blob: b772549069e9b72bfd7246e0f1d39abf4665a34d [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
* @file mlp.hpp
* This file contains objective function related computation, which is called
* by classes in algo/, e.g., loss, gradient functions
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <dbconnector/dbconnector.hpp>
namespace madlib {
namespace modules {
namespace convex {
// Use Eigen
using namespace madlib::dbal::eigen_integration;
template <class Model, class Tuple>
class MLP {
typedef Model model_type;
typedef Tuple tuple_type;
typedef typename Tuple::independent_variables_type
typedef typename Tuple::dependent_variable_type dependent_variable_type;
static void gradientInPlace(
model_type &model,
const independent_variables_type &x,
const dependent_variable_type &y,
const double &stepsize);
static double getLossAndUpdateModel(
model_type &model,
const Matrix &x,
const Matrix &y,
const double &stepsize);
static double getLossAndGradient(
model_type &model,
const Matrix &x,
const Matrix &y,
std::vector<Matrix> &total_gradient_per_layer,
const double &stepsize);
static double getLoss(
const ColumnVector &y_true,
const ColumnVector &y_estimated,
const bool is_classification);
static double loss(
const model_type &model,
const independent_variables_type &x,
const dependent_variable_type &y);
static ColumnVector predict(
const model_type &model,
const independent_variables_type &x,
const bool is_classification_response,
const bool is_dep_var_array_for_classification);
const static int RELU = 0;
const static int SIGMOID = 1;
const static int TANH = 2;
static double lambda;
static double sigmoid(const double &xi) {
return 1. / (1. + std::exp(-xi));
static double relu(const double &xi) {
return xi*(xi>0);
static double tanh(const double &xi) {
return std::tanh(xi);
static double sigmoidDerivative(const double &xi) {
double value = sigmoid(xi);
return value * (1. - value);
static double reluDerivative(const double &xi) {
return xi>0;
static double tanhDerivative(const double &xi) {
double value = tanh(xi);
return 1-value*value;
static void feedForward(
const model_type &model,
const independent_variables_type &x,
std::vector<ColumnVector> &net,
std::vector<ColumnVector> &o);
static void backPropogate(
const ColumnVector &y_true,
const ColumnVector &y_estimated,
const std::vector<ColumnVector> &net,
const model_type &model,
std::vector<ColumnVector> &delta);
template <class Model, class Tuple>
double MLP<Model, Tuple>::lambda = 0;
template <class Model, class Tuple>
MLP<Model, Tuple>::getLoss(const ColumnVector &y_true,
const ColumnVector &y_estimated,
const bool is_classification){
// cross entropy loss function
double clip = 1.e-10;
ColumnVector y_clipped = y_estimated.cwiseMax(clip).cwiseMin(1. - clip);
return -(y_true.array() * y_clipped.array().log() +
(1 - y_true.array()) * (1 - y_clipped.array()).log()
// squared loss
return 0.5 * (y_estimated - y_true).squaredNorm();
template <class Model, class Tuple>
MLP<Model, Tuple>::getLossAndUpdateModel(
model_type &model,
const Matrix &x_batch,
const Matrix &y_true_batch,
const double &stepsize) {
double total_loss = 0.;
// initialize gradient vector
std::vector<Matrix> total_gradient_per_layer(model.num_layers);
for (Index k=0; k < model.num_layers; ++k) {
total_gradient_per_layer[k] = Matrix::Zero(model.u[k].rows(),
std::vector<ColumnVector> net, o, delta;
Index num_rows_in_batch = x_batch.rows();
for (Index i=0; i < num_rows_in_batch; i++){
// gradient and loss added over the batch
ColumnVector x = x_batch.row(i);
ColumnVector y_true = y_true_batch.row(i);
feedForward(model, x, net, o);
backPropogate(y_true, o.back(), net, model, delta);
// compute the gradient
for (Index k=0; k < model.num_layers; k++){
total_gradient_per_layer[k] += o[k] * delta[k].transpose();
// compute the loss
total_loss += getLoss(y_true, o.back(), model.is_classification);
for (Index k=0; k < model.num_layers; k++){
// convert gradient to a gradient update vector
// 1. normalize to per row update
// 2. discount by stepsize
// 3. add regularization
// 4. make negative for descent
Matrix regularization = MLP<Model, Tuple>::lambda * model.u[k];
regularization.row(0).setZero(); // Do not update bias
total_gradient_per_layer[k] = -stepsize *
(total_gradient_per_layer[k] / static_cast<double>(num_rows_in_batch) +
// total_gradient_per_layer is now the update vector
if (model.momentum > 0){
model.velocity[k] = model.momentum * model.velocity[k] + total_gradient_per_layer[k];
if (model.is_nesterov){
// Below equation ensures that Nesterov updates are half step
// ahead of regular momentum updates i.e. next step's discounted
// velocity update is already added in the current step.
