blob: 3602ceef0761cab261786f1be1ca90fc726f816b [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 'buildlib';
use Test::More tests => 28;
use Lucy::Test::TestUtils qw( utf8_test_strings );
use Lucy::Util::StringHelper qw( utf8ify utf8_flag_off );
use bytes;
no bytes;
my ( @nums, $packed, $template, $ram_file );
sub check_round_trip {
my ( $type, $expected ) = @_;
my $write_method = "write_$type";
my $read_method = "read_$type";
my $file = Lucy::Store::RAMFile->new;
my $outstream = Lucy::Store::OutStream->open( file => $file )
or die Lucy->error;
$outstream->$write_method($_) for @$expected;
my $instream = Lucy::Store::InStream->open( file => $file )
or die Lucy->error;
my @got;
push @got, $instream->$read_method for @$expected;
is_deeply( \@got, $expected, $type );
return $file;
sub check_round_trip_bytes {
my ( $message, $expected ) = @_;
my $file = Lucy::Store::RAMFile->new;
my $outstream = Lucy::Store::OutStream->open( file => $file );
for (@$expected) {
$outstream->write_c32( bytes::length($_) );
my $instream = Lucy::Store::InStream->open( file => $file )
or die Lucy->error;
my @got;
for (@$expected) {
my $buf;
my $len = $instream->read_c32;
$instream->read( $buf, $len );
push @got, $buf;
is_deeply( \@got, $expected, $message );
return $file;
@nums = ( -128 .. 127 );
$packed = pack( 'c256', @nums );
$ram_file = check_round_trip( 'i8', \@nums );
is( $ram_file->get_contents, $packed,
"pack and write_i8 handle signed bytes identically" );
@nums = ( 0 .. 255 );
$packed = pack( 'C*', @nums );
$ram_file = check_round_trip( 'u8', \@nums );
is( $ram_file->get_contents, $packed,
"pack and write_u8 handle unsigned bytes identically" );
@nums = map { $_ * 1_000_000 + int( rand() * 1_000_000 ) } -1000 .. 1000;
push @nums, ( -1 * ( 2**31 ), 2**31 - 1 );
check_round_trip( 'i32', \@nums );
@nums = map { $_ * 1_000_000 + int( rand() * 1_000_000 ) } 1000 .. 3000;
push @nums, ( 0, 1, 2**32 - 1 );
$packed = pack( 'N*', @nums );
$ram_file = check_round_trip( 'u32', \@nums );
is( $ram_file->get_contents, $packed,
"pack and write_u32 handle unsigned int32s identically" );
@nums = map { $_ * 2 } 0 .. 5;
check_round_trip( 'u64', \@nums );
@nums = map { $_ * 2**31 } 0 .. 2000;
$_ += int( rand( 2**16 ) ) for @nums;
check_round_trip( 'u64', \@nums );
@nums = ( 0 .. 127 );
check_round_trip( 'c32', \@nums );
@nums = ( 128 .. 500 );
$packed = pack( 'w*', @nums );
$ram_file = check_round_trip( 'c32', \@nums );
is( $ram_file->get_contents, $packed, "C32 is equivalent to Perl's pack w" );
@nums = ( 0 .. 127 );
check_round_trip( 'c64', \@nums );
@nums = ( 128 .. 500 );
$packed = pack( 'w*', @nums );
$ram_file = check_round_trip( 'c64', \@nums );
is( $ram_file->get_contents, $packed, "C64 is equivalent to Perl's pack w" );
@nums = map { $_ * 2**31 } 0 .. 2000;
$_ += int( rand( 2**16 ) ) for @nums;
check_round_trip( 'c64', \@nums );
# rand (always?) has 64-bit precision, but we need 32-bit - so truncate via
# pack/unpack.
@nums = map {rand} 0 .. 100;
$packed = pack( 'f*', @nums );
@nums = unpack( 'f*', $packed );
check_round_trip( 'f32', \@nums );
@nums = map {rand} 0 .. 100;
check_round_trip( 'f64', \@nums );
my @items;
for ( 0, 22, 300 ) {
@items = ( 'a' x $_ );
check_round_trip_bytes( "buf of length $_", \@items );
check_round_trip( 'string', \@items );
my @stuff = ( qw( a b c d 1 ), "\n", "\0", " ", " ", "\xf0\x9d\x84\x9e" );
my @items = ();
for ( 1 .. 50 ) {
my $string_len = int( rand() * 5 );
my $str = '';
$str .= $stuff[ rand @stuff ] for 1 .. $string_len;
push @items, $str;
check_round_trip_bytes( "50 binary bufs", \@items );
my ( $smiley, $not_a_smiley, $frowny ) = utf8_test_strings();
check_round_trip( "string", [ $smiley, $frowny ] );
my $latin = "ma\x{f1}ana";
$ram_file = check_round_trip( "string", [$latin] );
my $unibytes = $latin;
my $slurped = $ram_file->get_contents;
substr( $slurped, 0, 1, "" ); # ditch c32 at head of string;
is( $slurped, $unibytes, "write_string upgrades to utf8" );