blob: fb46ba29403cd6e77d27fc8ce7e36a46ed628d23 [file] [log] [blame]
import plpy
from elastic_net_models import _elastic_net_gaussian_igd_train
from elastic_net_models import _elastic_net_gaussian_fista_train
from elastic_net_models import _elastic_net_binomial_fista_train
from elastic_net_models import _elastic_net_binomial_igd_train
from elastic_net_utils import _generate_warmup_lambda_sequence
from utilities.validate_args import is_col_array
from utilities.validate_args import table_exists
from utilities.validate_args import table_is_empty
from utilities.validate_args import columns_exist_in_table
from utilities.validate_args import get_cols_and_types
from utilities.validate_args import cols_in_tbl_valid
from utilities.validate_args import explicit_bool_to_text
from utilities.utilities import extract_keyvalue_params
from utilities.control import MinWarning
from utilities.utilities import _string_to_array_with_quotes
from utilities.utilities import _string_to_array
from utilities.utilities import is_psql_numeric_type
from utilities.utilities import _assert
from utilities.utilities import add_postfix
import re
from validation.internal.cross_validation import CrossValidator
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def elastic_net_help(schema_madlib, family_or_optimizer=None, **kwargs):
Given a response family name or optimizer name, print out the related
If a family name is given, print out the supported optimizer together
with its default optimizer.
If an optimizer name is given, print out the necessary parameters.
if (family_or_optimizer is None or
family_or_optimizer.lower() in ("help", "?")):
return """
Right now, gaussian (linear) and binomial (logistic) families
are supported!
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train('gaussian');
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train('binomial');
to see more help.
Run: SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train('usage');
to see how to use.
Run: SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train('predict');
to see how to predict.
Run: SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train('example');
to see some examples.
if (family_or_optimizer.lower() in ('example', 'examples')):
return """
Create an input data set:
CREATE TABLE houses ( id INT,
tax INT,
bedroom INT,
bath FLOAT,
price INT,
size INT,
lot INT,
zipcode INT);
(1, 590, 2, 1, 50000, 770, 22100, 94301),
(2, 1050, 3, 2, 85000, 1410, 12000, 94301),
(3, 20, 3, 1, 22500, 1060, 3500, 94301),
(4, 870, 2, 2, 90000, 1300, 17500, 94301),
(5, 1320, 3, 2, 133000, 1500, 30000, 94301),
(6, 1350, 2, 1, 90500, 820, 25700, 94301),
(7, 2790, 3, 2.5, 260000, 2130, 25000, 94301),
(8, 680, 2, 1, 142500, 1170, 22000, 94301),
(9, 1840, 3, 2, 160000, 1500, 19000, 94301),
(10, 3680, 4, 2, 240000, 2790, 20000, 94301),
(11, 1660, 3, 1, 87000, 1030, 17500, 94301),
(12, 1620, 3, 2, 118600, 1250, 20000, 94301),
(13, 3100, 3, 2, 140000, 1760, 38000, 94301),
(14, 2070, 2, 3, 148000, 1550, 14000, 94301),
(15, 650, 3, 1.5, 65000, 1450, 12000, 94301),
(16, 770, 2, 2, 91000, 1300, 17500, 76010),
(17, 1220, 3, 2, 132300, 1500, 30000, 76010),
(18, 1150, 2, 1, 91100, 820, 25700, 76010),
(19, 2690, 3, 2.5, 260011, 2130, 25000, 76010),
(20, 780, 2, 1, 141800, 1170, 22000, 76010),
(21, 1910, 3, 2, 160900, 1500, 19000, 76010),
(22, 3600, 4, 2, 239000, 2790, 20000, 76010),
(23, 1600, 3, 1, 81010, 1030, 17500, 76010),
(24, 1590, 3, 2, 117910, 1250, 20000, 76010),
(25, 3200, 3, 2, 141100, 1760, 38000, 76010),
(26, 2270, 2, 3, 148011, 1550, 14000, 76010),
(27, 750, 3, 1.5, 66000, 1450, 12000, 76010);
Train a model:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS houses_en, houses_en_summary;
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train(
'houses', -- source table
'houses_en', -- result table
'price', -- dependent variable
'array[tax, bath, size]', -- independent variable
'gaussian', -- regression family
0.5, -- alpha value
0.1, -- lambda value
TRUE, -- standardize
NULL, -- grouping column(s)
'fista', -- optimizer
'', -- optimizer parameters
