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<div class="title">Array Operations<div class="ingroups"><a class="el" href="group__grp__datatrans.html">Data Types and Transformations</a> &raquo; <a class="el" href="group__grp__arraysmatrix.html">Arrays and Matrices</a></div></div> </div>
<div class="contents">
<div class="toc"><b>Contents</b> </p><ul>
<a href="#notes">Implementation Notes</a> </li>
<a href="#list">List of Array Operations</a> </li>
<a href="#examples">Examples</a> </li>
<a href="#related">Related Topics</a> </li>
</div><p>This module provides a set of basic array operations implemented in C. It is a support module for several machine learning algorithms that require fast array operations.</p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="notes"></a></p><dl class="section user"><dt>Implementation Notes</dt><dd></dd></dl>
<p>All functions (except <a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#acb57ea4521dcb717f9e3148e0acccc74" title="This function normalizes an array as sum of squares to be 1. ">normalize()</a> and <a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#acc295a568878940ffc3e2c9a75990efb" title="This function takes an array as the input and keep only elements that satisfy the operator on specifi...">array_filter()</a>) described in this module work with 2-D arrays.</p>
<p>These functions support several numeric types:</p><ul>
<li>NUMERIC (internally casted into FLOAT8, loss of precisions can happen)</li>
<p>Several of the function require NO NULL VALUES, while others omit NULLs and return results. See details in description of individual functions.</p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="list"></a></p><dl class="section user"><dt>Array Operations</dt><dd><table class="output">
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a91c8d3715142927b3967f05a4fbf1575" title="Adds two arrays. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input t...">array_add()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">Adds two arrays. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input type.</p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a26e8508a2bae10a6574cec697a270eea" title="Aggregate, element-wise sum of arrays. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input type. ">sum()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">Aggregate, sums vector element-wisely. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input type.</p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a2875a161a01c7dcdea9a4997b074eefc" title="Subtracts two arrays. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the in...">array_sub()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">Subtracts two arrays. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a652d70c480d484c4a1a92ded384b0dd7" title="Element-wise product of two arrays. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the ...">array_mult()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">Element-wise product of two arrays. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a6cc05e7052495f8b64692faf40219576" title="Element-wise division of two arrays. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input type. ">array_div()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">Element-wise division of two arrays. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#acde10964ed23b7c8da515fb84cb8d5e0" title="Dot-product of two arrays. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as t...">array_dot()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">Dot-product of two arrays. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#aedf6cb13eb4803bcc12dc4d95ea8ff4e" title="Checks whether one array contains the other. This function returns TRUE if each non-zero element in t...">array_contains()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">Checks whether one array contains the other. This function returns TRUE if each non-zero element in the right array equals to the element with the same index in the left array. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#ae891429cc50705c530f3e5ca15541849" title="This function finds the maximum value in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is the same as the...">array_max()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function finds the maximum value in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#aa415256a9064aecc600dfb5e377fb7b1" title="This function finds the maximum value and corresponding index in the array. NULLs are ignored...">array_max_index()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function finds the maximum value and corresponding index in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is array in format [max, index], and its element type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a6659bf9d9363eb179fab34f81f8ac59b" title="This function finds the minimum value in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is the same as the...">array_min()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function finds the minimum value in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a813a4d9ffc1c18b1b3e18f6ecdb2051f" title="This function finds the minimum value and corresponding index in the array. NULLs are ignored...">array_min_index()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function finds the minimum value and corresponding index in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is array in format [min, index], and its element type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a4c98f20e6a737358806f63318daea5ec" title="This function finds the sum of the values in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is the same as...">array_sum()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function finds the sum of the values in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a418de59800833aa95f9b7cbd6b12901c" title="This function finds the sum of the values in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is always FLOA...">array_sum_big()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function finds the sum of the values in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is always FLOAT8 regardless of input. This function is meant to replace <a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a4c98f20e6a737358806f63318daea5ec" title="This function finds the sum of the values in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is the same as...">array_sum()</a> in cases when a sum may overflow the element type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a13c0b0c53e8b0dc4e08c21bb8152ee7d" title="This function finds the sum of abs of the values in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is the ...">array_abs_sum()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function finds the sum of abs of the values in the array. NULLs are ignored. Return type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#ac14e74c10b58f5518cd0e3e56067e5ba" title="This function takes an array as the input and finds absolute value of each element in the array...">array_abs()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function takes an array as the input and finds abs of each element in the array, returning the resulting array. