blob: e89f1df21e96c0db66e0a9db1b9143cab86ab64f [file] [log] [blame]
# utf-8
@file margins_common.py_in
@brief Marginal Effects with Interactions: Builds the main interaction effects
class and describes multiple functions that are common to the various methods.
These functions are not directly related to database constructs. Functions that
depend on the database should not be included in this file.
@namespace marginal
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from collections import namedtuple
import operator
# import plpy
# =============================================================================
CONSTANT = "constant"
TermBase = namedtuple("TermBase", ["identifier"])
def _eq(self, other):
return self.identifier.strip(' "') == other.identifier.strip(' "')
def _ne(self, other):
return self.identifier.strip(' "') != other.identifier.strip(' "')
def _hash(self):
return hash(self.identifier.strip(' "'))
def _term_to_string(self):
Return string representation of a term
return str(self.identifier)
TermBase.__str__ = _term_to_string
TermBase.__repr__ = _term_to_string
TermBase.__eq__ = _eq
TermBase.__ne__ = _ne
TermBase.__hash__ = _hash
class ContinuousTerm(TermBase):
"""Class to represent a continuous variable"""
def __new__(cls, identifier, index):
obj = TermBase.__new__(cls, identifier)
obj.index = index
return obj
class IndicatorTerm(TermBase):
"""Class to represent a dummy coded term corresponding to a categorical variable"""
def __new__(cls, identifier, index, category=None, is_reference=False):
obj = TermBase.__new__(cls, identifier)
obj.index = index
obj.is_reference = is_reference
obj.category = category if category else ''
return obj
class InteractionTerm(object):
"""Collection of product of (power of) multiple basis terms (continuous or indicator)
(all '(<str>)' represent objects with <str> as identifier)
Interaction string = 'age * height' at index 5
InteractionTerm object:
{self.index = 5,
self.all_terms = {(age): 1, (height): 1}
self.constant_term = 1
Interaction string = 'i.is_female * 3 * age^2' at index 10
InteractionTerm object:
{self.index = 10,
self.all_terms = {(age): 2, (is_female): 1}
self.constant_term = 3
def __init__(self, index):
self.index = index
# all_terms is a dictionary that maps each base term to a power
# value of that term. The default power value is 0.
# key = TermBase (ContinuousTerm or IndicatorTerm)
# value = power of the base term (int)
self.all_terms = defaultdict(int)
# an interaction term can contain a single constant term (default = 1)
self.constant_term = 1
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.index)
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.constant_term != other.constant_term:
return False
for self_term, self_power in self.all_terms.items():
if not ((self_term in other.all_terms) and
(self_power == other.all_terms[self_term])):
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __contains__(self, item):
""" Function to test membership of a base term """
return (item in self.all_terms)
def __repr__(self):
""" Return string representation of interaction term """
str_rst = []
for each_term, each_power in self.all_terms.items():
if each_power > 1:
power_str = "^" + str(each_power)
power_str = ""
str_rst.append(str(each_term) + power_str)
if self.constant_term > 1:
return ' * '.join(str_rst)
def __nonzero__(self):
""" Function to implement truth value testing and the built-in
operation bool() """
return bool(self.all_terms) or self.constant_term > 1
def add_base_term(self, base_term, power):
self.all_terms[base_term] += power
def compute_partial_deriv(self, ref):
@param ref: int. Variable for which to compute partial derivative
InteractionTerm. Partial derivative of self
Note: The index value of result is 0 since this term is not present in
the original variable list.
if not self.all_terms:
return InteractionTerm(0)
result = InteractionTerm(0)
if ref in sorted(self.all_terms.keys(), key=operator.attrgetter('index')):
result.constant_term = self.constant_term
for base_term, power in self.all_terms.items():
if ref == base_term:
if power > 1:
result.add_base_term(ref, power - 1)
result.constant_term *= power
result.add_base_term(base_term, power)
result.constant_term = 0
return result
def str_using_indices(self, array_name, quoted=False, exclude_terms=None):
Return string representation of an interaction term using the indices
of the individual terms.
@param array_name: string. If the int_terms are to be treated as
indices of an array then 'array_name' can be
used while building the string. If None, then
terms are printed as is.
@param quoted: bool. If true, double quotes are added around the
array_name. Ignored if array_name is None.
@param exclude_terms: list. List of terms to exclude for output
str. String representation of interaction term.
all_terms = {ContinuousTerm('a', 2):1, ContinuousTerm('c', 1):2}
array_name = 'x'
quoted = True
output = '"x"[2]^1 * "x"[1]^2'
all_terms = {ContinuousTerm('age', 1): 2,
IndicatorTerm('gender', 3): 4}
constant_term = 3
array_name = 'temp'
quoted = False
output = '3 * temp[1]^2 * temp[3]^4'
if not exclude_terms:
exclude_terms = []
if not array_name:
return str(self)
str_rst = []
for term in sorted(self.all_terms.keys(), key=operator.attrgetter('index')):
if term in exclude_terms:
power = self.all_terms[term]
if power < 1:
power_suffix = "^" + str(power) if power > 1 else ""
quote = "\"" if quoted else ""
prefix_str = ("{q}{0}{q}[{1}]".
format(array_name, term.index, q=quote))
str_append = ("{prefix}{suffix}".
