blob: 8a0ec5ef38f20c838b2cd006cb4bf9b8997ad915 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
using J2N.Collections.Generic.Extensions;
using Lucene.Net.Analysis;
using Lucene.Net.Documents;
using Lucene.Net.Index;
using Lucene.Net.Index.Extensions;
using Lucene.Net.Queries.Function;
using Lucene.Net.Queries.Function.ValueSources;
using Lucene.Net.Search.Grouping.Function;
using Lucene.Net.Search.Grouping.Terms;
using Lucene.Net.Store;
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using Lucene.Net.Util.Mutable;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Console = Lucene.Net.Util.SystemConsole;
using JCG = J2N.Collections.Generic;
namespace Lucene.Net.Search.Grouping
// - should test relevance sort too
// - test null
// - test ties
// - test compound sort
public class TestGrouping : LuceneTestCase
public virtual void TestBasic()
string groupField = "author";
FieldType customType = new FieldType();
customType.IsStored = (true);
Directory dir = NewDirectory();
RandomIndexWriter w = new RandomIndexWriter(
new MockAnalyzer(Random)).SetMergePolicy(NewLogMergePolicy()));
bool canUseIDV = !"Lucene3x".Equals(w.IndexWriter.Config.Codec.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal);
// 0
Document doc = new Document();
AddGroupField(doc, groupField, "author1", canUseIDV);
doc.Add(new TextField("content", "random text", Field.Store.YES));
doc.Add(new Field("id", "1", customType));
// 1
doc = new Document();
AddGroupField(doc, groupField, "author1", canUseIDV);
doc.Add(new TextField("content", "some more random text", Field.Store.YES));
doc.Add(new Field("id", "2", customType));
// 2
doc = new Document();
AddGroupField(doc, groupField, "author1", canUseIDV);
doc.Add(new TextField("content", "some more random textual data", Field.Store.YES));
doc.Add(new Field("id", "3", customType));
// 3
doc = new Document();
AddGroupField(doc, groupField, "author2", canUseIDV);
doc.Add(new TextField("content", "some random text", Field.Store.YES));
doc.Add(new Field("id", "4", customType));
// 4
doc = new Document();
AddGroupField(doc, groupField, "author3", canUseIDV);
doc.Add(new TextField("content", "some more random text", Field.Store.YES));
doc.Add(new Field("id", "5", customType));
// 5
doc = new Document();
AddGroupField(doc, groupField, "author3", canUseIDV);
doc.Add(new TextField("content", "random", Field.Store.YES));
doc.Add(new Field("id", "6", customType));
// 6 -- no author field
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new TextField("content", "random word stuck in alot of other text", Field.Store.YES));
doc.Add(new Field("id", "6", customType));
IndexSearcher indexSearcher = NewSearcher(w.GetReader());
Sort groupSort = Sort.RELEVANCE;
if (canUseIDV && Random.nextBoolean())
groupField += "_dv";
IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<object> c1 = CreateRandomFirstPassCollector(groupField, groupSort, 10);
indexSearcher.Search(new TermQuery(new Index.Term("content", "random")), c1);
IAbstractSecondPassGroupingCollector<object> c2 = CreateSecondPassCollector(c1, groupField, groupSort, null, 0, 5, true, true, true);
indexSearcher.Search(new TermQuery(new Index.Term("content", "random")), c2);
ITopGroups<object> groups = c2.GetTopGroups(0);
assertEquals(7, groups.TotalHitCount);
assertEquals(7, groups.TotalGroupedHitCount);
assertEquals(4, groups.Groups.Length);
// relevance order: 5, 0, 3, 4, 1, 2, 6
// the later a document is added the higher this docId
// value
IGroupDocs<object> group = groups.Groups[0];
CompareGroupValue("author3", group);
assertEquals(2, group.ScoreDocs.Length);
assertEquals(5, group.ScoreDocs[0].Doc);
assertEquals(4, group.ScoreDocs[1].Doc);
assertTrue(group.ScoreDocs[0].Score > group.ScoreDocs[1].Score);
group = groups.Groups[1];
CompareGroupValue("author1", group);
assertEquals(3, group.ScoreDocs.Length);
assertEquals(0, group.ScoreDocs[0].Doc);
assertEquals(1, group.ScoreDocs[1].Doc);
assertEquals(2, group.ScoreDocs[2].Doc);
assertTrue(group.ScoreDocs[0].Score > group.ScoreDocs[1].Score);
assertTrue(group.ScoreDocs[1].Score > group.ScoreDocs[2].Score);
group = groups.Groups[2];
CompareGroupValue("author2", group);
assertEquals(1, group.ScoreDocs.Length);
assertEquals(3, group.ScoreDocs[0].Doc);
group = groups.Groups[3];
CompareGroupValue(null, group);
assertEquals(1, group.ScoreDocs.Length);
assertEquals(6, group.ScoreDocs[0].Doc);
private void AddGroupField(Document doc, string groupField, string value, bool canUseIDV)
doc.Add(new TextField(groupField, value, Field.Store.YES));
if (canUseIDV)
doc.Add(new SortedDocValuesField(groupField + "_dv", new BytesRef(value)));
private IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<object> CreateRandomFirstPassCollector(string groupField, Sort groupSort, int topDocs)
IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<object> selected;
if (Random.nextBoolean())
ValueSource vs = new BytesRefFieldSource(groupField);
selected = new FunctionFirstPassGroupingCollector(vs, new Hashtable(), groupSort, topDocs);
selected = new TermFirstPassGroupingCollector(groupField, groupSort, topDocs);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("Selected implementation: " + selected.GetType().Name);
return selected;
private IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<T> CreateFirstPassCollector<T>(string groupField, Sort groupSort, int topDocs, IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<T> firstPassGroupingCollector)
if (typeof(TermFirstPassGroupingCollector).IsAssignableFrom(firstPassGroupingCollector.GetType()))
ValueSource vs = new BytesRefFieldSource(groupField);
return new FunctionFirstPassGroupingCollector(vs, new Hashtable(), groupSort, topDocs)
as IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<T>;
return new TermFirstPassGroupingCollector(groupField, groupSort, topDocs)
as IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<T>;
private IAbstractSecondPassGroupingCollector<T> CreateSecondPassCollector<T>(IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<T> firstPassGroupingCollector,
string groupField,
Sort groupSort,
Sort sortWithinGroup,
