blob: 74f6ba215698e51ed84e7ac58302e718435695d7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test load custom function helper functions
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION custom_function_object()
import dill
def test_sum_fn(a, b):
return a+b
return pb
$$ language plpythonu;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION read_custom_function(pb bytea, arg1 int, arg2 int)
import dill
res=obj(arg1, arg2)
return res
$$ language plpythonu;
/* Test successful table creation where no table exists */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_custom_function_table;
SELECT load_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', custom_function_object(), 'sum_fn', 'returns sum');
SELECT assert(UPPER(atttypid::regtype::TEXT) = 'INTEGER', 'id column should be INTEGER type')
FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'test_custom_function_table'::regclass
AND attname = 'id';
SELECT assert(UPPER(atttypid::regtype::TEXT) = 'BYTEA', 'object column should be BYTEA type' )
FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'test_custom_function_table'::regclass
AND attname = 'object';
SELECT assert(UPPER(atttypid::regtype::TEXT) = 'TEXT',
'name column should be TEXT type')
FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'test_custom_function_table'::regclass
AND attname = 'name';
SELECT assert(UPPER(atttypid::regtype::TEXT) = 'TEXT',
'description column should be TEXT type')
FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'test_custom_function_table'::regclass
AND attname = 'description';
/* id should be 1 */
SELECT assert(id = 1, 'Wrong id written by load_custom_function')
FROM test_custom_function_table;
/* Validate function object created */
SELECT assert(read_custom_function(object, 2, 3) = 5, 'Custom function should return sum of args.')
FROM test_custom_function_table;
/* Test custom function insertion where valid table exists */
SELECT load_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', custom_function_object(), 'sum_fn1');
SELECT assert(name = 'sum_fn', 'Custom function sum_fn found in table.')
FROM test_custom_function_table WHERE id = 1;
SELECT assert(name = 'sum_fn1', 'Custom function sum_fn1 found in table.')
FROM test_custom_function_table WHERE id = 2;
/* Test adding an existing function name should error out */
SELECT assert(MADLIB_SCHEMA.trap_error($TRAP$
SELECT load_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', custom_function_object(), 'sum_fn1');
$TRAP$) = 1, 'Should error out for duplicate function name');
/* Test deletion by id where valid table exists */
/* Assert id exists before deleting */
SELECT assert(COUNT(id) = 1, 'id 2 should exist before deletion!')
FROM test_custom_function_table WHERE id = 2;
SELECT delete_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', 2);
SELECT assert(COUNT(id) = 0, 'id 2 should have been deleted!')
FROM test_custom_function_table WHERE id = 2;
/* Test deletion by name where valid table exists */
SELECT load_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', custom_function_object(), 'sum_fn1');
/* Assert id exists before deleting */
SELECT assert(COUNT(id) = 1, 'function name sum_fn1 should exist before deletion!')
FROM test_custom_function_table WHERE name = 'sum_fn1';
SELECT delete_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', 'sum_fn1');
SELECT assert(COUNT(id) = 0, 'function name sum_fn1 should have been deleted!')
FROM test_custom_function_table WHERE name = 'sum_fn1';
/* Test deleting an already deleted entry should error out */
SELECT assert(MADLIB_SCHEMA.trap_error($TRAP$
SELECT delete_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', 2);
$TRAP$) = 1, 'Should error out for trying to delete an entry that does not exist');
/* Test delete drops the table after deleting last entry*/
SELECT delete_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', 1);
SELECT assert(COUNT(relname) = 0, 'Table test_custom_function_table should have been deleted.')
FROM pg_class where relname='test_custom_function_table';
/* Test deletion where empty table exists */
SELECT load_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', custom_function_object(), 'sum_fn', 'returns sum');
DELETE FROM test_custom_function_table;
SELECT assert(MADLIB_SCHEMA.trap_error($$SELECT delete_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', 1)$$) = 1,
'Deleting function in an empty table should generate an exception.');
/* Test deletion where no table exists */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_custom_function_table;
SELECT assert(MADLIB_SCHEMA.trap_error($$SELECT delete_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', 1)$$) = 1,
'Deleting a non-existent table should raise exception.');
/* Test where invalid table exists */
SELECT load_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', custom_function_object(), 'sum_fn', 'returns sum');
ALTER TABLE test_custom_function_table DROP COLUMN id;
SELECT assert(MADLIB_SCHEMA.trap_error($$SELECT delete_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', 2)$$) = 1,
'Deleting an invalid table should generate an exception.');
SELECT assert(MADLIB_SCHEMA.trap_error($$SELECT load_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', custom_function_object(), 'sum_fn', 'returns sum')$$) = 1,
'Passing an invalid table to load_custom_function() should raise exception.');
/* Test input validation */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_custom_function_table;
SELECT assert(MADLIB_SCHEMA.trap_error($$
SELECT load_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', custom_function_object(), NULL, NULL);
$$) = 1, 'Name cannot be NULL');
SELECT assert(MADLIB_SCHEMA.trap_error($$
SELECT load_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', NULL, 'sum_fn', NULL);
$$) = 1, 'Function object cannot be NULL');
SELECT assert(MADLIB_SCHEMA.trap_error($$
SELECT load_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', 'invalid_obj'::bytea, 'sum_fn', NULL);
$$) = 1, 'Invalid custom function object');
SELECT load_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', custom_function_object(), 'sum_fn', NULL);
SELECT assert(name IS NOT NULL AND description IS NULL, 'validate name is not NULL.')
FROM test_custom_function_table;
SELECT assert(MADLIB_SCHEMA.trap_error($$
SELECT delete_custom_function('test_custom_function_table', NULL);
$$) = 1, 'id/name cannot be NULL!');