blob: 7e5b55ae2c8726b28a04dd829d2754cb0a8c9e08 [file] [log] [blame]
# coding=utf-8
@file dense_linear_systems.py_in
@brief Dense Linear Systems:
@namespace marginal
@brief Solve Dense Linear Systems
import plpy
# use mad_vec to process arrays passed as strings in GPDB < 4.1 and PG < 9.0
import re
from utilities.utilities import __mad_version
from utilities.validate_args import table_exists
from utilities.validate_args import columns_exist_in_table
from utilities.validate_args import table_is_empty
from utilities.utilities import _string_to_array
version_wrapper = __mad_version()
string_to_array = version_wrapper.select_vecfunc()
array_to_string = version_wrapper.select_vec_return()
# Direct method: Algorithms dictionary
# ========================================================================
DIRECT_ALG_DICT = {'partialpivlu': 1,
'fullpivlu': 2,
'householderqr': 3,
'colpivhouseholderqr': 4,
'fullpivhouseholderqr': 5,
'llt': 6,
'ldlt': 7}
# ========================================================================
# Validate arguments
def _validate_args(schema_madlib, source_table, out_table, row_id,
left_hand_side, right_hand_side, grouping_cols, optimizer,
@brief Validate args for dense linear systems
@param source_table String identifying the input table
@param out_table String identifying the output table to be created
@param left_hand_side Column name containing the LHS of the equations
@param right_hand_side Column name containing the RHS of the equations
@param grouping_sols Columns to group the linear systems by
@param optimzer Optimizer to be used
@param optimzer_options Optimizer options used
@return void
if not source_table or source_table in ('null', '') or \
(not table_exists(source_table)):
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Data table does not exist!")
if table_is_empty(source_table):
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Data table is empty!")
if not out_table or out_table.lower() in ('null', ''):
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Invalid output table name!")
if table_exists(out_table, only_first_schema=True):
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Output table already exists!")
# Check the names for row_id, lhs and rhs
if not row_id or row_id.lower() in ('null', ''):
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Invalid row_id column name!")
if not left_hand_side or left_hand_side.lower() in ('null', ''):
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Invalid left_hand_side column name!")
if not right_hand_side or right_hand_side.lower() in ('null', ''):
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Invalid right_hand_side column name!")
# Now check that the column names exist in the table
if not columns_exist_in_table(source_table, [row_id]):
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Column name {row_id} does not "
"exist in table {source_table} ".
format(row_id=row_id, source_table=source_table))
if not columns_exist_in_table(source_table, [left_hand_side]):
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Column name {left_hand_side} "
"does not exist in table {source_table} ".
format(left_hand_side=left_hand_side, source_table=source_table))
if not columns_exist_in_table(source_table, [right_hand_side]):
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Column name {right_hand_side} "
"does not exist in table {source_table} ".
# Check that the optimizer is supported
optimizer = optimizer.lower()
if optimizer not in ["direct"]:
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Optimizer '{optimizer}' does "
"not exist. Currently only 'direct' method is supported.".
if grouping_cols:
if not columns_exist_in_table(source_table,
plpy.error("Dense Linear Systems error: Grouping column does not exist!")
# ========================================================================
# Convert numeric array to SQL string
def _internal_py_array_to_sql_string(array):
Convert a python list to an SQL ARRAY
@param array Input python list
@return output SQL array usable in a query
return "ARRAY[%s]" % ','.join(map(str, array))
# Help function for dense linear solvers
# ========================================================================
def linear_solver_dense_help(schema_madlib, input_string=None, **kwargs):
Given input string (eg. optimizer name) print out the related
If a family name is given, print out the supported optimizer together
with its default optimizer. If an optimizer name is given, print out the
necessary parameters.
@param input_string Helper function notes depend on the inputs tring
if input_string and (input_string.lower() == "usage"):
return """
SELECT {schema_madlib}.linear_solver_dense (
'tbl_source', -- Data table
'tbl_result', -- Result table
'row_id', -- Name of column containing row_id (zero base)
'left_hand_side', -- Left Hand Side of the equations
'right_hand_side', -- Right Hand side of the equations
'grouping_cols', -- Grouping columns (Default: NULL)
'optimizer', -- Name of optimizer. Default: 'direct'
'optimizer_params' -- Text array of optimizer parameters
The output table (tbl_result in the above) has the following columns:
solution DOUBLE PRECISION[], -- Solution
residual_norm DOUBLE PRECISION, -- Norm of the residual
iters INTEGER -- Iterations of the algorithm
SELECT {schema_madlib}.linear_solver_dense(
'tbl_input', -- Input table which contains the matrix
'tbl_result', -- Output table where the results are stored
'row_id', -- Column name containing the row_id (zero base)
'LHS', -- Column name containing the LHS
'RHS', -- Column name containing the RHS
NULL, -- Grouping columns
'direct', -- Classification of method used (direct)
'algorithm = householderqr' -- Optional parameters
The following solvers are supported:
(1) Direct Solve
SELECT {schema_madlib}.linear_solve_dense('direct');
to see more help.
Run: SELECT {schema_madlib}.linear_solve_dense('usage');
to see how to use.
elif input_string and input_string.lower() == "direct":
return """
Direct methods for dense linear systems (direct)
Direct methods are IN-MEMORY solutions for dense linear systems.
They are numerically stable and are not effected by ill-conditioning.
The methods however will not work if the input matrices are larger
than 1GB.
There are several algorithms that can be classified as 'direct' methods
of solving linear systems. MADlib dense linear system solvers provide
various algorithmic options for users.