format(prefix=prefix_str, suffix=power_suffix))
if self.constant_term > 1:
return ' * '.join(str_rst)
class MarginalEffectsBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, design_str):
@param self
@param design_string
self.design_str = design_str
# All the basis terms in the independent_variable
# key = index of the basis term in original independent_variable
# value = TermBase object
self.basis_terms = dict()
# inverse index of the basis terms to quickly get the index for each term
# key = TermBase object
# value = index of the basis term in original independent_variable
self.inverse_basis_terms = dict()
# indicator_terms (dict): Elements in 'basis_terms' that are indicators
# key = category of the indicator variable,
# value = list of all IndicatorTerm for a particular category
self.indicator_terms = defaultdict(list)
# reference_terms (dict): For each category in indicator terms, if the
# reference variable is provided then it is added to this dictionary
# key = category of the indicator variable,
# value = reference IndicatorTerm
self.reference_terms = dict()
# interaction_terms (dict): Each interaction term in the independent_variable
# key = index from independent_variable
# value = InteractionTerm
# see _parse_design_string() for an example of the format
# of a single interaction term.
self.interaction_terms = dict()
# # parse the design string to populate all variables
self.n_basis_terms, self.n_int_terms = self._parse_design_string()
# indices of a subset of basis_terms for which we want to compute margins
self._subset_basis = None
def n_total_terms(self):
Get the total number of terms in the x_design string
return len(self.basis_terms) + len(self.interaction_terms)
def subset_basis(self):
return self._subset_basis
def subset_basis(self, list_value):
@param list_value: list. List of indices of the basis terms
to include in the subset
list_value = map(str, list_value)
if not all(TermBase(i) in self.inverse_basis_terms for i in list_value):
raise ValueError("Margins Error: Subset basis contains identifier not present in basis term")
self._subset_basis = [int(self.inverse_basis_terms[TermBase(i)])
for i in list_value]
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("Margins Error: Invalid marginal vars argument ({0})".
def contains_interaction(self):
return len(self.interaction_terms) > 0
def contains_indicators(self):
return len(self.indicator_terms) > 0
def is_categorical(self, basis_term):
return isinstance(basis_term, IndicatorTerm)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_indicator_reference(self, term):
Get the reference variable for a given indicator term
@param term
if not self.indicator_terms or not term or not term.category:
return None
reference = self.reference_terms[term.category]
except KeyError:
return None
return reference
def get_siblings(self, ind_term):
@param self
@param ind_term
list. A list of terms that are in the same category as the ind_term.
if not isinstance(ind_term, IndicatorTerm):
return None
if not ind_term.category:
return []
result = list(self.indicator_terms[ind_term.category])
return result
def _get_term_from_str(self, term_str, index=None):
Strip any prefix and suffix present in the term_str input and return
a term object
@param term_str: string, String input of a variable,
General format of input is [ir].<name>.<label>
- The string before the first '.' is considered a prefix and
should be either 'i' or 'ir'
- The string between the first two '.' is the identifier
name of the object.
- The string after the second '.' is the label of the variable
@param index: int, The index of independent variable in which the
term was present. A new continuous or indicator term is created
using this index. If index is None, it indicates that
the term is part of an interaction term. In this case the term
is returned from existing basis terms.
TermBase. Either a ContinuousTerm or an IndicatorTerm
ValueError, if input is invalid
(Input -- Output):
term_str = term_str.strip()
reg = re.compile('".*?"|[^\.]+')
t = reg.findall(term_str)
if t:
# default values
is_indicator, is_reference = False, False
indicator_category = None
prefix = None
if len(t) > 1:
# (0) is prefix, (1) is identifier, (2) is suffix
identifier = t[1]
prefix = t[0].strip()
if prefix not in ('i', 'ir', 'ib'):
raise ValueError("Invalid prefix string '{0}'".format(prefix))
is_reference = (prefix in ('ir', 'ib'))
is_indicator = True
if len(t) > 2:
indicator_category = t[2].strip()
# whole term is identifier (may include quotes)
identifier = t[0]
if not (identifier.startswith('"') and identifier.endswith('"')):
if not re.match(r'^\w+$', identifier):
raise ValueError("Invalid identifier '{0}' in x_design. Quote "
"an identifier with non-alphanumeric "
"characters using double quotes.".
identifier = identifier.lower()
# if identifier is not quoted then always keep a lower-case copy
# (i.e. identifier is case-insensitive)
# else:
# # if identifier is quoted then we keep the case intact, but
# # strip the double-quotes at the two ends.
# identifier = identifier.strip(' "')
raise ValueError("Invalid string '{0}' in x_design".format(str(term_str)))
if index:
if is_indicator:
return IndicatorTerm(identifier, index,
return ContinuousTerm(identifier, index)
term_index = self.inverse_basis_terms[TermBase(identifier)]
output_term = self.basis_terms[term_index]
except (KeyError, ValueError):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid input in x_design. Interaction term '{0}' "
"contains variable '{1}' not defined as a "
"basis variable.".
format(str(term_str), str(identifier)))
return output_term
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _parse_interaction_term(self, interaction_str, index):
Parse interaction term containing product of powers of basis terms
to generate a list of the terms involved in the product.
