blob: bbdb671f2e4859429af69f2405d3db87e2bcdd90 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file mfvsketch.c
\brief CountMin sketch for Most Frequent Value estimation
This is basically a CountMin sketch that keeps track of most frequent values
as it goes. This is easy to do, because at any point during a scan,
it can use the CM sketch to quickly get the count of any value so far.
It only uses CountMin sketches for value counting, and doesn't need the "dyadic" range trick.
As a result it's not limited to integers, and the implementation works
for any Postgres data type.
The parallel method (<c>mfvsketch_quick_histogram</c>) is a heuristic with no
such guarantees, but it will likely work well in most cases. As an example
of a case where it will fail, consider a scenario where the top <i>n</i> values on node 1 are very infrequent on
node 2, and the top <i>n</i> values on node 2 are infrequent on node 1. But the <i>n</i>+1'th value
is the same on both nodes and the most frequent value in toto. It will get
surpressed incorrectly by the parallel heuristic, but get chosen by the standard method.
However, we're probably OK here most of the time. What we're interested in are
values whose frequencies are unusually high. For
columns with very flat distributions, we likely don't care about the results much.
Otherwise, The results of this heuristic will likely be
unusually frequent values, if not precisely the *most* frequent values.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/array.h"
#include "utils/elog.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/numeric.h"
#include "utils/typcache.h"
#include "nodes/execnodes.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "sketch_support.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "countmin.h"
#include "funcapi.h"
#include <ctype.h>
* transition function to maintain a CountMin sketch with
* Most-Frequent Values
Datum __mfvsketch_trans(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
bytea * transblob = PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(0);
Datum newdatum = PG_GETARG_DATUM(1);
int max_mfvs = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
mfvtransval *transval;
uint64 tmpcnt;
int i;
Datum md5_datum;
* This function makes destructive updates to its arguments.
* Make sure it's being called in an agg context.
if (!(fcinfo->context &&
(IsA(fcinfo->context, AggState)
#ifdef NOTGP
|| IsA(fcinfo->context, WindowAggState)
"destructive pass by reference outside agg");
/* initialize if this is first call */
if (VARSIZE(transblob) <= sizeof(MFV_TRANSVAL_SZ(0))) {
Oid typOid = get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, 1);
transblob = mfv_init_transval(max_mfvs, typOid);
/* ignore NULL inputs */
transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob);
/* insert into the countmin sketch */
md5_datum = countmin_trans_c(transval->sketch,
tmpcnt = cmsketch_count_md5_datum(transval->sketch,
(bytea *)DatumGetPointer(md5_datum),
i = mfv_find(transblob, newdatum);
if (i > -1) {
transval->mfvs[i].cnt = tmpcnt;
else {
/* try to insert as either a new or replacement entry */
for (i = 0; i < (int)transval->max_mfvs; i++) {
if ((i == (int)transval->next_mfv)) {
/* room for new */
transblob = mfv_transval_append(transblob, newdatum);
transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob);
transval->mfvs[i].cnt = tmpcnt;
else if (transval->mfvs[i].cnt < tmpcnt) {
/* arg beats this mfv */
transblob = mfv_transval_replace(transblob, newdatum, i);
transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob);
transval->mfvs[i].cnt = tmpcnt;
/* else this is not a frequent value */
* look to see if the mfvsketch currently has <c>val</c>
* stored as one of its most-frequent values.
* Returns the offset in the <c>mfvs</c> array, or -1
* if not found.
* NOTE: a 0 return value means the item <i>was found</i>
* at offset 0!
* \param blob a bytea holding an mfv transval
* \param val the datum to search for
int mfv_find(bytea *blob, Datum val)
mfvtransval *transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(blob);
unsigned i;
uint32 len;
void * datp;
Datum iDat;
void *valp = DatumExtractPointer(val, transval->typByVal);
/* look for existing entry for this value */
for (i = 0; i < transval->next_mfv; i++) {
/* if they're the same */
datp = mfv_transval_getval(blob,i);
iDat = PointerExtractDatum(datp, transval->typByVal);
if ((len = ExtractDatumLen(iDat, transval->typLen, transval->typByVal))
== ExtractDatumLen(val, transval->typLen, transval->typByVal)) {
if (!memcmp(datp, valp, len))
/* arg is an mfv */
* Initialize an mfv sketch
* \param max_mfvs the number of "bins" in the histogram
* \param typOid the type ID for the column
bytea *mfv_init_transval(int max_mfvs, Oid typOid)
int initial_size;
bool typIsVarLen;
bytea * transblob;
mfvtransval *transval;
* initialize mfvtransval, using palloc0 to zero it out.
