blob: 0bab089e4d5236b6460d33f3521b7a524eab82c5 [file] [log] [blame]
using J2N;
using J2N.Collections.Generic.Extensions;
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Lucene.Net.Search
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using ArrayUtil = Lucene.Net.Util.ArrayUtil;
/// <summary>
/// A <see cref="Scorer"/> for OR like queries, counterpart of <see cref="ConjunctionScorer"/>.
/// This <see cref="Scorer"/> implements <see cref="DocIdSetIterator.Advance(int)"/> and uses Advance() on the given <see cref="Scorer"/>s.
/// <para/>
/// This implementation uses the minimumMatch constraint actively to efficiently
/// prune the number of candidates, it is hence a mixture between a pure <see cref="DisjunctionScorer"/>
/// and a <see cref="ConjunctionScorer"/>.
/// </summary>
internal class MinShouldMatchSumScorer : Scorer
/// <summary>
/// The overall number of non-finalized scorers </summary>
private int numScorers;
/// <summary>
/// The minimum number of scorers that should match </summary>
private readonly int mm;
/// <summary>
/// A static array of all subscorers sorted by decreasing cost </summary>
private readonly Scorer[] sortedSubScorers;
/// <summary>
/// A monotonically increasing index into the array pointing to the next subscorer that is to be excluded </summary>
private int sortedSubScorersIdx = 0;
private readonly Scorer[] subScorers; // the first numScorers-(mm-1) entries are valid
private int nrInHeap; // 0..(numScorers-(mm-1)-1)
/// <summary>
/// mmStack is supposed to contain the most costly subScorers that still did
/// not run out of docs, sorted by increasing sparsity of docs returned by that subScorer.
/// For now, the cost of subscorers is assumed to be inversely correlated with sparsity.
/// </summary>
private readonly Scorer[] mmStack; // of size mm-1:, always full
/// <summary>
/// The document number of the current match. </summary>
private int doc = -1;
/// <summary>
/// The number of subscorers that provide the current match. </summary>
protected int m_nrMatchers = -1;
private double score = float.NaN;
/// <summary>
/// Construct a <see cref="MinShouldMatchSumScorer"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="weight"> The weight to be used. </param>
/// <param name="subScorers"> A collection of at least two subscorers. </param>
/// <param name="minimumNrMatchers"> The positive minimum number of subscorers that should
/// match to match this query.
/// <para/>When <paramref name="minimumNrMatchers"/> is bigger than
/// the number of <paramref name="subScorers"/>, no matches will be produced.
/// <para/>When <paramref name="minimumNrMatchers"/> equals the number of <paramref name="subScorers"/>,
/// it is more efficient to use <see cref="ConjunctionScorer"/>. </param>
public MinShouldMatchSumScorer(Weight weight, IList<Scorer> subScorers, int minimumNrMatchers)
: base(weight)
this.nrInHeap = this.numScorers = subScorers.Count;
if (minimumNrMatchers <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Minimum nr of matchers must be positive");
if (numScorers <= 1)
throw new ArgumentException("There must be at least 2 subScorers");
} = minimumNrMatchers;
this.sortedSubScorers = subScorers.ToArray();
// sorting by decreasing subscorer cost should be inversely correlated with
// next docid (assuming costs are due to generating many postings)
ArrayUtil.TimSort(sortedSubScorers, Comparer<Scorer>.Create((o1, o2) => (o2.GetCost() - o1.GetCost()).Signum()));
// take mm-1 most costly subscorers aside
this.mmStack = new Scorer[mm - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < mm - 1; i++)
mmStack[i] = sortedSubScorers[i];
nrInHeap -= mm - 1;
this.sortedSubScorersIdx = mm - 1;
// take remaining into heap, if any, and heapify
this.subScorers = new Scorer[nrInHeap];
for (int i = 0; i < nrInHeap; i++)
this.subScorers[i] = this.sortedSubScorers[mm - 1 + i];
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(MinheapCheck());
/// <summary>
/// Construct a <see cref="DisjunctionScorer"/>, using one as the minimum number
/// of matching <paramref name="subScorers"/>.
