blob: dfb4ca6392d9713bf2cd44a22b92b3ad52d15ba1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
parcel Lucy;
/** Basic search engine.
* Lucy::Simple is a stripped-down interface for the Apache Lucy search
* engine library.
public class Lucy::Simple {
Obj *index;
String *language;
Schema *schema;
FieldType *type;
Indexer *indexer;
IndexSearcher *searcher;
Hits *hits;
/** Create a Lucy::Simple object, which can be used for both indexing and
* searching. Both parameters `path` and `language` are required.
* @param path Where the index directory should be located. If no index
* is found at the specified location, one will be created.
* @param language The language of the documents in your collection,
* indicated by a two-letter ISO code. 12 languages are supported:
* |-----------------------|
* | Language | ISO code |
* |-----------------------|
* | Danish | da |
* | Dutch | nl |
* | English | en |
* | Finnish | fi |
* | French | fr |
* | German | de |
* | Italian | it |
* | Norwegian | no |
* | Portuguese | pt |
* | Spanish | es |
* | Swedish | sv |
* | Russian | ru |
* |-----------------------|
public inert Simple*
new(Obj *path, String *language);
/** Initialize a Lucy::Simple object.
public inert Simple*
init(Simple *self, Obj *path, String *language);
/** Add a document to the index.
public void
Add_Doc(Simple *self, Doc *doc);
/** Search the index. Returns the total number of documents which match
* the query. (This number is unlikely to match `num_wanted`.)
* @param query A search query string.
* @param offset The number of most-relevant hits to discard, typically
* used when "paging" through hits N at a time. Setting offset to 20 and
* num_wanted to 10 retrieves hits 21-30, assuming that 30 hits can be
* found.
* @param num_wanted The number of hits you would like to see after
* `offset` is taken into account.
* @param sort_spec A [](SortSpec), which will affect how results are
* ranked and returned.
public uint32_t
Search(Simple *self, String *query, uint32_t offset = 0,
uint32_t num_wanted = 10, SortSpec *sort_spec = NULL);
/** Return the next hit, or [](cfish:@null) when the iterator is exhausted.
public incremented nullable HitDoc*
Next(Simple *self);
Get_Indexer(Simple *self);
nullable Hits*
Get_Hits(Simple *self);
Finish_Indexing(Simple *self);
public void
Destroy(Simple *self);