* if typlen is positive (fixed), size chosen accurately.
* Else we'll do a conservative estimate of 16 bytes, and repalloc as needed.
if ((initial_size = get_typlen(typOid)) > 0)
initial_size *= max_mfvs*get_typlen(typOid);
else /* guess */
initial_size = max_mfvs*16;
transblob = (bytea *)palloc0(MFV_TRANSVAL_SZ(max_mfvs) + initial_size);
SET_VARSIZE(transblob, MFV_TRANSVAL_SZ(max_mfvs) + initial_size);
transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob);
transval->max_mfvs = max_mfvs;
transval->next_mfv = 0;
transval->next_offset = MFV_TRANSVAL_SZ(max_mfvs)-VARHDRSZ;
transval->typOid = typOid;
transval->typLen = get_typlen(transval->typOid);
transval->typByVal = get_typbyval(transval->typOid);
if (!transval->outFuncOid) {
/* no outFunc for this type! */
elog(ERROR, "no outFunc for type %d", transval->typOid);
* \param blob a bytea holding an mfv transval
* \param i index of the mfv to look up
* \returns pointer to the datum associated with the i'th mfv
void *mfv_transval_getval(bytea *blob, uint32 i)
mfvtransval *tvp = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(blob);
void * retval = (void *)(((char*)tvp) + tvp->mfvs[i].offset);
Datum dat = PointerExtractDatum(retval, tvp->typByVal);
if (i > tvp->next_mfv)
"attempt to get frequent value at illegal index %d in mfv sketch",
if (tvp->mfvs[i].offset > VARSIZE(blob) - VARHDRSZ
|| tvp->mfvs[i].offset < MFV_TRANSVAL_SZ(tvp->max_mfvs)-VARHDRSZ)
elog(ERROR, "illegal offset %u in mfv sketch", tvp->mfvs[i].offset);
if (tvp->mfvs[i].offset + ExtractDatumLen(dat, tvp->typLen, tvp->typByVal)
elog(ERROR, "value overruns size of mfv sketch");
return (retval);
* copy datum <c>dat</c> into the offset of position <c>index</c> of
* the mfv sketch stored in <c>transblob</c>.
* <i>Caller beware: this helper return assumes that
* <c>dat</c> is small enough to fit in the storage
* currently used by the datum at position <c>index</c>.</i>
* \param transblob a bytea holding and mfv transval
* \param index the index of the destination for copying
* \param dat the datum to be copied into the transval
void mfv_copy_datum(bytea *transblob, int index, Datum dat)
mfvtransval *transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob);
size_t datumLen = ExtractDatumLen(dat, transval->typLen, transval->typByVal);
void * curval = mfv_transval_getval(transblob,index);
memmove(curval, (void *)DatumExtractPointer(dat, transval->typByVal), datumLen);
* insert a value at position i of the mfv sketch
* we do not overwrite the previous value at position i.
* instead we place the new value at the next_offset.
* <i>Note: we do not currently garbage collection the old value's storage.
