blob: 66a3d22a54e652bf0f07fde7a7b36b452e8e2e46 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file GLM_proto.hpp
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "family.hpp"
#include "link.hpp"
#include <modules/convex/newton.hpp>
namespace madlib {
namespace modules {
namespace glm {
// Use Eigen
using namespace dbal;
using namespace dbal::eigen_integration;
template <class Container, class Family=Gaussian, class Link=Identity>
class GLMAccumulator
: public DynamicStruct<GLMAccumulator<Container,Family,Link>,Container> {
typedef DynamicStruct<GLMAccumulator,Container> Base;
typedef std::tuple<MappedColumnVector,double> tuple_type;
GLMAccumulator(Init_type& inInitialization);
void bind(ByteStream_type& inStream);
GLMAccumulator& operator<<(const tuple_type& inTuple);
template <class C, class F, class L>
GLMAccumulator& operator<<(const GLMAccumulator<C,F,L>& inOther);
template <class C, class F, class L>
GLMAccumulator& operator=(const GLMAccumulator<C,F,L>& inOther);
void apply();
void reset();
bool empty() const { return this->num_rows == 0; }
uint64_type num_rows;
bool_type terminated;
double_type loglik;
double_type dispersion; // to calculate loglik
double_type dispersion_accum; // to accumulate the dispersion
Matrix_type vcov;
uint16_type num_coef; // number of variables
ColumnVector_type beta; // coefficients
ColumnVector_type grad; // accumulating value of gradient
Matrix_type hessian; // accumulating expected value of Hessian
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GLMResult {
template <class Container> GLMResult(
const GLMAccumulator<Container>& inState);
template <class Container> GLMResult& compute(
const GLMAccumulator<Container>& inState);
// native arrays returns to db without copying
double loglik;
MutableNativeColumnVector coef;
MutableNativeColumnVector std_err;
MutableNativeColumnVector z_stats;
MutableNativeColumnVector p_values;
uint64_t num_rows_processed;
double dispersion;
} // namespace glm
} // namespace modules
} // namespace madlib