blob: a4d8666e8ae63406acc0b0afff52a01b994f7f6b [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
package MySchema::LongTextField;
use base qw( Lucy::Plan::FullTextType );
use LucyX::Index::LongFieldSim;
sub make_similarity { LucyX::Index::LongFieldSim->new }
package MySchema;
use base qw( Lucy::Plan::Schema );
use Lucy::Analysis::StandardTokenizer;
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
my $analyzer = Lucy::Analysis::StandardTokenizer->new;
my $plain_type = Lucy::Plan::FullTextType->new( analyzer => $analyzer, );
my $long_field_type
= MySchema::LongTextField->new( analyzer => $analyzer, );
$self->spec_field( name => 'title', type => $plain_type );
$self->spec_field( name => 'body', type => $long_field_type );
return $self;
package main;
use Test::More tests => 9;
use Lucy::Test;
use bytes;
no bytes;
my $sim = Lucy::Index::Similarity->new;
my $twin = $sim->load( $sim->dump );
ok( $sim->equals($twin), "Dump/Load" );
cmp_ok( $sim->tf(10) - $sim->tf(9), '<', 1, "TF is damped" );
my $rare_idf = $sim->idf( doc_freq => 3, total_docs => 100 );
my $common_idf = $sim->idf( doc_freq => 50, total_docs => 100 );
cmp_ok( $rare_idf, '>', $common_idf, 'Rarer terms have higher IDF' );
my $less_coordinated = $sim->coord( overlap => 2, max_overlap => 5 );
my $more_coordinated = $sim->coord( overlap => 3, max_overlap => 5 );
cmp_ok( $less_coordinated, '<', $more_coordinated,
"greater overlap means bigger coord bonus" );
my @bytes = ( 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 );
my @floats = ( 0.015625, 0.09375, 0.5, 3.0, 16.0 );
my @transformed = map { $sim->decode_norm($_) } @bytes;
is_deeply( \@floats, \@transformed,
"decode_norm more or less matches Java Lucene behavior" );
@bytes = 0 .. 255;
@floats = map { $sim->decode_norm($_) } @bytes;
@transformed = map { $sim->encode_norm($_) } @floats;
is_deeply( \@transformed, \@bytes,
"encode_norm and decode_norm are complementary" );
my $norm_decoder = $sim->get_norm_decoder;
@transformed = ();
for ( 0 .. 255 ) {
push @transformed,
unpack( 'f', bytes::substr( $norm_decoder, $_ * 4, 4 ) );
is_deeply( \@transformed, \@floats,
"using the norm_decoder produces desired results" );
my $folder = Lucy::Store::RAMFolder->new;
my $indexer = Lucy::Index::Indexer->new(
index => $folder,
schema => MySchema->new,
my %source_docs = (
'spam' => 'spam spam',
'not spam' => 'not spam not even close to spam no spam here',
while ( my ( $title, $body ) = each %source_docs ) {
{ title => $title,
body => $body,
undef $indexer;
my $searcher = Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher->new( index => $folder );
my $hits = $searcher->hits(
query => Lucy::Search::TermQuery->new(
field => 'title',
term => 'spam',
is( $hits->next->{'title'},
'spam', "Default Similarity biased towards short fields" );
$hits = $searcher->hits(
query => Lucy::Search::TermQuery->new(
field => 'body',
term => 'spam',
is( $hits->next->{'title'},
'not spam', "LongFieldSim cancels short-field bias" );