int groupOffset,
int maxDocsPerGroup,
bool getScores,
bool getMaxScores,
bool fillSortFields)
if (typeof(TermFirstPassGroupingCollector).IsAssignableFrom(firstPassGroupingCollector.GetType()))
var searchGroups = firstPassGroupingCollector.GetTopGroups(groupOffset, fillSortFields);
return (IAbstractSecondPassGroupingCollector<T>)new TermSecondPassGroupingCollector(groupField, searchGroups as IEnumerable<ISearchGroup<BytesRef>>, groupSort, sortWithinGroup, maxDocsPerGroup, getScores, getMaxScores, fillSortFields);
ValueSource vs = new BytesRefFieldSource(groupField);
var searchGroups = firstPassGroupingCollector.GetTopGroups(groupOffset, fillSortFields);
return (IAbstractSecondPassGroupingCollector<T>)new FunctionSecondPassGroupingCollector(searchGroups as IEnumerable<ISearchGroup<MutableValue>>, groupSort, sortWithinGroup, maxDocsPerGroup, getScores, getMaxScores, fillSortFields, vs, new Hashtable());
// Basically converts searchGroups from MutableValue to BytesRef if grouping by ValueSource
private IAbstractSecondPassGroupingCollector<T> CreateSecondPassCollector<T>(IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<T> firstPassGroupingCollector,
string groupField,
ICollection<SearchGroup<BytesRef>> searchGroups,
Sort groupSort,
Sort sortWithinGroup,
int maxDocsPerGroup,
bool getScores,
bool getMaxScores,
bool fillSortFields)
if (firstPassGroupingCollector.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TermFirstPassGroupingCollector)))
return new TermSecondPassGroupingCollector(groupField, searchGroups, groupSort, sortWithinGroup, maxDocsPerGroup, getScores, getMaxScores, fillSortFields)
as IAbstractSecondPassGroupingCollector<T>;
ValueSource vs = new BytesRefFieldSource(groupField);
List<SearchGroup<MutableValue>> mvalSearchGroups = new List<SearchGroup<MutableValue>>(searchGroups.size());
foreach (SearchGroup<BytesRef> mergedTopGroup in searchGroups)
SearchGroup<MutableValue> sg = new SearchGroup<MutableValue>();
MutableValueStr groupValue = new MutableValueStr();
if (mergedTopGroup.GroupValue != null)
groupValue.Value = mergedTopGroup.GroupValue;
groupValue.Value = new BytesRef();
groupValue.Exists = false;
sg.GroupValue = groupValue;
sg.SortValues = mergedTopGroup.SortValues;
return new FunctionSecondPassGroupingCollector(mvalSearchGroups, groupSort, sortWithinGroup, maxDocsPerGroup, getScores, getMaxScores, fillSortFields, vs, new Hashtable())
as IAbstractSecondPassGroupingCollector<T>;
private IAbstractAllGroupsCollector<T> CreateAllGroupsCollector<T>(IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<T> firstPassGroupingCollector,
string groupField)
if (firstPassGroupingCollector.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TermFirstPassGroupingCollector)))
return new TermAllGroupsCollector(groupField) as IAbstractAllGroupsCollector<T>;
ValueSource vs = new BytesRefFieldSource(groupField);
return new FunctionAllGroupsCollector(vs, new Hashtable()) as IAbstractAllGroupsCollector<T>;
private void CompareGroupValue<T>(string expected, IGroupDocs<T> group)
if (expected == null)
if (group.GroupValue == null)
else if (group.GroupValue.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(MutableValueStr)))
else if ((group.GroupValue as BytesRef).Length == 0)
if (group.GroupValue.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(BytesRef)))
assertEquals<object>(new BytesRef(expected), group.GroupValue);
else if (group.GroupValue.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(MutableValueStr)))
MutableValueStr v = new MutableValueStr();
v.Value = new BytesRef(expected);
assertEquals<object>(v, group.GroupValue);
private IEnumerable<ISearchGroup<BytesRef>> GetSearchGroups<T>(IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<T> c, int groupOffset, bool fillFields)
if (typeof(TermFirstPassGroupingCollector).IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType()))
return (IEnumerable<ISearchGroup<BytesRef>>)c.GetTopGroups(groupOffset, fillFields);
else if (typeof(FunctionFirstPassGroupingCollector).IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType()))
// LUCENENET NOTE: This is IEnumerable instead of ICollection because it
// needs to be covariant to mimic the wildcard generics in Java
IEnumerable<ISearchGroup<MutableValue>> mutableValueGroups = ((FunctionFirstPassGroupingCollector)c).GetTopGroups(groupOffset, fillFields);
if (mutableValueGroups == null)
return null;
List<SearchGroup<BytesRef>> groups = new List<SearchGroup<BytesRef>>(mutableValueGroups.Count());
foreach (var mutableValueGroup in mutableValueGroups)
SearchGroup<BytesRef> sg = new SearchGroup<BytesRef>();
sg.GroupValue = mutableValueGroup.GroupValue.Exists ? ((MutableValueStr)mutableValueGroup.GroupValue).Value : null;
sg.SortValues = mutableValueGroup.SortValues;
return groups;
return null;
private ITopGroups<BytesRef> GetTopGroups<T>(IAbstractSecondPassGroupingCollector<T> c, int withinGroupOffset)
if (c.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TermSecondPassGroupingCollector)))
return ((TermSecondPassGroupingCollector)c).GetTopGroups(withinGroupOffset);
else if (c.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(FunctionSecondPassGroupingCollector)))
ITopGroups<MutableValue> mvalTopGroups = ((FunctionSecondPassGroupingCollector)c).GetTopGroups(withinGroupOffset);
List<GroupDocs<BytesRef>> groups = new List<GroupDocs<BytesRef>>(mvalTopGroups.Groups.Length);
foreach (GroupDocs<MutableValue> mvalGd in mvalTopGroups.Groups)
BytesRef groupValue = mvalGd.GroupValue.Exists ? ((MutableValueStr)mvalGd.GroupValue).Value : null;
groups.Add(new GroupDocs<BytesRef>(float.NaN, mvalGd.MaxScore, mvalGd.TotalHits, mvalGd.ScoreDocs, groupValue, mvalGd.GroupSortValues));
return new TopGroups<BytesRef>(mvalTopGroups.GroupSort, mvalTopGroups.WithinGroupSort, mvalTopGroups.TotalHitCount, mvalTopGroups.TotalGroupedHitCount, groups.ToArray(/*new GroupDocs[groups.size()]*/), float.NaN);
return null;
internal class GroupDoc
internal readonly int id;
internal readonly BytesRef group;
internal readonly BytesRef sort1;
internal readonly BytesRef sort2;
// content must be "realN ..."
