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# coding=utf-8
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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@file kmeans_auto.py_in
import numpy as np
import plpy
import math
from utilities.control import MinWarning
from utilities.utilities import _assert
from utilities.utilities import unique_string
from utilities.validate_args import output_tbl_valid
from utilities.validate_args import get_algorithm_name
ELBOW = 'elbow'
SILHOUETTE = 'silhouette'
BOTH = 'both'
RANDOM = 'random'
PP = 'pp'
def _validate(output_table, k):
output_tbl_valid(output_table, "kmeans_auto")
output_tbl_valid('{0}_summary'.format(output_table), "kmeans_auto")
_assert(k, "kmeans_auto: k cannot be NULL.")
_assert(len(k)>1, "kmeans_auto: Length of k array should be more than 1.")
_assert(min(k)>1, "kmeans_auto: the minimum k value has to be > 1.")
_assert(len(set(k)) == len(k), "kmeans_auto: Duplicate values are not allowed in k.")
def set_defaults(schema_madlib, fn_dist, agg_centroid, max_num_iterations, min_frac_reassigned, k_selection_algorithm, seeding, seeding_sample_ratio):
fn_dist = (fn_dist if fn_dist else '{0}.squared_dist_norm2'.format(schema_madlib))
agg_centroid = agg_centroid if agg_centroid \
else '{0}.avg'.format(schema_madlib)
max_num_iterations = max_num_iterations if max_num_iterations \
else 20
min_frac_reassigned = min_frac_reassigned if min_frac_reassigned \
else 0.001
k_selection_algorithm = get_algorithm_name(k_selection_algorithm, SILHOUETTE,
[ELBOW, SILHOUETTE, BOTH], 'kmeans_auto')
if seeding is PP:
seeding_sample_ratio = (seeding_sample_ratio
if seeding_sample_ratio is not None else 1.0)
return (fn_dist, agg_centroid, max_num_iterations, min_frac_reassigned,
k_selection_algorithm, seeding_sample_ratio)
def kmeans_auto(schema_madlib, rel_source, output_table, expr_point, k,
fn_dist=None, agg_centroid=None, max_num_iterations=None,
min_frac_reassigned=None, k_selection_algorithm=None, seeding=None,
seeding_sample_ratio=None, **kwargs):
with MinWarning("error"):
_validate(output_table, k)
(fn_dist, agg_centroid, max_num_iterations, min_frac_reassigned,
k_selection_algorithm, seeding_sample_ratio) = set_defaults(
schema_madlib, fn_dist, agg_centroid, max_num_iterations,
min_frac_reassigned, k_selection_algorithm, seeding,
silhouette_col = ""
elbow_col = ""
# If the selection is elbow or both, calculate elbow
use_silhouette = k_selection_algorithm in [SILHOUETTE, BOTH]
# If the selection is silhouette or both, calculate silhouette
use_elbow = k_selection_algorithm in [ELBOW, BOTH]
if use_silhouette:
silhouette_col = ", {0} DOUBLE PRECISION".format(SILHOUETTE)
if use_elbow:
elbow_col = ", {0} DOUBLE PRECISION".format(ELBOW)
CREATE TABLE {output_table} (
centroids DOUBLE PRECISION[][],
cluster_variance DOUBLE PRECISION[],
objective_fn DOUBLE PRECISION,
frac_reassigned DOUBLE PRECISION,
num_iterations INTEGER
silhouette_vals = []
for current_k in k:
if seeding is 'random':
INSERT INTO {output_table}
(k, centroids, cluster_variance, objective_fn, frac_reassigned,
SELECT {current_k} as k, *
FROM {schema_madlib}.kmeans_random('{rel_source}',
INSERT INTO {output_table}
(k, centroids, cluster_variance, objective_fn, frac_reassigned,
SELECT {current_k} as k, *
FROM {schema_madlib}.kmeanspp('{rel_source}',
if use_silhouette:
silhouette_query= """
SELECT * FROM {schema_madlib}.simple_silhouette(
(SELECT centroids
FROM {output_table}
WHERE k = {current_k}),
new_silh = plpy.execute(silhouette_query)[0]['simple_silhouette']
if math.isinf(new_silh):
new_silh = "Infinity"
elif math.isnan(new_silh):
new_silh = "NaN"
update_query = """
UPDATE {output_table} SET {{column}} = __value__ FROM
(SELECT unnest(ARRAY[{k_arr}]) AS __k__,
unnest(ARRAY[{{calc_arr}}]::DOUBLE PRECISION[]) AS __value__
WHERE __k__ = k
""".format(output_table = output_table,
k_arr = str(k)[1:-1])
if use_silhouette:
optimal_sil = k[np.argmax(np.array(silhouette_vals))]
plpy.execute(update_query.format(column = SILHOUETTE,
calc_arr = str(silhouette_vals)[1:-1]))
if use_elbow:
optimal_elbow, second_order = _calculate_elbow(output_table)
plpy.execute(update_query.format(column = ELBOW,
calc_arr = str(second_order)[1:-1]))
optimal_k = optimal_sil if use_silhouette else optimal_elbow
CREATE TABLE {output_table}_summary AS
SELECT {output_table}.*,
'{algorithm}'::VARCHAR AS selection_algorithm
FROM {output_table}
WHERE k = {optimal_k}
""".format(algorithm = SILHOUETTE if use_silhouette else ELBOW,
def _calculate_elbow(output_table):
# We have to get the values in ordered fashion because the elbow is only defined for ordered values.
inertia_result = plpy.execute("""
SELECT k, objective_fn FROM {output_table} ORDER BY k ASC
k = [ i['k'] for i in inertia_result ]
inertia_list = [ i['objective_fn'] for i in inertia_result ]
inertia_list = np.array(inertia_list)
first_order=np.gradient(inertia_list, k)
second_order=np.gradient(first_order, k)
return index_with_elbow, second_order.tolist()
def kmeans_random_auto(schema_madlib, rel_source, output_table, expr_point, k,
fn_dist=None, agg_centroid=None, max_num_iterations=None,
min_frac_reassigned=None, k_selection_algorithm=None, **kwargs):
kmeans_auto(schema_madlib, rel_source, output_table, expr_point, k,
fn_dist, agg_centroid, max_num_iterations, min_frac_reassigned,
k_selection_algorithm, RANDOM)
def kmeanspp_auto(schema_madlib, rel_source, output_table, expr_point, k,
fn_dist=None, agg_centroid=None, max_num_iterations=None,
min_frac_reassigned=None, seeding_sample_ratio=None,
k_selection_algorithm=None, **kwargs):
kmeans_auto(schema_madlib, rel_source, output_table, expr_point, k,
fn_dist, agg_centroid, max_num_iterations, min_frac_reassigned,
k_selection_algorithm, PP, seeding_sample_ratio)