@param interaction_str: string, Interaction between variables
represented as a product of powers of variables.
if (interaction_str.startswith('"') and interaction_str.endswith('"')):
# if quotes are present around the term then it is to be treated as
# is - i.e. as a basis variable
raise ValueError("""Inputed interaction term {0} is actually a
basis term""".format(interaction_str))
# split string by '*'; eg: '1^2 * 2^2' would give two elements,
# 'age^2' would give 1 element
# ensure quoted strings are not split
# prod_reg = re.compile('".*?"|[^\*]+')
# product_terms = [i.strip() for i in prod_reg.findall(interaction_str.strip())]
product_reg = re.compile(r'((?:[^\*"]|"[^"]*")+)')
product_terms = [i.strip() for i in
if not product_terms:
raise ValueError("Not able to process interaction term: {0}".
if len(product_terms) == 1:
if len(product_terms[0].strip().split("^")) == 1:
# a single variable is input without any power or product.
# this should be treated as basis term not interaction term
raise ValueError("""Inputed interaction term {0} is actually a
basis term""".format(interaction_str))
interaction_term = InteractionTerm(index)
for each_term in product_terms:
# power_reg = re.compile('".*?"|[^\^]+')
# each_term_split = [i.strip()
# for i in power_reg.findall(each_term.strip())]
power_reg = re.compile(r'((?:[^\^"]|"[^"]*")+)')
each_term_split = [i.strip() for i in
if len(each_term_split) > 2:
raise ValueError("Invalid interaction term {0}".format(each_term))
basis_term = self._get_term_from_str(each_term_split[0])
if len(each_term_split) > 1:
basis_term_power = int(each_term_split[1])
except Exception:
raise ValueError("1. Invalid input for interaction term: {0}".
if basis_term_power < 0:
# negative powers not allowed
raise ValueError("2. Invalid input for interaction term: {0}".
# if no power is provided (eg. '1 * 2') then default power = 1
basis_term_power = 1
interaction_term.add_base_term(basis_term, basis_term_power)
return interaction_term
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _parse_design_string(self):
Parse the design string to compute the basis terms (continuous and
indicators) and the interaction terms in the independent variables list.
Tuple with elements:
- int: number of basis terms
- int: number of interaction terms
self.basis_terms, self.inverse_basis_terms,
self.indicator_terms, self.interaction_terms
self.design_str = "ir.1.color, i.2.color, i.3.color, i.4.gender,
i.5, i.5*i.2.color, i.5*i.3.color,
i.5*i.4.gender, i.5*i.4.gender*i.2.color,
i.5*i.4.gender*i.3.color, age, age^2, i.5*age,
i.5*age^2, height"
# all terms in () are objects with the identifier string inside
self.basis_terms = {1: (1), 2: (2), 3: (3), 4: (4), 5: (5),
11: (age), 15: (height)},
self.interaction_terms = {(6): {(5):1, (2):1}, (7): {(5): 1, 3: 1},
(8): {(5):1, 4:1},
(9): {(5): 1, (4): 1, (2): 1},
(10): {(5): 1, (4): 1, 3: 1},
(12): {(age): (2)},
(13): {(5): 1, (age): 1},
(14): {(5):1, (age): 2}}
self.indicator_terms = {
'color': [(1), (2), (3)],
'gender': [(4)], '': [(5)]}
self.reference_terms = {'color': (1)}
if not self.design_str:
raise ValueError("Invalid input for x_design: {0}".
# read a comma-separated string quoted using '"'
# comma_reg = re.compile('\s*".*?"|[^\,]+')
comma_reg = re.compile(r'((?:[^,"]|"[^"]*")+)')
design_terms = [i.strip() for i in comma_reg.split(self.design_str)[1::2]]
interaction_term_strings = {}
interaction_term_reg = re.compile('".*?"|[\*\^]')
for index, each_term in enumerate(design_terms):
each_term = each_term.strip()
# Database indexing starts from 1 instead of 0
base_1_index = index + 1
# find if it is an interaction term: interaction_chars
# has matches for * and ^ while skipping double-quoted strings
interaction_chars = interaction_term_reg.findall(each_term)
if any(char in interaction_chars for char in ('*', '^')):
# we process all interaction terms after the basis terms have
# been processed to enable using an interaction term
# before the basis term is defined in the design string
interaction_term_strings[base_1_index] = each_term
basis_term = self._get_term_from_str(each_term, base_1_index)
if basis_term in self.inverse_basis_terms:
# basis term already seen
raise ValueError(
"Invalid input in x_design. Duplicate identifier string "
"({0}) for basis terms ".format(basis_term))
self.basis_terms[base_1_index] = basis_term
self.inverse_basis_terms[basis_term] = base_1_index
if isinstance(basis_term, IndicatorTerm):
if basis_term.is_reference:
if not basis_term.category in self.reference_terms:
self.reference_terms[basis_term.category] = basis_term
raise ValueError(
"Invalid input in x_design. Multiple reference "
"terms present for category '{0}'".
# parse all interaction terms after the basis terms are parsed
for each_index, each_term in interaction_term_strings.items():
self.interaction_terms[each_index] = \
self._parse_interaction_term(each_term, each_index)
return len(self.basis_terms), len(self.interaction_terms)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def str_sum_int_terms(self, coef_array_name, indep_array_name=None, quoted=False):
if not self.interaction_terms:
return ""
result = []
for each_index, each_term in self.interaction_terms.items():
quote_str = "\"" if quoted else ""
coef_str = "{q}{0}{q}[{1}]".format(coef_array_name, str(each_index), q=quote_str)
result.append(coef_str + " * " +
each_term.str_using_indices(indep_array_name, quoted=quoted))
return " + ".join(result)
def str_sum_deriv_int_terms(self, ref, coef_array_name, indep_array_name=None, quoted=False):
if not self.interaction_terms:
return ""
result = []
for each_index, each_term in self.interaction_terms.items():
quote_str = "\"" if quoted else ""
coef_str = "{q}{0}{q}[{1}]".format(coef_array_name, str(each_index), q=quote_str)
deriv_int_term = each_term.compute_partial_deriv(ref)
if deriv_int_term:
result.append(coef_str + " * " +
return " + ".join(result)
def get_all_indicator_terms(self):
return sorted(chain(*self.indicator_terms.values()),
def get_subset_basis_terms(self):
Get the basis terms whose indices are present in subset_basis.