* This wastes space, with the worst-case scenario being a column with values
* of increasing size and frequency!</i>
* \param transblob the transition value packed into a bytea
* \param dat the value to be inserted
* \param i the position to insert at
bytea *mfv_transval_insert_at(bytea *transblob, Datum dat, uint32 i)
mfvtransval *transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob);
bytea * tmpblob;
size_t datumLen = ExtractDatumLen(dat, transval->typLen, transval->typByVal);
if (i > transval->next_mfv)
"attempt to insert frequent value at illegal index %d in mfv sketch",
if (MFV_TRANSVAL_CAPACITY(transblob) < datumLen) {
/* allocate a copy with room for this, and double the current space for values */
size_t curspace = VARSIZE(transblob) - transval->mfvs[0].offset -
tmpblob = (bytea *)palloc0(VARSIZE(transblob) + curspace + datumLen);
memmove(tmpblob, transblob, VARSIZE(transblob));
SET_VARSIZE(tmpblob, VARSIZE(transblob) + curspace + datumLen);
* PG won't let us pfree the old transblob
* pfree(transblob);
transblob = tmpblob;
transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob);
transval->mfvs[i].offset = transval->next_offset;
mfv_copy_datum(transblob, i, dat);
transval->next_offset += datumLen;
* insert a value into the mfvsketch
* \param transblob the transition value packed into a bytea
* \param dat the value to be inserted
bytea *mfv_transval_append(bytea *transblob, Datum dat)
mfvtransval *transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob);
bytea * retval;
if (transval->next_mfv == transval->max_mfvs) {
elog(ERROR, "attempt to append to a full mfv sketch");
retval = mfv_transval_insert_at(transblob,
(((mfvtransval *)VARDATA(retval))->next_mfv)++;
* replace the value at position i of the mfvsketch with dat
* \param transblob the transition value packed into a bytea
* \param dat the value to be inserted
* \param i the position to replace
bytea *mfv_transval_replace(bytea *transblob, Datum dat, int i)
* if new value is smaller than old, we overwrite at the old offset.
* otherwise we call mfv_transval_insert_at which will take care of
* space allocation for the new value
mfvtransval *transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob);
size_t datumLen = ExtractDatumLen(dat, transval->typLen, transval->typByVal);
void * tmpp = mfv_transval_getval(transblob,i);
Datum oldDat = PointerExtractDatum(tmpp, transval->typByVal);
size_t oldLen = ExtractDatumLen(oldDat, transval->typLen, transval->typByVal);
if (datumLen <= oldLen) {
mfv_copy_datum(transblob, i, dat);
return transblob;
else return(mfv_transval_insert_at(transblob, dat, i));
* scalar function taking an mfv sketch, returning a histogram of
* its most frequent values
Datum __mfvsketch_final(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
bytea * transblob = PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(0);
mfvtransval *transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob);
ArrayType * retval;
uint32 i;
int dims[2], lbs[2];
/* Oid typInput, typIOParam; */
Oid outFuncOid;
bool typIsVarlena;
int16 typlen;
bool typbyval;
char typalign;
char typdelim;
Oid typioparam;
Oid typiofunc;
* We only declare the variable-length array histo here after some sanity
* checking. We risk a stack overflow otherwise. In particular, we need to
* make sure that transval->max_mfvs is initialized. It might not be if the
* (strict) transition function is never called. (MADLIB-254)
Datum histo[transval->max_mfvs][2];
transval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob);
qsort(transval->mfvs, transval->next_mfv, sizeof(offsetcnt), cnt_cmp_desc);
for (i = 0; i < transval->next_mfv; i++) {
void *tmpp = mfv_transval_getval(transblob,i);
Datum curval = PointerExtractDatum(tmpp, transval->typByVal);
char *countbuf =
char *valbuf = OidOutputFunctionCall(transval->outFuncOid, curval);
histo[i][0] = PointerGetDatum(cstring_to_text(valbuf));
histo[i][1] = PointerGetDatum(cstring_to_text(countbuf));
* Get info about element type
get_type_io_data(TEXTOID, IOFunc_output,
&typlen, &typbyval,
&typalign, &typdelim,
&typioparam, &typiofunc);
dims[0] = i;
dims[1] = 2;
lbs[0] = lbs[1] = 0;
retval = construct_md_array((Datum *)histo,
* support function to sort by count
* \param i an offsetcnt object cast to a (void *)
* \param j an offsetcnt object cast to a (void *)
int cnt_cmp_desc(const void *i, const void *j)
offsetcnt *o = (offsetcnt *)i;
offsetcnt *p = (offsetcnt *)j;
return (p->cnt - o->cnt);
* Greenplum "prefunc" to combine sketches from multiple machines.
