blob: d70a2f84c131420d8b0a912937d6b39503681a85 [file] [log] [blame]
# coding=utf-8
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import numpy as np
from utilities.utilities import _assert
# 1. Current serializing logic
# serialized string -> byte string
# np.array(np.array(image_count).concatenate(weights_np_array)).tostring()
# Proposed logic
# image_count can be a separate value
# weights -> np.array(weights).tostring()
# combine these 2 into one string by a random splitter
# serialized string -> imagecount_splitter_weights
# 2. combine the serialize_state_with_nd_weights and serialize_state_with_1d_weights
# into one function called serialize_state. This function can infer the shape
# of the model weights and then flatten if they are nd weights.
# 3. Same as 2 for deserialize
1. Set initial weights in madlib keras fit function.
2. Serialize these initial model weights as a byte string and pass it to keras step
3. Deserialize the state passed from the previous step into a list of nd weights
that will be passed on to model.set_weights()
4. At the end of each buffer in fit transition, serialize the image count and
the model weights into a bytestring that will be passed on to the fit merge function.
5. In fit merge, deserialize the state as image and 1d np arrays. Do some averaging
operations and serialize them again into a state which contains the image
and the 1d state. same for fit final
6. Return the final state from fit final to fit which will then be deserialized
as 1d weights to be passed on to the evaluate function
def get_image_count_from_state(state):
:param state: bytestring serialized model state containing image count
and weights
:return: image count as float
if not state:
image_count = 0
image_count , _ = deserialize_as_image_1d_weights(state)
return image_count
def get_serialized_1d_weights_from_state(state):
Output of this function is used to deserialize the output of each iteration
of madlib keras step UDA.
:param state: bytestring serialized model state containing image count
and weights
:return: model weights serialized as bytestring
_ , weights = deserialize_as_image_1d_weights(state)
return weights.tostring()
def serialize_state_with_nd_weights(image_count, model_weights):
This function is called when the output of keras.get_weights() (list of nd
np arrays) has to be converted into a serialized model state.
:param image_count: float value
:param model_weights: a list of numpy arrays, what you get from
:return: Image count and model weights serialized into a bytestring format
if model_weights is None:
return None
flattened_weights = [w.flatten() for w in model_weights]
model_weights_serialized = np.concatenate(flattened_weights)
new_model_string = np.array([image_count])
new_model_string = np.concatenate((new_model_string, model_weights_serialized))
new_model_string = np.float32(new_model_string)
return new_model_string.tostring()
def serialize_state_with_1d_weights(image_count, model_weights):
This function is called when the weights are to be passed to the keras fit
merge and final functions.
:param image_count: float value
:param model_weights: a single flattened numpy array containing all of the
:return: Image count and model weights serialized into a bytestring format
if model_weights is None:
return None
merge_state = np.array([image_count])
merge_state = np.concatenate((merge_state, model_weights))
merge_state = np.float32(merge_state)
return merge_state.tostring()
def deserialize_as_image_1d_weights(state):
This function is called when the model state needs to be deserialized in
the keras fit merge and final functions.
:param state: the stringified (serialized) state containing image_count and
image_count: total buffer counts processed
model_weights: a single flattened numpy array containing all of the
if not state:
return None
state = np.fromstring(state, dtype=np.float32)
return float(state[0]), state[1:]
def serialize_nd_weights(model_weights):
This function is called for passing the initial model weights from the keras
fit function to the keras fit transition function.
:param model_weights: a list of numpy arrays, what you get from
:return: Model weights serialized into a bytestring format
if model_weights is None:
return None
flattened_weights = [w.flatten() for w in model_weights]
model_weights_serialized = np.concatenate(flattened_weights)
return np.float32(model_weights_serialized).tostring()
def deserialize_as_nd_weights(model_weights_serialized, model_shapes):
The output of this function is used to set keras model weights using the
function model.set_weights()
:param model_weights_serialized: bytestring containing model weights
:param model_shapes: list containing the shapes of each layer.
:return: list of nd numpy arrays containing all of the
if not model_weights_serialized or not model_shapes:
return None
i, j, model_weights = 0, 0, []
model_weights_serialized = np.fromstring(model_weights_serialized, dtype=np.float32)
total_model_shape = \
sum([reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, ls) for ls in model_shapes])
total_weights_shape = model_weights_serialized.size
_assert(total_model_shape == total_weights_shape,
"Number of elements in model weights({0}) doesn't match model({1})."\
.format(total_weights_shape, total_model_shape))
while j < len(model_shapes):
next_pointer = i + reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, model_shapes[j])
weight_arr_portion = model_weights_serialized[i:next_pointer]
i, j = next_pointer, j + 1
return model_weights