blob: 48dbe1d9000902b60920b9094331790e03d6dc52 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 57;
use Clownfish::Type;
use Clownfish::Parser;
my $parser = Clownfish::Parser->new;
# Set and leave parcel.
my $parcel = $parser->parcel_definition('parcel Neato;')
or die "failed to process parcel_definition";
for my $bad_specifier (qw( foo fooBar Foo_Bar FOOBAR 1Foo 1FOO )) {
ok( !$parser->object_type_specifier($bad_specifier),
"reject bad object_type_specifier $bad_specifier"
eval {
my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_object(
parcel => 'Neato',
specifier => $bad_specifier,
like( $@, qr/specifier/,
"constructor rejects bad specifier $bad_specifier" );
for my $specifier (qw( Foo FooJr FooIII Foo4th )) {
is( $parser->object_type_specifier($specifier),
$specifier, "object_type_specifier: $specifier" );
is( $parser->object_type_specifier("neato_$specifier"),
"neato_$specifier", "object_type_specifier: neato_$specifier" );
my $type = $parser->object_type("$specifier*");
ok( $type && $type->is_object, "$specifier*" );
$type = $parser->object_type("neato_$specifier*");
ok( $type && $type->is_object, "neato_$specifier*" );
$type = $parser->object_type("const $specifier*");
ok( $type && $type->is_object, "const $specifier*" );
$type = $parser->object_type("incremented $specifier*");
ok( $type && $type->is_object, "incremented $specifier*" );
$type = $parser->object_type("decremented $specifier*");
ok( $type && $type->is_object, "decremented $specifier*" );
eval { my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_object };
like( $@, qr/specifier/i, "specifier required" );
for ( 0, 2 ) {
eval {
my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_object(
specifier => 'Foo',
indirection => $_,
like( $@, qr/indirection/i, "invalid indirection of $_" );
my $foo_type = Clownfish::Type->new_object( specifier => 'Foo' );
my $another_foo = Clownfish::Type->new_object( specifier => 'Foo' );
ok( $foo_type->equals($another_foo), "equals" );
my $bar_type = Clownfish::Type->new_object( specifier => 'Bar' );
ok( !$foo_type->equals($bar_type), "different specifier spoils equals" );
my $foreign_foo = Clownfish::Type->new_object(
specifier => 'Foo',
parcel => 'Foreign',
ok( !$foo_type->equals($foreign_foo), "different parcel spoils equals" );
is( $foreign_foo->get_specifier, "foreign_Foo",
"prepend parcel prefix to specifier" );
my $incremented_foo = Clownfish::Type->new_object(
specifier => 'Foo',
incremented => 1,
ok( $incremented_foo->incremented, "incremented" );
ok( !$foo_type->incremented, "not incremented" );
ok( !$foo_type->equals($incremented_foo),
"different incremented spoils equals"
my $decremented_foo = Clownfish::Type->new_object(
specifier => 'Foo',
decremented => 1,
ok( $decremented_foo->decremented, "decremented" );
ok( !$foo_type->decremented, "not decremented" );
ok( !$foo_type->equals($decremented_foo),
"different decremented spoils equals"
my $const_foo = Clownfish::Type->new_object(
specifier => 'Foo',
const => 1,
ok( !$foo_type->equals($const_foo), "different const spoils equals" );
like( $const_foo->to_c, qr/const/, "const included in C representation" );
my $string_type = Clownfish::Type->new_object( specifier => 'CharBuf', );
ok( !$foo_type->is_string_type, "Not is_string_type" );
ok( $string_type->is_string_type, "is_string_type" );