[1 + 3 * inNumGroupsReserved], inNumGroupsReserved);
&mStorage[1 + 4 * inNumGroupsReserved], inNumGroupsReserved);
Handle mStorage;
typename HandleTraits<Handle>::ReferenceToUInt32 numGroups;
typename HandleTraits<Handle>::DoublePtr groupValues;
typename HandleTraits<Handle>::DoublePtr posToIndices;
typename HandleTraits<Handle>::ColumnVectorTransparentHandleMap num;
typename HandleTraits<Handle>::ColumnVectorTransparentHandleMap sum;
typename HandleTraits<Handle>::ColumnVectorTransparentHandleMap corrected_square_sum;
template <>
OWATransitionState<ArrayHandle<double> >::idxOfGroup(
const Allocator&, int32_t inValue) {
std::ptrdiff_t pos = std::lower_bound(
groupValues, groupValues + numGroups, inValue) - groupValues;
if (static_cast<uint64_t>(pos) >= numGroups
|| groupValues[pos] != inValue) {
// Did not find this group value. We have to start a new group.
throw std::runtime_error("Could not find a grouping value during "
"one-way ANOVA.");
return static_cast<uint32_t>(pos);
template <>
OWATransitionState<MutableArrayHandle<double> >::idxOfGroup(
const Allocator& inAllocator, int32_t inValue) {
std::ptrdiff_t pos = std::lower_bound(
groupValues, groupValues + numGroups, inValue) - groupValues;
if (static_cast<uint64_t>(pos) >= numGroups
|| groupValues[pos] != inValue) {
// Did not find this group value. We have to start a new group.
uint32_t numGroupsReserved = utils::nextPowerOfTwo(
if (numGroupsReserved > numGroups) {
// We have enough reserve space allocated.
std::copy(groupValues + pos, groupValues + numGroups,
groupValues + pos + 1);
groupValues[pos] = inValue;
std::copy(posToIndices + pos, posToIndices + numGroups,
posToIndices + pos + 1);
posToIndices[pos] = numGroups++;
} else {
// We need to reallocate storage for the transition state
// Save our current state, so we can subsequently restore it
// with the new storage
OWATransitionState oldSelf = *this;
if (numGroupsReserved == 0)
numGroupsReserved = 1;
else {
if (static_cast<uint64_t>(2) * numGroupsReserved >
throw std::runtime_error("Too many groups.");
numGroupsReserved = 2U * numGroupsReserved;
mStorage = inAllocator.allocateArray<double, dbal::AggregateContext,
dbal::DoZero, dbal::ThrowBadAlloc>(arraySize(numGroupsReserved));
numGroups = oldSelf.numGroups + 1;
std::copy(oldSelf.groupValues, oldSelf.groupValues + pos, groupValues);
std::copy(oldSelf.groupValues + pos,
oldSelf.groupValues + oldSelf.numGroups, groupValues + pos + 1);
groupValues[pos] = inValue;
std::copy(oldSelf.posToIndices, oldSelf.posToIndices + pos, posToIndices);
std::copy(oldSelf.posToIndices + pos,
oldSelf.posToIndices + oldSelf.numGroups, posToIndices + pos + 1);
posToIndices[pos] = oldSelf.numGroups;
num.segment(0, oldSelf.numGroups) << oldSelf.num;
sum.segment(0, oldSelf.numGroups) << oldSelf.sum;
corrected_square_sum.segment(0, oldSelf.numGroups) << oldSelf.corrected_square_sum;
return static_cast<uint32_t>(posToIndices[pos]);
* @brief Update the corrected sum of squares
* For numerical stability, we should not compute the sample variance in the
* naive way. The literature has many examples where this gives bad results
* even with moderately sized inputs.
* See:
* B. P. Welford (1962). "Note on a method for calculating corrected sums of
* squares and products". Technometrics 4(3):419–420.