internal readonly string content;
internal float score;
internal float score2;
public GroupDoc(int id, BytesRef group, BytesRef sort1, BytesRef sort2, string content)
{ = id; = group;
this.sort1 = sort1;
this.sort2 = sort2;
this.content = content;
private Sort GetRandomSort()
List<SortField> sortFields = new List<SortField>();
if (Random.nextInt(7) == 2)
if (Random.nextBoolean())
if (Random.nextBoolean())
sortFields.Add(new SortField("sort1", SortFieldType.STRING, Random.nextBoolean()));
sortFields.Add(new SortField("sort2", SortFieldType.STRING, Random.nextBoolean()));
else if (Random.nextBoolean())
sortFields.Add(new SortField("sort1", SortFieldType.STRING, Random.nextBoolean()));
sortFields.Add(new SortField("sort2", SortFieldType.STRING, Random.nextBoolean()));
// Break ties:
sortFields.Add(new SortField("id", SortFieldType.INT32));
return new Sort(sortFields.ToArray(/*new SortField[sortFields.size()]*/));
private IComparer<GroupDoc> GetComparer(Sort sort)
SortField[] sortFields = sort.GetSort();
return Comparer<GroupDoc>.Create((d1,d2) =>
foreach (SortField sf in sortFields)
int cmp;
if (sf.Type == SortFieldType.SCORE)
if (d1.score > d2.score)
cmp = -1;
else if (d1.score < d2.score)
cmp = 1;
cmp = 0;
else if (sf.Field.Equals("sort1", StringComparison.Ordinal))
cmp = d1.sort1.CompareTo(d2.sort1);
else if (sf.Field.Equals("sort2", StringComparison.Ordinal))
cmp = d1.sort2.CompareTo(d2.sort2);
assertEquals(sf.Field, "id");
cmp = -;
if (cmp != 0)
return sf.IsReverse ? -cmp : cmp;
// Our sort always fully tie breaks:
return 0;
private IComparable[] FillFields(GroupDoc d, Sort sort)
SortField[] sortFields = sort.GetSort();
IComparable[] fields = new IComparable[sortFields.Length];
for (int fieldIDX = 0; fieldIDX < sortFields.Length; fieldIDX++)
IComparable c;
SortField sf = sortFields[fieldIDX];
if (sf.Type == SortFieldType.SCORE)
c = new float?(d.score);
else if (sf.Field.Equals("sort1", StringComparison.Ordinal))
c = d.sort1;
else if (sf.Field.Equals("sort2", StringComparison.Ordinal))
c = d.sort2;
assertEquals("id", sf.Field);
c = new int?(;
fields[fieldIDX] = c;
return fields;
private string GroupToString(BytesRef b)
if (b == null)
return "null";
return b.Utf8ToString();
private TopGroups<BytesRef> SlowGrouping(GroupDoc[] groupDocs,
string searchTerm,
bool fillFields,
bool getScores,
bool getMaxScores,
bool doAllGroups,
Sort groupSort,
Sort docSort,
int topNGroups,
int docsPerGroup,
int groupOffset,
int docOffset)
IComparer<GroupDoc> groupSortComp = GetComparer(groupSort);
// LUCENENET specific: The original Java API Arrays.Sort does not currently exist.
// This call ultimately results in calling TimSort, which is why this line was replaced
// with ArrayUtil.TimSort(T[], IComparer<T>).
// NOTE: Array.Sort(comparer) won't work in this case because it calls the comparer when the
// values are the same, which results in this test failing. TimSort only calls the comparer
// when the values differ.
//Arrays.Sort(groupDocs, groupSortComp);
ArrayUtil.TimSort(groupDocs, groupSortComp);
IDictionary<BytesRef, List<GroupDoc>> groups = new JCG.Dictionary<BytesRef, List<GroupDoc>>();
List<BytesRef> sortedGroups = new List<BytesRef>();
List<IComparable[]> sortedGroupFields = new List<IComparable[]>();
int totalHitCount = 0;
ISet<BytesRef> knownGroups = new JCG.HashSet<BytesRef>();
//Console.WriteLine("TEST: slowGrouping");
foreach (GroupDoc d in groupDocs)
// TODO: would be better to filter by searchTerm before sorting!
if (!d.content.StartsWith(searchTerm, StringComparison.Ordinal))
//Console.WriteLine(" match id=" + + " score=" + d.score);
if (doAllGroups)
if (!knownGroups.contains(
//Console.WriteLine(" add group=" + groupToString(;
if (!groups.TryGetValue(, out List<GroupDoc> l) || l == null)
//Console.WriteLine(" add sortedGroup=" + groupToString(;
if (fillFields)
sortedGroupFields.Add(FillFields(d, groupSort));
l = new List<GroupDoc>();
groups.Put(, l);
if (groupOffset >= sortedGroups.size())
// slice is out of bounds
return null;
int limit = Math.Min(groupOffset + topNGroups, groups.size());
IComparer<GroupDoc> docSortComp = GetComparer(docSort);
GroupDocs<BytesRef>[] result = new GroupDocs<BytesRef>[limit - groupOffset];
int totalGroupedHitCount = 0;
for (int idx = groupOffset; idx < limit; idx++)
BytesRef group = sortedGroups[idx];
List<GroupDoc> docs = groups[group];
totalGroupedHitCount += docs.size();
// LUCENENET specific: The original API Collections.Sort does not currently exist.
// This call ultimately results in calling TimSort, which is why this line was replaced
// with CollectionUtil.TimSort(IList<T>, IComparer<T>).
// NOTE: List.Sort(comparer) won't work in this case because it calls the comparer when the
// values are the same, which results in this test failing. TimSort only calls the comparer
// when the values differ.