NULL, -- excluded columns
10000, -- maximum iterations
1e-6 -- tolerance value
View the resulting model:
\\x on
SELECT * FROM houses_en;
\\x off
Use the prediction function to evaluate residuals:
SELECT id, price, predict, price - predict AS residual
) AS predict
FROM houses, houses_en m) s
Additional Example (with grouping):
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS houses_en1, houses_en1_summary;
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train( 'houses',
'array[tax, bath, size]',
View the resulting model and see a separate model for each group:
\\x on
SELECT * FROM houses_en1;
\\x off
Use the prediction function to evaluate residuals:
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_predict(
'houses_en1', -- model table
'houses', -- new source data table
'id', -- unique ID associated with each row
'houses_en1_prediction' -- table to store prediction result
View the results:
houses.price - houses_en1_prediction.prediction AS residual
FROM houses_en1_prediction, houses
if (family_or_optimizer.lower() in ('usage', 'help', '?')):
return """
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train (
'tbl_source', -- Data table
'tbl_result', -- Result table
'col_dep_var', -- Dependent variable, can be an expression or
'col_ind_var', -- Independent variable, can be an expression
'regress_family', -- 'gaussian' (or 'linear'). 'binomial'
(or 'logistic')
alpha, -- Elastic net controlparameter, value in [0, 1]
lambda_value, -- Regularization parameter, positive
standardize, --Whether to normalize the ata
'grouping_col', -- Group by which columns. (DEFAULT: NULL)
'optimizer', --Name of optimizer. (DEFAUT: 'fista')
'optimizer_params',-- Comma-separated string of optimizer parameters
'excluded', -- Column names excluded frm '*' (DEFAULT = NULL)
max_iter, -- Maximum iteration numbr (DEFAULT = 1000)
tolerance -- Stopping criteria (DEFAULT = 1e-4)
The output table ('tbl_result' above) has the following columns:
grouping_col TEXT, --'Distinct values of groupng_col'
family TEXT, --'gaussian' or 'binomial'
features TEXT[], -- All feature column names
features_selected TEXT[], -- Features with non-zero coefficients
coef_nonzero DOUBLE PRECISION[], -- Non-zero coefficients
coef_all DOUBLE PRECISION[], -- All coefficients
intercept DOUBLE PRECISION, -- Intercept of the linear fit
log_likelihood DOUBLE PRECISION, -- log-likelihood of the fit
standardize BOOLEAN, -- Whether the data was standardized
-- before fitting
iteration_run INTEGER -- How many iteration was actually run
If the independent variable is a column with type of array, features
and features_selected will output indices of the array.
if family_or_optimizer.lower() == "predict":
return """
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_predict(
'regress_family', -- 'gaussian' (or 'linear'). 'binomial'
-- (or 'logistic') will be supported
coefficients, -- Fitting coefficients as a double array
ind_var -- independent variables
) FROM tbl_result, tbl_new_source;
When predicting with binomial models, the return value is 1
if the predicted result is True, and 0 if the prediction is
OR -------------------------------------------------------------
(1) SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_gaussian_predict (
coefficients, intercept, ind_var
) FROM tbl_result, tbl_new_source;
(2) SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_binomial_predict (
coefficients, intercept, ind_var
) FROM tbl_result, tbl_new_source;
(3) SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_binomial_prob (
coefficients, intercept, ind_var
) FROM tbl_result, tbl_new_source;
This returns probability values for the class being 'True'.
OR -------------------------------------------------------------
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_predict(
'tbl_model', -- Result table of elastic_net_train
'tbl_new_source', -- New data source
'col_id', -- Unique ID column
'tbl_predict' -- Prediction result
will put all prediction results into a table. This can be
used together with cross_validation_general() function.
