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<div class="title">Pearson's correlation<div class="ingroups"><a class="el" href="group__grp__desc__stats.html">Descriptive Statistics</a></div></div> </div>
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<dl class="section user"><dt>About:</dt><dd></dd></dl>
<p>A correlation function is the degree and direction of association of two variables; how well can one random variable be predicted from the other. The coefficient of correlation varies from -1 to 1. Coefficient of 1 implies perfect correlation, 0 means no correlation, and -1 means perfect anti-correlation.</p>
<p>This function provides a cross-correlation matrix for all pairs of numeric columns in a <em>source_table</em>. A Correlation matrix describes correlation among \( M \) variables. It is a square symmetrical \( M \)x \(M \) matrix with the \( (ij) \)th element equal to the correlation coefficient between the \(i\)th and the \(j\)th variable. The diagonal elements (correlations of variables with themselves) are always equal to 1.0.</p>
<dl class="section user"><dt>Usage:</dt><dd></dd></dl>
<p>Currently the correlation function can be used in the following way: </p>
<pre class="fragment">SELECT {schema_madlib}.correlation
source_table TEXT, -- Source table name (Required)
output_table TEXT, -- Output table name (Required)
target_cols TEXT, -- Comma separated columns for which summary is desired
-- (Default: NULL - produces result for all columns)
</pre><p>Output will be a table with N+2 columns and N rows, where N is the number of target columns.</p>
<li>column_position: The first column provides position of the variable in the '<em>source_table</em>'</li>
<li>variable: The second column gives the row-header for each variable The rest of the table is the NxN correlation matrix for all pairs of numeric columns in <em>source_table</em>.</li>
<p>The output table is arranged as a lower-traingular matrix with the upper triangle set to NULL and the diagonal elements set to 1.0. To obtain the result from the '<em>output_table</em>' in this matrix format ensure to order the elements using the '<em>column_position</em>', as given in the example below.</p>
<pre class="fragment">sql&gt; SELECT * FROM output_table order by column_position;
</pre><dl class="section user"><dt>Examples:</dt><dd></dd></dl>
<pre class="fragment">DROP TABLE IF EXISTS example_data;
CREATE TABLE example_data(
outlook text,
temperature float8,
humidity float8,
windy text,
class text) ;
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('sunny', 85, 85, 'false', E'Don\\'t Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('sunny', 80, 90, 'true', E'Don\\'t Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('overcast', 83, 78, 'false', 'Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('rain', 70, 96, 'false', 'Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('rain', 68, 80, 'false', 'Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('rain', 65, 70, 'true', E'Don\\'t Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('overcast', 64, 65, 'true', 'Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('sunny', 72, 95, 'false', E'Don\\'t Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('sunny', 69, 70, 'false', 'Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('rain', 75, 80, 'false', 'Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('sunny', 75, 70, 'true', 'Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('overcast', 72, 90, 'true', 'Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('overcast', 81, 75, 'false', 'Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('rain', 71, 80, 'true', E'Don\\'t Play');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES(' ', 100, 100, 'true', ' ');
INSERT INTO example_data(outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, class) VALUES('', 110, 100, 'true', '');
SELECT madlib.correlation('example_data', 'example_data_output');
SELECT madlib.correlation('example_data', 'example_data_output', '*');
SELECT madlib.correlation('example_data', 'example_data_output', 'temperature, humidity');
</pre><p> To get the correlation matrix from output table: </p>
<pre class="fragment"> SELECT * from example_data_output order by column_position;
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