blob: e7c1187ce03f75e7bb64ae8e3c144dda70985581 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file tuple.hpp
* Tuple classes are defined so that algorithm code can be shared
* for different kinds of tuples.
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <dbconnector/dbconnector.hpp>
#include "independent_variables.hpp"
#include "dependent_variable.hpp"
#include <dbconnector/dbconnector.hpp>
namespace madlib {
namespace modules {
namespace convex {
// Use Eigen
using namespace madlib::dbal::eigen_integration;
template <class IndependentVariables, class DependentVariable>
struct ExampleTuple {
typedef IndependentVariables independent_variables_type;
typedef DependentVariable dependent_variable_type;
// id may not be necessary all the time, keep it for now
// since harm is not observed
int id;
independent_variables_type indVar;
dependent_variable_type depVar;
double weight;
ExampleTuple() { id = 0; weight = 1;}
ExampleTuple(const ExampleTuple &rhs) {
id =;
indVar = rhs.indVar;
depVar = rhs.depVar;
weight = rhs.weight;
ExampleTuple& operator=(const ExampleTuple &rhs) {
if (this != &rhs) {
id =;
indVar = rhs.indVar;
depVar = rhs.depVar;
weight = rhs.weight;
return *this;
~ExampleTuple() { }
using madlib::dbal::eigen_integration::MappedColumnVector;
// Generalized Linear Models (GLMs): Logistic regression, Linear SVM
typedef ExampleTuple<MappedColumnVector, double> GLMTuple;
// madlib::modules::convex::MatrixIndex
typedef ExampleTuple<MatrixIndex, double> LMFTuple;
typedef ExampleTuple<ColumnVector, ColumnVector> MLPTuple;
typedef ExampleTuple<Matrix, Matrix> MiniBatchTuple;
} // namespace convex
} // namespace modules
} // namespace madlib