blob: 45762e1a2e418d029c8b3b9e4f6b11904ed94e6a [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# This is a script that does the following:
# * Pull madlib/postgres_10:$IMAGE_TAG(default tag is `latest`) from docker;
# * Mount your local madlib directory to docker container;
# * Name your docker container as $CONTAINER_NAME (default name is madlib)
# * Build madlib from source; build dir is /madlib/build_docker which
# is mounted to your local madlib dir
# * Install madlib and run install check;
# * Log in to docker container from shell as postgres user, so that you
# can run psql and start using madlib from here
# Note: you have to run this script inside your local MADlib repo
# Example command:
# CONTAINER_NAME=my_madlib IMAGE_TAG=LaTex ./tool/
set -o pipefail
reponame="$(basename "$(pwd)")"
echo "======================================================================"
echo "Build user: ${user_name}"
echo "Work directory: ${workdir}"
echo "Git reponame: ${reponame}"
echo "======================================================================"
if [[ -z "${CONTAINER_NAME}" ]]; then
if [[ -z "${IMAGE_TAG}" ]]; then
rm -rf build_docker_logs
mkdir build_docker_logs
echo "-----------creating docker container madlib--------------------"
docker kill "${CONTAINER_NAME}"
docker rm "${CONTAINER_NAME}"
# Pull down the base docker images
echo "Creating docker container"
docker pull madlib/postgres_10:"${IMAGE_TAG}"
# Launch docker container with volume mounted from workdir
docker run -d -it --name "${CONTAINER_NAME}" -v "${workdir}":/madlib \
madlib/postgres_10:"${IMAGE_TAG}" | tee build_docker_logs/docker_setup.log
## This sleep is required since it takes a couple of seconds for the docker
## container to come up, which is required by the docker exec command that
## follows.
sleep 5
echo "---------- Building MADlib -----------"
# cmake, make, make install
# The build folder is /madlib/build_docker, which is mounted to your local
# madlib repo
docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" bash -c "rm -rf /madlib/build_docker; \
mkdir /madlib/build_docker; \
cd /madlib/build_docker; \
cmake ..; make" \
| tee "${workdir}/build_docker_logs/madlib_compile.log"
echo "---------- Installing and running install-check --------------------"
# Install MADlib and run install check
docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" bash -c "/madlib/build_docker/src/bin/madpack -p postgres \
-c postgres/postgres@localhost:5432/postgres \
install" \
| tee "${workdir}/build_docker_logs/madlib_install.log"
docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" bash -c "/madlib/build_docker/src/bin/madpack -p postgres \
-c postgres/postgres@localhost:5432/postgres \
install-check" \
| tee "${workdir}/build_docker_logs/madlib_install_check.log"
# To run psql, you have to login as postgres, not root
echo "---------- docker exec image as user postgres-----------"
docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" bash -c 'chown -R postgres:postgres /madlib/build_docker'
docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" bash -c 'chown -R postgres:postgres /madlib'
docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" bash -c 'mkdir /home/postgres'
docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" bash -c 'chown -R postgres:postgres /home/postgres'
docker exec --user=postgres -it "${CONTAINER_NAME}" bash \
| tee "${workdir}/build_docker_logs/docker_exec.log"