If subset_basis is None then all basis terms are returned.
List. Each element is a TermBase
if self.subset_basis:
return [self.basis_terms[i] for i in self.subset_basis]
return self.basis_terms.values()
def get_subset_indicator_terms(self):
Get the indicator terms whose indices are present in subset_basis.
If subset_basis is None then all indicator terms in the object are
List. Each element is an IndicatorTerm
if self.subset_basis:
subset_indicator_terms = list(set(self.get_all_indicator_terms()) &
return sorted(subset_indicator_terms, key=operator.attrgetter('index'))
return self.get_all_indicator_terms()
def get_sorted_basis_identifiers(self):
""" Return all identifiers sorted by the index in basis terms """
return [val.identifier for key, val in
sorted(self.basis_terms.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))]
def get_all_basis_identifiers(self):
return dict([(val.identifier, key) for key, val in self.basis_terms.items()])
def get_all_indicator_indices(self):
""" Get the indices for all indicator terms present in the object."""
return [i.index for i in self.get_all_indicator_terms()]
def get_subset_indicator_indices(self):
return [i.index for i in self.get_subset_indicator_terms()]
def get_all_reference_indices(self):
return sorted([i.index for i in self.reference_terms.values()])
def get_interaction_terms_containing(self, ref):
@param ref: TermBase. The reference term to search in each
interaction term
Dict. A subset of self.interaction_terms where each interaction term contains 'ref'
if not self.interaction_terms:
return self.interaction_terms
result = dict()
for index, int_term in self.interaction_terms.items():
if ref in int_term:
result[index] = int_term
return result
def partial_deriv_interaction_terms(self, ref):
result = dict()
if self.interaction_terms:
for each_index, each_int_term in self.interaction_terms.items():
each_pder = each_int_term.compute_partial_deriv(ref)
if each_pder:
result[each_index] = each_pder
return result
def create_2nd_derivative_matrix(self, data_array_name=None,
quoted=False, discrete=True):
Compute the \frac{\partial f_i}{\partial x_k} for all i and k,
where i is index of independent variable and k is index of basis variable
@param data_array_name: str, Array name of the data
@param quoted: bool, If True the data_array_name will be quoted
using double quotes
@param discrete: bool, If True, discrete differences will be used
for categorical variables instead of the partial
actual_basis = self.get_subset_basis_terms()
actual_indices = [self.inverse_basis_terms[i] for i in actual_basis]
derivative_matrix_str_list = []
if not self.interaction_terms:
# return an identity matrix of size num_basis_terms x num_basis_terms
for outer in actual_indices:
['1' if outer==inner else '0'
for inner in sorted(self.basis_terms.keys())])
for index, curr_basis in zip(actual_indices, actual_basis):
if discrete and isinstance(curr_basis, IndicatorTerm):
set_values, unset_values = self.get_discrete_diff_arrays(
curr_basis, data_array_name, quoted)
append_str_list = ["0" if i==j else
"{0}-{1}".format(str(i), str(j))
for i, j in zip(set_values, unset_values)]
all_partial_deriv_list = ['0'] * self.n_total_terms
all_partial_deriv_list[curr_basis.index - 1] = '1'
curr_partial_deriv_dict = self.partial_deriv_interaction_terms(curr_basis)
for each_index, each_term in curr_partial_deriv_dict.items():
all_partial_deriv_list[each_index - 1] = \
each_term.str_using_indices(data_array_name, quoted)
return derivative_matrix_str_list
def get_discrete_diff_arrays(self, term_to_explore, array_name='x',
quoted=False, shortened_output=False):
Create a pair of strings that corresponds to the array expressions for
computing the marginal effect for an indicator term using
discrete differences.
All variables that are not siblings of the term_to_explore
are expressed as they were in original expression.
@param term_to_explore: TermBase, Term for which to create discrete
difference expression
@param array_name: str, Name of the array that contains values
for the variables.
@param shortened_output: bool, If there is no interaction, then
all non-categorical items will be the same across the two strings.
If shortened_output=True, then only the categorical terms are
returned for the set and unset strings.
tuple. A pair of strings each representing an array of data.
