blob: 11f89131bb355428201006f5d0bce4afd4bd2c33 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
package Clownfish::Type;
use Clownfish;
use Clownfish::Parcel;
use Clownfish::Util qw( verify_args a_isa_b );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
use Carp;
our %new_PARAMS = (
const => undef,
specifier => undef,
indirection => undef,
parcel => undef,
c_string => undef,
void => undef,
object => undef,
primitive => undef,
integer => undef,
floating => undef,
string_type => undef,
va_list => undef,
arbitrary => undef,
composite => undef,
sub new {
my ( $either, %args ) = @_;
my $package = ref($either) || $either;
verify_args( \%new_PARAMS, %args ) or confess $@;
my $flags = 0;
$flags |= CONST if $args{const};
$flags |= NULLABLE if $args{nullable};
$flags |= VOID if $args{void};
$flags |= OBJECT if $args{object};
$flags |= PRIMITIVE if $args{primitive};
$flags |= INTEGER if $args{integer};
$flags |= FLOATING if $args{floating};
$flags |= STRING_TYPE if $args{string_type};
$flags |= VA_LIST if $args{va_list};
$flags |= ARBITRARY if $args{arbitrary};
$flags |= COMPOSITE if $args{composite};
my $parcel
= $args{parcel}
? Clownfish::Parcel->acquire( $args{parcel} )
: $args{parcel};
my $indirection = $args{indirection} || 0;
my $specifier = $args{specifier} || '';
my $c_string = $args{c_string} || '';
return $package->_new( $flags, $parcel, $specifier, $indirection,
$c_string );
our %new_integer_PARAMS = (
const => undef,
specifier => undef,
sub new_integer {
my ( $either, %args ) = @_;
verify_args( \%new_integer_PARAMS, %args ) or confess $@;
my $flags = 0;
$flags |= CONST if $args{const};
my $package = ref($either) || $either;
return $package->_new_integer( $flags, $args{specifier} );
our %new_float_PARAMS = (
const => undef,
specifier => undef,
sub new_float {
my ( $either, %args ) = @_;
verify_args( \%new_float_PARAMS, %args ) or confess $@;
my $flags = 0;
$flags |= CONST if $args{const};
my $package = ref($either) || $either;
return $package->_new_float( $flags, $args{specifier} );
our %new_object_PARAMS = (
const => undef,
specifier => undef,
indirection => 1,
parcel => undef,
incremented => 0,
decremented => 0,
nullable => 0,
sub new_object {
my ( $either, %args ) = @_;
verify_args( \%new_object_PARAMS, %args ) or confess $@;
my $flags = 0;
$flags |= INCREMENTED if $args{incremented};
$flags |= DECREMENTED if $args{decremented};
$flags |= NULLABLE if $args{nullable};
$flags |= CONST if $args{const};
$args{indirection} = 1 unless defined $args{indirection};
my $parcel = Clownfish::Parcel->acquire( $args{parcel} );
my $package = ref($either) || $either;
confess("Missing required param 'specifier'")
unless defined $args{specifier};
return $package->_new_object( $flags, $parcel, $args{specifier},
$args{indirection} );
our %new_composite_PARAMS = (
child => undef,
indirection => undef,
array => undef,
nullable => undef,
sub new_composite {
my ( $either, %args ) = @_;
verify_args( \%new_composite_PARAMS, %args ) or confess $@;
my $flags = 0;
$flags |= NULLABLE if $args{nullable};
my $indirection = $args{indirection} || 0;
my $array = defined $args{array} ? $args{array} : "";
my $package = ref($either) || $either;
return $package->_new_composite( $flags, $args{child}, $indirection,
$array );
our %new_void_PARAMS = ( const => undef, );
sub new_void {
my ( $either, %args ) = @_;
verify_args( \%new_void_PARAMS, %args ) or confess $@;
my $package = ref($either) || $either;
return $package->_new_void( !!$args{const} );
sub new_va_list {
my $either = shift;
verify_args( {}, @_ ) or confess $@;
my $package = ref($either) || $either;
return $either->_new_va_list();
our %new_arbitrary_PARAMS = (
parcel => undef,
specifier => undef,
sub new_arbitrary {
my ( $either, %args ) = @_;
verify_args( \%new_arbitrary_PARAMS, %args ) or confess $@;
my $package = ref($either) || $either;
my $parcel = Clownfish::Parcel->acquire( $args{parcel} );
return $package->_new_arbitrary( $parcel, $args{specifier} );
=head1 NAME
Clownfish::Type - A variable's type.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
my $type = MyType->new(
specifier => 'char', # default undef
indirection => undef, # default 0
const => 1, # default undef
parcel => undef, # default undef
c_string => undef, # default undef
Generic constructor.
=item *
B<specifier> - The C name for the type, not including any indirection or array
=item *
B<indirection> - integer indicating level of indirection. Example: the C type
"float**" has a specifier of "float" and indirection 2.
=item *
B<const> - should be true if the type is const.
=item *
B<parcel> - A Clownfish::Parcel or a parcel name.
=item *
B<c_string> - The C representation of the type.