/// </summary>
public MinShouldMatchSumScorer(Weight weight, IList<Scorer> subScorers)
: this(weight, subScorers, 1)
public override sealed ICollection<ChildScorer> GetChildren()
List<ChildScorer> children = new List<ChildScorer>(numScorers);
for (int i = 0; i < numScorers; i++)
children.Add(new ChildScorer(subScorers[i], "SHOULD"));
return children;
public override int NextDoc()
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(doc != NO_MORE_DOCS);
while (true)
// to remove current doc, call next() on all subScorers on current doc within heap
while (subScorers[0].DocID == doc)
if (subScorers[0].NextDoc() != NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (numScorers < mm)
return doc = NO_MORE_DOCS;
//assert minheapCheck();
if (m_nrMatchers >= mm) // doc satisfies mm constraint
return doc;
private void EvaluateSmallestDocInHeap()
// within heap, subScorer[0] now contains the next candidate doc
doc = subScorers[0].DocID;
if (doc == NO_MORE_DOCS)
m_nrMatchers = int.MaxValue; // stop looping
// 1. score and count number of matching subScorers within heap
score = subScorers[0].GetScore();
m_nrMatchers = 1;
// 2. score and count number of matching subScorers within stack,
// short-circuit: stop when mm can't be reached for current doc, then perform on heap next()
// TODO instead advance() might be possible, but complicates things
for (int i = mm - 2; i >= 0; i--) // first advance sparsest subScorer
if (mmStack[i].DocID >= doc || mmStack[i].Advance(doc) != NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (mmStack[i].DocID == doc) // either it was already on doc, or got there via advance()
score += mmStack[i].GetScore();
} // scorer advanced to next after doc, check if enough scorers left for current doc
if (m_nrMatchers + i < mm) // too few subScorers left, abort advancing
return; // continue looping TODO consider advance() here
} // subScorer exhausted
if (numScorers < mm) // too few subScorers left
m_nrMatchers = int.MaxValue; // stop looping
if (mm - 2 - i > 0)
// shift RHS of array left
Array.Copy(mmStack, i + 1, mmStack, i, mm - 2 - i);
// find next most costly subScorer within heap TODO can this be done better?
while (!MinheapRemove(sortedSubScorers[sortedSubScorersIdx++]))
//assert minheapCheck();
// add the subScorer removed from heap to stack
mmStack[mm - 2] = sortedSubScorers[sortedSubScorersIdx - 1];
if (m_nrMatchers + i < mm) // too few subScorers left, abort advancing
return; // continue looping TODO consider advance() here
// TODO: this currently scores, but so did the previous impl
// TODO: remove recursion.
// TODO: consider separating scoring out of here, then modify this
// and afterNext() to terminate when nrMatchers == minimumNrMatchers
// then also change freq() to just always compute it from scratch
private void CountMatches(int root)
if (root < nrInHeap && subScorers[root].DocID == doc)
score += subScorers[root].GetScore();
CountMatches((root << 1) + 1);
CountMatches((root << 1) + 2);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the score of the current document matching the query. Initially
/// invalid, until <see cref="NextDoc()"/> is called the first time.
/// </summary>
public override float GetScore()
return (float)score;
public override int DocID => doc;
public override int Freq => m_nrMatchers;
/// <summary>
/// Advances to the first match beyond the current whose document number is
/// greater than or equal to a given target.