When predicting with binomial models, the predicted values
if (family_or_optimizer.lower() in ("gaussian", "linear")):
return """
Fitting linear models
Supported optimizer:
(1) Incremental gradient descent method ('igd')
(2) Fast iterative shrinkage thesholding algorithm ('fista')
Default is 'fista'
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train('optimizer');
to see more help on each optimizer.
if (family_or_optimizer.lower() in ("binomial", "logistic")):
return """
Fitting logistic models
The dependent variable must be a BOOLEAN.
Supported optimizer:
(1) Incremental gradient descent method ('igd')
(2) Fast iterative shrinkage thesholding algorithm ('fista')
Default is 'fista'
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train('optimizer');
to see more help on each optimizer.
if family_or_optimizer.lower() == "igd":
return """
Incremental gradient descent (IGD) method
Right now, it supports fitting both linear and logistic models.
In order to obtain sparse coefficients, a
modified version of IGD is actually used.
Parameters --------------------------------
stepsize - default is 0.01
threshold - default is 1e-10. When a coefficient is really
small, set it to be 0
warmup - default is False
warmup_lambdas - default is Null
warmup_lambda_no - default is 15. How many lambda's are used in
warm-up, will be overridden if warmup_lambdas
is not NULL
warmup_tolerance - default is the same as tolerance. The value
of tolerance used during warmup.
n_folds - default is 1, Number of cross validation folds.
Set this to greater than 1 if CV over lambda is required.
validation_result - Name of the table to store the cross validation results.
parallel - default is True. Run the computation on
multiple segments or not.
When warmup is True or if n_folds > 1, and warmup_lambdas is NULL, a series
of lambda values will be automatically generated and used.
Reference --------------------------------
[1] Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Ambuj Tewari, Stochastic Methods for l1
Regularized Loss Minimization. Proceedings of the 26th Interna-
tional Conference on Machine Learning, Montreal, Canada, 2009.
if family_or_optimizer.lower() == "fista":
return """
Fast iterative shrinkage thesholding algorithm
with backtracking for stepsizes
Right now, it supports fitting both linear and logistic models.
Parameters --------------------------------
max_stepsize - default is 4.0
eta - default is 1.2, if stepsize does not work
stepsize/eta will be tried
warmup - default is False
warmup_lambdas - default is NULL, which means that lambda
values will be automatically generated
warmup_lambda_no - default is 15. How many lambda's are used in
warm-up, will be overridden if warmup_lambdas
is not NULL
warmup_tolerance - default is the same as tolerance. The value
of tolerance used during warmup.
use_active_set - default is False. Sometimes active-set method
can speed up the calculation.
activeset_tolerance - default is the same as tolerance. The
value of tolerance used during active set
random_stepsize - default is False. Whether add some randomness
to the step size. Sometimes, this can speed
up the calculation.
n_folds - default is 1. Number of cross validation folds.
Set this to greater than 1 if CV over lambda is required.
validation_result - Name of the table to store the cross validation results.
When warmup is True and warmup_lambdas is NULL, warmup_lambda_no
of lambda values will be automatically generated and used.
Reference --------------------------------
[1] Beck, A. and M. Teboulle (2009), A fast iterative
shrinkage-thresholding algorothm for linear inverse
problems. SIAM J. on Imaging Sciences 2(1), 183-202.
# if family_or_optimizer.lower() == "newton":
# return "Newton method "
return """
Elastic Net error: Not a supported response family or optimizer
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train();
for help
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def elastic_net_train(schema_madlib, source_table, model_table, dependent_varname,
independent_varname, regress_family, alpha, lambda_value,
standardize, grouping_col, optimizer,
optimizer_params, excluded, max_iter, tolerance,
A wrapper for all variants of elastic net regularization.
@param source_table Name of data source table
@param independent_varname Name of independent variable column,
independent variable is an array
@param dependent_varname Name of dependent variable column
@param model_table Name of the table to store the results,
will return fitting coefficients and
@param lambda_value The regularization parameter
@param alpha The elastic net parameter, [0, 1]
@param standardize Whether to normalize the variables
@param regress_family Response type, 'gaussian' or 'binomial'
@param optimizer The optimization algorithm, for example 'igd'
@param optimizer_params Parameters of the above optimizer, the format
is '{arg = value, ...}'::varchar[]
@param excluded Which variables are excluded when
independent_varname == "*"
with MinWarning("warning"):
if regress_family is None:
Elastic Net error: Please enter a valid response family name!