//Collections.Sort(docs, docSortComp);
CollectionUtil.TimSort(docs, docSortComp);
ScoreDoc[] hits;
if (docs.size() > docOffset)
int docIDXLimit = Math.Min(docOffset + docsPerGroup, docs.size());
hits = new ScoreDoc[docIDXLimit - docOffset];
for (int docIDX = docOffset; docIDX < docIDXLimit; docIDX++)
GroupDoc d = docs[docIDX];
FieldDoc fd;
if (fillFields)
fd = new FieldDoc(, getScores ? d.score : float.NaN, FillFields(d, docSort));
fd = new FieldDoc(, getScores ? d.score : float.NaN);
hits[docIDX - docOffset] = fd;
hits = new ScoreDoc[0];
result[idx - groupOffset] = new GroupDocs<BytesRef>(float.NaN,
fillFields ? sortedGroupFields[idx] : null);
if (doAllGroups)
return new TopGroups<BytesRef>(
new TopGroups<BytesRef>(groupSort.GetSort(), docSort.GetSort(), totalHitCount, totalGroupedHitCount, result, float.NaN),
return new TopGroups<BytesRef>(groupSort.GetSort(), docSort.GetSort(), totalHitCount, totalGroupedHitCount, result, float.NaN);
private DirectoryReader GetDocBlockReader(Directory dir, GroupDoc[] groupDocs)
// Coalesce by group, but in random order:
IDictionary<BytesRef, List<GroupDoc>> groupMap = new JCG.Dictionary<BytesRef, List<GroupDoc>>();
List<BytesRef> groupValues = new List<BytesRef>();
foreach (GroupDoc groupDoc in groupDocs)
if (!groupMap.TryGetValue(, out List<GroupDoc> docs))
groupMap[] = docs = new List<GroupDoc>();
RandomIndexWriter w = new RandomIndexWriter(
new MockAnalyzer(Random)));
List<List<Document>> updateDocs = new List<List<Document>>();
FieldType groupEndType = new FieldType(StringField.TYPE_NOT_STORED);
groupEndType.IndexOptions = (IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY);
groupEndType.OmitNorms = (true);
//Console.WriteLine("TEST: index groups");
foreach (BytesRef group in groupValues)
List<Document> docs = new List<Document>();
//Console.WriteLine("TEST: group=" + (group == null ? "null" : group.utf8ToString()));
foreach (GroupDoc groupValue in groupMap[group])
Document doc = new Document();
if ( != null)
doc.Add(NewStringField("group",, Field.Store.NO));
doc.Add(NewStringField("sort1", groupValue.sort1.Utf8ToString(), Field.Store.NO));
doc.Add(NewStringField("sort2", groupValue.sort2.Utf8ToString(), Field.Store.NO));
doc.Add(new Int32Field("id",, Field.Store.NO));
doc.Add(NewTextField("content", groupValue.content, Field.Store.NO));
//Console.WriteLine("TEST: doc content=" + groupValue.content + " group=" + ( == null ? "null" : + " sort1=" + groupValue.sort1.utf8ToString() + " id=" +;
// So we can pull filter marking last doc in block:
Field groupEnd = NewField("groupend", "x", groupEndType);
docs[docs.size() - 1].Add(groupEnd);
// Add as a doc block:
if (group != null && Random.nextInt(7) == 4)
foreach (List<Document> docs in updateDocs)
// Just replaces docs w/ same docs:
w.UpdateDocuments(new Index.Term("group", docs[0].Get("group")), docs);
DirectoryReader r = w.GetReader();
return r;
internal class ShardState
public readonly ShardSearcher[] subSearchers;
public readonly int[] docStarts;
public ShardState(IndexSearcher s)
IndexReaderContext ctx = s.TopReaderContext;
IList<AtomicReaderContext> leaves = ctx.Leaves;
subSearchers = new ShardSearcher[leaves.size()];
for (int searcherIDX = 0; searcherIDX < subSearchers.Length; searcherIDX++)
subSearchers[searcherIDX] = new ShardSearcher(leaves[searcherIDX], ctx);
docStarts = new int[subSearchers.Length];
for (int subIDX = 0; subIDX < docStarts.Length; subIDX++)
docStarts[subIDX] = leaves[subIDX].DocBase;
//Console.WriteLine("docStarts[" + subIDX + "]=" + docStarts[subIDX]);
public virtual void TestRandom()
int numberOfRuns = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 3, 6);
for (int iter = 0; iter < numberOfRuns; iter++)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: iter=" + iter);
int numDocs = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 100, 1000) * RandomMultiplier;
//final int numDocs = TestUtil.nextInt(random, 5, 20);
int numGroups = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, numDocs);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: numDocs=" + numDocs + " numGroups=" + numGroups);
List<BytesRef> groups = new List<BytesRef>();
for (int i = 0; i < numGroups; i++)
string randomValue;
// B/c of DV based impl we can't see the difference between an empty string and a null value.
// For that reason we don't generate empty string
// groups.
randomValue = TestUtil.RandomRealisticUnicodeString(Random);
//randomValue = TestUtil.RandomSimpleString(Random());
} while ("".Equals(randomValue, StringComparison.Ordinal));
groups.Add(new BytesRef(randomValue));
string[] contentStrings = new string[TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 2, 20)];
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: create fake content");
for (int contentIDX = 0; contentIDX < contentStrings.Length; contentIDX++)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("real").append(Random.nextInt(3)).append(' ');
int fakeCount = Random.nextInt(10);
for (int fakeIDX = 0; fakeIDX < fakeCount; fakeIDX++)
sb.append("fake ");
contentStrings[contentIDX] = sb.toString();
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" content=" + sb.toString());
Directory dir = NewDirectory();
RandomIndexWriter w = new RandomIndexWriter(
new MockAnalyzer(Random)));
bool preFlex = "Lucene3x".Equals(w.IndexWriter.Config.Codec.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal);
bool canUseIDV = !preFlex;
Document doc = new Document();
Document docNoGroup = new Document();
Field idvGroupField = new SortedDocValuesField("group_dv", new BytesRef());
if (canUseIDV)
Field group = NewStringField("group", "", Field.Store.NO);
Field sort1 = NewStringField("sort1", "", Field.Store.NO);
Field sort2 = NewStringField("sort2", "", Field.Store.NO);
Field content = NewTextField("content", "", Field.Store.NO);
Int32Field id = new Int32Field("id", 0, Field.Store.NO);
GroupDoc[] groupDocs = new GroupDoc[numDocs];
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++)
BytesRef groupValue;
if (Random.nextInt(24) == 17)
// So we test the "doc doesn't have the group'd
// field" case:
groupValue = null;
groupValue = groups[Random.nextInt(groups.size())];
GroupDoc groupDoc = new GroupDoc(i,
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" doc content=" + groupDoc.content + " id=" + i + " group=" + ( == null ? "null" : + " sort1=" + groupDoc.sort1.Utf8ToString() + " sort2=" + groupDoc.sort2.Utf8ToString());
groupDocs[i] = groupDoc;
if ( != null)
if (canUseIDV)
else if (canUseIDV)
// Must explicitly set empty string, else eg if
// the segment has all docs missing the field then
// we get null back instead of empty BytesRef:
idvGroupField.SetBytesValue(new BytesRef());
if ( == null)
GroupDoc[] groupDocsByID = new GroupDoc[groupDocs.Length];
System.Array.Copy(groupDocs, 0, groupDocsByID, 0, groupDocs.Length);
DirectoryReader r = w.GetReader();
// NOTE: intentional but temporary field cache insanity!
