blob: 85d58c5029cf5afea457aec38a8e29164bfd95b0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file dim_conversion.cpp
* @brief Functions for converting b/w 1-D and 2-D arrays
* @date Dec 17, 2013
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <dbconnector/dbconnector.hpp>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include "dim_conversion.hpp"
namespace madlib {
namespace modules {
namespace linalg {
using namespace dbal;
using namespace dbal::eigen_integration;
array_to_1d::run(AnyType & args) {
if (args[0].isNull()) { return args[0]; }
ArrayHandle<double> in_array = args[0].getAs<ArrayHandle<double> >();
if (in_array.size() == 0) { return args[0]; }
size_t dims = in_array.dims();
if(dims == 1) { return args[0]; }
if(dims != 2){
std::stringstream err_msg;
err_msg << "Can only handle 1-D or 2-D, given " << dims;
throw std::invalid_argument(err_msg.str());
MutableArrayHandle<double> out_array =
allocateArray<double, dbal::FunctionContext,
dbal::DoZero, dbal::ThrowBadAlloc>(in_array.size() + 2);
// The fist two elements encode the dimension info
out_array[0] = static_cast<double>(in_array.sizeOfDim(0));
out_array[1] = static_cast<double>(in_array.sizeOfDim(1));
memcpy(out_array.ptr() + 2, in_array.ptr(), sizeof(double) * in_array.size());
return out_array;
array_to_2d::run(AnyType & args) {
if (args[0].isNull()) return args[0];
ArrayHandle<double> in_array = args[0].getAs<ArrayHandle<double> >();
if (in_array.size() == 0) return args[0];
size_t dim1 = static_cast<size_t>(in_array[0]);
size_t dim2 = static_cast<size_t>(in_array[1]);
if (dim1 * dim2 + 2 != in_array.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error("dimension mismatch in the encoded input array");
MutableArrayHandle<double> out_array =
allocateArray<double, dbal::FunctionContext,
dbal::DoZero, dbal::ThrowBadAlloc>(
static_cast<size_t>(in_array[0]), static_cast<size_t>(in_array[1]));
memcpy(out_array.ptr(), in_array.ptr() + 2, sizeof(double) * (in_array.size() - 2));
return out_array;
get_row_from_2d_array::run(AnyType & args) {
MappedMatrix input = args[0].getAs<MappedMatrix>();
int index = args[1].getAs<int>() - 1; // database index starts from 1
if (index < 0 or index >= input.cols()) {
std::stringstream err_msg;
err_msg << "Out-of-bound index: " << index + 1 << " not in [1, "
<< input.cols() + 1 << "]";
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg.str());
MutableNativeColumnVector ret(this->allocateArray<double>(input.rows()));
ret = input.col(static_cast<Index>(index));
return ret;
get_col_from_2d_array::run(AnyType & args) {
MappedMatrix input = args[0].getAs<MappedMatrix>();
int index = args[1].getAs<int>() - 1; // database index starts from 1
if (index < 0 or index >= input.rows()) {
std::stringstream err_msg;
err_msg << "Out-of-bound index: " << index + 1 << " not in [1, "
<< input.rows() + 1 << "]";
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg.str());
MutableNativeColumnVector ret(this->allocateArray<double>(input.cols()));
ret = input.row(static_cast<Index>(index));
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
struct Deconstruct2DArrayContext {
// Assumption: mat is the transpose of the 2-D array in database
NativeMatrix mat;
Index curr_col;
} // namespace
deconstruct_2d_array::SRF_init(AnyType &args) {
Deconstruct2DArrayContext *uctx = new Deconstruct2DArrayContext;
ArrayHandle<double> in_array = args[0].getAs<ArrayHandle<double> >();
if (in_array.dims() == 2) {
} else if (in_array.dims() < 2) {
uctx->mat.rebind(in_array, in_array.size(), 1);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("2-D array expected");
uctx->curr_col = 0;
return uctx;
deconstruct_2d_array::SRF_next(void *user_fctx, bool *is_last_call) {
Deconstruct2DArrayContext *uctx =
if (uctx->mat.rows() == 0 ||
uctx->curr_col >= uctx->mat.cols()) {
*is_last_call = true;
return Null();
AnyType tuple;
tuple << static_cast<int>(uctx->curr_col + 1);
for (Index i = 0; i < uctx->mat.rows(); i ++) {
tuple << uctx->mat(i, uctx->curr_col);
uctx->curr_col ++;
return tuple;
deconstruct_lower_triangle::SRF_init(AnyType &args) {
Deconstruct2DArrayContext *uctx = new Deconstruct2DArrayContext;
ArrayHandle<double> in_array = args[0].getAs<ArrayHandle<double> >();
if (in_array.dims() != 2) {
throw std::runtime_error("symmetric 2-D array expected");
} else {
if (uctx->mat.rows() != uctx->mat.cols()) {
throw std::runtime_error("symmetric 2-D array expected");
uctx->curr_col = 0;
return uctx;
deconstruct_lower_triangle::SRF_next(void *user_fctx, bool *is_last_call) {
Deconstruct2DArrayContext *uctx =
if (uctx->mat.rows() == 0 ||
uctx->curr_col >= uctx->mat.cols()) {
*is_last_call = true;
return Null();
AnyType tuple;
tuple << static_cast<int>(uctx->curr_col + 1);
for (Index i = 0; i <= uctx->curr_col; i ++) {
tuple << uctx->mat(i, uctx->curr_col);
uctx->curr_col ++;
return tuple;
} // linalg
} // modules
} // madlib