blob: e49021ced426cdbf2c1042c1e5c4b3d535ac78f5 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
parcel Lucy;
/** Judge how well a document matches a query.
* After determining whether a document matches a given query, a score must be
* calculated which indicates how I<well> the document matches the query. The
* Similarity class is used to judge how "similar" the query and the document
* are to each other; the closer the resemblance, they higher the document
* scores.
* The default implementation uses Lucene's modified cosine similarity
* measure. Subclasses might tweak the existing algorithms, or might be used
* in conjunction with custom Query subclasses to implement arbitrary scoring
* schemes.
* Most of the methods operate on single fields, but some are used to combine
* scores from multiple fields.
class Lucy::Index::Similarity cnick Sim
inherits Lucy::Object::Obj : dumpable {
float *norm_decoder;
inert incremented Similarity*
/** Constructor. Takes no arguments.
public inert Similarity*
init(Similarity *self);
/** Factory method for creating a Posting.
public incremented Posting*
Make_Posting(Similarity *self);
/** Factory method for creating a PostingWriter.
incremented PostingWriter*
Make_Posting_Writer(Similarity *self, Schema *schema, Snapshot *snapshot,
Segment *segment, PolyReader *polyreader,
int32_t field_num);
/** Return a score factor based on the frequency of a term in a given
* document. The default implementation is sqrt(freq). Other
* implementations typically produce ascending scores with ascending
* freqs, since the more times a doc matches, the more relevant it is
* likely to be.
public float
TF(Similarity *self, float freq);
/** Calculate the Inverse Document Frequecy for a term in a given
* collection.
* @param doc_freq The number of documents that the term appears in.
* @param total_docs The number of documents in the collection.
public float
IDF(Similarity *self, int64_t doc_freq, int64_t total_docs);
/** Calculate a score factor based on the number of terms which match.
public float
Coord(Similarity *self, uint32_t overlap, uint32_t max_overlap);
/** Dampen the scores of long documents.
* After a field is broken up into terms at index-time, each term must be
* assigned a weight. One of the factors in calculating this weight is
* the number of tokens that the original field was broken into.
* Typically, we assume that the more tokens in a field, the less
* important any one of them is -- so that, e.g. 5 mentions of "Kafka" in
* a short article are given more heft than 5 mentions of "Kafka" in an
* entire book. The default implementation of length_norm expresses this
* using an inverted square root.
* However, the inverted square root has a tendency to reward very short
* fields highly, which isn't always appropriate for fields you expect to
* have a lot of tokens on average.
public float
Length_Norm(Similarity *self, uint32_t num_tokens);
/** Normalize a Query's weight so that it is comparable to other Queries.
public float
Query_Norm(Similarity *self, float sum_of_squared_weights);
/** encode_norm and decode_norm encode and decode between 32-bit IEEE
* floating point numbers and a 5-bit exponent, 3-bit mantissa float. The
* range covered by the single-byte encoding is 7x10^9 to 2x10^-9. The
* accuracy is about one significant decimal digit.
Encode_Norm(Similarity *self, float f);
/** See encode_norm.
Decode_Norm(Similarity *self, uint32_t input);
Get_Norm_Decoder(Similarity *self);
public void
Destroy(Similarity *self);
public incremented Obj*
Dump(Similarity *self);
public incremented Similarity*
Load(Similarity *self, Obj *dump);
public bool_t
Equals(Similarity *self, Obj *other);
public void
Serialize(Similarity *self, OutStream *outstream);
public incremented Similarity*
Deserialize(Similarity *self, InStream *instream);