blob: 703ac5796583465d45b01da29b665145eb06a1a5 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
parcel Lucy;
/** Multi-segment implementation of IndexReader.
* PolyReader conflates index data from multiple segments. For instance, if
* an index contains three segments with 10 documents each, PolyReader's
* Doc_Max() method will return 30.
* Some of PolyReader's L<DataReader|Lucy::Index::DataReader> components
* may be less efficient or complete than the single-segment implementations
* accessed via L<SegReader|Lucy::Index::SegReader>.
class Lucy::Index::PolyReader inherits Lucy::Index::IndexReader {
VArray *sub_readers;
int32_t doc_max;
int32_t del_count;
I32Array *offsets;
public inert incremented nullable PolyReader*
open(Obj *index, Snapshot *snapshot = NULL, IndexManager *manager = NULL);
* @param index Either a string filepath or a L<Lucy::Folder>.
* @param snapshot A Snapshot. If not supplied, the most recent snapshot
* file will be used.
* @param manager An L<IndexManager|Lucy::Index::IndexManager>.
* Read-locking is off by default; supplying this argument turns it on.
public inert nullable PolyReader*
do_open(PolyReader *self, Obj *index, Snapshot *snapshot = NULL,
IndexManager *manager = NULL);
public inert incremented PolyReader*
new(Schema *schema = NULL, Folder *folder, Snapshot *snapshot = NULL,
IndexManager *manager = NULL, VArray *sub_readers = NULL);
public inert PolyReader*
init(PolyReader *self, Schema *schema = NULL, Folder *folder,
Snapshot *snapshot = NULL, IndexManager *manager = NULL,
VArray *sub_readers = NULL);
/** Attempt to open a SegReader for each Segment that the Snapshot knows
* about. If an exception occurs, catch it and return its error message.
* If the opening succeeds, return a VArray full of SegReaders.
incremented Obj*
Try_Open_SegReaders(PolyReader *self, VArray *segments);
/** Attempt to read a snapshot file. If the operation succeeds, return
* NULL. If an exception occurs, catch it and return its error message.
inert incremented nullable CharBuf*
try_read_snapshot(Snapshot *snapshot, Folder *folder,
const CharBuf *path);
inert CharBuf* race_condition_debug1;
inert int32_t debug1_num_passes;
/** Determine which sub-reader a document id belongs to.
inert uint32_t
sub_tick(I32Array *offsets, int32_t doc_id);
public int32_t
Doc_Max(PolyReader *self);
public int32_t
Doc_Count(PolyReader *self);
public int32_t
Del_Count(PolyReader *self);
public incremented I32Array*
Offsets(PolyReader *self);
public incremented VArray*
Seg_Readers(PolyReader *self);
Get_Seg_Readers(PolyReader *self);
public void
Close(PolyReader *self);
public void
Destroy(PolyReader *self);