First one corresponding to term_to_explore
being 'set' (=1) with other siblings unset (=0) and the second one
corresponding to term_to_explore as 'unset' and other siblings also
'unset' (reference variable, if present, is 'set'). In both cases,
variables unrelated to term_to_explore are unchanged.
quote_str = "\"" if quoted else ""
term_siblings = self.get_siblings(term_to_explore) # includes reference
if term_to_explore.category not in self.reference_terms:
ref_term = None
ref_term = self.reference_terms[term_to_explore.category]
n_terms = self.n_total_terms
indicator_set_list = [None] * n_terms
indicator_unset_list = [None] * n_terms
def assign_discrete_diff(index, set_val, unset_val):
indicator_set_list[index] = set_val
indicator_unset_list[index] = unset_val
for basis_index, basis_term in self.basis_terms.items():
# basis_index is for the original array (in DB) which is 1-base
if basis_term == term_to_explore:
# set/unset the current variable ...
set_val, unset_val = '1', '0'
elif basis_term in term_siblings:
if basis_term.is_reference:
# set reference when unsetting term_to_explore and vice-versa
set_val, unset_val = '0', '1'
# other siblings are always unset
set_val, unset_val = '0', '0'
# all other variables are added in as is
basis_str = "{q}{0}{q}[{1}]".format(array_name, basis_term.index,
set_val, unset_val = basis_str, basis_str
if (self.is_categorical(basis_term) or
self.contains_interaction() or
not shortened_output):
assign_discrete_diff(basis_index - 1, set_val, unset_val)
# repeat the process for interaction terms
for int_index, int_term in self.interaction_terms.items():
# again 'int_index' is for the original array (in DB) which is 1-base
sibling_in_interaction = any(not sib.is_reference and sib in int_term
for sib in term_siblings)
if sibling_in_interaction:
# sibling is unset in both strings
assign_discrete_diff(int_index - 1, '0', '0')
if term_to_explore in int_term:
if ref_term and ref_term in int_term:
# reference is unset, when term_to_explore is set
set_val = '0'
set_val = int_term.str_using_indices(
array_name, quoted, [term_to_explore])
set_val = '1' if not set_val else set_val
assign_discrete_diff(int_index - 1, set_val, '0')
elif ref_term and ref_term in int_term:
unset_val = int_term.str_using_indices(array_name, quoted,
unset_val = '1' if not unset_val else unset_val
assign_discrete_diff(int_index - 1, '0', unset_val)
term_as_is = int_term.str_using_indices(array_name, quoted)
assign_discrete_diff(int_index - 1, term_as_is, term_as_is)
return (indicator_set_list, indicator_unset_list)
import unittest
from itertools import izip_longest
class MarginsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.maxDiff = None
self.xd = ("ir.1.color, i.2.color, i.3.color, i.is_female,,"
"degree * 2, * i.3.color, "
"degree * i.is_female.gender, degree * is_female * i.2.color,"
" degree*is_female*3, age, age^2, degree*age, degree*age^2, "
# self.xd = ("ir.1.color, i.2.color, i.3.color, i.4.gender,,"
# "degree * 2.color, degree * i.3.color, degree * gender,"
# "degree * gender * i.2.color, degree*gender*3,"
# "11.age, age^2, degree*age, degree*age^2, 15")
self.int_obj = MarginalEffectsBuilder(self.xd)
# print("--------------------------------------------------------")
# print("Basis terms = " + str(self.int_obj.basis_terms))
# print("Inverse Basis terms = " + str(self.int_obj.inverse_basis_terms))
# print("Indicator terms = " + str(self.int_obj.indicator_terms))
# print("Reference terms = " + str(self.int_obj.reference_terms))
# print("Interaction terms = " + str(self.int_obj.interaction_terms))
# print("--------------------------------------------------------")
self.xd2 = ('1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 3*2, '
'4*3*5, 5^2*4*6, 6^2, 7^3*8')
# self.xd2 = ('1, 2, age, height, length, 6, 7, 8, age*2, '
# 'height*age*length, length^2*height*6, 6^2, 7^3*8')
self.int_obj2 = MarginalEffectsBuilder(self.xd2)
self.xd3 = '1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8'
self.int_obj3 = MarginalEffectsBuilder(self.xd3)
def test_interaction_term(self):
int_term1 = InteractionTerm(4) # "1*2"
int_term1.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('1', 1), 1)
int_term1.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('2', 2), 1)
self.assertEqual(int_term1, int_term1)
int_term2 = InteractionTerm(3)
int_term2.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('a1111', 1), 1)
int_term2.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('h1111', 2), 1)
self.assertNotEqual(int_term1, int_term2)
int_term2.constant_term = 5
self.assertNotEqual(int_term1, int_term2)
def test_ind_prefix(self):
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj._get_term_from_str('i.1.color', 1),
IndicatorTerm('1', 1, 'color'))
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj._get_term_from_str('1', 1),
ContinuousTerm('1', 1))
