blob: 65a5005b2bcdf87155504da311f5e11fb14cff5b [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
package ClownfishyThing;
use base qw( Clownfish::Symbol );
sub new {
return shift->SUPER::new( micro_sym => 'sym', exposure => 'parcel', @_ );
package main;
use Test::More tests => 44;
for (qw( foo FOO 1Foo Foo_Bar FOOBAR 1FOOBAR )) {
eval { my $thing = ClownfishyThing->new( class_name => $_ ) };
like( $@, qr/class_name/, "Reject invalid class name $_" );
my $bogus_middle = "Foo::" . $_ . "::Bar";
eval { my $thing = ClownfishyThing->new( class_name => $bogus_middle ) };
like( $@, qr/class_name/, "Reject invalid class name $bogus_middle" );
my @exposures = qw( public private parcel local );
for my $exposure (@exposures) {
my $thing = ClownfishyThing->new( exposure => $exposure );
ok( $thing->$exposure, "exposure $exposure" );
my @not_exposures = grep { $_ ne $exposure } @exposures;
ok( !$thing->$_, "$exposure means not $_" ) for @not_exposures;
my $foo = ClownfishyThing->new( class_name => 'Foo' );
my $foo_jr = ClownfishyThing->new( class_name => 'Foo::FooJr' );
ok( !$foo->equals($foo_jr), "different class_name spoils equals" );
is( $foo_jr->get_class_name, "Foo::FooJr", "get_class_name" );
is( $foo_jr->get_class_cnick, "FooJr", "derive class_cnick from class_name" );
my $public_exposure = ClownfishyThing->new( exposure => 'public' );
my $parcel_exposure = ClownfishyThing->new( exposure => 'parcel' );
ok( !$public_exposure->equals($parcel_exposure),
"different exposure spoils equals"
my $lucifer_parcel = Clownfish::Parcel->singleton( name => 'Lucifer' );
my $lucifer = ClownfishyThing->new( parcel => 'Lucifer' );
ok( $lucifer_parcel == $lucifer->get_parcel, "derive parcel" );
is( $lucifer->get_prefix, "lucifer_", "get_prefix" );
is( $lucifer->get_Prefix, "Lucifer_", "get_Prefix" );
is( $lucifer->get_PREFIX, "LUCIFER_", "get_PREFIX" );
my $luser = ClownfishyThing->new( parcel => 'Luser' );
ok( !$lucifer->equals($luser), "different parcel spoils equals" );
for ( qw( 1foo * 0 ), "\x{263a}" ) {
eval { my $thing = ClownfishyThing->new( micro_sym => $_ ); };
like( $@, qr/micro_sym/, "reject bad micro_sym" );
my $ooga = ClownfishyThing->new( micro_sym => 'ooga' );
my $booga = ClownfishyThing->new( micro_sym => 'booga' );
ok( !$ooga->equals($booga), "Different micro_sym spoils equals()" );
my $eep = ClownfishyThing->new(
parcel => 'Eep',
class_name => "Op::Ork",
micro_sym => 'ah_ah',
is( $eep->short_sym, "Ork_ah_ah", "short_sym" );
is( $eep->full_sym, "eep_Ork_ah_ah", "full_sym" );