=head2 new_integer
my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_integer(
const => 1, # default: undef
specifier => 'char', # required
Return a Type representing an integer primitive.
Support is limited to a subset of the standard C integer types:
Many others are not supported: "signed" or "unsigned" anything, "long long",
"ptrdiff_t", "off_t", etc.
The following Charmonizer typedefs are supported:
=item * B<const> - Should be true if the type is const.
=item * B<specifier> - Must match one of the supported types.
=head2 new_float
my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_float(
const => 1, # default: undef
specifier => 'double', # required
Return a Type representing a floating point primitive.
Two specifiers are supported:
=item * B<const> - Should be true if the type is const.
=item * B<specifier> - Must match one of the supported types.
=head2 new_composite
my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_composite(
child => $char_type, # required
indirection => undef, # default 0
array => '[]', # default undef,
const => 1, # default undef
Constructor for a composite type which is made up of repetitions of a single,
uniform subtype.
=item *
B<child> - The Type which the composite is comprised of.
=item *
B<indirection> - integer indicating level of indirection. Example: the C type
"float**" has indirection 2.
=item *
B<array> - A string describing an array postfix.
=item *
B<const> - should be 1 if the type is const.
=head2 new_object
my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_object(
specifier => "Lobster", # required
parcel => "Crustacean", # default: the default Parcel.
const => undef, # default undef
indirection => 1, # default 1
incremented => 1, # default 0
decremented => 0, # default 0
nullable => 1, # default 0
Create a Type representing an object. The Type's C<specifier> must match the
last component of the class name -- i.e. for the class "Crustacean::Lobster"
it must be "Lobster".
=item * B<specifier> - Required. Must follow the rules for
L<Clownfish::Class> class name components.
=item * B<parcel> - A L<Clownfish::Parcel> or a parcel name.
=item * B<const> - Should be true if the Type is const. Note that this refers
to the object itself and not the pointer.
=item * B<indirection> - Level of indirection. Must be 1 if supplied.
=item * B<incremented> - Indicate whether the caller must take responsibility
for an added refcount.
=item * B<decremented> - Indicate whether the caller must account for
for a refcount decrement.
=item * B<nullable> - Indicate whether the object specified by this type may
be NULL.
The Parcel's prefix will be prepended to the specifier by new_object().
=head2 new_void
my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_void(
specifier => 'void', # default: void
const => 1, # default: undef
Return a Type representing a the 'void' keyword in C. It can be used either
for a void return type, or in conjuction with with new_composite() to support
the C<void*> opaque pointer type.
=item * B<specifier> - Must be "void" if supplied.
=item * B<const> - Should be true if the type is const. (Useful in the
context of C<const void*>).
=head2 new_va_list
my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_va_list(
specifier => 'va_list', # default: va_list
Create a Type representing C's va_list, from stdarg.h.
=item * B<specifier>. Must be "va_list" if supplied.
=head2 new_arbitrary
my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_arbitrary(
specifier => 'floatint_t', # required
parcel => 'Crustacean', # default: undef
"Arbitrary" types are a hack that spares us from having to support C types
with complex declaration syntaxes -- such as unions, structs, enums, or
function pointers -- from within Clownfish itself.
The only constraint is that the C<specifier> must end in "_t". This allows us
to create complex types in a C header file...
typedef union { float f; int i; } floatint_t;
... pound-include the C header, then use the resulting typedef in a Clownfish
header file and have it parse as an "arbitrary" type.
floatint_t floatint;
=item * B<specifier> - The name of the type, which must end in "_t".
=item * B<parcel> - A L<Clownfish::Parcel> or a parcel name.
If C<parcel> is supplied and C<specifier> begins with a capital letter, the
Parcel's prefix will be prepended to the specifier:
foo_t -> foo_t # no prefix prepending
Lobster_foo_t -> crust_Lobster_foo_t # prefix prepended
=head2 equals
do_stuff() if $type->equals($other);
Returns true if two Clownfish::Type objects are equivalent.
=head2 similar
do_stuff() if $type->similar($other_type);
Weak checking of type which allows for covariant return types. Calling this
method on anything other than an object type is an error.
=head2 to_c
# Declare variable "foo".
print $type->to_c . " foo;\n";
Return the C representation of the type.
=head2 set_c_string
Set the C representation of the type.
=head2 get_specifier get_parcel get_indirection get_array const nullable set_specifier set_nullable
=head2 is_object is_primitive is_integer is_floating is_composite is_void
do_stuff() if $type->is_object;
Identify the flavor of Type, which is determined by the constructor which was
used to create it.
=item * is_object: Clownfish::Type->new_object
=item * is_primitive: Either Clownfish::Type->new_integer or
=item * is_integer: Clownfish::Type->new_integer
=item * is_floating: Clownfish::Type->new_float
=item * is_void: Clownfish::Type->new_void
=item * is_composite: Clownfish::Type->new_composite
=head2 is_string_type
Returns true if $type represents a Clownfish type which holds unicode
=head2 incremented
Returns true if the Type is incremented. Only applicable to object Types.
=head2 decremented
Returns true if the Type is decremented. Only applicable to object Types.