Optional Parameters --------------------------------
algorithm - DEFAULT is householderqr
The following table provides a guideline on the choice
of algorithm based on conditions on the A matrix,
speed of the algorithms and numerical stability.
Algorithm | Contitions on A | Speed | Accuracy
partialpivlu | Invertable | ++ | +
fullpivlu | None | - | +++
householderqr | None | ++ | +
colpivhouseholderqr | None | + | ++
fullpivhouseholderqr | None | - | +++
llt | Pos. Definite | +++ | +
ldlt | Pos. or Neg Def | +++ | ++
For speed '++' is faster than '+' and faster than '-'.
For accuracy '+++' is better than '++'.
return """
The following solvers are supported:
(1) Direct Solver
SELECT {schema_madlib}.linear_solve_dense('direct');
to see more information on direct solvers.
SELECT {schema_madlib}.linear_solve_dense('usage');
for function usage information.
# Load default options
# ========================================================================
def _load_default_options(optimizer):
@brief Function to return a dictionary with default options for the solver
@param optimzer Optimizer to be used
@return dictionary
if optimizer == 'direct':
OPTIONS_DICT['algorithm'] = 'householderqr'
# Main function for dense linear solvers
# ========================================================================
def linear_solver_dense(schema_madlib,
@brief Main function for dense linear systems
@param source_table String identifying the input table
@param out_table String identifying the output table to be created
@param left_hand_side Column name containing the LHS of the equations
@param right_hand_side Column name containing the RHS of the equations
@param grouping_sols Columns to group the linear systems by
@param optimzer Optimizer to be used
@param optimzer_options Optimizer options used
@return void
# Reset the message level to avoid random messages
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
old_msg_level = plpy.execute("""
SELECT setting
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name='client_min_messages'
plpy.execute('SET client_min_messages TO warning')
# Validate Inputs
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if optimizer is None:
optimizer = "direct"
_validate_args(schema_madlib, source_table, out_table,
row_id, left_hand_side, right_hand_side, grouping_cols,
optimizer, optimizer_options)
# Parse optional inputs
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
optimizer = optimizer.lower()
OPTIONS_DICT = _load_default_options(optimizer)
if optimizer_options is not None:
optimizer_options = optimizer_options.split(',')
for opt in optimizer_options:
[param, value] = opt.split("=")
OPTIONS_DICT[param.strip().lower()] = value.strip().lower()
plpy.error("Dense linear systems error: Optimizer options must be of "
"the form 'param1 = value1, param2 = value2'")
# Dense Linear System Solve
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 1: Calculate the number of equations in the system
numEquations = plpy.execute("""SELECT max({row_id}) AS numEquations
FROM {source_table} """.
format(row_id=row_id, source_table=source_table))
# Note: SQL is not case sensitive
numEquations = int(numEquations[0]['numequations']) + 1
# Step 2: Chose the right solver
if optimizer == 'direct':
# Call the SQL function to evaluate the direct linear system
dense_solution = _direct_dense_linear_system_solve(
schema_madlib, source_table, row_id, left_hand_side,
right_hand_side, numEquations, OPTIONS_DICT)
# Step 3: Insert the solution stats into table
CREATE TABLE {out_table} (
residual_norm DOUBLE PRECISION,
iters INTEGER)
solution = dense_solution["solution"]
residual_norm = dense_solution["residual_norm"]
iters = dense_solution["iters"]
# Check for NULL (Convert to None)
if iters is None:
iters = "NULL"
if residual_norm is None:
residual_norm = "NULL"
insert_string = """
INSERT INTO {out_table} VALUES ({solution}, {residual_norm}, {iters});
# Step 4: Clean up output to make sure infinity and nan are cast properly
insert_string = re.sub('Infinity|inf', "'Infinity'::double precision", insert_string)
insert_string = re.sub('Nan|nan', "'Nan'::double precision", insert_string)
# Reset the message level
plpy.execute("SET client_min_messages TO %s" % old_msg_level)
# ========================================================================
# Direct dense linear systems
def _direct_dense_linear_system_solve(schema_madlib,
@brief Run SQL for dense direct linear systems
@param schema_madlib Schema for Madlib
@param source_table String identifying the input table
@param row_id Column name with row_id
@param left_hand_side Column name containing the LHS of the equations
@param right_hand_side Column name containing the RHS of the equations
@param numEquations Number of equations in the linear system
@param OPTIONS_DICT Dictionary with options
@return output_solution Dictionary pointing to SQL objects with the solution
# Check that the options provided in the input are supported
if OPTIONS_DICT['algorithm'] not in DIRECT_ALG_DICT.keys():
plpy.error("Direct method supports only algorithms in ({alg_list})".
format(alg_list=', '.join(DIRECT_ALG_DICT.keys())))
# Convert the algorithm string to the option (integer)
algorithm = DIRECT_ALG_DICT[OPTIONS_DICT['algorithm']]
# Run the SQL for dense direct linear systems
dense_solution = plpy.execute("""
SELECT (output).*
SELECT {schema_madlib}.dense_direct_linear_system(
) AS output
FROM {source_table} ) q
output_solution = {}
output_solution["solution"] = string_to_array(dense_solution[0]["solution"])
output_solution["iters"] = None
solution = output_solution["solution"]
# Residual norm calculations
residual_norm = plpy.execute("""
SELECT (output).*
SELECT {schema_madlib}.dense_residual_norm({left_hand_side},
AS output
{source_table} )q
output_solution["residual_norm"] = residual_norm[0]["residual_norm"]
return output_solution