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj._get_term_from_str('10', 10),
ContinuousTerm('10', 10))
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj._get_term_from_str('age', 1),
ContinuousTerm('age', 1))
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj._get_term_from_str('i.10.gender', 5),
IndicatorTerm('10', 5, 'gender'))
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj._get_term_from_str('i.is_female', 10),
IndicatorTerm('is_female', 10))
def test_parse_interaction(self):
str1 = '1*2'
int_term1 = InteractionTerm(4)
int_term1.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('1', 1), 1)
int_term1.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('2', 2), 1)
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj._parse_interaction_term(str1, 4), int_term1)
str2 = 'age^2'
int_term2 = InteractionTerm(4)
int_term2.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('age', 1), 2)
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj._parse_interaction_term(str2, 4), int_term2)
str2 = 'age^2*i.is_female.gender*ir.1.color'
int_term2 = InteractionTerm(4)
int_term2.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('age', 1), 2)
int_term2.add_base_term(IndicatorTerm('is_female', 2, 'gender'), 1)
int_term2.add_base_term(IndicatorTerm('1', 3, 'color', True), 1)
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj._parse_interaction_term(str2, 4), int_term2)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.int_obj._parse_interaction_term, '1^-2*2^7*3^4', 2)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.int_obj._parse_interaction_term, '1^2*2^7.1*3^4', 2)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.int_obj._parse_interaction_term, '1^2/2^7.1*3^4', 2)
def test_str_interaction(self):
int_obj1 = InteractionTerm(4)
int_obj1.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('a', 1), 1)
int_obj1.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('b', 2), 4)
int_obj1.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('c', 3), 2)
int_obj1.constant_term = 5
self.assertEqual(str(int_obj1), 'a * c^2 * b^4 * 5')
self.assertEqual(int_obj1.str_using_indices(None), 'a * c^2 * b^4 * 5')
self.assertEqual(int_obj1.str_using_indices('x', False),
'x[1] * x[2]^4 * x[3]^2 * 5')
def test_x_design(self):
basis_terms_dict = dict()
for i in range(1, 9):
basis_terms_dict[i] = ContinuousTerm(str(i), i)
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj2.indicator_terms, dict())
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj2.reference_terms, dict())
def test_x_design1(self):
xd = '1, 2, 1*2, "1^2", 5, 6, 1^1*2^2*5^4, 5^2, "1^2"*5'
int_obj = MarginalEffectsBuilder(xd)
self.assertEqual([i.identifier for i in int_obj.basis_terms.values()],
['1', '2', '"1^2"', '5', '6'])
self.assertEqual(int_obj.indicator_terms, {})
self.assertEqual(int_obj.reference_terms, {})
self.assertEqual(int_obj.contains_indicators(), False)
self.assertEqual(int_obj.contains_interaction(), True)
'{8: 5^2, 9: 5 * "1^2", 3: 1 * 2, 7: 1 * 2^2 * 5^4}')
def test_x_design2(self):
xd = '1, i."red".color, 1*red, 5, 1^1*red^2* 5^4, 6, 5^2'
basis_terms_dict = {}
for ind, var in zip((1, 4, 6), ('1', '5', '6')):
basis_terms_dict[ind] = ContinuousTerm(var, ind)
basis_terms_dict[2] = IndicatorTerm('"red"', 2, 'color', False)
int_obj = MarginalEffectsBuilder(xd)
self.assertEqual(int_obj.basis_terms, basis_terms_dict)
self.assertEqual(int_obj.indicator_terms, {'color': [basis_terms_dict[2]]})
self.assertEqual(int_obj.get_all_indicator_terms(), [basis_terms_dict[2]])
self.assertEqual(int_obj.get_all_indicator_indices(), [2])
self.assertEqual(int_obj.get_all_reference_indices(), [])
self.assertEqual(int_obj.get_subset_indicator_indices(), [2])
self.assertEqual(int_obj.get_subset_indicator_terms(), [basis_terms_dict[2]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, int_obj.subset_basis, [1, 3])
int_obj.subset_basis = [1, 5, 6]
self.assertEqual(int_obj.get_subset_indicator_indices(), [])
[basis_terms_dict[1], basis_terms_dict[4], basis_terms_dict[6]])
self.assertEqual(int_obj.get_subset_indicator_terms(), [])
self.assertEqual(int_obj.contains_indicators(), True)
self.assertEqual(int_obj.get_indicator_reference(basis_terms_dict[2]), None)
self.assertEqual(int_obj.get_indicator_reference(None), None)
self.assertEqual(int_obj.reference_terms, {})
self.assertEqual(int_obj.str_sum_int_terms('B', 'x'),
"B[3] * x[1] * x[2] + B[5] * x[1] * x[2]^2 * "
"x[4]^4 + B[7] * x[4]^2")
def test_x_design3(self):
xd = 'i."1*2".color, Age, 3, "1*2"*age'
int_obj = MarginalEffectsBuilder(xd)
{1: ContinuousTerm('1*2', 1),
2: ContinuousTerm('age', 2),
3: ContinuousTerm('3', 3)})
self.assertEqual(int_obj.indicator_terms, {'color': [IndicatorTerm('1*2', 1, 'color')]})
self.assertEqual(int_obj.reference_terms, dict())
def test_x_design_failures(self):
xd = '1, 2, 1*5, 1*2^2, 5.color, i.6'