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train();
for supported response family.
if optimizer is None:
Elastic Net error: Please enter a valid optimizer name!
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train('gaussian');
for supported optimizers.
regress_family = regress_family.lower()
optimizer = optimizer.lower()
if (regress_family not in (BINOMIAL_FAMILIES + GAUSSIAN_FAMILIES) or
optimizer not in OPTIMIZERS):
Elastic Net error: Not a supported response family or supported
optimizer of the given response family!
SELECT {schema_madlib}.elastic_net_train();
for help.
cv_param, optimizer_params = _get_cv_optimizer_params(
optimizer_params, alpha, lambda_value)
args = locals()
if cv_param['n_folds'] > 1:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _internal_elastic_net_train(
schema_madlib, source_table, model_table, dependent_varname,
independent_varname, grouping_col,
regress_family, alpha, lambda_value,
standardize, optimizer, optimizer_params, excluded,
max_iter, tolerance, **kwargs):
tbl_summary = add_postfix(model_table, "_summary")
# handle all special cases of independent_varname
independent_varname, outstr_array = analyze_input_str(
schema_madlib, source_table,
independent_varname, dependent_varname, excluded)
# get the grouping info
grouping_str, grouping_col = _get_grouping_col_str(schema_madlib,
source_table, grouping_col)
if regress_family in GAUSSIAN_FAMILIES:
if optimizer == OPTIMIZERS.igd:
schema_madlib, source_table, independent_varname, dependent_varname,
model_table, tbl_summary, lambda_value, alpha, standardize,
optimizer_params, max_iter, tolerance, outstr_array,
grouping_str, grouping_col, **kwargs)
return None
if optimizer == OPTIMIZERS.fista:
schema_madlib, source_table, independent_varname, dependent_varname,
model_table, tbl_summary, lambda_value, alpha, standardize,
optimizer_params, max_iter, tolerance, outstr_array,
grouping_str, grouping_col, **kwargs)
return None
elif regress_family in BINOMIAL_FAMILIES:
if optimizer == OPTIMIZERS.igd:
dependent_varname = "(" + dependent_varname + ")::boolean"
schema_madlib, source_table, independent_varname, dependent_varname,
model_table, tbl_summary, lambda_value, alpha, standardize,
optimizer_params, max_iter, tolerance, outstr_array,
grouping_str, grouping_col, **kwargs)
return None
if optimizer == OPTIMIZERS.fista:
dependent_varname = "(" + dependent_varname + ")::boolean"
schema_madlib, source_table, independent_varname, dependent_varname,
model_table, tbl_summary, lambda_value, alpha, standardize,
optimizer_params, max_iter, tolerance, outstr_array,
grouping_str, grouping_col, **kwargs)
return None
return None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_cv_optimizer_params(param_str, alpha, smallest_lambda):
cv_params_defaults = {
"n_folds": (1, int),
"lambda_value": (None, list),
"alpha": ([alpha], list),
"n_lambdas": (15, int),
"validation_result": (None, str)
param_defaults = dict([(k, v[0]) for k, v in cv_params_defaults.items()])
param_types = dict([(k, v[1]) for k, v in cv_params_defaults.items()])
if not param_str:
return param_defaults, param_str
name_value = extract_keyvalue_params(param_str, param_types, param_defaults,
if name_value['n_folds'] > 1:
if not name_value['lambda_value']:
if name_value['n_lambdas']:
name_value['lambda_value'] = _generate_warmup_lambda_sequence(
smallest_lambda, name_value['n_lambdas'])
# no warmup when cross validating on lambda
param_str += ', warmup=False'
name_value['lambda_value'] = [float(smallest_lambda)]
name_value['lambda_value'] = map(float, name_value['lambda_value'])
# no warmup when cross validating on lambda
param_str += ', warmup=False'
name_value['alpha'] = map(float, name_value['alpha'])
return name_value, param_str
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _cross_validate_en(args):
# updating params_dict will also update args['params_dict']
if args['n_folds'] > 1 and args['grouping_col']:
plpy.error('Elastic Net Error: cross validation with grouping is not supported!')