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a407598f9eb70637798b02fd731bfca2c" title="This function finds the mean of the values in the array. NULLs are ignored. ">array_mean()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function finds the mean of the values in the array. NULLs are ignored. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a3b6c2d173a611e6d6b184d825c2b336d" title="This function finds the standard deviation of the values in the array. NULLs are ignored. ">array_stddev()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function finds the standard deviation of the values in the array. NULLs are ignored. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#ab066e65a41db78b00b4532996b2a6efc" title="This function creates an array of set size (the argument value) of FLOAT8, initializing the values to...">array_of_float()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function creates an array of set size (the argument value) of FLOAT8, initializing the values to 0.0. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#ab7d8550e66d2e0bd54b8f0997d93880c" title="This function creates an array of set size (the argument value) of BIGINT, initializing the values to...">array_of_bigint()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function creates an array of set size (the argument value) of BIGINT, initializing the values to 0. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a065a5323f3b742be47e39ad8b4c90fc2" title="This functions set every values in the array to some desired value (provided as the argument)...">array_fill()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This functions set every value in the array to some desired value (provided as the argument). </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#acc295a568878940ffc3e2c9a75990efb" title="This function takes an array as the input and keep only elements that satisfy the operator on specifi...">array_filter()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function takes an array as the input and keep only elements that satisfy the operator on specified scalar. It requires that the array is 1-D and all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input type. By default, this function removes all zeros. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#ae6881cc5c86941b6ffca35d7f3cd5c12" title="This function takes an array as the input and executes element-wise multiplication by the scalar prov...">array_scalar_mult()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function takes an array as the input and executes element-wise multiplication by the scalar provided as the second argument, returning the resulting array. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a0b6ffe59b12c3dee076c3059f9ab363f" title="This function takes an array as the input and executes element-wise addition by the scalar provided a...">array_scalar_add()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function takes an array as the input and executes element-wise addition of the scalar provided as the second argument, returning the resulting array. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. Return type is the same as the input type. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a83451ed0c3ca5a9c62751dba47e45df7" title="This function takes an array as the input and finds square root of each element in the array...">array_sqrt()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function takes an array as the input and finds square root of each element in the array, returning the resulting array. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#a761e7ca753a5e1acf26896b37ed8b0bd" title="This function takes an array and a float8 as the input and finds power of each element in the array...">array_pow()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function takes an array and a float8 as the input and finds power of each element in the array, returning the resulting array. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#aff60f4091bed6374683f047c8a70ef9a" title="This function takes an array as the input and finds square of each element in the array...">array_square()</a></th><td><p class="starttd">This function takes an array as the input and finds square of each element in the array, returning the resulting array. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. </p>
<p class="endtd"></p>
<th><a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html#acb57ea4521dcb717f9e3148e0acccc74" title="This function normalizes an array as sum of squares to be 1. ">normalize()</a></th><td>This function normalizes an array as sum of squares to be 1. It requires that the array is 1-D and all the values are NON-NULL. </td></tr>
<p><a class="anchor" id="examples"></a></p><dl class="section user"><dt>Examples</dt><dd></dd></dl>
<ol type="1">
<li>Create a database table with two integer array columns and add some data. <pre class="example">
CREATE TABLE array_tbl ( id integer,
array1 integer[],
array2 integer[]
( 1, '{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}', '{9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}' ),
( 2, '{1,1,0,1,1,2,3,99,8}','{0,0,0,-5,4,1,1,7,6}' );
<li>Find the minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation of the <code>array1</code> column. <pre class="example">
SELECT id, madlib.array_min(array1), madlib.array_max(array1),
madlib.array_min_index(array1), madlib.array_max_index(array1),
madlib.array_mean(array1), madlib.array_stddev(array1)
FROM array_tbl;
</pre> Result: <pre class="result">
id | array_min | array_max | array_min_index | array_max_index | array_mean | array_stddev
1 | 1 | 9 | {1,1} | {9,9} | 5 | 2.73861278752583
2 | 0 | 99 | {0,3} | {99,8} | 12.8888888888889 | 32.3784050118457(2 rows)
<li>Perform array addition and subtraction. <pre class="example">
SELECT id, madlib.array_add(array1,array2),
FROM array_tbl;
</pre> Result: <pre class="result">
id | array_add | array_sub
2 | {1,1,0,-4,5,3,4,106,14} | {1,1,0,6,-3,1,2,92,2}
1 | {10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10} | {-8,-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6,8}
(2 rows)
<li>Perform element-wise array multiplication and division. The row with <code>id=2</code> is excluded because the divisor array contains zero, which would cause a divide-by-zero error. <pre class="example">
SELECT id, madlib.array_mult(array1,array2),
FROM array_tbl
WHERE 0 != ALL(array2);</pre> Result: <pre class="result">
id | array_mult | array_div
1 | {9,16,21,24,25,24,21,16,9} | {0,0,0,0,1,1,2,4,9}
(1 row)
<li>Calculate the dot product of the arrays. <pre class="example">
SELECT id, madlib.array_dot(array1, array2)
FROM array_tbl;
</pre> Result: <pre class="result">
id | array_dot
2 | 745
1 | 165
(2 rows)
<li>Multiply an array by a scalar 3. <pre class="example">
SELECT id, madlib.array_scalar_mult(array1,3)
FROM array_tbl;
</pre> Result: <pre class="result">
id | array_scalar_mult
1 | {3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27}
2 | {3,3,0,3,3,6,9,297,24}
(2 rows)
<li>Construct a nine-element array with each element set to the value 1.3. <pre class="example">
SELECT madlib.array_fill(madlib.array_of_float(9), 1.3::float);
</pre> Result: <pre class="result">
(1 row)
<p><a class="anchor" id="related"></a></p><dl class="section user"><dt>Related Topics</dt><dd></dd></dl>
<p>File <a class="el" href="array__ops_8sql__in.html" title="implementation of array operations in SQL ">array_ops.sql_in</a> for list of functions and usage. </p>
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