blob: b571e09ebead6a420008694376ba22dc02c532a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 'buildlib';
use Test::More tests => 11;
use Storable qw( freeze thaw );
use Lucy::Test;
use Lucy::Test::TestUtils qw( create_index );
use LucyX::Search::ProximityQuery;
# this is better than 'x a b c d a b c d' because its
# posting weight is higher, presumably because
# it is a shorter doc (higher density?)
my $best_match = 'a b c d x x a';
my @docs = (
1 .. 20,
'a b c a b c a b c d',
'x a b c d a b c d',
'a c b d', 'a x x x b x x x c x x x x x x d x',
$best_match, 'a' .. 'z',
my $folder = create_index(@docs);
my $searcher = Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher->new( index => $folder );
my $proximity_query = LucyX::Search::ProximityQuery->new(
field => 'content',
terms => [],
within => 10,
is( $proximity_query->to_string, 'content:""~10',
"empty ProximityQuery to_string" );
$proximity_query = LucyX::Search::ProximityQuery->new(
field => 'content',
terms => [qw( d a )],
within => 10,
is( $proximity_query->to_string, 'content:"d a"~10', "to_string" );
my $hits = $searcher->hits( query => $proximity_query );
is( $hits->total_hits, 2, "correct number of hits" );
my $first_hit = $hits->next;
is( $first_hit->{content}, $best_match, 'best match appears first' );
my $second_hit = $hits->next;
ok( $first_hit->get_score > $second_hit->get_score,
"best match scores higher: "
. $first_hit->get_score . " > "
. $second_hit->get_score
$proximity_query = LucyX::Search::ProximityQuery->new(
field => 'content',
terms => [qw( c a )],
within => 10,
$hits = $searcher->hits( query => $proximity_query );
is( $hits->total_hits, 3, 'avoid underflow when subtracting offset' );
$proximity_query = LucyX::Search::ProximityQuery->new(
field => 'content',
terms => [qw( b d )],
within => 10,
$hits = $searcher->hits( query => $proximity_query );
is( $hits->total_hits, 4, 'offset starting from zero' );
my $frozen = freeze($proximity_query);
my $thawed = thaw($frozen);
$hits = $searcher->hits( query => $thawed );
is( $hits->total_hits, 4, 'freeze/thaw' );
my $proximity_compiler = $proximity_query->make_compiler(
searcher => $searcher,
boost => $proximity_query->get_boost,
$frozen = freeze($proximity_compiler);
$thawed = thaw($frozen);
ok( $proximity_compiler->equals($thawed), "freeze/thaw compiler" );
$proximity_query = LucyX::Search::ProximityQuery->new(
field => 'content',
terms => [qw( x d )],
within => 4,
$hits = $searcher->hits( query => $proximity_query );
is( $hits->total_hits, 2, 'within range is exclusive' );
$proximity_query = LucyX::Search::ProximityQuery->new(
field => 'content',
terms => [qw( x d )],
within => 3,
$hits = $searcher->hits( query => $proximity_query );
is( $hits->total_hits, 1, 'within range is exclusive' );