* See notes at top of file regarding the heuristic nature of this approach.
Datum __mfvsketch_merge(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
bytea * transblob1 = (bytea *)PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(0);
bytea * transblob2 = (bytea *)PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(1);
PG_RETURN_DATUM(PointerGetDatum(mfvsketch_merge_c(transblob1, transblob2)));
* implementation of the merge of two mfv sketches. we
* first merge the embedded countmin sketches to get the
* sums of the counts, and then use those sums to pick the
* top values for the resulting histogram. We overwrite
* the first argument and return it.
* \param transblob1 an mfv transval stored inside a bytea
* \param transblob2 another mfv transval in a bytea
bytea *mfvsketch_merge_c(bytea *transblob1, bytea *transblob2)
mfvtransval *transval1 = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob1);
mfvtransval *transval2 = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob2);
void *newblob;
mfvtransval *newval;
uint32 i, j, cnt;
/* handle uninitialized args */
if (VARSIZE(transblob1) <= sizeof(MFV_TRANSVAL_SZ(0))
&& VARSIZE(transblob2) <= sizeof(MFV_TRANSVAL_SZ(0)))
else if (VARSIZE(transblob1) <= sizeof(MFV_TRANSVAL_SZ(0))) {
transblob1 = mfv_init_transval(transval2->max_mfvs, transval2->typOid);
transval1 = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob1);
else if (VARSIZE(transblob2) <= sizeof(MFV_TRANSVAL_SZ(0))) {
transblob2 = mfv_init_transval(transval1->max_mfvs, transval1->typOid);
transval2 = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(transblob2);
/* initialize output */
newblob = mfv_init_transval(transval1->max_mfvs, transval1->typOid);
newval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(newblob);
/* combine sketches */
for (i = 0; i < DEPTH; i++)
for (j = 0; j < NUMCOUNTERS; j++)
newval->sketch[i][j] = transval1->sketch[i][j]
+ transval2->sketch[i][j];
/* recompute the counts using the merged sketch */
for (i = 0; i < transval1->next_mfv; i++) {
void *tmpp = mfv_transval_getval(transblob1,i);
Datum dat = PointerExtractDatum(tmpp, transval1->typByVal);
transval1->mfvs[i].cnt = cmsketch_count_c(newval->sketch,
for (i = 0; i < transval2->next_mfv; i++) {
void *tmpp = mfv_transval_getval(transblob2,i);
Datum dat = PointerExtractDatum(tmpp, transval2->typByVal);
transval2->mfvs[i].cnt = cmsketch_count_c(newval->sketch,
/* now take maxes on mfvs in a sort-merge style, copying into transval1 */
qsort(transval1->mfvs, transval1->next_mfv, sizeof(offsetcnt), cnt_cmp_desc);
qsort(transval2->mfvs, transval2->next_mfv, sizeof(offsetcnt), cnt_cmp_desc);
/* choose top k from transval1 and transval2 */
for (i = j = cnt = 0;
cnt < newval->max_mfvs
&& (j < transval2->next_mfv || i < transval1->next_mfv);
cnt++) {
Datum iDatum, jDatum;
if (i < transval1->next_mfv &&
(j == transval2->next_mfv
|| transval1->mfvs[i].cnt >= transval2->mfvs[j].cnt)) {
/* next item comes from transval1 */
iDatum = PointerExtractDatum(mfv_transval_getval(transblob1, i),
newblob = mfv_transval_append(newblob, iDatum);
newval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(newblob);
newval->mfvs[cnt].cnt = transval1->mfvs[i].cnt;
else if (j < transval2->next_mfv &&
(i == transval1->next_mfv
|| transval1->mfvs[i].cnt < transval2->mfvs[j].cnt)) {
/* next item comes from transval2 */
jDatum = PointerExtractDatum(mfv_transval_getval(transblob2, j),
newblob = mfv_transval_append(newblob, jDatum);
newval = (mfvtransval *)VARDATA(newblob);
newval->mfvs[cnt].cnt = transval2->mfvs[j].cnt;