allowed_cv_params = ('lambda_value', 'alpha') # keep trailing comma for single element
cv_params_values = {}
for param in allowed_cv_params:
if isinstance(args[param], list):
if len(args[param]) > 1:
cv_params_values[param] = args[param]
args[param] = args[param][0]
if not cv_params_values and args['n_folds'] <= 1:
# no cross validation
if not cv_params_values and args['n_folds'] > 1:
plpy.warning('Elastic Net Warning: n_folds > 1 but no '
'cross validation parameter provided')
if cv_params_values and args['n_folds'] <= 1:
plpy.error('Elastic Net Error: All parameters must be scalar '
'when n_folds is 0 or 1')
scorer = 'classification' if args['regress_family'] in BINOMIAL_FAMILIES else 'regression'
cv = CrossValidator(_internal_elastic_net_train, elastic_net_predict_all, scorer, args)
val_res = cv.validate(cv_params_values, args['n_folds'])
if 'validation_result' in args:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_grouping_col_str(schema_madlib, source_table, grouping_col):
if grouping_col and grouping_col.lower() != 'null':
intersect = frozenset(
('regress_family', 'coef_all',
'coef_nonzero', 'intercept',
'log_likelihood', 'standardize',
_assert(len(intersect) == 0,
"Elastic Net error: Conflicting grouping column name.\n"
"Some predefined keyword(s) ({0}) are not allowed "
"for grouping column names!".format(', '.join(intersect)))
grouping_list = [i + "::text"
for i in explicit_bool_to_text(
grouping_str = ','.join(grouping_list)
grouping_str = "Null"
grouping_col = None
return grouping_str, grouping_col
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _check_args(tbl_source, col_ind_var, col_dep_var):
Check arguments before analyze_input_str
if any(each_arg is None for each_arg in (tbl_source, col_ind_var, col_dep_var)):
plpy.error("Elastic Net error: You have unsupported NULL value(s) in the arguments!")
if any(each_arg.strip() == '' for each_arg in (tbl_source, col_ind_var, col_dep_var)):
plpy.error("Elastic Net error: You have unsupported EMPTY value(s) in the arguments!")
if not table_exists(tbl_source):
plpy.error("Elastic Net error: Data table " + tbl_source + " does not exist!")
if table_is_empty(tbl_source):
plpy.error("Elastic Net error: Data table " + tbl_source + " is empty!")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def analyze_input_str(schema_madlib, tbl_source,
col_ind_var, col_dep_var, excluded):
Make input strings and output strings compatible with functions
@param tbl_source Data table
@param col_ind_var Independent variables
@param col_dep_var Dependent variables
@param excluded Which variables are excluded when col_ind_var == "*"
_check_args(tbl_source, col_ind_var, col_dep_var)
outstr_array = []
if col_ind_var == "*":
col_types_dict = dict(get_cols_and_types(tbl_source))
cols = col_types_dict.keys()
s = _string_to_array(excluded) if excluded is not None else []
for each_col in cols:
if each_col not in s and each_col != col_dep_var:
if not outstr_array:
plpy.error("Elastic Net error: All columns from independent variables "
"have been excluded")
elif (len(outstr_array) == 1 and
col_types_dict[outstr_array[0]].lower() == 'array'):
col_ind_var = outstr_array[0]
return analyze_single_input_str(schema_madlib, tbl_source,
included_col_types = [col_types_dict[i] for i in outstr_array]
if not all(is_psql_numeric_type(i)
for i in included_col_types):
plpy.error("Elastic Net error: All columns to be included in the "
"independent variables should be of the numeric type.")