FieldCache.Int32s docIDToID = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetInt32s(SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.Wrap(r), "id", false);
DirectoryReader rBlocks = null;
Directory dirBlocks = null;
IndexSearcher s = NewSearcher(r);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("\nTEST: searcher=" + s);
if (typeof(SlowCompositeReaderWrapper).IsAssignableFrom(s.IndexReader.GetType()))
canUseIDV = false;
canUseIDV = !preFlex;
ShardState shards = new ShardState(s);
for (int contentID = 0; contentID < 3; contentID++)
ScoreDoc[] hits = s.Search(new TermQuery(new Index.Term("content", "real" + contentID)), numDocs).ScoreDocs;
foreach (ScoreDoc hit in hits)
GroupDoc gd = groupDocs[docIDToID.Get(hit.Doc)];
assertTrue(gd.score == 0.0);
gd.score = hit.Score;
assertEquals(, docIDToID.Get(hit.Doc));
foreach (GroupDoc gd in groupDocs)
assertTrue(gd.score != 0.0);
// Build 2nd index, where docs are added in blocks by
// group, so we can use single pass collector
dirBlocks = NewDirectory();
rBlocks = GetDocBlockReader(dirBlocks, groupDocs);
Filter lastDocInBlock = new CachingWrapperFilter(new QueryWrapperFilter(new TermQuery(new Term("groupend", "x"))));
FieldCache.Int32s docIDToIDBlocks = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetInt32s(SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.Wrap(rBlocks), "id", false);
IndexSearcher sBlocks = NewSearcher(rBlocks);
ShardState shardsBlocks = new ShardState(sBlocks);
// ReaderBlocks only increases maxDoc() vs reader, which
// means a monotonic shift in scores, so we can
// reliably remap them w/ Map:
IDictionary<string, IDictionary<float, float>> scoreMap = new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<float, float>>();
// Tricky: must separately set .score2, because the doc
// block index was created with possible deletions!
//Console.WriteLine("fixup score2");
for (int contentID = 0; contentID < 3; contentID++)
//Console.WriteLine(" term=real" + contentID);
IDictionary<float, float> termScoreMap = new Dictionary<float, float>();
scoreMap.Put("real" + contentID, termScoreMap);
//Console.WriteLine("term=real" + contentID + " dfold=" + s.docFreq(new Term("content", "real"+contentID)) +
//" dfnew=" + sBlocks.docFreq(new Term("content", "real"+contentID)));
ScoreDoc[] hits = sBlocks.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("content", "real" + contentID)), numDocs).ScoreDocs;
foreach (ScoreDoc hit in hits)
GroupDoc gd = groupDocsByID[docIDToIDBlocks.Get(hit.Doc)];
assertTrue(gd.score2 == 0.0);
gd.score2 = hit.Score;
assertEquals(, docIDToIDBlocks.Get(hit.Doc));
//Console.WriteLine(" score=" + gd.score + " score2=" + hit.score + " id=" + docIDToIDBlocks.get(hit.doc));
termScoreMap.Put(gd.score, gd.score2);
for (int searchIter = 0; searchIter < 100; searchIter++)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("\nTEST: searchIter=" + searchIter);
string searchTerm = "real" + Random.nextInt(3);
bool fillFields = Random.nextBoolean();
bool getScores = Random.nextBoolean();
bool getMaxScores = Random.nextBoolean();
Sort groupSort = GetRandomSort();
//Sort groupSort = new Sort(new SortField[] {new SortField("sort1", SortField.Type_e.STRING), new SortField("id", SortField.Type_e.INT)});
// TODO: also test null (= sort by relevance)
Sort docSort = GetRandomSort();
foreach (SortField sf in docSort.GetSort())
if (sf.Type == SortFieldType.SCORE)
getScores = true;
foreach (SortField sf in groupSort.GetSort())
if (sf.Type == SortFieldType.SCORE)
getScores = true;
int topNGroups = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, 30);
// int topNGroups = 10;
int docsPerGroup = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, 50);
int groupOffset = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 0, (topNGroups - 1) / 2);
// int groupOffset = 0;
int docOffset = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 0, docsPerGroup - 1);
// int docOffset = 0;
bool doCache = Random.nextBoolean();
bool doAllGroups = Random.nextBoolean();
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: groupSort=" + groupSort + " docSort=" + docSort + " searchTerm=" + searchTerm + " dF=" + r.DocFreq(new Term("content", searchTerm)) + " dFBlock=" + rBlocks.DocFreq(new Term("content", searchTerm)) + " topNGroups=" + topNGroups + " groupOffset=" + groupOffset + " docOffset=" + docOffset + " doCache=" + doCache + " docsPerGroup=" + docsPerGroup + " doAllGroups=" + doAllGroups + " getScores=" + getScores + " getMaxScores=" + getMaxScores);
string groupField = "group";
if (canUseIDV && Random.nextBoolean())
groupField += "_dv";
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" groupField=" + groupField);
IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<object> c1 = CreateRandomFirstPassCollector(groupField, groupSort, groupOffset + topNGroups);
CachingCollector cCache;
ICollector c;
IAbstractAllGroupsCollector<object> allGroupsCollector;
if (doAllGroups)