# 5.color is invalid input
self.assertRaises(ValueError, MarginalEffectsBuilder, xd)
xd = '1, 2, 1*age, 1*2^2, i.6'
# age not defined as basis
self.assertRaises(ValueError, MarginalEffectsBuilder, xd)
xd = '1, test.2.color, 1*age, 1*2^2, i.6'
# invalid prefix "test"
self.assertRaises(ValueError, MarginalEffectsBuilder, xd)
xd = '1, test.2.color, 1*"age", 1*2^2, i.6'
# age not defined as basis
self.assertRaises(ValueError, MarginalEffectsBuilder, xd)
xd = '1, i.2.color, 1*"Age", 1*age^2, i.6'
# age not defined as basis
self.assertRaises(ValueError, MarginalEffectsBuilder, xd)
xd = '1,, age$, 1*red^2, i.6'
# age$ not quoted
self.assertRaises(ValueError, MarginalEffectsBuilder, xd)
# test = MarginalEffectsBuilder(xd)
def test_x_design5(self):
xd = '1, i.2, 1*i.2.color, 1^1*2^2*3^4'
# '3' in interaction term is invalid
self.assertRaises(ValueError, MarginalEffectsBuilder, xd)
def test_x_design6(self):
basis_terms = dict(zip([11, 15], [ContinuousTerm(var, i) for i, var in
zip([11, 15], ['age', 'height'])]))
for i, var, cat, is_ref in izip_longest(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
['1', '2', '3', 'is_female', 'degree'],
[True] + [False]*4):
basis_terms[i] = IndicatorTerm(var, i, cat, is_ref)
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj.basis_terms, basis_terms)
{'color': [basis_terms[i] for i in range(1, 4)],
'': [basis_terms[4], basis_terms[5]]})
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj.get_indicator_reference(basis_terms[2]), basis_terms[1])
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj.reference_terms, {'color': basis_terms[1]})
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj.get_all_reference_indices(), [1])
"{6: 2 * degree, 7: 3 * degree, "
"8: is_female * degree, 9: is_female * 2 * degree, "
"10: is_female * 3 * degree, 12: age^2, "
"13: age * degree, 14: age^2 * degree}")
"{9: is_female * 2 * degree, 6: 2 * degree}")
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj.get_siblings(basis_terms[11]), None)
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj.get_siblings(basis_terms[1]), [basis_terms[2], basis_terms[3]])
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj.get_siblings(basis_terms[2]), [basis_terms[1], basis_terms[3]])
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj.get_siblings(basis_terms[3]), [basis_terms[1], basis_terms[2]])
def test_compute_partial_deriv(self):
int_obj1 = InteractionTerm(4)
int_obj1.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('a', 1), 1)
int_obj1.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('b', 2), 4)
int_obj1.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('c', 3), 2)
int_obj1.constant_term = 5
int_obj1_deriv_a = InteractionTerm(0)
int_obj1_deriv_a.constant_term = 5
int_obj1_deriv_a.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('b', 2), 4)
int_obj1_deriv_a.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('c', 3), 2)
self.assertEqual(int_obj1.compute_partial_deriv(ContinuousTerm('a', 1)),
int_obj1_deriv_b = InteractionTerm(0)
int_obj1_deriv_b.constant_term = 20
int_obj1_deriv_b.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('a', 1), 1)
int_obj1_deriv_b.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('b', 2), 3)
int_obj1_deriv_b.add_base_term(ContinuousTerm('c', 3), 2)
self.assertEqual(int_obj1.compute_partial_deriv(ContinuousTerm('b', 2)),
def test_partial_deriv_all(self):
IndicatorTerm("degree", 5))),
"{6: 2, 7: 3, 8: is_female, 9: is_female * 2, "
"10: is_female * 3, 13: age, 14: age^2}")
self.assertEqual(str(self.int_obj.partial_deriv_interaction_terms(IndicatorTerm("2", 2))), "{9: is_female * degree, 6: degree}")
self.int_obj.partial_deriv_interaction_terms(IndicatorTerm('age', 0))),
"{12: age * 2, 13: degree, 14: age * degree * 2}")
def test_deriv_str(self):
me_str = []
coeff_array_str = 'B'
for each_index, each_basis in sorted(self.int_obj.basis_terms.items()):
# if each_basis not in flattened_indicator_terms:
basis_deriv_str = self.int_obj.str_sum_deriv_int_terms(
each_basis, coeff_array_str, 'x', quoted=True)
basis_str = "\"{0}\"[{1}]".format(coeff_array_str, each_index)
if basis_deriv_str:
basis_str += " + " + basis_deriv_str
# the above code generates the string for \beta_k + \sum \bet_s I_s
', '.join(me_str),
'"B"[1], '
'"B"[2] + "B"[6] * "x"[5] + "B"[9] * "x"[4] * "x"[5], '
'"B"[3] + "B"[7] * "x"[5] + "B"[10] * "x"[4] * "x"[5], '
'"B"[4] + "B"[8] * "x"[5] + "B"[9] * "x"[2] * "x"[5] + "B"[10] * "x"[3] * "x"[5], '
'"B"[5] + "B"[6] * "x"[2] + "B"[7] * "x"[3] + "B"[8] * "x"[4] + '
'"B"[9] * "x"[2] * "x"[4] + "B"[10] * "x"[3] * "x"[4] + '
'"B"[13] * "x"[11] + "B"[14] * "x"[11]^2, '
'"B"[11] + "B"[12] * "x"[11] * 2 + "B"[13] * "x"[5] + "B"[14] * "x"[5] * "x"[11] * 2, '
def test_create_indicator_me_expr(self):
ind_set, ind_unset = self.int_obj.get_discrete_diff_arrays(
IndicatorTerm('degree', 0), 'x', True)
['"x"[1]', '"x"[2]', '"x"[3]', '"x"[4]', '1', '"x"[2]',