col_ind_var_new = "ARRAY[" + ','.join(outstr_array) + "]"
return (col_ind_var_new, outstr_array)
if columns_exist_in_table(tbl_source, [col_ind_var], schema_madlib):
# if the input is a column name and not an expression
return analyze_single_input_str(schema_madlib, tbl_source,
col_ind_var, excluded)
# if input is an expression resulting in an array output
matched = re.match(r"(?i)^array\[(.*)\]", col_ind_var)
if matched:
# array expression starts with the word "ARRAY"
outstr_array = _string_to_array(
# any other form of array expression
n_feat = plpy.execute(""" SELECT array_upper({indep_var}, 1) as num_feat
FROM {source} LIMIT 1
outstr_array = ["[" + str(i) + "]" for i in range(1, n_feat + 1)]
# We allow expressions for independent variables that could start with
# something other than 'array'
# Example use case: input independent variable of array column
# adding an intercept could be done as '1 || x' where 'x' is array
# of independent variables.
# plpy.error("Elastic Net error: Independent variable format is not quite right!")
return (col_ind_var, outstr_array)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def analyze_single_input_str(schema_madlib, tbl_source, col_ind_var,
@param schema_madlib: string, Name of schema where MADlib is installed
@param tbl_source: string, Name of input table
@param col_ind_var: string, Name of independent variable
(must be single column name and of ARRAY type )
@param excluded: list, Indices of elements to exclude.
if columns_exist_in_table(tbl_source, [col_ind_var], schema_madlib):
# a single column is independent variable
# which means that it is an array
# excluded must be a string containing integers
if not is_col_array(tbl_source, col_ind_var):
plpy.error("Elastic Net error: The independent variable must be an array!")
dimension = plpy.execute(
SELECT array_upper({col_ind_var}, 1) AS dimension
FROM {tbl_source} limit 1
if excluded is not None:
s = _string_to_array(excluded)
invalid_excluded = """
Elastic Net error: When the independent variable is
an array column, excluded values can only be indices
(i.e. between 1 and {0})""".format(dimension)
s = [int(i) for i in s]
if any(i < 1 or i > dimension for i in s):
s = []
outstr_array = ["%s[%s]" % (col_ind_var, str(i))
for i in range(1, dimension + 1) if i not in s]
if s:
col_ind_var_new = "ARRAY[" + ",".join(outstr_array) + "]"
col_ind_var_new = col_ind_var
return (col_ind_var_new, outstr_array)
plpy.error("Elastic Net error: Single column name included for "
"independent variable is not found in source table.")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def elastic_net_predict_all(schema_madlib, tbl_model, tbl_new_source,
col_id, tbl_predict, **kwargs):
Predict and put the result in a table. Useful for general CV
summary_table = add_postfix(tbl_model, "_summary")
grouping_col = plpy.execute("SELECT grouping_col FROM {summary_table}".
with MinWarning("error"):
regress_family = plpy.execute("SELECT family FROM {tbl_model} ".
if regress_family.lower() in ("gaussian", "linear"):
predict_func = "elastic_net_gaussian_predict"
elif regress_family.lower() in ("binomial", "logistic"):
predict_func = "elastic_net_binomial_predict"
plpy.error("Elastic Net error: Not a supported response family!")
if col_id is None or col_id == '':
plpy.error("Elastic Net error: invalid ID column provided!")
if columns_exist_in_table(tbl_new_source, [col_id], schema_madlib):
elastic_net_predict_id = col_id
elastic_net_predict_id = 'elastic_net_predict_id'
dense_vars = plpy.execute(""" SELECT features AS fs FROM {tbl_model}
dense_vars_str = "ARRAY[" + ", ".join(dense_vars) + "]"
# Must be careful to avoid possible name conflicts
if grouping_col and grouping_col != 'NULL':
qstr = """
CREATE TABLE {tbl_predict} AS
{schema_madlib}.{predict_func}(coef_all, intercept, ind_var)
AS prediction
{tbl_model} as tbl1
{col_id} as {elastic_net_predict_id},
{dense_vars_str} as ind_var
{tbl_new_source}) tbl2
USING ({grouping_col})
ORDER BY {grouping_col}, {elastic_net_predict_id}
qstr = """
CREATE TABLE {tbl_predict} AS
{schema_madlib}.{predict_func}(coef_all, intercept, ind_var)
AS prediction
{tbl_model} as tbl1,
{col_id} as {elastic_net_predict_id},
{dense_vars_str} as ind_var
) tbl2
return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------