blob: 68b41e3aaa948e91b5f4642f1b7b14f946ca8503 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file EigenIntegration_impl.cpp
* @brief Convert between PostgreSQL types and Eigen types
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace madlib {
namespace dbal {
namespace eigen_integration {
// Specializations for DBMS-specific types
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleMap::HandleMap()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// eigen_integration::NativeMatrix
* @brief Initialize HandleMap backed by the given handle
* In PostgreSQL, we represent a matrix as an array of columns. Therefore, the
* index 0 is the number of columns, and index 1 is the number of rows.
template <>
HandleMap<const Matrix, ArrayHandle<double> >::HandleMap(
const ArrayHandle<double>& inHandle)
: Base(const_cast<double*>(inHandle.ptr()), inHandle.sizeOfDim(1),
mMemoryHandle(inHandle) { }
// eigen_integration::MutableNativeMatrix
* @brief Initialize HandleMap backed by the given handle
* In PostgreSQL, we represent a matrix as an array of columns. Therefore, the
* index 0 is the number of columns, and index 1 is the number of rows.
template <>
HandleMap<Matrix, MutableArrayHandle<double> >::HandleMap(
const MutableArrayHandle<double>& inHandle)
: Base(const_cast<double*>(inHandle.ptr()), inHandle.sizeOfDim(1),
mMemoryHandle(inHandle) { }
// eigen_integration::NativeColumnVector
* @brief Construct the HandleMap as one-dimensional vector
* This constructor uses size() method in ArrayHandle to determine the length.
template <>
HandleMap<const ColumnVector, ArrayHandle<double> >::HandleMap(
const ArrayHandle<double>& inHandle)
: Base(const_cast<Scalar*>(inHandle.ptr()), inHandle.size()),
mMemoryHandle(inHandle) { }
// eigen_integration::MutableNativeColumnVector
* @brief Construct the HandleMap as one-dimensional vector
* This constructor uses size() method in ArrayHandle to determine the length.
template <>
HandleMap<ColumnVector, MutableArrayHandle<double> >::HandleMap(
const MutableArrayHandle<double>& inHandle)
: Base(const_cast<Scalar*>(inHandle.ptr()), inHandle.size()),
mMemoryHandle(inHandle) { }
// eigen_integration::NativeIntegerVector
* @brief Construct the HandleMap as one-dimensional vector
* This constructor uses size() method in ArrayHandle to determine the length.
template <>
HandleMap<const IntegerVector, ArrayHandle<int> >::HandleMap(
const ArrayHandle<int>& inHandle)
: Base(const_cast<Scalar*>(inHandle.ptr()), inHandle.size()),
mMemoryHandle(inHandle) { }
// eigen_integration::MutableNativeIntegerVector
* @brief Construct the HandleMap as one-dimensional vector
* This constructor uses size() method in ArrayHandle to determine the length.
template <>
HandleMap<IntegerVector, MutableArrayHandle<int> >::HandleMap(
const MutableArrayHandle<int>& inHandle)
: Base(const_cast<Scalar*>(inHandle.ptr()), inHandle.size()),
mMemoryHandle(inHandle) { }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleMap::rebind()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// eigen_integration::NativeMatrix
* @brief Rebind HandleMap to a different two-dimensional array
template <>
HandleMap<const Matrix, ArrayHandle<double> >&
HandleMap<const Matrix, ArrayHandle<double> >::rebind(
const ArrayHandle<double>& inHandle) {
return rebind(inHandle, inHandle.sizeOfDim(1), inHandle.sizeOfDim(0));
// eigen_integration::MutableNativeMatrix
* @brief Rebind HandleMap to a different two-dimensional array
template <>
HandleMap<Matrix, MutableArrayHandle<double> >&
HandleMap<Matrix, MutableArrayHandle<double> >::rebind(
const MutableArrayHandle<double>& inHandle) {
return rebind(inHandle, inHandle.sizeOfDim(1), inHandle.sizeOfDim(0));
// eigen_integration::NativeColumnVector
* @brief Rebind HandleMap to a different one-dimensional array
template <>
HandleMap<const ColumnVector, ArrayHandle<double> >&
HandleMap<const ColumnVector, ArrayHandle<double> >::rebind(
const ArrayHandle<double>& inHandle) {
return rebind(inHandle, inHandle.sizeOfDim(0));
// eigen_integration::MutableNativeColumnVector
* @brief Rebind HandleMap to a different one-dimensional array
template <>
HandleMap<ColumnVector, MutableArrayHandle<double> >&
HandleMap<ColumnVector, MutableArrayHandle<double> >::rebind(
const MutableArrayHandle<double>& inHandle) {
return rebind(inHandle, inHandle.sizeOfDim(0));