* Chan, Tony F.; Golub, Gene H.; LeVeque, Randall J. (1979), "Updating
* Formulae and a Pairwise Algorithm for Computing Sample Variances.", Technical
* Report STAN-CS-79-773, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University.
updateCorrectedSumOfSquares(double &ioLeftWeight, double &ioLeftSum,
double &ioLeftCorrectedSumSquares, double inRightWeight, double inRightSum,
double inRightCorrectedSumSquares) {
if (inRightWeight <= 0)
// See Ogita et al., "Accurate Sum and Dot Product", SIAM Journal on
// Scientific Computing (SISC), 26(6):1955-1988, 2005.
if (ioLeftWeight <= 0)
ioLeftCorrectedSumSquares = inRightCorrectedSumSquares;
else {
double diff = inRightWeight / ioLeftWeight * ioLeftSum - inRightSum;
+= inRightCorrectedSumSquares
+ ioLeftWeight / (inRightWeight * (ioLeftWeight + inRightWeight))
* diff * diff;
ioLeftSum += inRightSum;
ioLeftWeight += inRightWeight;
* @brief Perform the transition step
one_way_anova_transition::run(AnyType &args) {
OWATransitionState<MutableArrayHandle<double> > state = args[0];
int32_t group = args[1].getAs<int32_t>();
double value = args[2].getAs<double>();
uint32_t idx = state.idxOfGroup(*this, group);
state.num(idx), state.sum(idx), state.corrected_square_sum(idx),
1, value, 0);
return state;
* @brief Perform the perliminary aggregation function: Merge transition states
one_way_anova_merge_states::run(AnyType &args) {
if (args[1].getAs<ArrayHandle<double> >().size() == 2) { return args[0]; }
else if (args[0].getAs<ArrayHandle<double> >().size() == 2) { return args[1]; }
OWATransitionState<MutableArrayHandle<double> > stateLeft = args[0];
OWATransitionState<ArrayHandle<double> > stateRight = args[1];
// Merge states together and return
for (uint64_t posRight = 0; posRight < stateRight.numGroups; posRight++) {
int32_t value
= static_cast<int32_t>(stateRight.groupValues[posRight]);
uint32_t idxRight = static_cast<uint32_t>(stateRight.posToIndices[posRight]);
uint32_t idxLeft = stateLeft.idxOfGroup(*this, value);
stateLeft.num(idxLeft), stateLeft.sum(idxLeft),
stateRight.num(idxRight), stateRight.sum(idxRight),
return stateLeft;
* @brief Perform the one-sided t-Test final step
one_way_anova_final::run(AnyType &args) {
using boost::math::complement;
OWATransitionState<ArrayHandle<double> > state = args[0];
// If we haven't seen any data, just return Null. This is the standard
// behavior of aggregate function on empty data sets (compare, e.g.,
// how PostgreSQL handles sum or avg on empty inputs)
if (state.numGroups == 0)
return Null();
double grand_mean = state.sum.sum() / state.num.sum();
double sum_squares_between = 0;
for (Index idx = 0; idx < static_cast<Index>(state.numGroups); ++idx)
sum_squares_between += state.num(idx)
* std::pow(state.sum(idx) / state.num(idx)
- grand_mean, 2);
double sum_squares_within = state.corrected_square_sum.sum();
double df_between = state.numGroups - 1;
double df_within = state.num.sum() - state.numGroups;
double mean_square_between = sum_squares_between / df_between;
double mean_square_within = sum_squares_within / df_within;
double statistic = mean_square_between / mean_square_within;
AnyType tuple;
<< sum_squares_between
<< sum_squares_within
<< static_cast<int64_t>(df_between)
<< static_cast<int64_t>(df_within)
<< mean_square_between
<< mean_square_within
<< statistic
<< ((df_between >= 1 && df_within >= 1)
? prob::cdf(
complement(prob::fisher_f(df_between, df_within), statistic))
: Null());
return tuple;
} // namespace stats
} // namespace modules
} // namespace madlib