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<div class="ingroups"><a class="el" href="group__grp__desc__stats.html">Descriptive Statistics</a></div></div>
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<dl class="user"><dt><b>About:</b></dt><dd></dd></dl>
<p>'summary' is a generic function used to produce summary statistics of any data table. The function invokes particular 'methods' from the MADlib library to provide an overview of the data.</p>
<dl class="user"><dt><b>Usage:</b></dt><dd>The summary function can be invoked in the following way: <div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
SELECT MADlib.summary
source_table TEXT, -- Source table name (Required)
output_table TEXT, -- Output table name (Required)
target_cols TEXT, -- Comma separated columns for which summary is desired
-- (Default: NULL - produces result for all columns)
grouping_cols TEXT, -- Comma separated columns on which to group results
-- (Default: NULL - provides summary on complete table)
get_distinct BOOLEAN, -- Are distinct values required?
-- (Default: True)
get_quartiles BOOLEAN, -- Are quartiles required?
-- (Default: True)
ntile_array FLOAT8[], -- Array of quantile values to compute
-- (Default: NULL - Quantile array not included)
how_many_mfv INTEGER, -- How many most-frequent-values to compute?
-- (Default: 10)
get_estimates BOOLEAN -- Should we produce exact or estimated values?
) -- (Default: True)
<li>Currently, estimated values are only implemented for the distinct values computation.</li>
<li>The '<em>get_estimates</em>' parameter controls computation for two statistics<ul>
<li>If '<em>get_estimates</em>' is True then the distinct value computation is estimated. Further, the most frequent values computation is computed using a "quick and dirty" method that does parallel aggregation in GPDB at the expense of missing some of the most frequent values.</li>
<li>If '<em>get_estimates</em>' is False then the distinct values are computed in a slow but exact method. The most frequent values are computed using a faithful implementation that preserves the approximation guarantees of the Cormode/Muthukrishnan method (more information in <a class="el" href="group__grp__mfvsketch.html">MFV (Most Frequent Values)</a>)</li>
<p>The output of the function is a composite type containing: ouput_table TEXT, -- Name of the output table row_count INT4, -- Number of rows in the output table duration FLOAT8 -- Time taken (in seconds) to compute the summary</p>
<p>The summary stastics are stored in the 'output_table' relation provided in the arguments. The relation 'output_table' can contain the following table (presence of some columns depends on the argument values) </p>
<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
- group_by_column : Group-by column names (NULL if none provided)
- group_by_value : Values of the Group-by column (NULL if no grouping)
- target_column : Targeted column values for which summary is requested
- column_number : Physical column number for the target column, as described in pg_attribute
- data_type : Data type of target column. Standard GPDB descriptors will be displayed
- row_count : Number of rows for the target column
- distinct_values : Number of distinct values in the target column
- missing_values : Number of missing values in the target column
- blank_values : Number of blank values (blanks are defined by the regular expression '^\w*$')
- fraction_missing : Percentage of total rows that are missing. Will be expressed as a decimal (e.g. 0.3)
- fraction_blank : Percentage of total rows that are blank. Will be expressed as a decimal (e.g. 0.3)
- mean : Mean value of target column (if target is numeric, else NULL)
- variance : Variance of target columns (if target is numeric, else NULL for strings)
- min : Min value of target column (for strings this is the length of the shortest string)
- max : Max value of target column (for strings this is the length of the longest string)
- first_quartile : First quartile (25th percentile, only for numeric columns)
- median : Median value of target column (if target is numeric, else NULL)
- third_quartile : Third quartile (25th percentile, only for numeric columns)
- quantile_array : Percentile values corresponding to ntile_array
- most_frequent_values : Most frequent values
- mfv_frequencies : Frequency of the most frequent values
</pre></div><p>The output can be obtained as </p>
<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
sql&gt; SELECT * FROM 'output_table';
</pre></div><p>The usage information can be obtained at any time directly from the function using </p>
<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
sql&gt; SELECT summary('usage');
</pre></div> </div>
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