// eigen_integration::NativeIntegerVector
* @brief Rebind HandleMap to a different one-dimensional array
template <>
HandleMap<const IntegerVector, ArrayHandle<int> >&
HandleMap<const IntegerVector, ArrayHandle<int> >::rebind(
const ArrayHandle<int>& inHandle) {
return rebind(inHandle, inHandle.sizeOfDim(0));
// eigen_integration::MutableNativeIntegerVector
* @brief Rebind HandleMap to a different one-dimensional array
template <>
HandleMap<IntegerVector, MutableArrayHandle<int> >&
HandleMap<IntegerVector, MutableArrayHandle<int> >::rebind(
const MutableArrayHandle<int>& inHandle) {
return rebind(inHandle, inHandle.sizeOfDim(0));
} // namespace eigen_integration
} // namespace dbal
namespace dbconnector {
namespace postgres {
* @brief Convert a run-length encoded Greenplum sparse vector to an Eigen
* sparse vector
* @param inVec A Greenplum sparse vector
* @returns Eigen sparse vector
LegacySparseVectorToSparseColumnVector(SvecType* inVec) {
SparseData sdata = sdata_from_svec(inVec);
Eigen::SparseVector<double> vec(sdata->total_value_count);
char* ix = sdata->index->data;
double* vals = reinterpret_cast<double*>(sdata->vals->data);
int64_t logicalIdx = 0;
for (int64_t physicalIdx = 0; physicalIdx < sdata->unique_value_count;
++physicalIdx) {
int64_t runLength = compword_to_int8(ix);
if (vals[physicalIdx] == 0.) {
logicalIdx += runLength;
} else {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < runLength; ++i)
= vals[physicalIdx];
ix += int8compstoragesize(ix);
return vec;
* @brief Convert an Eigen sparse vector to a run-length encoded Greenplum
* sparse vector
* @param inVec An Eigen sparse vector
* @returns Greenplum sparse vector
* @internal We implement this function here and not in the legacy sparse-vector
* code because the indices of type \c Index, as defined by Eigen.
const Eigen::SparseVector<double> &inVec) {
typedef Eigen::SparseVector<double>::Index Index;
const size_t kValueLength = sizeof(double);
const double* values = inVec.valuePtr();
const Index* indices = inVec.innerIndexPtr();
Index nnz = inVec.nonZeros();
Index size = inVec.size();
Index lastIndex = 0;
double runValue = 0.;
SparseData sdata = makeSparseData();
sdata->type_of_data = FLOAT8OID;
madlib_assert(nnz == 0 || (indices && values), std::logic_error(
"SparseColumnVectorToLegacySparseVector(): Missing values or indices "
"in Eigen sparse vector."));
if (nnz > 0) {
if (indices[0] == 0) {
runValue = values[0];
} else if (std::memcmp(&values[0], &runValue, kValueLength)) {
// In this case, we implicitly have: indices[0] > 0
// The first run is therefore a sequence of zeros.
indices[0], kValueLength, sdata);
runValue = values[0];
lastIndex = indices[0];
// The remaining case is: indices[0] > 0 && values[0] == 0
// In this case, the original representation is not normalized --
// storing (indices[0], values[0]) is unncessary. We therefore just
// ignore this value.
for (int i = 1; i < nnz; ++i) {
if (std::memcmp(&values[i], &runValue, kValueLength)) {
indices[i] - lastIndex, kValueLength, sdata);
runValue = values[i];
lastIndex = indices[i];
size - lastIndex, kValueLength, sdata);
// Add the final tallies
= static_cast<int>(sdata->vals->len / kValueLength);
sdata->total_value_count = static_cast<int>(size);
return svec_from_sparsedata(sdata, true /* trim */);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Convert an Eigen row or column vector to a one-dimensional
* PostgreSQL array
template <typename Derived>
VectorToNativeArray(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& inVector) {
typedef typename Derived::Scalar T;
typedef typename Derived::Index Index;
MutableArrayHandle<T> arrayHandle
= defaultAllocator().allocateArray<T>(inVector.size());
T* ptr = arrayHandle.ptr();
for (Index el = 0; el < inVector.size(); ++el)
*(ptr++) = inVector(el);
return arrayHandle.array();
* @brief Convert an Eigen matrix to a two-dimensional PostgreSQL array
template <typename Derived>
MatrixToNativeArray(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& inMatrix) {
typedef typename Derived::Scalar T;
typedef typename Derived::Index Index;
MutableArrayHandle<T> arrayHandle
= defaultAllocator().allocateArray<T>(
inMatrix.cols(), inMatrix.rows());
T* ptr = arrayHandle.ptr();
// We use columnar storage, i.e., each column is a contiguous block
for (Index col = 0; col < inMatrix.cols(); ++col)