allGroupsCollector = CreateAllGroupsCollector(c1, groupField);
allGroupsCollector = null;
bool useWrappingCollector = Random.nextBoolean();
if (doCache)
double maxCacheMB = Random.NextDouble();
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: maxCacheMB=" + maxCacheMB);
if (useWrappingCollector)
if (doAllGroups)
cCache = CachingCollector.Create(c1, true, maxCacheMB);
c = MultiCollector.Wrap(cCache, allGroupsCollector);
c = cCache = CachingCollector.Create(c1, true, maxCacheMB);
// Collect only into cache, then replay multiple times:
c = cCache = CachingCollector.Create(false, true, maxCacheMB);
cCache = null;
if (doAllGroups)
c = MultiCollector.Wrap(c1, allGroupsCollector);
c = c1;
// Search top reader:
Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("content", searchTerm));
s.Search(query, c);
if (doCache && !useWrappingCollector)
if (cCache.IsCached)
// Replay for first-pass grouping
if (doAllGroups)
// Replay for all groups:
// Replay by re-running search:
s.Search(query, c1);
if (doAllGroups)
s.Search(query, allGroupsCollector);
// Get 1st pass top groups
// LUCENENET NOTE: This is IEnumerable rather than ICollection because we need it to be
// covariant in order to mimic Java's wildcard generics
IEnumerable<ISearchGroup<BytesRef>> topGroups = GetSearchGroups(c1, groupOffset, fillFields);
ITopGroups<BytesRef> groupsResult;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: first pass topGroups");
if (topGroups == null)
Console.WriteLine(" null");
foreach (SearchGroup<BytesRef> searchGroup in topGroups)
Console.WriteLine(" " + (searchGroup.GroupValue == null ? "null" : searchGroup.GroupValue.Utf8ToString()) + ": " + Arrays.ToString(searchGroup.SortValues));
// Get 1st pass top groups using shards
ValueHolder<bool> idvBasedImplsUsedSharded = new ValueHolder<bool>(false);
TopGroups<BytesRef> topGroupsShards = SearchShards(s, shards.subSearchers, query, groupSort, docSort,
groupOffset, topNGroups, docOffset, docsPerGroup, getScores, getMaxScores, canUseIDV, preFlex, idvBasedImplsUsedSharded);
IAbstractSecondPassGroupingCollector<object> c2;
if (topGroups != null)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: topGroups");
foreach (SearchGroup<BytesRef> searchGroup in topGroups)
Console.WriteLine(" " + (searchGroup.GroupValue == null ? "null" : searchGroup.GroupValue.Utf8ToString()) + ": " + Arrays.ToString(searchGroup.SortValues));
c2 = CreateSecondPassCollector(c1, groupField, groupSort, docSort, groupOffset, docOffset + docsPerGroup, getScores, getMaxScores, fillFields);
if (doCache)
if (cCache.IsCached)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: cache is intact");
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: cache was too large");
s.Search(query, c2);
s.Search(query, c2);
if (doAllGroups)
ITopGroups<BytesRef> tempTopGroups = GetTopGroups(c2, docOffset);
groupsResult = new TopGroups<BytesRef>(tempTopGroups, allGroupsCollector.GroupCount);
groupsResult = GetTopGroups(c2, docOffset);
c2 = null;
groupsResult = null;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: no results");
TopGroups<BytesRef> expectedGroups = SlowGrouping(groupDocs, searchTerm, fillFields, getScores, getMaxScores, doAllGroups, groupSort, docSort, topNGroups, docsPerGroup, groupOffset, docOffset);
if (Verbose)
if (expectedGroups == null)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: no expected groups");
Console.WriteLine("TEST: expected groups totalGroupedHitCount=" + expectedGroups.TotalGroupedHitCount);
foreach (IGroupDocs<BytesRef> gd in expectedGroups.Groups)
Console.WriteLine(" group=" + (gd.GroupValue == null ? "null" : gd.GroupValue.Utf8ToString()) + " totalHits=" + gd.TotalHits + " scoreDocs.len=" + gd.ScoreDocs.Length);
foreach (ScoreDoc sd in gd.ScoreDocs)
Console.WriteLine(" id=" + sd.Doc + " score=" + sd.Score);
if (groupsResult == null)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: no matched groups");
Console.WriteLine("TEST: matched groups totalGroupedHitCount=" + groupsResult.TotalGroupedHitCount);
foreach (GroupDocs<BytesRef> gd in groupsResult.Groups)
Console.WriteLine(" group=" + (gd.GroupValue == null ? "null" : gd.GroupValue.Utf8ToString()) + " totalHits=" + gd.TotalHits);
foreach (ScoreDoc sd in gd.ScoreDocs)
Console.WriteLine(" id=" + docIDToID.Get(sd.Doc) + " score=" + sd.Score);
if (searchIter == 14)
for (int docIDX = 0; docIDX < s.IndexReader.MaxDoc; docIDX++)
Console.WriteLine("ID=" + docIDToID.Get(docIDX) + " explain=" + s.Explain(query, docIDX));
if (topGroupsShards == null)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: no matched-merged groups");
Console.WriteLine("TEST: matched-merged groups totalGroupedHitCount=" + topGroupsShards.TotalGroupedHitCount);
foreach (GroupDocs<BytesRef> gd in topGroupsShards.Groups)
Console.WriteLine(" group=" + (gd.GroupValue == null ? "null" : gd.GroupValue.Utf8ToString()) + " totalHits=" + gd.TotalHits);
foreach (ScoreDoc sd in gd.ScoreDocs)