'"x"[3]', '"x"[4]', '"x"[2] * "x"[4]', '"x"[3] * "x"[4]',
'"x"[11]', '"x"[11]^2', '"x"[11]', '"x"[11]^2', '"x"[15]'])
['"x"[1]', '"x"[2]', '"x"[3]', '"x"[4]', '0', '0', '0',
'0', '0', '0', '"x"[11]', '"x"[11]^2', '0', '0', '"x"[15]'])
ind_set2, ind_unset2 = self.int_obj.get_discrete_diff_arrays(
IndicatorTerm('2', 0, 'color'), 'x', True)
['0', '1', '0', '"x"[4]', '"x"[5]', '"x"[5]', '0',
'"x"[4] * "x"[5]', '"x"[4] * "x"[5]', '0', '"x"[11]',
'"x"[11]^2', '"x"[5] * "x"[11]', '"x"[5] * "x"[11]^2',
['1', '0', '0', '"x"[4]', '"x"[5]', '0', '0',
'"x"[4] * "x"[5]', '0', '0', '"x"[11]', '"x"[11]^2',
'"x"[5] * "x"[11]', '"x"[5] * "x"[11]^2', '"x"[15]'])
xd2 = ("ir.1.color, i.2.color, i.3.color, i.4.gender,,"
"5*2, 5*3, 5*4, 5^2, 1*2, 4*1")
int_obj2 = MarginalEffectsBuilder(xd2)
ind_set, ind_unset = int_obj2.get_discrete_diff_arrays(
IndicatorTerm('5', 0, 'degree'), 'x', True)
['"x"[1]', '"x"[2]', '"x"[3]', '"x"[4]', '1', '"x"[2]',
'"x"[3]', '"x"[4]', '1', '"x"[1] * "x"[2]', '"x"[1] * "x"[4]'])
['"x"[1]', '"x"[2]', '"x"[3]', '"x"[4]', '0', '0',
'0', '0', '0', '"x"[1] * "x"[2]', '"x"[1] * "x"[4]'])
ind_set, ind_unset = int_obj2.get_discrete_diff_arrays(
IndicatorTerm('2', 0, 'color'), 'x', quoted=False)
['0', '1', '0', 'x[4]', 'x[5]', 'x[5]',
'0', 'x[4] * x[5]', 'x[5]^2', '0', '0'])
['1', '0', '0', 'x[4]', 'x[5]', '0',
'0', 'x[4] * x[5]', 'x[5]^2', '0', 'x[4]'])
ind_set, ind_unset = int_obj2.get_discrete_diff_arrays(
IndicatorTerm('3', 0, 'color'), 'x', quoted=False)
['0', '0', '1', 'x[4]', 'x[5]', '0',
'x[5]', 'x[4] * x[5]', 'x[5]^2', '0', '0'])
['1', '0', '0', 'x[4]', 'x[5]', '0',
'0', 'x[4] * x[5]', 'x[5]^2', '0', 'x[4]'])
def test_derivative_matrix(self):
# self.xd = ("ir.1.color, i.2.color, i.3.color, i.4.gender,,"
# "*i.2.color,*i.3.color,*i.4.gender,"
# "*i.4.gender*i.2.color,*i.4.gender*i.3.color,"
# "11, 11^2,*11,*11^2, 15")
[["1-0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"],
["0-1", "1-0", "0", "0", "0", "x[5]-0", "0", "0", "x[4] * x[5]-0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"],
["0-1", "0", "1-0", "0", "0", "0", "x[5]-0", "0", "0", "x[4] * x[5]-0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "1-0", "0", "0", "0", "x[5]-0", "x[2] * x[5]-0", "x[3] * x[5]-0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "0", "1-0", "x[2]-0", "x[3]-0", "x[4]-0",
"x[2] * x[4]-0", "x[3] * x[4]-0", "0", "0", "x[11]-0", "x[11]^2-0", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "x[11] * 2", "x[5]", "x[5] * x[11] * 2", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1"]])
[["1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"],
["0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "x[3]", "0", "0", "0", "0"],
["0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "x[2]", "x[4] * x[5]", "0", "0", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "x[3] * x[5]", "x[5]^2 * x[6]", "0", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "x[3] * x[4]", "x[4] * x[5] * x[6] * 2", "0", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "x[4] * x[5]^2", "x[6] * 2", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "x[7]^2 * x[8] * 3"],
["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "x[7]^3"]])
self.int_obj3 = MarginalEffectsBuilder('1, 2, 2*2')
self.assertEqual(self.int_obj3.create_2nd_derivative_matrix('x', quoted=True),
[["1", "0", "0"], ["0", "1", "\"x\"[2] * 2"]])
def test_subset_basis_derivative(self):
xd = ("1, i.2.color, i.3.color, i.4.gender,,"
"age, age^2,*age,*age^2, height")
interaction_obj = MarginalEffectsBuilder(xd)
interaction_obj.subset_basis = ['2', '3', 'age', 'height']
[["0", "1-0", "0", "0", "0", "x[5]-0", "0", "0", "x[4] * x[5]-0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"],
["0", "0", "1-0", "0", "0", "0", "x[5]-0", "0", "0", "x[4] * x[5]-0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "x[11] * 2", "x[5]", "x[5] * x[11] * 2", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1"]])
xd2 = ("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7")
interaction_obj2 = MarginalEffectsBuilder(xd2)
interaction_obj2.subset_basis = [3, 4, 5]
[["0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0"],
["0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0"]]
def test_no_interaction_derivative(self):
xd = ("ir.1.color, i.2.color, i.3.color, i.4.gender,")
interaction_obj = MarginalEffectsBuilder(xd)
[['1', '0', '0', '0', '0'], ['0', '1', '0', '0', '0'],
['0', '0', '1', '0', '0'], ['0', '0', '0', '1', '0'],
['0', '0', '0', '0', '1']])
if __name__ == '__main__':
# def py_list_to_sql_string(array, array_type=None):
# """Convert numeric array to SQL string """
# if array:
# type_str = "::" + array_type if array_type else ""
# return "ARRAY[{0}]{1}".format(','.join(map(str, array)), type_str)
# else:
# if not array_type:
# array_type = "double precision[]"
# return "'{{}}'::{0}".format(array_type)