for (Index row = 0; row < inMatrix.rows(); ++row)
*(ptr++) = inMatrix(row, col);
return arrayHandle.array();
* @brief Convert a native array to [Mutable]MappedVector
template <class VectorType>
NativeArrayToMappedVector(Datum inDatum, bool inNeedMutableClone) {
typedef typename VectorType::Scalar Scalar;
ArrayType* array = reinterpret_cast<ArrayType*>(
size_t arraySize = ARR_NDIM(array) == 1
? ARR_DIMS(array)[0]
: ARR_DIMS(array)[0] * ARR_DIMS(array)[1];
if (!(ARR_NDIM(array) == 1
|| (ARR_NDIM(array) == 2
&& (ARR_DIMS(array)[0] == 1 || ARR_DIMS(array)[1] == 1)))) {
std::stringstream errorMsg;
errorMsg << "Invalid type conversion to matrix. Expected one-"
"dimensional array but got " << ARR_NDIM(array)
<< " dimensions.";
throw std::invalid_argument(errorMsg.str());
Scalar* origData = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(ARR_DATA_PTR(array));
Scalar* data;
if (inNeedMutableClone) {
data = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(
defaultAllocator().allocate<dbal::FunctionContext, dbal::DoNotZero,
dbal::ThrowBadAlloc>(sizeof(Scalar) * arraySize));
std::copy(origData, origData + arraySize, data);
} else {
data = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(ARR_DATA_PTR(array));
return VectorType(data, arraySize);
* @brief Convert an Eigen VectorXcd to a two-dimensional PostgreSQL array
template <typename Derived>
VectorXcdToNativeArray(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& inMatrix) {
typedef typename Derived::Scalar::value_type T;
typedef typename Derived::Index Index;
MutableArrayHandle<T> arrayHandle
= defaultAllocator().allocateArray<T>(
inMatrix.rows(), 2 /* for real and imag */);
T* ptr = arrayHandle.ptr();
// We use columnar storage, i.e., each column is a contiguous block
for (Index row = 0; row < inMatrix.rows(); ++row) {
const std::complex<T> &value = inMatrix(row, 0);
*(ptr++) = value.real();
*(ptr++) = value.imag();
return arrayHandle.array();
* @brief Convert a native array to [Mutable]VectorXcd
template <class VectorType>
NativeArrayToMappedVectorXcd(Datum inDatum, bool inNeedMutableClone) {
typedef typename VectorType::Scalar Scalar;
ArrayType* array = reinterpret_cast<ArrayType*>(
if (ARR_NDIM(array) != 2 || ARR_DIMS(array)[1] != 2) {
std::stringstream errorMsg;
errorMsg << "Invalid type conversion to VectorXcd. Expected two-"
"dimensional array with two elements for secondary dimension "
"but got " << ARR_NDIM(array) << " dimensions and "
<< ARR_DIMS(array)[1] << " elements in secondary dimension.";
throw std::invalid_argument(errorMsg.str());
size_t arraySize = ARR_DIMS(array)[0];
Scalar* origData = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(ARR_DATA_PTR(array));
std::complex<Scalar>* data;
if (inNeedMutableClone) {
data = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(
defaultAllocator().allocate<dbal::FunctionContext, dbal::DoNotZero,
dbal::ThrowBadAlloc>(sizeof(std::complex<Scalar>) * arraySize));
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i) {
data[i] = std::complex<Scalar>(origData[0], origData[1]);
origData += 2;
} else {
data = reinterpret_cast<std::complex<Scalar>*>(ARR_DATA_PTR(array));
return VectorType(data, arraySize);
* @brief Convert a native array to [Mutable]MappedMatrix
template <class MatrixType>
NativeArrayToMappedMatrix(Datum inDatum, bool inNeedMutableClone) {
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
ArrayType* array = reinterpret_cast<ArrayType*>(
size_t arraySize = ARR_DIMS(array)[0] * ARR_DIMS(array)[1];
if (ARR_NDIM(array) != 2) {
std::stringstream errorMsg;
errorMsg << "Invalid type conversion to matrix. Expected two-"
"dimensional array but got " << ARR_NDIM(array)
<< " dimensions.";
throw std::invalid_argument(errorMsg.str());
Scalar* origData = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(ARR_DATA_PTR(array));
Scalar* data;
if (inNeedMutableClone) {
data = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(
defaultAllocator().allocate<dbal::FunctionContext, dbal::DoNotZero,
dbal::ThrowBadAlloc>(sizeof(Scalar) * arraySize));
std::copy(origData, origData + arraySize, data);
} else {
data = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(ARR_DATA_PTR(array));
return MatrixType(data, ARR_DIMS(array)[1], ARR_DIMS(array)[0]);
} // namespace postgres
} // namespace dbconnector
} // namespace madlib