blob: 0c3d97f41fea20349399fafc34a50e9c2487144b [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file ByteStream_proto.hpp
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace madlib {
namespace dbal {
struct ByteStreamMaximumAlignmentType {
template <class T>
struct ByteStreamDefaultTypeTraits {
enum { alignment = sizeof(T) <= 16 ? sizeof(T) : 16 };
// Specialize for the maximum-alignment dummy type. There is no supported
// architecture at the moment for which 16 bytes would not be enough.
template <>
struct ByteStreamDefaultTypeTraits<ByteStreamMaximumAlignmentType> {
enum { alignment = 16 };
template <
class StreamBuf,
template <class T> class TypeTraits = ByteStreamDefaultTypeTraits,
bool IsMutable = StreamBuf::isMutable>
class ByteStream {
typedef StreamBuf StreamBuf_type;
typedef typename StreamBuf_type::char_type char_type;
enum { isMutable = IsMutable };
enum { maximumAlignment =
TypeTraits<ByteStreamMaximumAlignmentType>::alignment };
friend class DryRun;
class DryRun {
DryRun(ByteStream& inStream);
void leave();
ByteStream& mStream;
bool mIsIn;
ByteStream(StreamBuf_type* inStreamBuf);
template <size_t Alignment> size_t seek(std::ptrdiff_t inOffset,
std::ios_base::seekdir inDir);
size_t seek(size_t inPos);
size_t seek(std::ptrdiff_t inOffset, std::ios_base::seekdir inDir);
size_t available() const;
const char_type* ptr() const;
size_t size() const;
size_t tell() const;
std::ios_base::iostate rdstate() const;
bool eof() const;
bool isInDryRun() const;
template <class T> const T* read(size_t inCount = 1);
void enterDryRun();
void leaveDryRun();
* @brief The associated storage to the stream (similar to a streambuf for
* IOStreams)
StreamBuf_type* mStreamBuf;
* @brief In dry mode read/write operations will only move the cursor, but
* other objects are not touched
int32_t mDryRun;
template <class StreamBuf, template <class T> class TypeTraits>
class ByteStream<StreamBuf, TypeTraits, Mutable>
: public ByteStream<StreamBuf, TypeTraits, Immutable> {
typedef ByteStream<StreamBuf, TypeTraits, Immutable> Base;
typedef typename Base::StreamBuf_type StreamBuf_type;
typedef typename Base::char_type char_type;
ByteStream(StreamBuf_type* inStreamBuf);
char_type* ptr();
template <class T> T* read(size_t inCount = 1);
} // namespace dbal
} // namespace madlib