/// <para/>
/// The implementation uses the Advance() method on the subscorers.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target"> The target document number. </param>
/// <returns> The document whose number is greater than or equal to the given
/// target, or -1 if none exist. </returns>
public override int Advance(int target)
if (numScorers < mm)
return doc = NO_MORE_DOCS;
// advance all Scorers in heap at smaller docs to at least target
while (subScorers[0].DocID < target)
if (subScorers[0].Advance(target) != NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (numScorers < mm)
return doc = NO_MORE_DOCS;
//assert minheapCheck();
if (m_nrMatchers >= mm)
return doc;
return NextDoc();
public override long GetCost()
// cost for merging of lists analog to DisjunctionSumScorer
long costCandidateGeneration = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nrInHeap; i++)
costCandidateGeneration += subScorers[i].GetCost();
// TODO is cost for advance() different to cost for iteration + heap merge
// and how do they compare overall to pure disjunctions?
const float c1 = 1.0f, c2 = 1.0f; // maybe a constant, maybe a proportion between costCandidateGeneration and sum(subScorer_to_be_advanced.cost())?
return (long)(c1 * costCandidateGeneration + c2 * costCandidateGeneration * (mm - 1)); // advance() cost - heap-merge cost
/// <summary>
/// Organize <see cref="subScorers"/> into a min heap with scorers generating the earliest document on top.
/// </summary>
protected void MinheapHeapify()
for (int i = (nrInHeap >> 1) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
/// <summary>
/// The subtree of <see cref="subScorers"/> at root is a min heap except possibly for its root element.
/// Bubble the root down as required to make the subtree a heap.
/// </summary>
protected void MinheapSiftDown(int root)
// TODO could this implementation also move rather than swapping neighbours?
Scorer scorer = subScorers[root];
int doc = scorer.DocID;
int i = root;
while (i <= (nrInHeap >> 1) - 1)
int lchild = (i << 1) + 1;
Scorer lscorer = subScorers[lchild];
int ldoc = lscorer.DocID;
int rdoc = int.MaxValue, rchild = (i << 1) + 2;
Scorer rscorer = null;
if (rchild < nrInHeap)
rscorer = subScorers[rchild];
rdoc = rscorer.DocID;
if (ldoc < doc)
if (rdoc < ldoc)
subScorers[i] = rscorer;
subScorers[rchild] = scorer;
i = rchild;
subScorers[i] = lscorer;
subScorers[lchild] = scorer;
i = lchild;
else if (rdoc < doc)
subScorers[i] = rscorer;
subScorers[rchild] = scorer;
i = rchild;
protected void MinheapSiftUp(int i)
Scorer scorer = subScorers[i];
int doc = scorer.DocID;
// find right place for scorer
while (i > 0)
int parent = (i - 1) >> 1;
Scorer pscorer = subScorers[parent];
int pdoc = pscorer.DocID;
if (pdoc > doc) // move root down, make space
subScorers[i] = subScorers[parent];
i = parent;
} // done, found right place
subScorers[i] = scorer;
/// <summary>
/// Remove the root <see cref="Scorer"/> from <see cref="subScorers"/> and re-establish it as a heap
/// </summary>
protected void MinheapRemoveRoot()
if (nrInHeap == 1)
//subScorers[0] = null; // not necessary
nrInHeap = 0;
subScorers[0] = subScorers[nrInHeap];
//subScorers[nrInHeap] = null; // not necessary
/// <summary>
/// Removes a given <see cref="Scorer"/> from the heap by placing end of heap at that
/// position and bubbling it either up or down
/// </summary>
protected bool MinheapRemove(Scorer scorer)
// find scorer: O(nrInHeap)
for (int i = 0; i < nrInHeap; i++)
if (subScorers[i] == scorer) // remove scorer
subScorers[i] = subScorers[--nrInHeap];
//if (i != nrInHeap) subScorers[nrInHeap] = null; // not necessary
return true;
return false; // scorer already exhausted
internal virtual bool MinheapCheck()
return MinheapCheck(0);
private bool MinheapCheck(int root)
if (root >= nrInHeap)
return true;
int lchild = (root << 1) + 1;
int rchild = (root << 1) + 2;
if (lchild < nrInHeap && subScorers[root].DocID > subScorers[lchild].DocID)
return false;
if (rchild < nrInHeap && subScorers[root].DocID > subScorers[rchild].DocID)
return false;
return MinheapCheck(lchild) && MinheapCheck(rchild);