Console.WriteLine(" id=" + docIDToID.Get(sd.Doc) + " score=" + sd.Score);
AssertEquals(docIDToID, expectedGroups, groupsResult, true, true, true, getScores, groupField.EndsWith("_dv", StringComparison.Ordinal));
// Confirm merged shards match:
AssertEquals(docIDToID, expectedGroups, topGroupsShards, true, false, fillFields, getScores, idvBasedImplsUsedSharded.value);
if (topGroupsShards != null)
VerifyShards(shards.docStarts, topGroupsShards);
bool needsScores = getScores || getMaxScores || docSort == null;
BlockGroupingCollector c3 = new BlockGroupingCollector(groupSort, groupOffset + topNGroups, needsScores, lastDocInBlock);
TermAllGroupsCollector allGroupsCollector2;
ICollector c4;
if (doAllGroups)
// NOTE: must be "group" and not "group_dv"
// (groupField) because we didn't index doc
// values in the block index:
allGroupsCollector2 = new TermAllGroupsCollector("group");
c4 = MultiCollector.Wrap(c3, allGroupsCollector2);
allGroupsCollector2 = null;
c4 = c3;
// Get block grouping result:
sBlocks.Search(query, c4);
TopGroups<BytesRef> tempTopGroupsBlocks = (TopGroups<BytesRef>)c3.GetTopGroups<BytesRef>(docSort, groupOffset, docOffset, docOffset + docsPerGroup, fillFields);
TopGroups<BytesRef> groupsResultBlocks;
if (doAllGroups && tempTopGroupsBlocks != null)
assertEquals((int)tempTopGroupsBlocks.TotalGroupCount, allGroupsCollector2.GroupCount);
groupsResultBlocks = new TopGroups<BytesRef>(tempTopGroupsBlocks, allGroupsCollector2.GroupCount);
groupsResultBlocks = tempTopGroupsBlocks;
if (Verbose)
if (groupsResultBlocks == null)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: no block groups");
Console.WriteLine("TEST: block groups totalGroupedHitCount=" + groupsResultBlocks.TotalGroupedHitCount);
bool first = true;
foreach (GroupDocs<BytesRef> gd in groupsResultBlocks.Groups)
Console.WriteLine(" group=" + (gd.GroupValue == null ? "null" : gd.GroupValue.Utf8ToString()) + " totalHits=" + gd.TotalHits);
foreach (ScoreDoc sd in gd.ScoreDocs)
Console.WriteLine(" id=" + docIDToIDBlocks.Get(sd.Doc) + " score=" + sd.Score);
if (first)
Console.WriteLine("explain: " + sBlocks.Explain(query, sd.Doc));
first = false;
// Get shard'd block grouping result:
// Block index does not index DocValues so we pass
// false for canUseIDV:
TopGroups<BytesRef> topGroupsBlockShards = SearchShards(sBlocks, shardsBlocks.subSearchers, query,
groupSort, docSort, groupOffset, topNGroups, docOffset, docsPerGroup, getScores, getMaxScores, false, false, new ValueHolder<bool>(false));
if (expectedGroups != null)
// Fixup scores for reader2
foreach (var groupDocsHits in expectedGroups.Groups)
foreach (ScoreDoc hit in groupDocsHits.ScoreDocs)
GroupDoc gd = groupDocsByID[hit.Doc];
assertEquals(, hit.Doc);
//Console.WriteLine("fixup score " + hit.score + " to " + gd.score2 + " vs " + gd.score);
hit.Score = gd.score2;
SortField[] sortFields = groupSort.GetSort();
IDictionary<float, float> termScoreMap = scoreMap[searchTerm];
for (int groupSortIDX = 0; groupSortIDX < sortFields.Length; groupSortIDX++)
if (sortFields[groupSortIDX].Type == SortFieldType.SCORE)
foreach (var groupDocsHits in expectedGroups.Groups)
if (groupDocsHits.GroupSortValues != null)
//Console.WriteLine("remap " + groupDocsHits.groupSortValues[groupSortIDX] + " to " + termScoreMap.get(groupDocsHits.groupSortValues[groupSortIDX]));
groupDocsHits.GroupSortValues[groupSortIDX] = termScoreMap[Convert.ToSingle(groupDocsHits.GroupSortValues[groupSortIDX], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)];
SortField[] docSortFields = docSort.GetSort();
for (int docSortIDX = 0; docSortIDX < docSortFields.Length; docSortIDX++)
if (docSortFields[docSortIDX].Type == SortFieldType.SCORE)
foreach (var groupDocsHits in expectedGroups.Groups)
foreach (ScoreDoc _hit in groupDocsHits.ScoreDocs)
FieldDoc hit = (FieldDoc)_hit;
if (hit.Fields != null)
hit.Fields[docSortIDX] = termScoreMap[Convert.ToSingle(hit.Fields[docSortIDX], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)];
AssertEquals(docIDToIDBlocks, expectedGroups, groupsResultBlocks, false, true, true, getScores, false);
AssertEquals(docIDToIDBlocks, expectedGroups, topGroupsBlockShards, false, false, fillFields, getScores, false);
if (rBlocks != null)
private void VerifyShards(int[] docStarts, ITopGroups<BytesRef> topGroups)
foreach (var group in topGroups.Groups)
for (int hitIDX = 0; hitIDX < group.ScoreDocs.Length; hitIDX++)
ScoreDoc sd = group.ScoreDocs[hitIDX];
assertEquals("doc=" + sd.Doc + " wrong shard",
ReaderUtil.SubIndex(sd.Doc, docStarts),
private TopGroups<BytesRef> SearchShards(IndexSearcher topSearcher, ShardSearcher[] subSearchers, Query query, Sort groupSort, Sort docSort, int groupOffset, int topNGroups, int docOffset,
int topNDocs, bool getScores, bool getMaxScores, bool canUseIDV, bool preFlex, ValueHolder<bool> usedIdvBasedImpl)
// TODO: swap in caching, all groups collector hereassertEquals(expected.totalHitCount, actual.totalHitCount);
// too...