model.u[k] += model.momentum * model.velocity[k] + total_gradient_per_layer[k];
model.u[k] += model.velocity[k];
} else {
// no momentum
model.u[k] += total_gradient_per_layer[k];
return total_loss;
template <class Model, class Tuple>
MLP<Model, Tuple>::gradientInPlace(
model_type &model,
const independent_variables_type &x,
const dependent_variable_type &y_true,
const double &stepsize)
std::vector<ColumnVector> net, o, delta;
feedForward(model, x, net, o);
backPropogate(y_true, o.back(), net, model, delta);
for (Index k=0; k < model.num_layers; k++){
Matrix regularization = MLP<Model, Tuple>::lambda*model.u[k];
regularization.row(0).setZero(); // Do not update bias
if (model.momentum > 0){
Matrix gradient = -stepsize * (o[k] * delta[k].transpose() + regularization);
model.velocity[k] = model.momentum * model.velocity[k] + gradient;
if (model.is_nesterov)
model.u[k] += model.momentum * model.velocity[k] + gradient;
model.u[k] += model.velocity[k];
else {
// Updating model inline as a special case to avoid a copy of the
// gradient matrix to velocity.
model.u[k] -= stepsize * (o[k] * delta[k].transpose() + regularization);
template <class Model, class Tuple>
MLP<Model, Tuple>::loss(
const model_type &model,
const independent_variables_type &x,
const dependent_variable_type &y_true) {
// Here we compute the loss. In the case of regression we use sum of square errors
// In the case of classification the loss term is cross entropy.
std::vector<ColumnVector> net, o;
feedForward(model, x, net, o);
ColumnVector y_estimated = o.back();
return getLoss(y_true, y_estimated, model.is_classification);
template <class Model, class Tuple>
MLP<Model, Tuple>::predict(
const model_type &model,
const independent_variables_type &x,
const bool is_classification_response,
const bool is_dep_var_array_for_classification) {
std::vector<ColumnVector> net, o;
feedForward(model, x, net, o);
ColumnVector output = o.back();
int max_idx;
if(is_dep_var_array_for_classification) {
// Return the entire array, but with 1 for the class level with
// largest probability and 0s for the rest.
output[max_idx] = 1;
} else {
// Return a length 1 array with the predicted index
output[0] = (double) max_idx;
return output;
template <class Model, class Tuple>
MLP<Model, Tuple>::feedForward(
const model_type &model,
const independent_variables_type &x,
std::vector<ColumnVector> &net,
std::vector<ColumnVector> &o){
/* The network starts with the 0th layer (input), followed by n_layers
number of hidden layers, and then an output layer.
// Total number of coefficients in the model
size_t N = model.u.size(); // assuming >= 1
net.resize(N + 1);
// o[k] is a vector of the output of the kth layer
o.resize(N + 1);
double (*activation)(const double&);
activation = &relu;
else if(model.activation==SIGMOID)
activation = &sigmoid;
activation = &tanh;
o[0].resize(x.size() + 1);
o[0] << 1.,x;
for (size_t k = 1; k < N; k ++) {
// o_k = activation(sum(o_{k-1} * u_{k-1}))
// net_k just does the inner sum: input to the activation function
net[k] = model.u[k-1].transpose() * o[k-1];
o[k] = ColumnVector(model.u[k-1].cols() + 1);
// This applies the activation function to give the actual node output
o[k] << 1., net[k].unaryExpr(activation);
o[N] = model.u[N-1].transpose() * o[N-1];
// Numerically stable calculation of softmax
double max_x = o[N].maxCoeff();
o[N] = (o[N].array() - max_x).exp();
o[N] /= o[N].sum();
template <class Model, class Tuple>
MLP<Model, Tuple>::backPropogate(
const ColumnVector &y_true,
const ColumnVector &y_estimated,
const std::vector<ColumnVector> &net,
const model_type &model,
std::vector<ColumnVector> &delta) {
size_t N = model.u.size(); // assuming >= 1
double (*activationDerivative)(const double&);
activationDerivative = &reluDerivative;
else if(model.activation==SIGMOID)
activationDerivative = &sigmoidDerivative;
activationDerivative = &tanhDerivative;
delta.back() = y_estimated - y_true;
for (size_t k = N - 1; k >= 1; k --) {
// Do not include the bias terms
delta[k-1] = model.u[k].bottomRows(model.u[k].rows()-1) * delta[k];
delta[k-1] = delta[k-1].array() * net[k].unaryExpr(activationDerivative).array();
} // namespace convex
} // namespace modules
} // namespace madlib