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@file madlib_keras_gpu_info.py_in
@brief GPU configuration helper function
@namespace madlib_keras_gpu_info
import os
import subprocess
import plpy
from utilities.utilities import is_platform_pg
from utilities.utilities import unique_string
from utilities.validate_args import output_tbl_valid
class OutputInfoSchema:
TEMP_INFO_TABLE = unique_string(desp='gpu_info')
SEG_ID_COL = 'gp_seg_id'
GPU_DESCR_COL = 'gpu_descr'
class Source:
NVIDIA = 'nvidia'
TENSORFLOW = 'tensorflow'
class GPUInfoFunctions:
def get_gpu_info_from_nvidia():
This function will run only on segment(s). Make sure not to run any non
select plpy execute.
:return: list of gpu descriptions as returned by nvidia-smi -L.
return subprocess.check_output(["nvidia-smi", "-L"]).splitlines()
except Exception: # Handle case when nvidia-smi -L fails
return []
def get_gpu_info_from_tensorflow():
This function will run only on segment(s). Make sure not to run any non
select plpy execute.
:return: list of gpu descriptions as returned by tensorflow
current_working_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
gpus = subprocess.check_output(["python", ""],
return gpus
def gpu_configuration(schema_madlib, output_table, source):
:return: List of gpus along with their hostname in the format
gpu_descr | hostname
NVIDIA Tesla P100 | host1
NVIDIA Tesla P100 | host1
Super Duper GPU | host2
Super Duper GPU | host2
1. We use gp_dist_random to run either the nvidia smi UDF or the tensorflow UDF
on all the hosts. (see gpu_info_nvidia/gpu_info_tensorflow)
2. Also we do not need to run the tf/nvidia UDF on all the segments,
just one segment per host. That's why we group the output of
gp_segment_configuration by hostname and get the min segment from
each host.
3. To get the hostname along with the gpu description, we have to join
the output of nvidia/tf UDF with gp_segment_configuration and filter
out the following
* master
* mirror segments
* empty/null gpu description
Workflow for gpdb
1. Run query to get min seg ids on each host. This is so that we can run
the gpu UDF on just one segment per host.
2. Create a table by running the tf/nvidia UDF on the segment ids returned
from the previous step. Note that this table will only contain the output
of the UDF and the segment id itself. This table does not contain hostnames
3. To get the hostname associated with the segment id, we need to join the
table created in step with gp_segment_configuration.
It's important to note that we can merge all these 3 queries into one but
the problem with that is that a redistribution happens before running the UDF
which means the UDF does not run on the segments that we pass in to the query.
To avoid this, we broke down the query into 3 parts so that the UDF is always
run on the intended segments.
gpu_descr | hostname
NVIDIA Tesla P100 | localhost
module_name = 'madlib_keras_gpu_info'
output_tbl_valid(output_table, module_name)
if not source:
source = Source.TENSORFLOW
source = source.lower()
if source != Source.TENSORFLOW and source != Source.NVIDIA:
plpy.error("DL: source has to be one of {0} or {1}".format(
gpu_fn_name = 'gpu_info_{0}'.format(source)
if is_platform_pg():
gpu_for_postgres(schema_madlib, output_table, gpu_fn_name)
gpu_for_gpdb(schema_madlib, output_table, gpu_fn_name)
def gpu_for_postgres(schema_madlib, output_table, gpu_fn_name):
gpu_info_query = """
SELECT 'localhost' as hostname, {1} from (SELECT unnest({2}.{3}()) AS {1}) s1
where {1} is NOT NULL AND {1} != ''
""".format(output_table, OutputInfoSchema.GPU_DESCR_COL,
schema_madlib, gpu_fn_name)
def gpu_for_gpdb(schema_madlib, output_table, gpu_fn_name):
min_seg_on_each_host = get_min_seg_ids_on_each_host()
create_gpu_info_table_without_hostname(schema_madlib, gpu_fn_name,
plpy.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {0}".format(OutputInfoSchema.TEMP_INFO_TABLE))
def get_min_seg_ids_on_each_host():
Run query to get min seg ids on each host. This is so that we can run
the gpu UDF on just one segment per host.
:return: List of min seg id per host
min_seg_id_alias = 'min_seg_id'
min_seg_query = """
SELECT {min_seg_id_alias} FROM
(select hostname, min(content) AS {min_seg_id_alias}
FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE content != -1 AND role='p'
GROUP BY hostname) min_seg_id_subquery
min_seg_on_each_host = plpy.execute(min_seg_query)
min_seg_on_each_host = ','.join([str(seg[min_seg_id_alias])
for seg in min_seg_on_each_host])
return min_seg_on_each_host
def create_gpu_info_table_without_hostname(schema_madlib, gpu_fn_name,
""" output_table,
Create a table by running the tf/nvidia UDF on the segment ids returned
from the previous step. Note that this table will only contain the output
of the UDF and the segment id itself. This table does not contain hostnames
:param schema_madlib:
:param gpu_fn_name:
:param min_seg_on_each_host:
gpu_info_per_host_query = """
CREATE TABLE {0} AS SELECT gp_segment_id AS {1}, {2}.{3}()
AS {4} FROM gp_dist_random('gp_id') WHERE gp_segment_id IN ({5})
schema_madlib, gpu_fn_name,
def create_gpu_info_table_with_hostname(output_table):
Create the final output table that contains the hostname and the gpu description.
To create this table, we need to join the table created in
create_gpu_info_table_without_hostname with gp_segment_configuration.
final_join_query = """
SELECT hostname, {1} FROM
SELECT hostname, unnest({1}) AS {1} FROM {2}
gp_segment_configuration ON {3}=content WHERE content != -1 AND role='p'
) s1
WHERE {1} != '' AND {1} is NOT NULL ORDER BY 1,2;
""".format(output_table, OutputInfoSchema.GPU_DESCR_COL,
def gpu_configuration_help(schema_madlib):
Help function for gpu configuration
@param schema_madlib
String. Help/usage information
help_string = """
Utility function to report number and type of GPUs on the database cluster.
SELECT {schema_madlib}.gpu_configuration(
output_table, -- Name of the output table to write out the
GPU information.
source -- Default: 'tensorflow'. Source for determining
GPU configuration.
Using 'tensorflow' returns a description based
on what TensorFlow reports.
Using 'nvidia' returns a description based
on what the Nvidia Systems Management Interface
(nvidia-smi) reports [1].
Note that MADlib and Keras will use the TensorFlow
information; the lower level nvidia-smi info
is provided for convenience.
The output table ('output_table' above) contains the following columns:
hostname: Name of the host machine in the cluster.
Does not include master or mirrors. For PostgreSQL this will
always return 'localhost'.
gpu_descr: String reported by TensorFlow or nvidia-smi.
return help_string.format(schema_madlib=schema_madlib)