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: " + subSearchers.Length + " shards: " + Arrays.ToString(subSearchers) + " canUseIDV=" + canUseIDV);
// Run 1st pass collector to get top groups per shard
Weight w = topSearcher.CreateNormalizedWeight(query);
List<IEnumerable<ISearchGroup<BytesRef>>> shardGroups = new List<IEnumerable<ISearchGroup<BytesRef>>>();
List<IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<object>> firstPassGroupingCollectors = new List<IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<object>>();
IAbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector<object> firstPassCollector = null;
bool shardsCanUseIDV;
if (canUseIDV)
if (typeof(SlowCompositeReaderWrapper).IsAssignableFrom(subSearchers[0].IndexReader.GetType()))
shardsCanUseIDV = false;
shardsCanUseIDV = !preFlex;
shardsCanUseIDV = false;
string groupField = "group";
if (shardsCanUseIDV && Random.nextBoolean())
groupField += "_dv";
usedIdvBasedImpl.value = true;
for (int shardIDX = 0; shardIDX < subSearchers.Length; shardIDX++)
// First shard determines whether we use IDV or not;
// all other shards match that:
if (firstPassCollector == null)
firstPassCollector = CreateRandomFirstPassCollector(groupField, groupSort, groupOffset + topNGroups);
firstPassCollector = CreateFirstPassCollector(groupField, groupSort, groupOffset + topNGroups, firstPassCollector);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" shard=" + shardIDX + " groupField=" + groupField);
Console.WriteLine(" 1st pass collector=" + firstPassCollector);
subSearchers[shardIDX].Search(w, firstPassCollector);
IEnumerable<ISearchGroup<BytesRef>> topGroups = GetSearchGroups(firstPassCollector, 0, true);
if (topGroups != null)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" shard " + shardIDX + " s=" + subSearchers[shardIDX] + " totalGroupedHitCount=?" + " " + topGroups.Count() + " groups:");
foreach (SearchGroup<BytesRef> group in topGroups)
Console.WriteLine(" " + GroupToString(group.GroupValue) + " groupSort=" + Arrays.ToString(group.SortValues));
ICollection<SearchGroup<BytesRef>> mergedTopGroups = SearchGroup.Merge(shardGroups, groupOffset, topNGroups, groupSort);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" top groups merged:");
if (mergedTopGroups == null)
Console.WriteLine(" null");
Console.WriteLine(" " + mergedTopGroups.size() + " top groups:");
foreach (SearchGroup<BytesRef> group in mergedTopGroups)
Console.WriteLine(" [" + GroupToString(group.GroupValue) + "] groupSort=" + Arrays.ToString(group.SortValues));
if (mergedTopGroups != null)
// Now 2nd pass:
ITopGroups<BytesRef>[] shardTopGroups = new ITopGroups<BytesRef>[subSearchers.Length];
for (int shardIDX = 0; shardIDX < subSearchers.Length; shardIDX++)
IAbstractSecondPassGroupingCollector<object> secondPassCollector = CreateSecondPassCollector(firstPassGroupingCollectors[shardIDX],
groupField, mergedTopGroups, groupSort, docSort, docOffset + topNDocs, getScores, getMaxScores, true);
subSearchers[shardIDX].Search(w, secondPassCollector);
shardTopGroups[shardIDX] = GetTopGroups(secondPassCollector, 0);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" " + shardTopGroups[shardIDX].Groups.Length + " shard[" + shardIDX + "] groups:");
foreach (GroupDocs<BytesRef> group in shardTopGroups[shardIDX].Groups)
Console.WriteLine(" [" + GroupToString(group.GroupValue) + "] groupSort=" + Arrays.ToString(group.GroupSortValues) + " numDocs=" + group.ScoreDocs.Length);
TopGroups<BytesRef> mergedGroups = TopGroups.Merge(shardTopGroups, groupSort, docSort, docOffset, topNDocs, TopGroups.ScoreMergeMode.None);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" " + mergedGroups.Groups.Length + " merged groups:");
foreach (GroupDocs<BytesRef> group in mergedGroups.Groups)
Console.WriteLine(" [" + GroupToString(group.GroupValue) + "] groupSort=" + Arrays.ToString(group.GroupSortValues) + " numDocs=" + group.ScoreDocs.Length);
return mergedGroups;
return null;
private void AssertEquals(FieldCache.Int32s docIDtoID, ITopGroups<BytesRef> expected, ITopGroups<BytesRef> actual, bool verifyGroupValues, bool verifyTotalGroupCount, bool verifySortValues, bool testScores, bool idvBasedImplsUsed)
if (expected == null)
assertEquals("expected.groups.length != actual.groups.length", expected.Groups.Length, actual.Groups.Length);
assertEquals("expected.totalHitCount != actual.totalHitCount", expected.TotalHitCount, actual.TotalHitCount);
assertEquals("expected.totalGroupedHitCount != actual.totalGroupedHitCount", expected.TotalGroupedHitCount, actual.TotalGroupedHitCount);
if (expected.TotalGroupCount != null && verifyTotalGroupCount)
assertEquals("expected.totalGroupCount != actual.totalGroupCount", expected.TotalGroupCount, actual.TotalGroupCount);
for (int groupIDX = 0; groupIDX < expected.Groups.Length; groupIDX++)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" check groupIDX=" + groupIDX);
IGroupDocs<BytesRef> expectedGroup = expected.Groups[groupIDX];
IGroupDocs<BytesRef> actualGroup = actual.Groups[groupIDX];
if (verifyGroupValues)
if (idvBasedImplsUsed)
if (actualGroup.GroupValue.Length == 0)
assertEquals(expectedGroup.GroupValue, actualGroup.GroupValue);
assertEquals(expectedGroup.GroupValue, actualGroup.GroupValue);
if (verifySortValues)
assertArrayEquals(expectedGroup.GroupSortValues, actualGroup.GroupSortValues);
// assertEquals(expectedGroup.maxScore, actualGroup.maxScore);
assertEquals(expectedGroup.TotalHits, actualGroup.TotalHits);
ScoreDoc[] expectedFDs = expectedGroup.ScoreDocs;
ScoreDoc[] actualFDs = actualGroup.ScoreDocs;
assertEquals(expectedFDs.Length, actualFDs.Length);
for (int docIDX = 0; docIDX < expectedFDs.Length; docIDX++)
FieldDoc expectedFD = (FieldDoc)expectedFDs[docIDX];
FieldDoc actualFD = (FieldDoc)actualFDs[docIDX];
//Console.WriteLine(" actual doc=" + docIDtoID.get(actualFD.doc) + " score=" + actualFD.score);
assertEquals(expectedFD.Doc, docIDtoID.Get(actualFD.Doc));
if (testScores)
assertEquals(expectedFD.Score, actualFD.Score, 0.1);
// TODO: too anal for now
//assertEquals(Float.NaN, actualFD.score);
if (verifySortValues)
assertArrayEquals(expectedFD.Fields, actualFD.Fields);
internal class ShardSearcher : IndexSearcher
private readonly List<AtomicReaderContext> ctx;
public ShardSearcher(AtomicReaderContext ctx, IndexReaderContext parent)
: base(parent)
this.ctx = new List<AtomicReaderContext>(new AtomicReaderContext[] { ctx });
public void Search(Weight weight, ICollector collector)
Search(ctx, weight, collector);
public override string ToString()
return "ShardSearcher(" + ctx[0].Reader + ")";
internal class ValueHolder<V>
internal V value;
internal ValueHolder(V value)
this.value = value;