blob: bc11470395f2a257a7b91f883e3a7bb95b7ea5a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 20;
package TestObj;
use base qw( Lucy::Object::Obj );
our $version = $Lucy::VERSION;
package SonOfTestObj;
use base qw( TestObj );
sub to_string {
my $self = shift;
return "STRING: " . $self->SUPER::to_string;
sub serialize {
my ( $self, $outstream ) = @_;
sub deserialize {
my ( $self, $instream ) = @_;
$self = $self->SUPER::deserialize($instream);
return $self;
package BadSerialize;
use base qw( Lucy::Object::Obj );
sub serialize { }
package BadDump;
use base qw( Lucy::Object::Obj );
sub dump { }
package main;
use Storable qw( freeze thaw );
ok( defined $TestObj::version,
"Using base class should grant access to "
. "package globals in the Lucy:: namespace"
# TODO: Port this test to C.
eval { my $foo = Lucy::Object::Obj->new };
like( $@, qr/abstract/i, "Obj is an abstract class" );
my $object = TestObj->new;
isa_ok( $object, "Lucy::Object::Obj",
"Clownfish objects can be subclassed outside the Lucy hierarchy" );
# TODO: Port this test to C.
eval { my $twin = $object->clone };
like( $@, qr/abstract/i, "clone throws an abstract method exception" );
ok( $object->is_a("Lucy::Object::Obj"), "custom is_a correct" );
ok( !$object->is_a("Lucy::Object"), "custom is_a too long" );
ok( !$object->is_a("Lucy"), "custom is_a substring" );
ok( !$object->is_a(""), "custom is_a blank" );
ok( !$object->is_a("thing"), "custom is_a wrong" );
eval { my $another_obj = TestObj->new( kill_me_now => 1 ) };
like( $@, qr/kill_me_now/, "reject bad param" );
my $stringified_perl_obj = "$object";
require Lucy::Object::Hash;
my $hash = Lucy::Object::Hash->new;
$hash->store( foo => $object );
is( $object->get_refcount, 2, "refcount increased via C code" );
is( $object->get_refcount, 2, "refcount increased via C code" );
undef $object;
$object = $hash->fetch("foo");
is( "$object", $stringified_perl_obj, "same perl object as before" );
is( $object->get_refcount, 2, "correct refcount after retrieval" );
undef $hash;
is( $object->get_refcount, 1, "correct refcount after destruction of ref" );
my $copy = thaw( freeze($object) );
is( ref($copy), ref($object), "freeze/thaw" );
$object = SonOfTestObj->new;
like( $object->to_string, qr/STRING:.*?SonOfTestObj/,
"overridden XS bindings can be called via SUPER" );
my $frozen = freeze($object);
my $dupe = thaw($frozen);
is( ref($dupe), ref($object), "override serialize/deserialize" );
skip( "Invalid serialization causes leaks", 1 ) if $ENV{LUCY_VALGRIND};
my $bad = BadSerialize->new;
eval { my $froze = freeze($bad); };
like( $@, qr/empty/i,
"Don't allow subclasses to perform invalid serialization" );
skip( "Exception thrown within callback leaks", 1 )
$hash = Lucy::Object::Hash->new;
$hash->store( foo => BadDump->new );
eval { $hash->dump };
like( $@, qr/NULL/,
"Don't allow methods without nullable return values to return NULL" );